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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IN LOVE WITH A CRIMINAL – Episode 21 & 22

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🔪CHAPTER 21&22🔪

“Lucas! Don’t leave me!” Logan shouted in his sleep

“No! No! No!” Logan screamed in his sleep

Xion quickly taps him gently in shock, Logan wakes up from his sleep in fear

“What happened to you?” Xion asked him in shock

“I had a bad dream” Logan exclaimed in fear

“Am worried about Lucas, am very scared” Logan said already panicking

“Calm down! Everything will be fine” Xion said to him calmly

“How sure are you?” Logan asked in fear

“It’s just a dream anyway” Xion said calmly

“It’s late at night, you should rest” Xion said calmly

“Since you will be going back tomorrow morning for you and your brother birthday” Xion said to Logan with a smile


Shalom ran downstairs in fear, she met her parents Harry & Sofia sited with Rose

“Mum! Dad!” Shalom exclaimed as she sights them in fear

“What’s wrong?” Sofia asked Shalom softly

“Mum! I am scared! I can’t stop having a bad feeling about Lucas” Shalom said already panicking

“I also bad feeling” Rose said wondering what was going on

“I will call him to check” Shalom said hurriedly as she dialed Lucas number on her phone


Lucas was walking down the Syndicate Hideout mansion gently, he noticed the strange look on the Syndicate members

He knew something was wrong, the way stared at him seemed as if they wanted him dead

Suddenly his phone rang, he saw it was Shalom and picked it


“Lucas where are you?” Shalom asked almost in tears

“I am on a mission” Lucas said softly

“Lucas am begging you pls come back now” Shalom said in fear

“I will back soon” Lucas said softly

“No! Come back now! Your son needs you” Shalom said as tears rolled down her cheeks

“Shalom! I am leaving where I am now” Lucas said softly

Just then, Eda shot him from behind, the bullet hit Lucas in the arm

Lucas screamed and his phone fell down breaking apart

“Lucas” Shalom exclaimed in more fear as soon as she heard the gunshot and Lucas scream

She fell on butts on the floor already in fear, her phone fell down from her hand in fear


“What happened?” Rose asked Shalom in fear

“Lucas just got shot” Shalom said shaking terribly

“I don’t loose my husband, am still young, my son needs a father” Shalom said already in tears and in fear


Gideon came out of the bathroom calmly, he went to where Mr T was tied down and discovered Mr T wasn’t there

“How did he escape?” Gideon asked himself in shock

“Something in wrong” Gideon said in fear, he started having a bad feeling

He took his phone and tried Lucas number but it wasn’t connecting

He quickly dialed Mia’s number

Mia was worried about Lucas, she was in the car for more than an hour waiting for Lucas

Her phone rang and she picked it


“Mia! There is a problem” Gideon said hurriedly

“Problem” Mia exclaimed in shock

“Mia! Mr T escaped! Someone found out our plan and helped him escape” Gideon said already in fear

“Oh no! That means Lucas is in danger!” Mia exclaimed in fear

“I will go check on him” Mia said coming out of the car

“Alright!” Gideon exclaimed


Mia quickly entered the Syndicate Hideout Mansion calmly trying to look for Lucas


Lucas screamed in pains as he hid in a corner

His left hand was bleeding due to the gunshot wound

He ran towards a garden, he was scared at the same time he wanted to go back to his son and his family

He took out a tape record, he pressed on

🎥“My Name is Lucas Williams from the CIDG, I went on a secret mission to find out the Syndicate Hideout but I have been discovered ”

“In case something bad happens to me, whoever finds this taps record should expose the Syndicate members”

“The Syndicate Leader is no other than Ryan Scarlet, and his son Aiden Scarlet from the CIDG is also part of the Syndicate”

“Pls find my wife & son, tell them am very sorry if I don’t make it”

“Lucas Williams”

He pressed stop on the tape recorder, he dig a small hole in the ground and kept the tape recorder in there

He quickly covered the hole with sand gently

He tried to get up in pains, Medal suddenly points a gun at his head from behind

“Betrayal” Medal shouted at him angrily

“Do you really think you can disguise yourself and leave here alive?” Medal asked already angrily

“Let me go! I need to go back to my son and my wife” Lucas pleaded with her

“I don’t care about your stupid family” Medal shouted at him angrily

“If you ki|| me, you will have no peace, my son will h@ťě you till your death, that will be my curse” Lucas said rising on his feet

“Even if he doesn’t know that you ki||ed his father, he will h@ťě you” Lucas said softly as he faced her

“You will die just the way you ki||ed me” Lucas said calmly

Medal burst into laughter, she looked at Lucas in shock

“Are you laying a curse on me?” Medal asked him in laughter

“Who ever ki||s with the sword will surely die by the sword! I have done nothing to you” Lucas said to her softly

“My son is too young to loose his father, it’s late at night and my birthday is tomorrow morning” Lucas said softly with tears in his eyes

“My brother will never get to see him after so many years of being apart” Lucas said to her as tears rolled down his cheeks

“My grandmother, will be hurt she had lost a lot of people already” Lucas continued

“My wife, will become a young widow” Lucas said in tears

“You will suffer just the same way I feel, you will die just the way you have ki||ed me, everyone you ever loved will end up hating you” Lucas said to her in tears

“I don’t care” Medal shouted angrily

Medal pulled her trigger right at Lucas skull, Lucas fell down breathing his last breath

“Lucas!” Mia screamed from behind the bushes she was hiding

Mia looked at Medal but couldn’t see her face, the only thing she saw was Medal’s birthmark

Mia ran out of the bushes back to the car, she was scared Medal will come after her

She quickly drove towards Rose Mansion crying badly and uncontrollable


The Police Force got to the Syndicate Hideout but saw no one around

Rein was worried, his dad had called him about Shalom’s worry and how she heard Lucas get shot

He was passing by the garden when he saw Lucas dead body

“Lucas!” Rein screamed in tears, he ran towards Lucas dead body

The way screamed attracted other Police Officers

“Lucas! What happened to you?” Rein asked in tears, he knew his sister would get hurt when she sees her husband dead body

“Lucas!” Aiden exclaimed faking some tears as he sights his dead body but secretly smiling

Mia ran into Rose’s Mansion in tears

“Aunt Mia!” Mikey exclaimed as he opened the door for her

“Grandma Rose! Something happened to Lucas” Mia said softly crying uncontrollable

“What happened to my husband?” Shalom said in fear and almost in tears


Mia drove Rose and the family to the mortuary where Lucas was kept

Shalom walked towards where Lucas body was kept in tears

She slowly removed the cloth they used to cover his body

“Lucas!” Shalom screamed his name bursting into tears

“Dad” Mikey exclaimed as he saw Lucas dead body, he slowly burst into tears

“Who did this to you?” Shalom asked in tears crying uncontrollable, Rein held her in tears

Rose burst into tears, this was how she had lost her son, her husband and now her grandsons

……..{USA Logan’s Room}

Logan dressed himself, he took the gift he had prepared to give Lucas

Today was their birthday, he wanted to make this day special for the both of them

“Logan!” Xion screamed running into the room

“What is it?” Logan asked softly

“Something bad happened to your brother” Xion said in tears


Every gathered in tears, including Aiden and his parent

“We will now lay his coffin to the ground” The Priest said

“Stop” Logan shouted as he ran towards them in shock with Xion

“Lucas” Logan exclaimed in tears

Mikey looked at Logan in tears, he saw Logan as the replica of his dad

“Uncle” Mikey said in tears as he hugged him

“They ki||ed my dad” Mikey said crying uncontrollable

Logan calmly stood beside his brother’s coffin, he calmly opened his coffin and burst into tears as he sights Lucas dead body

Logan mood changed from pain to anger, he brought out a knife to the shock of everyone

He used the knife to cut his palm gently

He folded his palm above Lucas forehead in tears, his blood dropped unto Lucas forehead

“I promise you with my life Lucas, I will ki|| whoever did this to you” Logan said in pain

“I will make all of them pay, they will face my wrath” Logan said almost angrily

Rose looked at him in shock, Logan stood up and looked at the priest

“You can place his coffin to the ground now” Logan said softly

…..{Ryan’s Mansion}

Honey was worried, she kept shouting at Ryan & Aiden

“Why did you ki|| him?” Honey asked them in tears

“He already discovered us” Aiden said softly

“And now his twin brother is back for revenge” Honey said to them angrily

“He made a promise with his life to his brother corpse” Honey shouted at them

“We will find a way out mum” Aiden said to her calmly

“A way out? That boy I saw wasn’t joking! He will not spare the both of you if he finds out everything” Honey shouted already in tears

“Calm down! I will handle this” Ryan said calmly

“If I ever loose my son because of this, I will never forgive you Ryan” Honey said in tears and walked angrily to her room

“Dad! What do we do?” Aiden asked almost in fear

Ryan was totally confused, he couldn’t think of a plan at that moment

……{Rose’s Mansion}

“It’s all my fault, I am the one who sent him on a deadly mission” Edwin said in tears

“Grandpa, what exactly happened?” Logan asked with fury

“I and Gideon helped Lucas in his mission, he disguised himself as Mr T and entered the Syndicate Hideout” Mia said in tears as she held Mikey’s hands

“Gideon called me and told me that someone had informed the Syndicate members and helped Mr T escape” Mia continued in tears

“I ran into the place only to see Lucas get shot by a woman, I couldn’t see her face either” Mia said crying uncontrollable

“Logan! If truly you meant what you said at my husband burial today” Shalom said to Logan in tears

“Find whoever made me a widow and made my son fatherless, make sure you ki|| that person the same way she ki||ed my husband” Shalom said to Logan wiping off her tears

“I promise” Logan said to Shalom softly, he looked at Mikey who was crying uncontrollable and then to his grandma

“I want to join the police force” Logan said to Edwin softly

“But you’re a Soldier” Edwin said to Logan softly

“I know” Logan said

“That’s why I want to join the Police Force” Logan said calmly

“I also want to join the Police Force, I will help Logan find out the main criminal” Xion said calmly to Edwin

“Logan! Are you sure you want to do this?” Edwin asked him softly

“I made a promise and I must keep it” Logan said to Edwin softly

“Alright! I will find a way to let you two join the Police Force” Edwin said Calmly

Mikey walked close to wiping off his tears

“You have made a promise to my mum and my late dad” Mikey said softly

“Can you also make me a promise?” Mikey asked softly

“What is it?” Logan asked softly

“Pls ki|| all those Syndicate Members, make them suffer and also rescue my classmates who were kidnapped” Mikey said to him softly

“I promise” Logan said to him softly

“Logan am begging you be careful, I don’t want to loose another grandchild” Rose said to him softly

“I will grandma” Logan said softly

“I will surely ki|| them all and make them rot in jail” Logan said to Mikey with all confident


Love Y’all🌹

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