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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IN LOVE WITH A MAFIA BOSS – Episode 29 & 30

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(She’s too holy and innocent)





CHAPTER 29 & 30•••••••

“BANG!!! ” a bullet flew and hit the big chandelier which was hung on the ceiling,
The chandelier crashed to the floor with a loud crashing sound.

Luciano quickly pulled Emily to a safe corner.
“f_ck!” Luciano cussed and brought out a gun from his pocket, he handed one over to Emily.

“Just hold this with you and stay here for a while, I’ll be back ” Luciano uttered, lowly.

Emily pursed her lips and flinched when she heard the continuous gunshots.

“Luciano you can’t go out there, it’s quite dangerous ” Emily uttered, fearfully.

Luciano smiled and pulled her into a hug, he disengaged the hug,
“I’ll be fine” Luciano said and left.

Emily sighed and glanced at the gun in her hand, she’s not scared like before because back then she couldn’t even stare at a gun talk more of holding it.

Suddenly, someone appeared behind her and covered her mouth.


Meanwhile, Luciano shot at some unknown men, though they were ski||ed but were not ski||ed like him.
They must be Alejandro’s men.

Luciano thought and smirked.
A bullet flew towards Luciano, he dodged and the bullet met with the wall.

“f_cking pr*cks!” Luciano cussed and shot at the man….


Emily struggled against the unknown person, she raised her hand and elbowed the figure on its head, the figure staggered.

Emily turned and faced the person, it was a strange person who had a mask on but she could still tell that it was a lady due to her long black shiny hair and red rosy lips.

The lady took off her mask and let out a cunning grin.
The lady had a long red scar on her cheek and she was a Chinese.

“You really impressed me darling ” The Chinese lady uttered softly and chuckled.

Within a swift moment, she kicked Emily on her abdomen, Emily staggered and fell on the floor as she groaned in pain.

‘Seems like her leg is made of iron’ Emily thought.

The lady brought out a sharp dagger and charged at Emily, Emily rolled and the dagger met with the floor. She gritted her teeth in anger.

“Do you think you can defeat me, seems like you don’t know that am one of the geisha’s ” The Chinese lady retorted, coldly.

She dashed towards Emily and hit her on her chest, Emily rolled on the floor and winced in pain.

“Hahaha! You’re too weak and pathetic!” The Chinese lady uttered and laughed coldly.

Emily swiftly took the gun Luciano gave her and shot at her leg,
“Ah! f_ck! ” She shrieked and fell on the floor as she held her bleeding leg.

She angrily threw her dagger at Emily, Emily dodged,
Emily shot at her other leg and she screeched in pain.

“Tsk you’re quite troublesome, I guess you will be crippled for now” Emily retorted, Ç0çƙily and left leaving the lady to dwell in pain.

Emily came out and started $h00ting at some men, Luciano’s eyes widened.
“What the f_ck are you doing Emily?!” Luciano panicked.

“Am $h00ting at the these crazy dudes” Emily uttered, firmly.

“It’s dangerous Emily! ” Luciano uttered sharply.

Emily scoffed, she turned towards the exit and saw a dark figure glaring at her, she quickly ran outside to know who it was, the cool night breeze hit her skin hard.

Suddenly, a hand covered her mouth from behind, she tried to struggle but froze when something sharp pressed her stomach.

She gazed at her stomach, slowly and saw that it was a dagger. Any reckless move and she’s dead.

“That’s right don’t dare move or else Luciano will mourn over you” Alejandro’s cold voice resounded in her head.

Alejandro finally stood in front of her and took the dagger to her neck, their gaze met and they both froze.

What?! How in the world….is she seeing things or what…?

Alejandro gave her puzzled look and slowly retracted his hand from her neck, he took a step back, slowly his

gaze still on hers, he turned and sauntered off disappearing into the dark night.

Emily remained stiff as she gazed at the dark alley he entered, her eyes wide and shock clearly visible on her face.

“Emily? ” Luciano called out and touched her hair, Emily flinched back to reality. Luciano became worried he palmed her cheek gazing at her immensely.

“Is everything all right Emily? ” Luciano asked, worriedly.

Emily gazed around the place, she quickly nodded nervously.
Luciano scoffed inwardly, he could tell that she was lying. He traced her gaze but saw nothing.

“let’s leave Emily, the cops are on their way” Luciano stated calmly.

“Oh..okay… ” Emily mumbled lowly.


“How could you do this to me Mattias?! but I gave you everything you needed! My body, my p@zzy and then this is how you repay me?! I h@ťě you Mattias!! ” Leslie screamed, angrily.

Mattias let out a lazy groan as he got down from the bed and wore his short,
“Foolish woman…do you really think

am in for all this emotional $h|t? Your p@zzy sucks, it ain’t sweet anymore.” Mattias retorted, lazily.

The slut which was on the bed became angry.
“Ɓîtçh what do you want? Can’t you see that he doesn’t want you anymore?!” The lady snapped irritated.

Leslie felt tears welled up in her eyes,
“He’s my man Ɓîtçh! Look Mattias am quitting this whole mafia $h|t if you want to continue like this!! ” Leslie screamed in tears.

The slutty lady’s eyes widened in shock,

Mattias gritted his teeth in anger, he matched towards Leslie and landed a hot slap on her cheek. Leslie held her cheek as tears streamed down her cheek.

“Use the door when you’re done barking ” Mattias stated, coldly.

Leslie sniffed, she turned and stormed out of the room.
“Mafia $h|t?! Are you involved in the mafia??? ” The slutty lady asked curiously.

Mattias scoffed, he took out his gun shot at the lady, she died on the spot.


The next day••••• Emily walked out of the bathroom, sluggishly a towel wrapped around her body, she glanced at her reflection in the mirror and her face contorted in confusion.

“Why did he ran away? it felt like he knew me and I knew him… ” Emily mumbled to herself and pursed her lips.

“It is weird…he looks just like…me” Emily uttered and paused.

She quickly changed into a jean bum short and a pink tank top.
“Andrea did a good job for bringing some of her clothes over” Emily uttered and left the room.

She frowned when she saw Leslie seated on the floor as she sobbed, Jesse consoled her while Mabel and Ashley sat on the couch, a tight frown etched on their faces.

“Look guys, I’ve given up, I can’t do this $h|t anymore! I caught Mattias f_cking a slut instead of me! ” Leslie cried out.

“You aren’t a baby anymore Leslie, so all this $h|t is just because of him f_cking another girl, but it’s common in the mafia world, a mafia boss doesn’t fall in love ” Mabel uttered, seriously.

“Leslie Mattias is very dangerous, he might come after you. Just go back to him and run the f_cking race till the end” Jesse uttered, coolly.

“You started it Leslie so you have to finish it” Ashley stated.

“I ain’t doing that $h|t! I want him to miss my p@zzy so badly so he would come begging me to come back! ” Leslie stated firmly and wiped her tears.

Emily scoffed and went back to her mom,
“Now I don’t feel like eating again, guess I’ll just go for lectures ” Emily mumbled, calmly.


Meanwhile, Eduardo threw a glass cup on the wall and it shattered to pieces.
“So that Ɓîtçh still didn’t come back to me huh? She thinks she’s smart!” Eduardo roared, furiously.

“Boss I’ve done what you asked me to do” One of Eduardo’s men uttered, seriously.

“What’s the reason? ” Eduardo asked, coldly.

“Andrea did it because she’s friends with Luciano’s woman. Andrea and Luciano’s woman are best friends ” He uttered, seriously proud of himself for the little information he gathered.

“How dare that Ɓîtçh lie to my face and now she wants to sell out our secrets to Luciano?! I won’t let it happen! ” Eduardo growled in anger.

“We’re getting that Ɓîtçh tonight “……


Freddie was seated inside his office as he palmed his face, one of his eyes was covered with a bandage and his head was also bandaged.

“Sir the shares and stocks are going down day by day, the shares has dropped from 90 to 40” One of the shareholders stated, worriedly.

“Sir some of the business partners are also withdrawing their shares and stocks saying they can’t partner with us anymore ” Another shareholder uttered, worriedly.

“Yesterday five million dollars disappeared from the company’s account and we still don’t know how it happened ” Another shareholder stated confused.

“Sir have you offended anyone?” He asked, confused.

Freddie massaged his temple, tiredly and he remembered Luciano’s statement,

Could he be the one doing all this??


Somewhere in Pablo’s bar••••

“Whoooosh!! Am flying!! ” Piper screamed, drunk and burped out loud.

Andrea’s head was on the table, she was already dead drunk but was still conscious.

Truce was already drunk but was still flirting with a waitress while Amelia was sprawled on the floor as she talked to herself, they were all dead drunk.

Andrea took her phone groggily,
“Hey babe come over to our favorite bar… ”
Andrea typed and send.

Soon, a message popped up on her phone, she glanced at it,

💬Andrea am quite busy now, am still in class so maybe tomorrow. Love ya.

Andrea pouted and stood up,
“Am out! ” Andrea stated, groggily. She staggered out of the bar.


Staggering in the cold dark and lonely street, a bottle in her hand and her purse in the other, she heard footsteps behind her and she halted her steps, she turned to see who was behind her.

She froze when she saw him, even in her drunken state, she could still recognize him.

She chuckled,
“I knew you’d come for me “Andrea mumbled, lowly.

One of Eduardo’s men tried to hit her from behind but she was fast to smash the bottle on his head.

She started to run but wasn’t that fast since she was still slightly drunk.
Eduardo dashed towards her and yanked her hair hard, he threw her to to the floor in a harsh manner.

Andrea hissed in pain,
“You useless who’re!! you think you can run away from me just like that?!! ” Eduardo roared and punched Andrea on her abdomen.

Andrea hissed in pain and began to puke,
He bent down and grasped her neck tight.

Andrea struggled against him and kicked him on his head. Eduardo became more furious, he took out a syringe from his pocket and stabbed her with

it twice, Andrea suddenly felt weak and her vision blurred.

She lost consciousness……


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