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Friday, October 18, 2024
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INTROVERT BABY – Episode 39 & 40

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{Falling for a freak}

THEME:Love me again💕

CHAPTER 39⭐ 40(Semi Final)

By,Sodie Irish M.


Expect Errors•


Am I getting rejected again?”Jayden said with his eyes almost popping out.

“An…An hour?Four months is like an hour to him?He roared, balling his fists.

“Just get the deal done and stop playing games with me..”

Meanwhile Mr Roy stopped for a bit and then a smile, claimed his lips.

“What the f-__-k does he think he is?A demi god?Life is completely out of the box,you shouldn’t expect it to be a platter of gold after you messed up, $cvmbag”Mr Roy whined.

Obviously, Jayden was frustrated of everything.How could he get rejected after planning the arrangement for a month?And then,the whole thing results to another f-__-kiñg four months.

“Life is completely out of the box,you shouldn’t expect it to be a platter of gold after you messed up, $cvmbag”Mr Roy’s words kept ringing like a bell and he scoffed.

“$cvm… $cvmbag?What the f-__-k is he saying?”


An exotic car stopped in a hotel and it opened slowly,revealing Mr Roy as he stuck his hands in his inner pocket and the other,a helmet.

He came down finally and his eyes peered into the helmet as tears dropped in droplets falling on the hard substance.

“Peace?Who says they can have peace? Rejection?I will f-__-king reject you a million times no matter hard you try, worthless piece of $h|t”He yelled, punching the helmet non stop as blood covered his knuckles and he staggered.

The heavy rain was pouring already and it drenched him completely.

He was looking pale and his expression explained it all but he didn’t mind, afterall life has drenched him.

“Redemption?Who says you should be redeemed?You should be punished by me..”Mr Roy yelled and he fell on both knees as the hotel guards rushed to him.

“Mr Roy…”He heard a guard voice faintly before his left hand dropped on the floor but he managed to stand with his wobble legs.

“I’m okay..”He said feigning a smile and they heaved a sigh of relief.

He managed to walk into the hotel as he clutched his hands on the helmet,breathing slowly.

“I’m gonna end it before they realize..”He comforted himself before going in.

Meanwhile,a middle aged man was at the corner and a smile escaped from his lips when he saw the whole drama.

“Location successfully tracked..”He said over the phone before ending the call.


Tessy was wearing skimpy top and blue shorts as she looked at him before pinning the map on the wall.

“You’re not gonna say anything?”She asked, creasing her brow.

“Something like what exactly?”He replied, peering into her eyes.

“Like a change?”She asked, pouting her lips and he turn his gaze from her before coughing.

“What do you mean?”Skylar asked,still naive of what’s happening around him.

“Geez.My hairstyle,I changed it “She scoffed loudly before grabbing a pack of cigarettes and puffed it all at once.

“You smoke?”He asked and she shrugged immediately.

“Yeah,is normal anyways..”She smirked and a smile clouded his lips.

“Cigarette in college?You gonna get a penalty or be rusticated from college if words were to get out”He complained, playing with the tips of his fingers.

“I know that and that’s why is just you and me..”She winked, making him to sigh.

“Any information about Rose? She’s not responding to our plans”He asked worriedly as she landed her butts on a chair.

“Not a single word from her?”He asked again, creasing his brows.

“Nope and that’s why am bothered.I have never been bothered this much”Tessy said as she bit her lower lip.

“You gonna be okay before you realize, just trust me okay?”Skylar said and she was tempted to laugh like crazy.

“What’s funny?I don’t see anything amusing here?”He mumbled.

“Your face is so d@mn cute and you’re pretty cool compared to my previous boyfriends”She replied and he made a straight face.

“Boyfriends?And you stole my first kiss?”Skylar said and she pouted her lips again.

“I didn’t ask for a kiss,you did it cos you’re madly in love with me”She said sweetly and immediately,he felt goosebumps.

“What are you talking about?Geez!”He cleared his throat and made to leave.

She bit her lower lip before blinking twice and her heart flutter immediately.

“Call me wifey..”She ordered, blocking his path like a pro.

Seth sighed for the umpteenth time,he couldn’t get his mind off his worry as he kept looking at the apple pendant necklace.

He carressed the shiny silvery part and his mind slowly drifted to someone he knows.

“This necklace?..”He kept soliloquizing when Sir Leedo barged into the class and his eyes widened.

“Was his mind playing tricks on him?No,it can’t be..maybe he was right afterall?”He muttered, holding unto the pendant.

Their eyes peered into each other and he scoffed before looking away.

“The class will begin after 40 minutes..”Sir Leedo said before leaving the class.

“What could it be?What the h*ll am I missing?”He muttered,still figuring what could be wrong.

Meanwhile,Prixcy winked to the other students after Sir Leedo left and immediately,they got the signal as they began screaming.

“TRUTH and DARE..”The students screamed out their lungs and each making eye contact to each other.

Their noise alone got Angela scared and her heartbeat raced faster when Prixcy’s eyes landed on her

“What’s wrong?Why is she looking at me that way”Angela asked as she blinked, turning to Lisa.

Lisa shook her head before gulping down nothing.

“Actually there was a discussion about you guys and..”Lisa stuttered before pouting her lips.

“And..?”Angela asked impatiently as Lisa made a slight nod like a baby.

Brandon creased his brows,still looking at her and she sigh.

“There was a kind of agreement..”Lisa dropped the last word, looking so pitiful.

“W.H.A.T?”They yelled, looking at each other as Lisa blinked, pouting her lips again.

“You got no other choice though”Lisa said and winked at them.

👥QECS,drop the shot!!!

👥QECS,make them scream your name…

👥Prixcy,give them the hardest thing to do!!!

👥QECS,burst their bubbles…

The students began ranting and each smiling sheepishly.

Immediately,Prixcy brought the mic hidden from her bag and winked at the dying souls.

“Truth or Dare..”Prixcy scream and her eyeballs almost popping out.

Obviously,she was enjoying the show along with the other students and the mic saved her more time cos it’s automatic.

“Dare..”Angela said immediately and his eyes widened.

“What the f-__-k are you saying?Are you enjoying this show?”Brandon asked,cupping his creamy hair.

Angela blinked twice, looking at him and he rolled eyes.

“DARE”She said loudly again.


👥 Dare…


They ranted and began drumming on the desk louder this time.

Seth was looking at the scene and made to stand but a hand grabbed him down.

“Sit your a** down”Lisa ordered, rolling eyes at him.

Prixcy crossed her legs and began bubbling her gum like a pro again.

•I dare you to dive in his sêxy lips.

Prixcy said as the students eyes widened for a second.



They pestered as Brandon made a loud scoff.

“What are you doing? Let’s dive..”Angela said, cupping his shirt before slamming her lips on him.

His eyes widened immediately but within a minute,he responded to the kiss.

He disengaged from the kiss before pulling her close to him and whisper in her ear.

“Let’s dive like you said,slams doesn’t work”He said possessively and pulled her into a rough kiss.

His scent crashing on her lips as she made a slight Mõ@ɲ.

“Suckers..”Seth cursed and pull him from the intense kiss.

“There’s something bothering me..”Seth said, dragging him to the corridor.

“What are you saying?We were never in good terms in anyway”Brandon said, looking at him in awe.

“This necklace?I remembered him wearing the same during lectures and I think there’s a connection between Raspberry and the whole matter on ground”Seth dropped the bombshell.

“Who’s he?”Brandon asked, creasing his brows.

“Sir Leedo”Seth said as Brandon shook in disbelief.

“What are you saying?D@mn!Do you think this is a Kdrama scene, that’s delusional”Brandon spat

“Then check it out and see for yourself”Seth said before storming out.


*Jayden’s Office*

Jayden sat down on the swivel chair dejectedly like a lost soul, reminiscing about the thought of him,getting rejected 50 times.

“What is wrong with Mr Roy?D@mn..”He cursed, punching the wall each minute.

Few minutes later,a call came in and he rushed to pick the call.

“Any update about Raspberry twin?”He asked over the phone angrily.

“Yes sir.I have confirmed now that Raspberry twin is under cover in Mason’s college”The voice said.

“And?”Jayden asked impatiently.

“Raspberry twin is Sir Leedo disguised as Mr Roy”The voice replied before the call disconnected.

His phone suddenly drop from his shaky hands.

“Gosh,that bastard got some nerves.He played me”Jayden laughed hysterically.

Immediately he ran to his wardrobe, checking Mr Roy’s bio-data and it proved him true.

“19 years old?”Jayden yelled as the paper dropped from his hands.

Obviously he was mad cos he got rejected by a common lad throughout the whole months.

“How’s that f-__-king possible?”He yelled again before grabbing his phone.

“Do you know what?Explode his car and every d@mn thing there”Jayden said evily and a smile escaped from his lips.

“I have done it before.. There’s no problem doing it twice..”Jayden said angrily before ending the call.


“What do you mean by that?You f-__-king ruined me and you call that revenge?”Brandon scoffed as Sir Leedo looked at him in anger.

“Y’all f-__-king ki||ed my brother and you think I’ll keep mute”Sir Leedo shot back.

“Your brother?..”Brandon said, completely confused.

“We’re f-__-king twins”Sir Leedo yelled as tears dropped from his eyes.


“Do you know what?..”Sir Leedo asked.

•I leaked the love message between Angela and Seth.

•I too,leaked the anonymous message about Raspberry’s eyes coated in blood.

Brandon eyes widened immediately.

“You did that?”He asked.

“Yeah,I did all of that.What do you expect me to do?Sit back and do nothing?”Sir Leedo yelled and flinch from his touch.

“Don’t act like you know nothing.You wanna get the whole truth?Then this device will explain it all”Sir Leedo spat, leaving his sight but suddenly,a masked guy bumped into him.

“Sorry,my bad..”The masked guy mutter before leaving.

“Don’t bother”Sir Leedo said tiredly and walked to his car.

The masked guy removed his mask and a evil smile escaped from his lips

“Deal done..”The masked guy said over the phone before ending the call.

Sir Leedo punched the keys of his car lock and entered but he noticed something strange.

The bomb countdown was 30 seconds and Boom!

The car exploded as Brandon eyes widened in fear.

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