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Friday, October 18, 2024
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IN LOVE WITH A MAFIA BOSS – Episode 45 & 46

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(She’s too holy and innocent)





CHAPTER 45 & 46•••••••

One week later•••••• Emily stood beside the window as she gazed outside, she was lost and deep in thought.

Alexa dialed Andrea’s line for the umpteenth time but it wasn’t going through, she groaned and plopped down on the couch.

Emily has been giving her serious headache, she craves for everything. Even if she tries and get what Emily wants to eat, in the end she still won’t eat it. Instead, she will be the one feeding Emily.

The f_ck?! It feels like she has turned to a mother!
Alexa thought and cringed.

“Hey crybaby, wanna go out for a walk?” Alexa asked, dryly.

Emily turned and faced her, her gaze cold and devoid of any emotion.
It has been a week but still Luciano and Andrea weren’t back. Emily

switched back to her normal depression state. To talk was a problem, to eat was a problem too…

But deep down, Emily was feeling sad…it felt like something was wrong somewhere but she couldn’t place her hands where….

Even Leslie, they’ve not set their eyes on her. Jordan deemed it that maybe Leslie has gone to stay with one of her f_ckmates not knowing that it wasn’t true.

Emily sighed, sadly
“I think a little walk will make me feel better anyway…. ” Emily mumbled and they strode towards the door.

Jordan barged in with a helpless look on, Emily frowned.
“What do you want? Last I remember…you’re not related to her! ” Alexa snapped, coldly.

Jordan swallowed,
“I have something important to tell you Emily…. ” Jordan uttered slowly.

“I wouldn’t like to hear it if it’s not something worth hearing… ” Emily mumbled dryly.

“It’s about your father! ” Jordan blurted out, slowly.

Emily gazed at her, slightly worried and was anticipating to hear what Jordan wants to say.

“You have to…at least give your father a chance…hear him out Emily. He’s really worried about you..has he told you…that he has lung cancer….? ” Jordan retorted, helplessly.

Emily’s eyes widened….


Emily stood under a tree as she gazed around searching for Alejandro, Jordan had told her that he would be here waiting for her.

Alexa leaned on a Mercedes Benz at a far distance as she smoked from her cigar stick with a cold look on.

A car screeched to a halt and Alejandro stepped down from the car, he took slow and steady steps to

where Emily stood, he stood in front of her as they gazed at each other, immensely.

Emily snapped back to reality and coughed awkwardly, she sat down on the bench and Alejandro followed. They were silent for a while until Alejandro spoke up first.

“Am sorry… ” He mumbled, slowly.
Emily gazed at him and averted her gaze…

“Am sorry for letting you call another man your father…i didn’t know that Jordan never did got rid of you when I had told her to. I know Jordan never did treated you well… ” Alejandro muttered

and sighed.
Emily let out a faint smile,
“Yeah she never did treated me well but am over it…i just wanna stay far

away from them so I wouldn’t remember the past again…. ” Emily mumbled, lowly.

Alejandro nodded, slightly.
They became silent..
“Jordan told me everything… ” Emily blurted out, sadly.

Alejandro cussed silently.
“You have lung cancer…i feel so sad…i just met my dad and soon I’ll be losing him again… ” Emily uttered, sadly.

Alejandro shut his eyes and clenched his fist, life was so boring…he was tired of living that was why he started taking

smoke…but maybe if he had known that he had a daughter, he wouldn’t have wished for death…

“Can….can I hug you…dad? ” Emily asked, slowly. Alejandro stiffened.
He snapped back to reality and nodded as he opened his arms wide,

Emily hugged him as she placed her head on his chest. Alejandro caressed her hair and rocked her back, gently.

Emily shut her eyes as she let out a bright smile, hugging him felt like home.
“My doctor told me that my time is almost up but I think it’s not now, I

don’t wanna leave now. I wanna spend some time with you and shower you with both father and mother’s love…. ” Alejandro mumbled softly.

Emily sniffed as tears streamed down her cheek, why does she keep on losing people who are special to her..? Is she really cursed??
Emily thought sadly.

Alejandro smiled sadly as tears welled up in his eyes.
“Can…can we visit the park tomorrow? Just the both of us…let’s just spend some time together at least before death would take me away” Alejandro uttered, tearfully and Emily nodded vigorously.

Soon, Alejandro left. Andrea and Emily got into their car as they drove back home.

While on the road and in a deserted area, Alexa handled the steering wheel as she gazed at Emily, she clicked her tongue and averted her gaze back to the road.

“You’re still crying..? Ain’t you tired?? ” Alexa asked lazily.
Emily sniffed, she quickly held her stomach and covered her mouth when the urge to throw up hit her hard.

“Stop the car Alexa.. I feel like throwing up ” Emily retorted, shakily.

Alexa groaned and screeched the car to a halt,
“Please go down quickly, I don’t wanna start cleaning my car” Alexa uttered, hotly and pushed the car door open, Emily got down and began to throw up.

Her stomach churned when a harsh rotten smell hit her hard, Emily threw up again and panted softly. She gazed

around the vicinity, everywhere was so quiet, deserted and secluded, not even a single soul could be seen around.
The place stenches so badly!

Alexa got out of the car annoyed and shoved her gun into her bum pocket.
“The f_ck?! this place stench, what da f_ck died here?! ” Alexa retorted, her nose scrunched up in disgust.

Emily gazed at a particular spot, she saw black crows feeding on something..

“The crows…you’re right, something definitely died here” Emily mumbled and took long strides to where the crows were. The crows quickly flew away. When

Emily got there, she flinched when she saw that it wasn’t an animal but a human…? She took a look at it more closely and gasped.

“Leslie?!!” Emily gasped and Alexa ran to where Emily stood, frozen.

“Jesus f_cking Christ! ” Alexa gasped.
Emily’s hand found its way to her mouth as a loud sob escaped her mouth.

So Leslie has been a dead corpse all this while and here she and Jordan was, thinking that she was with one of her f_ckmates.

Her eyes were already eaten out by maggots and she was bald headed. She looked so thin like a toothpick, her mouth was wide open and there was a big hole on her head.

“Ah! Oh my God! ” Emily sobbed out bitterly….


Leslie was taken to the hospital by the cops since they wanted to know what really ki||ed her.

Jordan and William paced to and fro in the waiting room, tears rolled down William’s cheek as he sank his fingers into his hair.

Emily was seen inside one of the restrooms as she threw up, everything that was happening was

making her to feel disgusted and irritated, everything was making her stomach to churn.

Emily sobbed as she threw up, continuously. Alexa sighed as she pushed Emily’s hair back.

“You’re stressing yourself out crybaby, crying won’t solve any $h|t…instead you might hurt Luciano’s heir” Alexa uttered, tiredly.

With the mention of Luciano, Emily’s sobs grew louder.
Suddenly Alexa’s phone rang and she picked up,

📱Alexa…Andrea is back!

Emily was able to hear what the person said since the phone was on loud speaker. She quickly dashed out of the hospital, she got into the car, roared the engine to life and drove off.

“What the f_ck?! She left with my f_cking car!!” Alexa shrieked and stopped a cab.

She pulled the cab man out and threw him on the floor harshly.
“I’ma borrow your f_cking car just for today” Alexa retorted hotly. She got into the car and drove off, roughly…


Meanwhile, the car screeched to a halt at Luciano’s residence, Emily got down and gasped when she saw Andrea being rolled on a stretcher into an ambulance. She was wounded badly.

Blade was also rolled on a stretcher too, he lost one of his leg. Some of Luciano’s men were also injured and wounded badly. But wait? Where was her Luciano..? She couldn’t find him anywhere…

Emily panicked as she gazed around the place searching for Luciano.

She quickly ran to where Andrea was and touched her hand,
“Andrea…what happened.. ? where’s Luciano…? ” Emily asked, panicky.

Andrea let out a bitter and painful chuckle, a man came and held Emily,
“Please move away from her, she’s in pain now and can’t talk” He retorted, seriously.

“No!! ” Emily shrieked tearfully and struggled against him, madly. She pushed the man down to the floor harshly and gazed at Andrea, hopefully as tears streamed down her cheek.

“Please tell me…that nothing happened to my…Luciano….just tell me that he’s alive….! ” Emily sobbed out bitterly.

Andrea placed her palm on Emily’s own as tears rolled down her own cheek.

“Emily…Luciano….is dead ” Andrea blurted out, weakly……..


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