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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(She belongs to me only)

By; Samuel Favour




I couldn’t believe my eyes when Derrick smashed his lips on mine.

I couldn’t help but kiss him hungrily. For so long I’ve always wanted to get a taste of his lips.

Then he broke the kiss and I couldn’t help but smile.

“I knew you feel something for me”

“And who told you that”

“You wouldn’t have kissed me if you didn’t feel a thing”.

“That was a mistake. I feel nothing for you at all. And stay away from that boy I don’t like at all”.

I was beyond shocked by what I just heard.

Derrick turned away leaving me on one spot.

I ran to him facing him so I didn’t know where the strength and anger came as I raised my hand and slapped him.

“Did you just play with my feelings like that”.

“You knew I love you and you kissed me just to push Oliver away”.

“I’m sick and tired of this just because I love you doesn’t mean you get to play with my feelings”.

I turned around and the tears that have been holding started to pour



I held my cheek, surprised that Natasha slapped me.

I knew that I played with her feelings but I didn’t expect her to react that way.

But kissing her felt so good at the same time.

I just h@ťěd the fact that Oliver was with her making her smile when I’m the one she loves.

She isn’t even supposed to be friends with any guy apart from me.

I walked back to where Avery was and she looked at me angrily


“You know if you don’t love someone doesn’t mean you play with their feelings”

“I didn’t mean to”

“Then why did you kiss her”

“I don’t know i just got pissed when I saw her with Oliver”

“Just admit that you love her ”

“No I don’t ”

“Then you shouldn’t have kissed her. Thanks for the system goodbye “.

I watched as my sister walked away.

I sighed before going back to school.



I closed my eyes as Mason drove me back.

The image of Natasha kissing that boy kept playing In my head.

So she’s on love with him when I just started to like her.

My first love doesn’t even know I love her but she’s In love with someone else.

It hurts so much.

“You okay,” I heard Mason say.

I just nodded my head as I put on my headphones listening to NF mistakes .

Immediately we reached out resident and I jumped out of the car.

“Hey Ollie,” Roy said.

But I ignored him as I went straight to my room.


This is the worst feeling ever. Does love really hurt that much?

I threw a vase on the television.

I heard a knock and it was Mason.

“Oliver open the door”.

I didn’t know when a tear started to fall from my eyes.

It f-__-king hurts.

I threw the lamp beside my bed on the wall.

The way she kissed him shows how much she loves him.

I never allowed a girl to get close to me before In my life.

I was always careful not to fall in love because my parents never loved themselves.

Always fighting and they finally got divorced when I was 10.

That broke my heart, my father took custody of me but my mom didn’t even try to visit me .

After 4 months after their divorce she got married.

I remember I fell into depression for months.

My father was not always around and never paid attention to me . I was raised by Roy, Westley and Mason.

They are the only family I have and she’s the only girl I finally let in .

The first girl I ever loved broke it.

I sat on the floor as I coiled myself and cried my eyes.

The door opened and Mason and Roy rushed in.


But I just cried harder.

“I think love doesn’t run in my family, I was born not to be loved”.

They both hugged me and the last thing I remembered was Mason telling me not to give up before I fell asleep.



“Why are you here and who the hell are you?”

“I’m here for something that will benefit us both”.

“And what is that”.

“I want Avery, and you get Mason all to yourself”.

“Mason is already mine”.

“No both Avery and Mason are Inlove with each other “.

“I dealt with that poor rat I’m sure she’ll not dare talk to him again”

I brought out a picture on my phone of Avery and Mason kissing.

” What the hell?”.

“You help me get them separated , and you can get Mason to yourself and I get Avery”.

“Do you have a deal?”

“Yes “.

“Don’t hurt Avery in the process ”

“I can’t promise that but first I’ll make an unexpected visit this night “.



I closed Oliver’s door after he’s breakdown.

I haven’t seen Oliver breakdown in years after his parents got divorced.

That was the last time Oliver ever cried and now he’s crying over a girl.

Roy couldn’t even believe that Oliver loved a girl.

I went to my room and my mind went to Avery.

I think I should tell her how I feel before something bad happens.

I quickly brought out my phone and messaged her to meet me at the garden around 10pm.

And she quickly replied okay.

I wonder where Westley went and I’m sure he is with Hannah.

I couldn’t wait to tell her how I feel but I was also nervous if she didn’t feel the same.

I couldn’t wait for evening to arrive but I made sure to check on Oliver before he did something stupid.

I went downstairs to get something t drink and I bump Into Natasha.

I don’t know if I should be angry with her.

I walked past her but she stopped me.

“Where’s Oliver please”.

“I don’t think Oliver wants to see you now”.

I went to the fridge and brought out a bottle of water.

“Is he okay?”

“Does he look okay”.


“Look Natasha, I don’t know what you want to tell Oliver but right now isn’t the time if you don’t want to get on his bad side and he’s asleep in his room”.

“Okay thank you ”

I just nodded before going back to my room.


Finally I was standing in the garden waiting for Avery.

I was putting on a blue jean with a white top with a black jacket with a back snicker.

This is already past 10 but I didn’t care she’s worth waiting for.

“Hey Mason”.

I turned around and saw Avery. She always looks beautiful.

She was putting on a back shirt gown with black boots.

Her hair was packed in a high ponytail but I love her down.

I removed the hair band from her hair making her long black hair fall.

“You look pretty with your head down”.

“Thank you, so why did you tell me to come”.

“Ohh yes I’ll get straight to the point but before that I need to do this”.

With that I leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

“You look so beautiful that I couldn’t resist kissing you “.

I saw her face was already red.

I took her hand as we walked inside the garden more.

We finally stopped when we were in the middle.

“Avery, I told you to come here because I want to tell you something “.

“What’s it?”

“Avery Nelson, I love you”.

I saw as her eyes went wide,

“I know you don’t feel the same but I just wanted you to know that I love you”.

“I don’t expect you to give me an answer now but–

She cut me off by kissing me.

And I pulled her close to me holding her waist kissing her back.

She quickly wrapped her hands around my neck.

I felt my hand move to her butt pressing it, making her Mõ@ɲ .

I deepened the kiss but then we had a clap and someone’s voice sounded familiar .

We broke the kiss and to my shock it was Arianna.

“Wow, did I spoil something”.

My eyes grew wider.

“Arianna what are you —

But I didn’t get to complete my statement when she slapped me not once but twice.

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