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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(She’s too holy and innocent)





CHAPTER 07 & 08•••••••

and we would know if I will be the one disowned or…her…?” Emily retorted with a faint smirk, she gave Leslie a hard glare before storming off to her room.


Emily sat down on her bed deep in thought, her thoughts wandered off to how he had touched her cheek and her

lips, it felt like he wanted to kiss her but was holding himself back, but somehow she wanted him to kiss her, those lips on hers….

“What is wrong with me?! ” She shrieked and ruffled her hair, crazily.

But wait? She slept in his house and he didn’t touched her but if it had been Freddie….

Or was Luciano really pretending, so when she fall in love with him and then he would have his way with her like Freddie did?

“Gosh why am I comparing him with Freddie!!” Emily snapped and sighed.

Suddenly, her phone beeped and she opened it and saw that it was a text message from an unknown number.

🗨You got home safely?

Emily frowned and it dawned on her,
“That gangster, how the hell did he get my number?” Emily mumbled to herself.

🗨You not answering? why? your momma did kicked your @zz for spending the night at your boyfriends place?

Emily coughed and widened her eyes,
“You’re so annoying! Of course I got a smack on ma cheek and it is all your fault! ” Emily typed and sent it.

🗨You got a smack?! com’on princess you ain’t a child anymore! your mom can’t just smack you on your f_cking cheek! do you mind me calling the cops on her?

“What? such a gangster ” Emily muttered and bit down on her lip.
“Am fine…she just warned me never to go outside else I’ll be grounded ” Emily typed and sent.

🗨That means I can come visit you, I’ma sneak in through the window.

“Don’t even dare, I normally go out for lectures and right now am about heading out ” Emily typed and sent.

🗨Off to where?

Emily contemplated for a while before replying,
“I’m heading to the Catholic, need to confess my sins” She typed and sent it.

She sighed and waited for his reply but it never did came,
“Is he angry because of my last statement? ” She mumbled and switched off her phone.

She took her phone plugged in her headphone and left the room.


Luciano took a stick of cigar and lit it, he smoked from it, slowly as he stared out through the window,

His eyes dark, cold and emotionless.
His thoughts wandered off to how Emily had held his hand, he was pretty sure that she was talking about someone else,

But who could have hurt her that way?
Those eyes, the innocent look in them, those lips…how badly he wanted to kiss those lips. How badly he wanted to suck

on those lips but he’s afraid to do it. Because she might start running away from him in which he doesn’t want.

Luciano smoked on the cigar, furiously and coughed. He suddenly recalled her words,

When she had told him that smoking wasn’t good for his health, he scoffed and butt the cigar on the ashtray.

“Boss we caught a spy and he refused to talk” Scorpion uttered behind, Luciano coldly.

Luciano turned and walked out of the room.
He got to the torture room and saw a man sprawled on the floor as blood dripped down his forehead.

The man raised his head up and let out a bloody smile,
“Luciano Khan the almighty Mafia king….you don’t look bad” He muttered and chuckled.

Luciano chuckled dryly and took a gun,
“Which mafia boss do you work for…Mattias, Eduardo, Alexandro….?” Luciano asked lazily as he inserted bullets inside the gun.

“I work for Mattias…” The man uttered and hissed.

“What is Mattias planning? ” Luciano, calmly.

The man scoffed,
“Do you really think that I’m gonna f_cking tell you? I won’t dare! I made an oath so I’ll die with the truth! ” The man screamed.

Luciano smirked, he raised the gun and pointed it at him,
He shot at the man’s hand and his painful scream filled the room.

“Say the truth and I’ll let you live” Luciano muttered, dryly.

“I…I’ll…say the truth f_ck my hand hurt!” The man cussed.

“He…Mattias has a picture of your girl! he’s planning to hurt her” The man uttered through gritted teeth.

“What girl? I have no f_cking girl” Luciano uttered with furrowed brow.

Scorpion and some of Luciano’s men gazed at each other surprised too.
“Our boss has no girl so say the f_cking truth! ” Scorpion snarled at the man and he shivered in fear.

“I…it’s true…i took a picture of a girl stepping out of your car…she has long black hair and…and…she love hoods ” The man cried out.

Suddenly, it dawned on Luciano and his face hardened,
So Mattias is trying to hurt Emily? which means she’s not safe anymore and her life is in danger.

He remembered the text message in which she sent that she was going to the Catholic today to confess her sins and his heart thumped loudly.

“Emily…they’re after her…f_ck!” He cussed and shot the man dead on the ground.

He turned and dashed out of the room as Scorpion ran after him,
“Boss you can’t go out like that, they’re trying to use that girl as a bait…they wanna lure you out! ” Scorpion uttered, seriously.

Luciano ignored him and went outside,
Scorpion gritted his teeth as he took out his phone,

“Ten armed escorts should follow Boss Luciano fast! ” He ordered and ran outside.


The sound of soft and faint music could be heard, Emily was on her knees on the altar as she gazed at the reverend,

“Sometimes in life, we tend to live off sins but temptation would keep coming and it is only the grace of God that can help us to overcome sin” Reverend Mordecai uttered, calmly.

“Go ahead and make your confession ” Reverend Mordecai spoke, seriously.

Emily sighed and shut her eyes.
“I’ve committed five sins… One, I nearly shot someone with a gun, I mean I held a gun with my two hands…” Emily stuttered and sighed.

“Two…i..committed adultery in my heart…three, I used fowl languages…four, I…i slept in a man’s house…not just a man but a gangster!

And five…i..i..i think I’ve fallen in love with that gangster.” Emily muttered and sniffed.

Reverend Mordecai’s eyes snapped open and his eyes widened,
This sin was really bigger than him!

“So all this sin is concerning a particular man and he’s a gangster? ” Reverend Mordecai asked seriously.

“Of course reverend father…but I want to stop so badly…” Emily mumbled.

She felt her phone vibrated and she glanced at the screen, it was Luciano calling her, she switched off the phone.

“Ugh…i don’t really know how to say this but am afraid this case is bigger than me…you can just ask God for mercy and then after that do not go

back to your vomit” Reverend father uttered and stepped down from the altar.

“Dear Lord have mercy on my soul…for I have sinned against you…i have done things which is not of you and I plead for you to forgive me…i promise never to go ba–

“Emily get down! ” A loud and hard voice was heard, cutting Emily off.

She raised her head up and saw Luciano in front of her, he pushed her down on the floor and also got down, the sound of gunshots could be heard inside the big hall,

Emily whimpered in fear and gritted her teeth.
The gunshots stopped and Luciano stood up and pulled Emily up, she saw

unwelcomed visitors which looked so rough and rugged, ear rings pierced in different parts of the body.

They were holding different types of guns. Emily scrunched up her face in confusion,

Like seriously?? they wanna do gun fight inside a church??

For God sake I ain’t even done asking God for mercy!!!!


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