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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Dad,, Are you asleep?” Carly asked looking at her father whose head was on the table

“Uh? No Princess. I was a bit tired and decided to take a short nap. Is everything alright?” Mr Brooklyn asked raising his head as he opened his slightly closed eyes.

“No. Dad. There’s something I wanna talk about”

“Yes, Go on”

“Uhh, Dad… About your accident? I just–

“Carly. Let’s forget about it. Bye gones are Bye Gones” He retorted sighing deeply.

“Dad. Please, Just listen to me!” Carly yelled. She felt disheartened.

“Okay. What’s it? Talk to me” His soft voice asked

“Dad. Let’s find the hit and run culprit, Huh?.. Are you gonna let it go like that. Dad! No.. No! Hell No! Please!”

“But Carly. Who told you it’s a hit and run. I never said anything like that to you?” Mr Brooklyn asked confused

“I just… guessed. But by the looks of things, Its seems I’m right. Huh?”

“Huh? Uhmmp… I guess you are. How did you guess so right?” Mr Brooklyn was stunned.

“Let’s just say it’s my talent. I say that to find the actual truth. That’s how I caught you huh?” Carly asked chuckling

“You are right” Mr Brooklyn laughed.

**************(THE D-DAY?)************

The Girls were in Malia’s new car. It was a Mercedes Benz. Malia was still new in driving so she drove quite slow on the road of Seoul.
“You look natural Elle . I thought you would put on your segziest wear” Samantha mocked. Malia laughed while Elle threw them a slight frown.

“We aren’t going to a club right? I just decided to dress modest. Samantha,, You could have dressed like a girl” Elle had to mock back. Samantha looked at her and snorted.

“You guys had better not put me in trouble when we get there” Samantha folded her arms as she rested her head on the window staring at the few stars on the night sky.

“How?” Malia asked

“Call me Samuel and Not Samantha”

Elle and Malia turned to look at themselves. They faced in front again and laughed loudly.

“Look.. Our Tomboy even has a name” Malia laughed

“I’m also surprised! I was kinda wondering what you were being called in your work place. Now I know” Elle commented smiling.

“How are you Samuel?” Malia mocked

“He’s fine” Elle replied with mockery in her voice

“Let him be. I think he isn’t in the mood” Malia laughed

“Oh Goodness. Really? I’m sorry sir. Pardon my manners” Elle giggled

“Hey, I’m being serious here. Darn it. Enough with the sarcasm!” Samantha exclaimed quite bitter.
Malia and Elle laughed again and soon, There was ultimate quietness.

“You’ve arrived at your destination” The computerized voice coming from the car’s GPS said.

“Oh… We are finally here” Samantha smiled.

“Get down girls” Elle gushed

“How do I look?” Malia asked as she slowly came down. She touched her waist and wiggled.

“You look good, Lia. Don’t have any sort of low self-esteem on your self. Just be who you are” Elle smiled

“I can’t agree more. Oh before we forget… Let’s take our gifts in” Samantha yelped.

“They are in the car boot. Wait… Lemme go get them. You guys had yours wrapped right?” Malia asked walking closer to the car boot.

“Yeah.. Mine is wrapped with fine rosy pattern” Samantha said

“While Mine is wrapped with Lemon fruit pattern” Elle said

“Yup! I’ve got them. Let’s now go in” Malia said now walking close to the others. They took their different wrapped gifts from her and slowly began to walk inside.

They finally reached the door. Samantha stopped and looked at the door security. She removed her gaze and slowly took her hand to the door bell. She pressed it quickly. Few Seconds later, The door opened widely.

“Let’s go Girls” Samantha smiled.


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