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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(She’s too holy and innocent)





CHAPTER 01 & 02•••••••

Emily Sanders walked into a big luxurious building as she clenched her purple handbag tight, she was putting

on a very long black skirt, her white bogus T shirt was looking so off and didn’t match with the skirt but she didn’t care.

Her long black hair was packed into a loose pony tail making some strands of her hair to drop on her face. She was looking like a complete church girl.

She knocked on the big glass door and it opened, Fred Meyer came into view, a wide smile etched on his face but

quickly faded when he saw her dressing, he covered it up with a faint chuckle,

“Oh my baby you’re looking so pretty, am glad you came! ” Fred retorted, sweetly.

Emily bit down on her lip, shyly and blushed,
“Thank you Fred ” Emily muttered, shyly.

Fred took her hand into his and took her into the house, Emily gaped at how beautiful and big the house was,

“Wow! your house is beautiful ” Emily retorted in awe.

Fred smiled,
“Of course it is, that’s why I’ve always wanted you to come over but you would always decline saying you don’t go to a guy’s house, Emily am your boyfriend not just any random guy, you

can come visit me anytime you want
and I promise not to touch you. ” Fred muttered, sweetly, his voice giving her a tingling sensation, his voice soft and warm assuring her that no harm will come to her as long as she’s with him.
Emily nodded with a wide smile,

“Just sit on the couch let me get you a drink” Fred uttered, smoothly and turned to go,

“Erm! sorry…i don’t take drinks just fruit juice… ” Emily muttered, softly.

Fred nodded with a small smile and turned, he released a faint smirk before taking the stairs towards the kitchen.

Emily sighed and glanced around the house,
“Why am I even surprise…i shouldn’t be after all I know that Fred’s parents are bastard trillionaires” Emily mumbled to herself and smiled.

Alright here’s a little introduction, am Emily Sanders and a holy Christian. I and Fred met during highschool

and fell in love with each other, my parents warned me that even if i get into a relationship, i shouldn’t

have segz with the guy or make any segzual intercourse with him until when we get married so I tookmy

parents advice into heart, i and Fred never did got intimate but Fred has already promised to get married to me.

Ever since we got into a relationship, i have never gone to his house to visit him and he hasn’t been to mine either, we would only talk on phone or

text each other. We don’t even hold hands because i told him that i wanted a Christian like relationship.

I have a sister named Leslie Sanders whom is different from me, she’s the type who chases after different guys but mom and dad knows nothing about it. They still call the both of us holy virgins.

Fred Meyer has never criticized or mock me even when others did, he understands her and cherished her so much, he never did mind about her weird Christian dressings.

“Baby here is it ” Freddie muttered, coolly and dropped the glass of juice on the table,

Emily snapped back to reality and quickly let out a warm smile, she took the glass of juice and gulped a little quantity down.

“Wow, the juice is so sweet” She blurted out, happily and gulped everything down, she failed to see Freddie’s dark look which vanished instantly.

Fred stood up from the couch and ran his fingers through his hair, his teeth clenched.

Emily glared at him surprised, wondering what was wrong with him, she stood up from the couch worriedly

but suddenly her vision blurred and her legs gave way as she fell down back on the couch.

She coughed and held her head which was muzzy and heavy, Fred sat down on the couch beside her and touched hair, his hands traveling from her hair down to every part of her body.

“F….Fred…w…what are you doing…? ” Emily stuttered, her voice coming out hoarse and faint.

She saw him smirked and ripped off her long skirt,
“N…no! Fred don’t…am a Christian…please don’t! ” Emily cried

out and tried to move but she was unable to, he had drvgged her that was why she couldn’t move, it felt like she was paralyzed.

Fred let out a dark chuckle,
“Emily or wh@ťěver your name is, this is what I’ve been wanting to do for a long time, for years!!!! I helped you with so many things, even when your parents couldn’t pay your fees during highschool, I was there and I used my money to pay for you, you

had nothing to eat and I was there, I spent so much money just to get anything in which you wanted to eat and all you could ever do was to tell

me that we shouldn’t segz until when we’re married??!! who the hell those that $h|t?! ” Fred screamed and tore off the white T shirt harshly.

Emily could only sob bitterly and tried to fight him off her but two harsh slap landed on her cheek making her to go deaf and dumb.

“You holy Ɓîtçh!! you meant that I should keep my f_ckinh Ďïčk in my pant for years until we get married??! f_ck you and your holy crap!! ” Fred roared angrily and unhooked his belt as he brought out his Ďïčk from his pant.

Emily struggled and kicked him on his Ďïčk, he hissed in pain and his anger grew worse. He landed heavy punches on her face, eye, stomach and widened her legs,

He forced his Ďïčk into her hole and started penetrating in and out of her recklessly, not minding the pains she was going through and her bitter and painful sobs.

Soon he was done and he stood up and buckled his belt back with a lazy look on, he turned to Emily which was on the couch as she sobbed and blood stained the blonde couch.

He spat on her face acting as though he did nothing,
“Pack your holy self and get outta ma f_cking house trash! ” He spat out in disgust.

Emily struggled and stood up from the couch as she wept, he had just taken her virginity, he just slept with her and the both of them had just sinned against God.

No….God will punish her…she’s no longer a virgin anymore….so Freddie was a snake in green grass all this while? how come she didn’t notice all this while… ?

No…what will her mom and dad think of her…? what will Leslie think of her….what will the whole world think of her?

Different thoughts and questions ran through Emily’s head and her sobs grew louder,
She isn’t sure if she can live like this, it’s better she just end it….

Emily wore her worn out clothes and crawled towards the door, suddenly the door burst open and someone strode in,

She raised her head and stared at the person’s face, right there her heart stopped beating and shattered into million pieces,

“L….Leslie..?” Emily called out, hoarsely.

Leslie scoffed and walked passed her as she threw herself at Freddie’s arm,
“Baby are you done f_cking her?” She asked, coquettishly.

Fred nodded and squeezed Leslie’s butt,
“That’s good baby, now am rest assured that she’s no longer a virgin anymore…but oh? what will you tell mom and dad when they gets to hear

this? of course I’ll be the newscaster for the day! Haha! ” Leslie uttered, feigning sadness and let out a hilarious laughter.

Emily just stared at the both of them and her hands shook, her head ached badly.

Fred and Leslie romanced each other as they kissed like there’s no tomorrow.

Emily stood up and limped out of the house towards the street, her vision suddenly became blurry and she couldn’t see again, she couldn’t cry anymore, it felt like she had ran out of tears.

She fell down on the floor and darkness took over.


Emily was found on the street by a man who knows her and her parents so he took her to the hospital and called her parents,

Jordan and William Sanders which are Emily’s parents cussed and shouted at her even on her sickbed. They told her that she wasn’t R@P£D but went to a guy’s house and slept with him.

Because of this incident, Jordan and William which held a special position in church were stripped off their positions and they suspended the whole family out of the church.

Jordan and William started hating on Emily, Emily slipped into depression and almost cut off her two legs because her two legs were the ones

who took her to Freddie’s house and because her two legs made her to sin against God.

Some years later ••••••••

“The lord is my shepherd and I shall not want, He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul,

he leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the presence of the Lord

forever and ever. Amen. ” Emily muttered and opened her eyes as she stood up from the altar.

She turned and walked out of the church,
She got home and flinched when she saw her mom at the doorway,

“Mind explaining were you went to since morning? you went out to f_ck around with guys huh?! ” Jordan ranted, seriously.

Emily lowered her head,
“I…i went to the Catholics…i was praying ” Emily muttered, softly.

Jordan scoffed and paved way for her,
“Go to your room and don’t ever leave this house, you’ve already disgraced

the family enough! Get outta my sight!” Jordan raised her voice and Emily took hurried steps towards her room.

She got to her room and was about to open the door when she sighted Leslie who was standing in front of her own room door, since their rooms was kinda close to each other.

“Crybaby wanna cry because her mama yelled at her…you’re lucky she didn’t kick your flat @zz ” Leslie retorted, sarcastically and chuckled.

Emily glanced at her and scoffed as she got into her room and shut the door with a loud bang, she sat down on the bed and ran her hand down her shiny black hair.

Even when she tried to tell her parents that Leslie was the one who had planned for Fred to take her virginity and that she was also dating Fred but

they never did believed her, they told her that she was only making up stories. Of course why would they believe her when Leslie is their precious treasure.

Emily thought and sighed.
She was friendless and lonely, had no one to talk to or play it, her parents never did allowed her to make friends.

But she’s still happy because tomorrow they’ll be going to college, Jordan and William has already prepared a house in which they will be staying and the place is far

away from here at least she will get to stay in a new environment, a place In which she wouldn’t listen to her mom

and dad’s daily rantings, about how she’s a shame and a disgrace to them, about how she’s going about sleeping with different guys.

“Yeah as if I’d even do that, Leslie is more worst than me ” Emily mumbled to herself and scoffed.

Her door swung open and Leslie poked her big head in,
“Yo Ɓîtçh, momma calls for you, it’s time to eat” Leslie retorted with an eye roll and left.

Emily scoffed and stood up from the bed as she strode downstairs, her heart racing faster.

She joined them on the dinning table and sat down, slowly.
Her gaze met with Leslie’s gaze and Leslie released a faint smirk,

“Erm! mom am tired of eating chicken feet and wings everyday ” Leslie whined and William gritted his teeth.

“Maybe if not for some harlots we would have been eating a healthy meal by now” William retorted, spitefully.

Emily sighed and shut her eyes,
Of course she knows where the conversation was heading to.

“Maybe if some people knew how to keep their f_cking V@ģĭń@ shut then we wouldn’t be eating this trash ” Jordan muttered under her breathe.

“…i didn’t do it, I was–

“I don’t really think mom and dad would wanna hear your voice ya know, both me too am really disappointed in you ” Leslie retorted, sadly and smirked.

Emily banged her palm on the table, hard. Jordan and William snapped their heads up while Leslie flinched.

“Well why do I feel like you guys ain’t my real parents?! this $h|t happened for years and y’all never did bothered to find out who R@P£D and why they did

it, all you guys could ever do was to call me some f_cking stupid names, I mean that green snake over there plotted with Freddie and told him to

rape me because she too wasn’t a virgin anymore. She was dating my f_cking boyfriend for years! ” Emily retorted, sharply and ran her fingers through her hair.

“You lying Ɓîtçh! why are you trying to blame me for your silly misfortunes–

“That’s enough! ” Jordan snapped cutting Leslie off.

Leslie hissed and sat down,
“Like seriously? you just came back from the Catholic and now you just cussed, you just used fowl languages? you’re really a shame to this family ” Jordan retorted, seriously.

Emily sniffed and turned to William,

“Just go to your room, seeing your face irritates me” William cuts her off, abruptly without sparing her a glance.

Tears rolled down Emily’s cheek and she ran upstairs.

“Oh my baby, don’t mind Emily she’s just looking for who to blame for her silly mistakes, eat up okay” Jordan muttered, sweetly and Leslie nodded with a triumphant smile.


The next day, Emily packed up all her stuffs and rolled the two big box out of the room, she was really happy that she would be going somewhere far away from here.

She rolled it to where her dad’s car was and shoved it into the booth of the car, she opened the door to the back seat and got in as she shut it.

She turned to Leslie who was seated beside her and saw that she was chatting with her boyfriend, a love chat to be precise. A small smile was plastered on her lips.

She averted her gaze, glancing outside the window.

“When mom and dad comes tell them that I just went to get a can drink at the nearby store, I’ll be back quickly ” Emily uttered, softly and opened the car door.

“Don’t be shocked when you come back and we’re already gone” Leslie muttered lazily, her eyes still on her phone.

Emily only nodded and ran towards the store, she bought the can drink and opened it as she drank from it, she

came out from the shop and stopped beside a car which was parked by the road side, it has a tinted glass.

She stared at her reflection through the tinted glass and ran her hand down her hair,
“Am I really getting old? ” She muttered to herself and sighed.

Suddenly, the tinted glass wined down and a man’s hard face came into view, Emily froze and found it unable to move, she didn’t know if it was

because she didn’t know that someone was inside the car or if it was because of how cute and gorgeous the man looked, is he a Greek god?

He had a cigar in his hand and was putting on a black shade, though she was short but was still able to see

different tattoos on his body. He puffed out smoke from his mouth, the smoke which choked her made her to snap back to reality.

She coughed and took a step back, he was still glaring at her but she couldn’t see his facial expression because of the shade he was putting on.

He glared at her up and down and scoffed,
“You look like a f_cking granny with your weird dressing ” He muttered, dryly and wined the glass up.

Emily frowned and hit her fist on the tinted glass,
“How dare you insult me! do you also know what you look like?! weirdo with weird tattoos! ugly thing! ” Emily yelled and quickly covered her mouth.

“Did I just insulted someone? Oh Lord have mercy on my poor soul! ” Emily muttered and ran out from the vicinity.

Inside the car, a man which was seated in the drivers seat, he had a black suit on, he glanced at the backseat with a cold look on,

“Boss…should I go after her? ” He asked, coldly.

The man which was seated at the backseat, butt the cigar on the ashtray with a lazy and a mischievous look on,

“No need…but she’s interesting ” He uttered, lazily and muttered the last part to himself.


Soon they arrived at Brooklyn College,
“Listen here girls, school isn’t meant for everyone so me and your dad bringing you here is to learn, no

partying, no clubbing, no making of friends with dirty and immoral life, no wearing of clothes which will show your skins and lastly…no boyfriends ” Jordan uttered, seriously.

Leslie rolled her eyes as she glanced out through the window,
“Emily..? did you heard what I said?! ” Jordan snapped and Emily sighed…

“Yes mom” She muttered, softly.
“Leslie get down and bring out your box, Emily get down from my f_cking car! ” William retorted, coldly.

Leslie got down with a wide smile and Emily got down, slowly.
She went to the booth and brought out her box.

“Mom, dad bye! ” Leslie waved and the car drove off.

Emily glanced around the big school building, she forced out a fake smile,

“Yo Ɓîtçh follow me or get lost in the crowd ” Leslie retorted, rudely and dragged her box into the big building, Emily quickly followed behind.

Immediately they got to their apartment, Leslie threw her box carelessly and took out one of her ATM card, she handed it over to Emily

“You’ll be the one to do the shopping for food stuffs. I’m going out for shopping with my girlfriends, we have

a party to attend tonight ” Leslie muttered and shoved the card into Emily’s hand.

“I’ll do that tomorrow, am so tired right now” Emily mumbled, softly.

Leslie glared at her up and down and scoffed,
“Who cares” She muttered and started making phone calls.

“Hello Ashley, are you f_cking ready for the party?! cos I can’t wait for it!! ”

“Hey Jess are you on your way already? Alright but there will be guys to f_ck right? ”

“Am already waiting for you guys but the thing is I gat ma sister here with me”

Leslie kept on making different phone calls, Emily sighed and went to her own room, she started arranging her

clothes and putting them into the big wardrobe, she paused and her mind flew to the guy she met a while ago

“But who is he? he seemed like a new citizen but am sure he would be the type who handles gun, judging from the way he looks and he even smoke? ” Emily shrieked and smacked her head.


At night, Emily walked out of her room, slowly but flinched when she saw two girls sprawled naked on the couch while some were dressing up,

“Holy Mary! ” She shrieked and quickly turned back.

The two glanced at her and stood up from the couch, one was Leslie while the other was another random girl.

“Such a ki|| joy! ” Leslie muttered and hissed, she took her bra and started putting it on.

“Who’s she? look at her long skirt!” Jess uttered, curiously.

“What a weirdo, she looks so old ” Ashley mumbled.

Emily turned and glanced at them,
“Where are you off to Leslie? ” She asked, curiously.

“I have a party to attend, go dress up for you’ll be coming with me” Leslie muttered, lazily.

“I don’t want to go and besides I can take care of myself ” Emily uttered, softly.

“Look Ɓîtçh don’t waste my f_cking time, if you don’t go into that room and put on a party clothe then i’ma call

those two old fools and tell them that you’re proving stubborn. You know what I can do Emily” Leslie snapped, rudely.

“I’ll go dress up” Emily muttered, lowly and left for her room.

“Whoah! that was a quick one, she seems gullible ” Mabel retorted, coolly.

“Of course she is, I can play her like a football but at times she tends to prove stubborn” Leslie muttered with an eye roll.

After dressing up, Leslie was putting on a short strap gown with a black heels.

Both her friends, Emily came down to meet them and their jaws dropped at what the saw, she was putting on a bogus jean trouser and a black hoodie.

“Jeez, your sister is a complete turn off” Mabel hissed.

“Get in the car but act like you don’t know me even when we’re there ” Leslie muttered and Emily nodded.

They got in and Ashley drove the car out of the vicinity.


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