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Friday, October 18, 2024
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It was nightfall already. Malia was still practicing her ballet dance when her phone beeped. It was an inbox. She halted for a while and took few steps to the phone resting on the ground. She sat tiredly on the floor and crossed her long thin legs together. She hurriedly grabbed her phone and checked the message. It was from Samantha. She sent her a message alongside cute friendly pictures with Samantha and Elle in it.
The message read thus;

?We had fun today at the cinema. We wished you were with us but we understand you have a big ballet dance next week. Good luck with your rehearsal. Fighting!! We love you ???.

“Awwn. They really had fun by the look of this pictures. Awwn! So cute. Oww, This one is so funny. I’m gonna post this! How I wish I went with them. I like cinemas too but I guess my busy schedule has its say too!” Malia sighed standing up.

She kept her phone again and returned back to her dancing. She used her tip toe dancing and adding high and low jumps in between. She would also spread and bend her arms. She danced turning round and round. Infact, She was too good.

It was already 30 minutes and Slim Sweet Malia could still be seen dancing. Drips of sweat flowed down her
face including her whole body but she didn’t stop. She was still rolling around when she missed a step and fell.

“Owwww” She groaned sharply in pain. She looked at her left leg and started removing her ballet shoes. Her big toe had a slight cut. She sighed and blew air from her mouth on it. She touched it slightly and groaned again.
“Ouchh Its hurts” She whispered.

Suddenly, Hunger came. Her flat stomach made a loud sound. Gwwwwwrh!. It roared and growled so loudly enough to crumble down a whole building.

“I’m hungry. I have to go home now” Malia whispered taking her bags. She took her clothes and a bottle of water. She opened it and drank them all at once. It was surprising! No one could blame her though. She was weak, tired and also hungry. Water had to be her food. She didn’t want to gain any more weight now she was close to achieving her dreams. If the ballerinas added even a kg, They were gonna be disqualified. Since the weight would be able to break the rope they went going to also perform on. It was a life time opportunity for Malia.

Malia noticed something outside. She used her sharp senses and guessed it could be human. Who was that? What could the person be doing there all alone that night? And why was the person even watching her?.

She carefully kept her bag back on the floor and hurriedly ran outside. She looked and saw a cute young guy. He wore a white shirt with purple stripes. He wore black long trousers to
match. His glasses were pretty funny too. He was more like a nerd. He was holding a camera which Malia noticed. She sighed deeply and pointed at him.

“Hey? What are you doing there? Are you a pervert? I noticed you were watching me. Darn it, Please.. Can I have your camera” Malia asked raising her voice.

“What? Why?” He asked with his pretty low, cute and shy voice.

“You shouldn’t be taking pictures of me”

“No. I just videoed you”

“What? Vi…Videoed me? You even have the guts to say that?” Malia stuttered

“Why? Shouldn’t I have said that?”

“Just forget that and hand me the camera” Malia said stretching her hand.”

“No. I don’t want to” He replied

“Huh? Okay… Delete the video yourself then”

“Why? It’s my camera. I’m gonna do what I want. You just danced beautifully and I was impressed. It was so great that I had to video them. Was that wrong?”

“No. Don’t misquote me please. You aren’t wrong and you aren’t right either”

“What? I don’t understand you”

“You see.. Huh, Actually I’m an upcoming ballerina”

“I can see that” He retorted. Malia sighed, shaked her head and sat down on the bench. The nerd ? joined her too.

“As I was saying, I have a performance soon and I don’t want anyone taking any video of me dancing. Who knows, It could be a spoiler to others. Kindly delete it please”

“Don’t worry. I’m not gonna show it to anyone” The nerd smiled

“Huh? I don’t even know you. Why should I trust you?” Malia asked still adamant.

“It’s because I’m your fan” He replied with a chuckle.

“What? My fan? Wow. I’m surprised!”

“Why?” He asked

“It’s the first time–someone said this to me”


“A fan. No one has ever told me that. The only things would say is: Wow, You dance really great. I love your ballets. You’re so talented. This and that”

“You know what that means!” The nerd whispered


“It means I’m your number 1 fan!”

“Oh. Yeah. I guess you are right… You’re my number 1 fan!” Malia replied with a smile.


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