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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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One of my workers informed me that Mirabella arrived exactly by 4pm, I told him to bring her to my office which he did

I wanted to rush out immediately but on a second thought, I decided to delay her a little besides I’m the boss and no longer the little Tonia from the orphanage home

10 minutes later, I walked out majestically from my inner room carrying so much air of authority, my appearance is intimidating and every step I take speaks volume

I walked to my seat and sat down, put my two legs on my classy glass desk and crossed them together.

I stylishly removed my shades and plastered a heart warming smile on my face. I made sure that every tiny moves I made matters and counts.

Quit intimadatng and impressive I must commend no doubt but that doesn’t change the fact that “you’re still that wretchêd miserãble smelly dirty girl from the poor orphanage home” Mirabella remarked

I smiled, opened my drawers then brought out a pack of mint gum and pass it to her across the table.

“Mirabella, you can make use of these, your breath stinks and it looks like you haven’t heard a good brush for long now, these mints can help your breath and make your mouth smell better”

I said still wearing my beautiful intimidating smile on my face

How dare you! you arrogånt brãt…. she yelled feeling insulted.

Hey calm down Mira, you’re unnecessarily overeating, it’s simply not an insult ok, I was only been concerned about your bad breath because I’m sure it’s gonna affect our conversation that’s all.

I have always known that you’re one proud bi+ch from the first day our paths crossed, you dirty slump girl!

The way you looked directly at my eyeballs and told me you can never greet me because we are both age mates even when all the other children knelt down to greet me right in your presence. I know you did be a strong nut to crack and true to it my instincts never tells me lies.

Mirabella laments impatiently….

Oh that! I giggles, You was just a rich spoilt brãt trying to harm and diminish the confidence of poor innocent orphan like me, and it doesn’t make sense to me because we were practically age mates, so why would I greet you?

Hold on a sec girl, was that why you h@ťěd me so much and was bent hëll on kíllïng me? I asked her, praying so hard she answers

Gosh! I h@ťě your guts girl, and moreso I despised the fact that you’re still alive and doing so well for yourself, all thanks to the incompetent touts I have as workers, she bluffed

So what did you come here do, to finish what they couldn’t finish up for you? I asked looking directly at her eyeballs

She only chuckles and brought out a cigarette and lighter…..

I wanted to stop her from lighting the cigar but on a second thought, I allowed her to do her thing simply because I don’t want it to divert her attention from answering my question

She puffed out the smoke from her mouth and nostrils

When I was hearing about the famous Tonia Glamour, I never thought it did be you, pig!
how did you get this lucky? She asked me puffing more smokes….

Well, I guess I was born lucky and divinely favoured by God. My story changed after you tried to kïll me for the second time. I added hoping she spills something relatable

“I’m glad you’re keeping count” she said puffing her smoke directly to me, I used my mini electric hand fan to disperse the smokes quickly from chocking me

Well I’m here for a business and not for all these disgusting chit-chats. She said letting out a crook smile.

Good! if the business is a legal one, bring it on, I replied picking up my shades from the table and putting it back on.

I brought down my leg from my table and picked up my pen and paper to draft down wh@ťěver business she wants to propose even though I know deep down within me that, I will never engage in any business with her be it legal or illegal.

She brought out another cigarette and draws light from the already finishing one.

I watched her for a while and marvelled at how a pretty young looking girl with such innocent face would be so cruël and heãrtless, she’s wey too beautiful to be whom she turned herself into….

I need the contract from Derricks Anderson’s empire, she blurted out..

Then go get the contract for your self, I said nonchalantly, as you can see, “I am not Derricks Anderson empire” I told her making a quote with my hands on the air

I heard he awarded you the contract and I need it…. She said bluntly

Your information departments needs to be fired because they are not competent in carrying out their duties, I said with a smile

Don’t play dumb with me girl, I know how to get my information from direct source! She yelled standing to her feet angrily

Obviously you do. So let’s say I refused to hand over the contract to you, what will you do? I asked her playing with the pen in my hand

Don’t dare me Tonia! I don’t show mercy when I’m been pushed or tempted….

Hey miss! this is my office and doesn’t look like a psycho house, so go find somewhere else to display your madness. I calmly warned

So you’re calling me mad? she roared!

You’ve been mad and power sick since you was a child Mirabella and I’m not surprised that you still haven’t changed for good rather you’re becoming worst as you age

She laughed out loud for a few seconds and placed her right leg on my table.

I’m glad you know that I’m power sick and can get what ever I desires by hook or crook. It will be wise of you to hand over the contract to me or else, time shall come when you will have to choose between your life or the contract !

She said heating her hand on my table…
And I’m gradually loosing my cool with her excesses

I have never been scared of you from the onset and won’t be scared of you now Mirabella, you’ve already tried to terminate my life twice but you shamefully failed so quit trying already! I said removing my shades again so that she can clearly see my face

You survived the first and second stroke, but trust me, you won’t survive the third strike, I swear down pig! She vowed thr_@tening me

You’re literally the pig, because you smells and looks like one! Get the hëll outta my office you Jealous freak before I call the securities to throw you out just like a trash and thief you are!

Remember! I get wh@ťěver I want, it will either be the contract or your life!…… She made a dead signal with her hand on her neck, demonstrating or “You will die”

Securities! come take this trash outta my office now!!

She made the dêath sign again before exiting my office.


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