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Friday, October 18, 2024
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(She belongs to me only)

By; Samuel Favour





“It’s been a day and mason hasn’t woken up”, Roy said

“If he doesn’t wake up tomorrow I swear I might go crazy and do worse to that girl called Avery.”

“Chill Oliver”, I said

“How can you tell me to chill when Mason is lying here unconscious. Did you see the way he was shaking last night”.

“I was scared Westley, I’ve never been this scared in my entire life”

“It’s okay Oliver, let’s just hope he wakes up by tomorrow “.

Everyone left Mason’s room and I stared at him.

“Wake up Mason please ”

“We’re all scared, and we didn’t tell your parents about it or Arianna not to get them worried because you wouldn’t like it”

“Oliver is actually going mad right now and this is the first time we’re seeing him like this”.

“Just wake up”

I looked at Mason who was still unconscious. I felt like crying but I have to stay strong for Oliver and Westley.

I walked out of the room feeling really stressed.

“Are you alright?”

I looked and saw Hannah with a worried look on her face.


“You don’t look so good I think you should go get some rest”.

“Yes, why are you dressed like this?”

“Because I’m going to see someone, later and make sure you rest ”

“Yes ma” I said chuckling before entering my room.

I stared at my phone as the picture of Hannah popped on my scream and I couldn’t help but smile.

“You make me go crazy Hannah ” I muttered to myself.



I’ve never been so angry like this in my life and at the same time worried.

It was hard for me to get this angry but hearing one of my brothers are unconscious makes me literally go mad.

I almost ki||ed the doctor when Mason hadn’t woken up and thanked God for Roy and Westley who had to stop me.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my room door.

I growled as I walked and opened it and I saw Natasha looking beautiful as ever and I forgot that I was angry.

She was wearing black ripped jeans with a blue crop top.

“Can I come in?” she said.

I was about to say yes before I snapped out of it.

“What do you want?” I knew it was kind of harsh but I don’t know why whenever I’m close to her my heart just does a double beat everytime.

“Just wanted to make sure you were alright because you’ve been angry since last night ”

“If I’m angry it’s none of your business just leave me alone” I snapped.

“I’m sorry to disturb you, I didn’t mean to” she said walking off .

“Why did I do that”

She just makes my body change whenever she’s close to me.

I become nervous and I’m grateful she hasn’t noticed it yet

I closed the door back as I layed down on my bed.

I took a picture of all of us near my bed side as I looked at it.

Mason was smiling happily in it

“Wake up soon Mason”

With that I fell into a deep slumber.


Avery Nelson

I didn’t go for breakfast today because I didn’t feel like it. I just wanted to be alone.

Anytime I think of I wasn’t the cause of mason unconscious there’s just this little guilt that always creeps inside me.

I just stared at the window as I remembered how he kept on apologizing.

I remember the time we were locked in the library and the first time my lips touched his.

I couldn’t help but smile even if I h@ťěd the fact that my first kiss wasn’t that romantic. I couldn’t deny the fact that I enjoyed it.

Mason And I hadn’t known each other for long but it felt like we were connected.

My heart always beat whenever he was close to me and I could tell I was closely falling I’m love with him.

And the fact that he had a girlfriend broke my heart and It shattered when his girlfriend humiliated me In front of everyone.

I wasn’t really angry with the fact that he didn’t say anything but I was angry at myself because I was expecting him too.

I thought he felt something for me and I couldn’t help being angry at myself and I poured it on him.

I pushed him away even when he begged me many times.

I knew if I needed him any closer I would fall deeply.

It just started with a mutual crush I had for him but it grew to me having feelings knowing I’ll get hurt in the end.

I sighed at myself.

The door opened and I saw Hannah walk in.

“Avery aren’t you worried to know how he’s doing, he’s f-__-king unconscious not moving with drips he’s taking”.

“Have you become this cold towards him? Do you h@ťě him do much”

“What did Tyler tell you again,it’s not your fault feeding you lies again”

“I know deep down you don’t h@ťě him so stop behaving like a selfish Ɓîtçh ”

Tears started to flow from my eyes because noatter how I tell myself it’s not my fault I know deep down it’s mine.

“I’m sorry Hannah, I didn’t mean it like that”.

“I just wanted him to stay away from him because of my selfish reason”

Hannah softened a bit as she came and hugged me

It’s okay Avery, I’m glad you got your senses back and for now stay away from Tyler he’s not who you think he is.

I nodded my head as I cried on Hannah.

After what seems like ages I apologized for everything I said to her and she forgave me immediately.

“I’m just glad I got my best friend back”

We laughed and sat on the bed together.

“How’s…. How’s he doing?” I finally asked

“I don’t know Avery but Oliver his furious and he’s dead serious about what he said. I just pray he wakes up tomorrow “.

I laid my head low , “I pray he wakes up too”.

“Don’t worry Mason is a fighter he’ll definitely wake up.



I woke up and Tyler called me but I ignored his calls before switching my phone off.

I woke Hannah who was still sleeping and we went for our morning exercise and as usual people kept throwing shitty insults about me but I didn’t say anything.

Hannah was beside me the whole time.

48 hours have passed and Mason hasn’t woken up . I was already scared.

I didn’t want to go for breakfast but Hannah forced me because I didn’t eat throughout yesterday.

We finished what we were doing as I was putting on a simple knee length gown with a heel boot while Hannah wore a short fitted skirt and a black tank top with Snickers.

We entered the cafeteria and the same insults were thrown at me.

We took our ood and sat down to eat.

We were half way done when Oliver entered and my heart beat rose as fear was emitting from my body.

“It’s 48 hours and mason hasn’t woken up”

“I .. I ..

“You’re what, two days ago you were so confident with no fear and now what happened “.

“Oliver I think you should calm down ” Hannah said

“Calm down , when my brother is on the bed unconscious”.

He brought out his phone and started doing wh@ťěver he was doing.

I looked at Hannah and I also knew she was scared.

Westley and Roy entered and walked to Oliver grabbing his phone.

“No need for that,” Westley said.

“And why is that?” Oliver yelled.

“Because mason is awake” Roy said smiling

Just that made Oliver rush out of the cafeteria with the other A4 and I couldn’t be more happy.

“Mason is awake”.

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