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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? (When a tomboy fall in love..)?


By:Shindara velvet .D.






“The title is wack and cringey right?–Blaze interrupted the silence. He paused and laughed. “The music is cool though” He added.

Samantha finally blinked her eyes. She felt her heart racing. No! She had to tell Blaze about her feelings.

“Blaze? Can we talk?” Samantha asked without a second thought.

“Huh? About? Is it important?” He asked back.

“Just a few minutes will do. Brad, we are gonna catch up with you later” Samantha said standing up slowly.

“Okay… I’m just gonna continue with my meal” He smiled.

Samantha nodded and began to walk slowly. She was in deep thoughts. Her mind went far. Blaze followed her slowly from behind.

Suddenly, Samantha hit her leg on the table close to the door and tried to fall to the ground. Nevertheless, Blaze was quick. He took her up with his arms wrapped around her waist. Samantha also grabbed unto him.

“Are you okay?” He asked trying to put her back on her feet. Samantha felt dumb founded. She looked at him like he was paradise himself. She couldn’t be controlled anymore. If she had the chance, she could have kissed him but she breathed deeply trying to calm her nerves down.


Brad was still eating when he had a phone call. He wondered who it could be. He took his phone which was close to him laying on the table. He quickly stared at the screen. It was Myles.

“It has been long I heard from her. I wonder what she’s got to say to me?” He thought as he picked the call.

☎ Hello? Myles’s voice was depressed and thick.

☎ Hello? How are you doing?

☎ You ought to be asking why I called. Asking me “How I’m doing” makes me feel we are close! She almost yelled.

“Who’s this b**tch seriously?” He thought aloud as he looked at his phone screen again. He slowly took it back to his right ear.

☎ So? What do you have to say? Be quick about it. Brad’s voice looked rough now.

☎ Newton’s birthday is tomorrow right? Myles asked with after deep breath
Brad scoffed loudly. He was quite annoyed.

☎ What’s this seriously? What has been going on your mind? You even forgot his birthday date? What do you mean by tomorrow?

☎ Then when is it? Her voice yelled angrily

☎ Wh@ťěver. I don’t even know why Newton chose to date someone like you! He has been waiting for you for days. What’s up with y–

☎ Won’t you reply already? I have a tight schedule today?! Her voice interrupted with a loud yell.

☎ It’s in 3 days. His response was quick and short.

☎ Okay, I’m gonna visit him then.

☎ We might not be at home…

☎ So? I have a spare key.

☎ No. Not that… We changed our door lock to pass code security.

☎ What? Why?

☎ We just wanted to. We decided to follow with the technology.

☎ So what’s the pass code?

☎ Why should I tell you?

☎ Brad. Why do you keep wasting my time?

☎ Oh Goodness! Okay, Okay! I wonder what you are planning now. It’s 1941999.

☎ Okay.. But hold on, What does the pass code stands for?

☎ It’s 19th of April 1999

☎ What? That’s not my birthday and neither you guys. Whose birthday is that?

☎ Just Someone.

☎ Someone? Who’s that someone? A girl? Who first thought of the pass code huh?

☎ Your boyfriend, Actually It’s is a Gu–Brad retorted with a chuckle

☎ Gurl? She interrupted

☎ What? You should allow me talk first. I should have hunged up on you but I’m quite respec–
Beep! His phone sounded loudly. Brad looked at the phone screen and scoffed.

“What the hell? Did she just hang up on me? Hey!! Darn it, Why did I pick up at the first place!” He loudly yelled.

☎ Hello? Hello? Myles … You got to be kidding me huh?! He yelled angrily putting the silent phone back to his ear. He angrilly stood up, kept his phone on the table and seized the bottle of water on it. He opened it and gulped it down in seconds. He felt embarrassed and furious.

“What is Softball and Blaze even talking about?” He asked trying to take a look at the other corner.


“Samantha? Huh? Why do you wanna talk about?” Blaze asked which broke the undying silence.

“Huh. Can we meet up in three days time?” She asked in a whisper

“Okay. But may I ask why?”

“No. It’s a secret”

Blaze laughed at her statement and looked at her with a smile.
“Okay.. So, where do you wanna meet?”

“Uh, Anywhere is okay by me” She replied

“Let’s meet here then”

“Huh? Here? At you guys place?”

“Yeah… You said I should choose the location right?”

“Yeah… Yeah. So time?”

“I should still choose that?”

“Yeah” Samantha replied smiling

“Okay.. Uhm, 5 pm?”

“Good by me! So, Till then?”

“Yeah. Till then, Samantha” Blaze replied with a cute smile that made Samantha get drowned again in his attractiveness.


Malia was watching a ballerina show on TV when her phone rang. It was an unknown number. She bent her eye lids and picked the call.

☎ Hello? Who am I talking to? She asked

☎ It’s Brad ! He chuckled loudly.

☎ What? Brad ? How did you get my–Uhh, It’s Samantha right?

☎ Yeah. What are you doing right now?
Malia slowly turned to the TV, she sighed deeply and answered;

☎ Uh… Nothing actually. You?

☎ I’m getting ready for a $h00t.

☎ It seems you are busy. Let’s talk later.

☎ No. Wai–

Malia hunged up immediately and turned back to the TV.
Meanwhile, Brad was seen pacing around the room angrily.

“Darn it! Why do they keep hanging up on me!” He asked already frustrated.

Malia was still immersed in the TV that she didn’t notice tears falling down her cheeks. She imagined when she danced ballet while watching the ballerina on TV.
Her phone rang loudly again and she picked it up without looking. She felt pissed off.

☎ Hey! I said you should call later?

☎ Huh? What’s wrong with you?.
It was Elle’s voice. Malia looked at her phone screen with haste. She gasped and placed it back on her ear.

☎ Sorry babe. I mistook you for someone else.

☎ Okay. It’s fine… I just wanted to remind you of the date with Mr Anonymous. Elle chuckled

☎ Oh yeah. Why? Do you wanna have a date with him? You’ve got time now?

☎ Yeah.

☎ Good. So when do you wanna meet him? Malia asked.

☎ Uh… Next 3 days, I guess Giselle replied.

☎ Okay babe. I’m gonna tell him. I bet he’s gonna be excited Malia gushed.




Malia and Blaze sat opposite each other busy enjoying their cold tea in the café.
“So? Why did you call?” Blaze asked now turning his eyes to her.

“It’s your lucky day, cousin” Malia smiled

“Uhhn. I’m getting anxious now. What’s it?” Eric asked now smiling

“Hope you ain’t busy today? You’ve got any plans for your $h00t today or?”

“No. There isn’t any $h00ting today but I made plans with Samantha. Your friend”

“What? What did she say?” Malia asked almost yelling.

“What’s the matter? It’s nothing big–though I haven’t heard from her yet. She just said she needed to talk”

“No. Don’t talk to her. Cancel it!” Malia retorted now bulging her eyes. She was shivering.

“Why?What’s it”

“It’s because you are gonna be busy today”

“Huh? Why?”

“Giselle finally asked for a date!”

“Really? When?”

“Now! Now! Uh–Malia paused and swallowed hard. “She just said I should keep you close by till when she calls me”

“Okay then but let me call Samantha… She might be waiting for me”

“No! Don’t! Don’t call her. Don’t say anything to her. Uhh…Let’s chill first”

“She might get tired of waiting!”

“So? When she gets tired…She’s gonna leave or don’t you think so?”

“Lia? What is happening? What has gotten into you?”

“What do you mean? Let’s just wait here. So, stay with me till Elle calls… Please, huh?” Her voice shaked.

“Okay… What’s the time first?” Blaze asked with sadness now eluding into him.

“Uhh… It’s 6:28(pm)…Just give her few minutes. She will soon call”

“Okay” Blaze replied staring at the window. He felt sad and awkward. “It’s gonna be 7pm soon” He thought sadly as he sighed deeply.


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