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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(She’s too holy and innocent)





CHAPTER 05 & 06•••••••

Emily waited patiently by the road side for Leslie, her heart in her throat.
She didn’t know the way back so she had to call Leslie to come pick her up.

A red car screeched to a halt almost knocking Emily off, Leslie jumped out of the car and took angry and hurried strides to where Emily stood,

“Leslie you–

A harsh and hard slap met with her cheek and her remaining words got stuck in her throat.

“You worthless Ɓîtçh!! now i’ma start regretting why mom threw the both of us into the same college! I was f_cking enjoying a good f_ck at home and you

just ruined it with your useless calls!! ” Leslie snarled and ran her hand down her Osborne tattered looking hair.

“That’s enough Leslie, Emily com’ on and get in let’s hit the road” Ashley called out from the car.

Emily walked towards the car, her head lowered. She opened the backseat door and got in.

“Geez what the f_ck is she even doing in a place like this…is her f_ckmate a ghost? ” Leslie muttered to herself with an eye roll.

She got into the car and drove off.


“This $h|t is so f_cking annoying, I mean what the heck are we gonna eat now? she didn’t even get the foodstuffs!”

“Now I feel like calling momma and telling her to come pick this Ɓîtçh that am tired of her! ”

“Oh gosh I still feel horny, I didn’t even make that hot guy Com because of Emily! ”

Leslie nagged crazily in the sitting room, Ashley typed away on her phone and Jesse and Mabel were sprawled on the floor due to how they were starving.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go get some food stuffs in the nearby store so we can eat” Ashley muttered and went outside.


Inside Emily’s room, she sat down on the floor as she sobbed, bitterly.
Her thoughts wandered off to how she had held the gun and pulled the trigger.

She stared at her palms and quickly dashed into bathroom, she turned on the tap and started washing her hands as she scrubbed it with a sponge.

Her thoughts wandered off again to how the bullet passed her face, it was almost close…no she can’t mingle with that kind of man…he’s a gangster for God sake!

And then she recalled his warm palm on her cheek, his hot breathe fanning her ear and his lips on her earlobe.

She started feeling hot and sweaty, she bit down on her bottom lip hard until blood seeped out.

“What is this? am I really going crazy? what has that gangster done to me?! ” She yelled as she sobbed.


The next day, Emily shoved her books into her school bag and zipped it up, she hung it and exited her room,

She was putting on a black bogus jean trouser and a purple hoodie. Her black shiny hair was packed into a lose bun.

She saw Leslie seated on a guy’s lap as they kissed and romanced each other, so today it wasn’t Freddie?

Emily thought and huffed.
“Am off for lectures” Emily mumbled, dryly.

“Well not like I give a f_ck!” Leslie snapped, irritated.

“ that your sis? she’s quite old and ugly ” The man uttered and laughed, hilariously.

“Why wouldn’t she be ugly? with her weird and strange dressings. Such a turn off” Leslie hissed.

Emily ignored them and left, she took out her headphone and plugged it into her ears, she tucked her hands into her trouser pocket.


Soon, lectures were over and Emily stood up from her seat as she put few of her books into her bag,

“Whoah we got a new student”

“She looks nerdy ”

“She seems cool to me ”

“She looks like a tomboy judging from her way of dressing”

“Hi” Emily heard a soft voice behind her and she turned,

She saw a girl who had a ginger red hair, her hair was braided into a two ponytail.
“Hey..” Emily muttered, dryly and turned to continue what she was doing.

“You’re pretty and seems new here, can we friends? ” The girl uttered, coolly.

Emily faced her and scoffed,
” ain’t interested ” Emily mumbled, coldly.

“Quite my type, cold and stubborn. I love girls like you! Am Andrea and you?” The girl known as Andrea retorted, sweetly.

Emily sighed.
“Am Emily…do you mind taking me to the cafeteria? ” Emily asked, tiredly.

Andrea smiled and clicked her tongue.
“Yes mamacita, follow me! ” She shrieked, crazily.

Emily sighed,
“Did I just met a psychopath as a new friend? ” Emily asked herself and followed after Andrea.


Emily got to her apartment and waved at Andrea, she got in and shut the door, tiredly.
Andrea was really the funny and playful type, she really entertained her with different types of jokes.

Emily thought and chuckled. She opened her room door but flinched at what she saw, Leslie and a naked guy were making out, hungrily on her bed.

No…it was…Freddie…but wait how could they do such?? Having segz inside her own room??

Emily thought and scoffed bitterly.
Why are they trying to punish her this way, like is it really necessary??

Leslie and Fred raised their head up and gazed at Emily,
“Oh? Emily you’re back, thought you wanna spend the night at your boyfriends place ” Leslie retorted with a faint smirk.

Fred grinned,
“She has another boyfriend?? wow she really did got over me so fast” Freddie retorted, coolly.

Emily’s thought drifted off to how she had gone to Freddie’s house and how he had welcomed her, sweetly.
He was so kind, loving, sweet and

treasured her but all those were fake. He did all that just to get inbetween her legs…he had R@P£D her, he made

her to go into depression, cutting herself with knife…all this years she couldn’t vent her anger on him. She

took the case to the cops but they ignored her because Freddie had bribed them with tons of money.

Her parents blamed her for it, the church…the world…no one was on her side.

How he had pressed her down on the couch and tore off her clothes, how he had his way with her as though she wasn’t a human being. He didn’t even care about her pains… Her sobs
and tears…
Different thoughts ran through Emily’s head and her hands shook as tears rolled down her cheek.

“Hey Ɓîtçh what da f_ck are you thinking about?” Leslie snapped her fingers at Emily’s face and she snapped back to reality.

“Whoah…poor bunny’s crying, such a crybaby ” Freddie mocked.

Hearing his voice, Emily didn’t know when she raised her hand up and landed a hot slap on Freddie’s cheek.

Freddie and Leslie’s eyes widened.
“You heartless being, you made me a laughing stock for years, you took away my chastity, you R@P£D me!! ” Emily screamed in tears.

“If you never did loved me why didn’t you tell me huh?! I would have kindly walked out! ” Emily screamed and sobbed.

Freddie’s eyes darkened and he clenched his fist tight,

Was this really Emily?
He thought and was about to take a step back in fear but paused when he

saw fear flashed through Emily’s eyes and he smirked. She’s still the same as always, so gullible and easy to step on.

“You holy thing, how dare you touch my cheek! ” Fred snarled and gripped her hair tight,

“I wouldn’t have done that if I were you, teach her a lesson baby” Leslie muttered lazily and sat down on the bed.

Fred gripped her hair so tight that Emily hissed in pain,
He landed countless slaps on her cheek and pushed her down on the floor as her knee scraped the wall.

Emily fell down on the floor and shrieked in pain, suddenly the incident of how he had tried to rape her flashed in her mind and her survival instinct kicked in, she quickly stood up and ran out of the house.

“Fred baby don’t mind the poor thing

and let’s continue from where we stopped ” Leslie whined and Fred pushed Leslie on the bed as they romanced each other.


“Boss here is what you asked me to get” A rough and rugged looking man muttered, seriously and dropped a picture on the desk.

A man which was seated on a classy looking chair, a cigar stick in his hand as he puffed out smoke from his mouth and nostrils.

He took the picture and gazed at it, lazily as he released a dry chuckle.
“Luciano Khan Pavarotti has a new woman? ” The man uttered, unbelievably.

“Yes boss, I saw her got out of his Lamborghini truck ” The rough and rugged looking man uttered, coldly.

The man chuckled, devilishly as he stared immensely at the picture,
“She ain’t bad…like I said, the only way to lure a lion out if its cage is by taking

away its prey” The man uttered and squeezed the picture in his hand as his evil laughter echoed inside the dark room.


Emily sat down on a bench which was by the road side, deep in thought. Her face was filled with some slight cuts and bruises but she didn’t care about

it. She just couldn’t believe the fact that Fred in which she had assured herself that he would never hurt or hit her because he couldn’t even hurt a fly,

but he’s a complete snake in green grass and she h@ťě the fact that she gets to see his face everyday.

Emily thought and sighed out.
Fine, seems like she would be sleeping outside tonight because she wasn’t ready to see his face again.

Emily stood up from the bench and winced in pain, she glanced at her bleeding knee and rolled her eyes.

“I’ll just take a little stroll to see if I can see anywhere to sleep ” Emily muttered to herself and walked down the lonely street.

She saw a small bar named SANTACO, she strode in to where the bartender was and knocked on the big counter,

Though she hasn’t drink before but she was willing to try it out, she needed something to use and forget all her sorrows.

“Pretty what drink do ya want? ” The bartender asked, coolly. He had different tattoos all over his body and

even pierced his nose, lips and eyebrows. She suddenly remembered Luciano and she shook her head trying to erase him from her mind.

Emily paused her lips and gave it a thought, she has heard Leslie mentioned different types of drinks but has forgotten, yes she remember now!

“Get me Vodka! ” She retorted, swiftly.

The bartender sized her up and down, surprised.
“You sure you can handle it? ” He muttered under his breathe and brought a bottle of vodka, he gave it to Emily.

Emily took the bottle and uncapped it, without thinking, she gulped it down and hissed when the hotness burned her throat.

She forced herself as she gulped everything down in a go, she coughed and held her throat as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

She slammed the bottle on the counter and belched out loud.
Her vision blurred and her head felt so heavy and muzzy.
She stood up and staggered out of the bar,

“Ah…my head and my throat hurts ” Emily stated to herself, drunkingly.

When she got outside, she leaned on the wall and ran her hand through her hair,
“Oh gosh I feel like am flying right now, so this is how it feels to be drunk, ahh…my head” Emily whined, drunkingly.

“Hello angel, you look like you need the help of a man right now…mind me taking you home? ” A man which had different tattoos all over his body and was shirtless uttered, coolly.

He leaned on Emily and tried to touch her hair when she pushed him off her,
“Stay away from me dude…ain’t

interested ” Emily stuttered, groggily and tried to walk away when he grasped her hand and pinned her to the wall.

“Stop….let me go… ” Emily stated and tried to free herself,

The man bent and tried to kiss her when he heard a lazy and cold voice behind him.

“If I were I wouldn’t do that $h|t” Luciano muttered, lazily and puffed out smoke from his mouth, he threw the cigar stick on the ground and stepped on it.

“L…Luciano….” The man stuttered fearfully and quickly ran away.

Luciano strode to where she was, staring at her immensely.
He took his hand to her hair and touched it, his hand traveled down to

her cheek from her cheek to her lips and Emily shut her eyes and leaned on his palm. Forgetting all her problems and sorrows.

She suddenly thought about his warm palm roaming all over her body and she didn’t know when she grabbed his shirt.

“Princess do you really want to f_ck me here on the road ” Luciano retorted, and smirked.

Emily snapped back to reality and quickly let go of his shirt, she took a step back. Her drunk state suddenly kicked in again and she staggered.

Luciano scoffed,
“I thought church girls don’t drink, by the way what are you doing out here?

It’s late” Luciano muttered as he took her hand into his, pulling her towards his car.

“Gangster please…leave me alone…i don’t want to go with you” Emily whined and Luciano smirked.

“You really sure about that? you look homeless right now” He uttered, seriously, opened his car and shoved her into the front seat, he shut the door.

He got into the drivers seat and turned to Emily.
Emily banged on the tinted glass,

“Help! am about to be R@P£D! ” She cried out.

Luciano scoffed and grabbed her hand as he pinned her on the car seat,
“R@P£? do you really think I have the time to f_ck church girls? even if I wanna

do it I would have done that a long time ago so now keep your f_cking holy mouth shut let me contemplate

on whether I will take you my penthouse or throw you on the street. f_ck!” Luciano retorted sternly and cussed.

Emily suddenly went quiet and lowered her head, Luciano back off, roared the engine to life and drove off, roughly out of the vicinity.


The car stopped at a big fancy and luxurious building, Luciano turned to Emily and saw that she
was already fast asleep. He scoffed and pressed on the steering wheel hard as the car honked out loud.

Emily opened her eyes groggily and muttered some incoherent words,
Luciano got down and went to the other side as he opened the car,

“Get down” He uttered, seriously but Emily remained seated.

He sighed and carried her down, carefully.
“You can walk on your own now” He retorted, coldly and turned to go but Emily staggered and almost lost her balance,

Luciano swiftly held her waist and pulled her to himself, their eyes met and Emily quickly averted her gaze.

“I…i have knee” Emily mumbled, hoarsely.

Luciano nodded, he carried her in a bridal style and strode in as he threw the car key at some bulky, huge and tattooed men.

They all glanced between themselves, surprised.

“Am I dreaming?! Almighty Luciano Pavarotti just carried a girl in a bridal style! ”

“They even acted love movie in front of us ”

“But she doesn’t look like a slut, and besides Luciano would never f_ck a girl like that, she looks churchy judging from her way of dressing ”

Some of Luciano’s men started to gossip.


Luciano dropped Emily on the bed and used the duvet to cover her,
He gazed at her and remove a strand of hair from her face.

“You look so pitiful right now… ” Luciano muttered, softly and was about to go when Emily grabbed his hand,

“P…please stay for little while…don’t leave me again..” Emily sobbed out and Luciano froze, he turned and glanced at

her, her eyes were still shut as tears rolled down her pale cheek.
“Why won’t I look so pitiful when you

made me this way…at least if you never did loved…me…you would I’ve said it to my face rather than….” Emily sobbed and sniffed.

“Rather than….it hurts here…my heart hurts so much….” Emily muttered, sleepily and her soft breathe was the only thing that could be heard inside the room.

Luciano gazed at her face, Emily’s black hair was sprawled on the pillow and some strands of hair glued to her face due to heat and tears.

Luciano sighed and caressed her palm, gently.
He brought the duvet up and put on the fan, he gave her one last glance before leaving the room.


The next day, Emily’s eyes snapped open and she sprang up from the bed and gazed at her surrounding,

She hissed when she felt a very sharp pain on her head,
“ head feel so heavy ” Emily mumbled and shrieked when it suddenly dawned on her that this wasn’t her room.

She quickly checked if she was naked and found out that she was still on her yesterday’s clothe.

The door opened and a lady which was putting on a short bum and a crop top strode in and dropped a plate of scrambled eggs with cheese and two sliced bread.

She gazed at Emily coldly and folded her arms under her big B-__-b’s.
“Who are you to Luciano? ” She asked, coldly.

Emily gazed at her, confused wondering what she was talking about.
“Excuse…me? ” She muttered.

“Stop pretending like you don’t know what am talking about! why did Luciano brought you here and what business do you have with him?! ” The lady snapped, rudely.

Emily scoffed as she got down from the bed, she folded her arms under her B-__-b’s too,

“Sorry miss but I can’t answer your questions ” Emily retorted, sternly.

“You– ”

Her word were cut short when Luciano strode in,
“That is enough Rissa, you can leave ” He retorted, coldly and the lady known as Rissa gave Emily a hard glare before storming off.

“Who’s that? your girlfriend? she’s too rude! ” Emily retorted and scoffed.

“Seriously? not even a single good morning savior…” Luciano muttered with an eye roll.

Emily quickly took out her phone from her pocket and fear gripped her when she saw twenty missed calls from her mom and ten missed calls from Leslie.

“Sorry..i… I gotta go, we’ll see later ” She muttered, panicky and dressed her tattered looking hair properly,

“Are you really sure? Alright just give me your contact ” Luciano uttered, coolly.

Emily frowned,
“I don’t give out my contact to gangsters ” She uttered, stiffly and left the room.

Luciano turned and glanced at the closed door, he smirked.

“Such a hard nut to crack ” He mumbled.


Immediately Emily got to their apartment, she kicked the door open and flinched when she saw her mom, (Jordan)

seated on the couch, her hands folded under her Břě@šť, if you know how black mothers are you know.

She sighted Leslie seated on the couch beside Jordan, Leslie smirked when she saw Emily.
Jordan stood up and marched to where Emily stood,

“So you’ve started sleeping outside right?! you’ve started f_cking around with men?! have you no shame Emily? haven’t you disgraced this family enough?! ” Jordan yelled, angrily.

Emily only maintained a neutral and calm face,
“Do you even know where I was, I was almost R@P£D yesterday…someone saved me and–”

“And took you to his house and you guys f_cked, just sprout out the truth and stop feigning lies” Leslie snapped.

“You even wore the man’s jacket??! ” Leslie shrieked and Emily glanced at what she was wearing,

What the?? how could she forget that she had Luciano’s jacket hung over her shoulder. She swallowed nervously.

“Look mom I never did slept with him, he only saved me and besides won’t you talk about that green snake, she brought

Freddie in yesterday and they were f_cking each other on my bed! that was why I–

“Mom would you really believe Emily, she’s just trying to paint me as the bad egg…I’ve been at home since yesterday studying my books” Leslie feigned tears.

“Do you really want me and your dad to disown you? and now I think the heavens should tell me why I gave birth to you with my f_cking V@ģĭń@! ” Jordan spat out venomously.

“I wouldn’t really mind” Emily muttered, softly and a hard slap met with her cheek.

She didn’t even flinch or acted as though something hit her cheek,
“I wouldn’t really mind you and dad disowning me but I look forward to the

day Leslie would get pregnant and we would know if I will be the one to be disowned or…her…?” Emily retorted with a faint smirk, she gave Leslie a hard glare before storming off to her room.


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