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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IMMORTALS HIGH – Episode 9 & 10

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(War Of Hearts)


By,Ella N.








“How sweet will my poison be in your body,human! Just a little of it,and you’re gone. Tik tok…tik tok…” She began to count before sinking her long poisoned nails into Emma’s body. She vanished immediately after doing that.

“Ahhhhhhhh!” Emma screamed,agonizingly as the poison began to affect her instantly.


She tried to get up,but couldn’t because she felt weak.

She could feel her body acting in a way it has never acted before.

How in the world did she end up here in the immortal world with no reasons of being here?

Those were Emma’s questions as she felt more pain that the poison was inflicting on her body.

“I’m dyìng,help me” She squalled out,painfully.


The other students were still on it,though Circe vanished after poisoning Emma. She did not come back.

Belphegor has disappeared,too.
That’s all they planned to do,shake them a little,according to what he said earlier.

He wanted them to know that he’s back to do more evil.

“The mortal girl is dyìng,everyone!” Calix suddenly said,and everyone gasped.

“What?!” Illekktra was the first to ask,and she began to run to nowhere exactly,since she’s not sure of where Emma really is.

“Where is she?” Tempest asked,and Calix told him where.

All of them began to rush there,worried about poor Emma.

Well,except for Avalon who cared less.

She doesn’t like Emma ,anyway. So,why would she show any concern or be worried about her?She didn’t even follow them to go find her.

“Emma!!” Illekktra called when she found Emma lying on the bare ground,her hands on her stomach which felt like her intestines were being pulled out,wickedly.

Not just her stomach,but her entire body feels terrible.

Emma couldn’t answer,she only was crying out helplessly in pains.

All of them knelt beside Emma,with Illekktra and Tempest holding her both hands.

“What happened to her?! Calix,can you help,please?” Illekktra asked in frustration.

Calix knelt down,he was actually the only one still standing.

He knelt and placed his hands on Emma’s body,his eyes were shut,while he did so. And in no time,he saw what happened.

“Oh,no! She was poisoned by Circe” He opened his eyes immediately and said.

“What?!” They all exclaimed again,and Tempest began to boil hotly inside.

“Circe’s poison is dèadly and most effective poison,most especially on humans. It only takes few minutes before they dìe!” Calix said,seriously.

“No,no,no! Where are the Masters? Someone,do something,please!” Illekktra squealed in distress.


Alcaeus teleported Emma to the Sanctuary and she can be seen lying flat on a place like an altar.

The four Masters can be seen too,rushing in.

“What the hell?!” Master Levi exclaimed,seeing how Emma was lying like one who is déad already.

They weren’t even aware of what was happening in the school and to the students.

How Belphegor and Circe were able to do this,that even those more powerful than the students couldn’t sense it,is what baffles them right now.
How were they even able to enter the school?

That shows how powerful and demonic they are,especially Belphegor.

So,everyone just needs to be careful and always be on alert.

“How did this happen? Why did she join the others to fight,when she’s got no powers to?” Master Zack half yelled.

“She didn’t,Master. She was only on her way to see Master Shirlene when the attacks came.
She was with us actually,but we all forgot about her due to the unexpected attacks that we never saw coming” Ioanna explained and they sighed.

“We are sorry,Masters. If we knew this was going to happen,we would have tried to stop her from leaving the room” Illekktra apologized,as she felt bad that Emma was with them but they couldn’t help nor protect her.

But how would they have done that?

Well,they would have been able to protect her with their powers for sure. But everything happened so sudden and unexpectedly.

They were all busy,trying to fight back and protect the others. They totally forgot Emma was with them.

Master Shirlene slowly walked to where Emma laid,and got hold of her right hand that has turned pale already. Her whole body instantly turned pale,immediately the poison got in.

She opened her palm wide,and smiled shockingly.

“Wait,why is she smiling? Isn’t she supposed to do something about her condition?” Rickett asked in utter confusion as he doesn’t understand why Shirlene is smiling in a time like this.

The girl will dìe any moment from now,and the best Master Shirlene can do,is to smile?

“I was just about asking the same question” Alcaeus wondered too.

The rest of the other students shrugged.

Even the other Masters wondered why.

“She’s fine,nothing is wrong with her” She finally turned to them and said.

“Wait,she’s what?” Illekktra asked in both happiness and confusion.

“I’m sorry,not like I wanted her to dìe or anything. But Calix said it only takes few minutes for Circe’s poison to kìll humans” Astrid said,and the others nodded as they are confused too.

“He was right about that,but it seems not on this human. Please take her back to her room,she needs to sleep and have enough rest.” Master Shirlene replied simply,letting out more beautiful smiles.

“Wait,what?” The students asked at a time.


“I can’t believe you showed no concern,you’re really bãd and h@ťě her that much” Astrid said,as she joins Avalon in the room.

They all just left the Sanctuary,back to their respective rooms.

Alcaeus helped teleport Emma back to her room.

“I don’t look like one who cares,do I?” Avalon rolled eyes.

“I know you don’t care,you don’t need to tell me that” Astrid chuckled and Avalon scoffed.

“So? Did she dié from the poison? Because I know there’s no way some mortal girl can survive the poison of the most wicked sorceress ever known” Avalon chuckled mockingly,as if she has already been told that Emma is déad.

“Okay,if I told you that she’s alive and nothing,absolutely nothing is wrong with her,would you believe me?” Astrid said,and Avalon flung her top and turned immediately to face her.

She was actually taking off her clothes to go have her bath when Astrid came in.

“What are you talking about?” She asked,impatiently waiting for Astrid to tell her what she meant by that.

“Master Shirlene said nothing is wrong with her,that she’s alright. The only thing she needs is enough rest” Astrid told her exactly what Master Shirlene said.

“She’s what?
Well,sooner or later,she’ll dìe. I don’t even believe you” Avalon said,and resumed what she was doing.

“You better believe me.
Anyway,I brought ointment for your hand” Astrid said,sitting down.

“Where did you get it from?” Avalon asked instead,as she stretched her hand forth to collect it from her.

“Master Aerith gave…hey,you’re bleeding” Astrid said,when she saw blood on the place Avalon hurt herself.

It’s as a result of what happened minutes ago.

She was using that same hurt arm to fight,hurting herself more.

Though,her icing was having a little glitch while trying to freeze the dark shadows.
They even almost got her because of that.

“Yeah,I stressed the arm again during the attack” She replied,finally collecting the ointment from Astrid.


Illekktra and the other girls can be seen sitting close to sleeping Emma and staring at her like she performed some magic.

“Is it just me,or you girls also think she’s not ordinary?
First,she could hear what I said within me.
And now,the most evil and wicked sorceress’s poison didn’t work on her.
I mean,if she was truly human,she’d have been dèad gone by now,right?” Ioanna spoke,as she,all of them are still very confused about what Master Shirlene said.

“I don’t think she’s really human,seriously.
But how?! I don’t even know what to think anymore” Bluey threw her hands,questioningly.

“Such a mystery. Well,I am so happy she did not dìe.
I just can’t wait for the day all these will be made clear to everyone” Illekktra spoke too with so much excitement.

Aside the fact that she’s friendly in nature,she just doesn’t know why she has come to like Emma this much,just within a day of knowing her.

•√•√•√CIRCE’S EVIL LAB√•√•√•

Evil laughs and demonic cackles are all that can be heard right now in Circe’s lab,as she is in there,doing her evil.

She can be seen behaving like the witch she is. Conjuring!

“Hahahaha!” She laughed,twirling her wand in circles,around her cooking pot of portion that never stops cooking.

It is always boiling and boiling,eerily.

With her long black dress that makes her look more devilish,she can be seen controlling and spreading the green smokes coming out of the portion,steamingly.

The whole of her lab is covered with the toxic green smokes yet,she’s still creating more of it.

She’s so happy right now while doing this.

She’s happy that she poisoned Emma who is a human,because once Emma dìes,she’s going to gain more power.

That’s her own dark side of kìlling humans. She gets more power after kìlling,whether or not the human has powers.

So,right now she’s happy because she’s going to receive those powers any moment from now.

Reasons why she’s conjuring,it’s those powers she’s conjuring to come to her,since she thinks Emma must have been dead by now.

“Come….come to me…!!” She chanted incantations while she twirled her wand faster,her body and everything involved in what she was doing,moving faster and faster until the whole place was filled with more smokes,so much that you could see her anywhere.

She was surrounded with the green smokes,and a powerful wind blew and her dark long hair went wild,her fingers grew longer and her dark eyes were wide open,but suddenly went shut after that.

“Argh!!!” She growled like a wild beast as the wind blew stronger and stronger.

She suddenly fell on her knees,unwillingly.

Yes! This is the time for the powers to come. She could feel them coming as everything was now intense and wilder.

But instead of the powers,her pot of portion broke,with the content in it,splashing out violently.

“What?!!” She opened her eyes immediately she felt what happened.

She stood up from the ground,swiftly to where the pot was.

“No, pot of poison!
What just happened?” She asked no body in particular,as she touched the broken pot.

She picked her wand from where it had fallen and began to get the pot back to its shape without wasting much time and asking any more questions.

“Isn’t she human? Yes,she’s human,I smelled it. This wasn’t supposed to happen. No,no,no! I was supposed to get powers,but…but…arghhh!!!” She flung her hand in anger,and the pot broke again.


Master Shirlene was reading through a book when she heard a knock on her door.

“Come in,Emma” She said,as she already knew it was Emma,even without actually seeing her.

Yes! Emma is up already,and like Master Shirlene said,she’s absolutely fine.

Her paled body has gone back to its normal color,she is as healthy as she can be and doesn’t feel anything like pain or discomfort.

Amazing and mysterious how she survived Circe’s dèadly poison,right?

Yeah,I know. Just keep following.

Master Shirlene dropped the book where she had picked it from,then turned to face the door.

With a little movement of her pointer finger,she magically opened the door and Emma was revealed.

Slowly like one who is scared,she walked in,her eyes fixed on everything inside the room.

Okay,now this is another paradise on its own!

It doesn’t look like a room at all,it looks like a large beautiful garden,a virgin garden with beautiful sweet smelling flowers,giving the room the sweetest scent ever.
It’s as beautiful as the Sanctuary.

“You’re up” She said,as soon as Emma got to her.
Emma was literally still admiring the room,totally lost!

“I want to go home,please take me back home” Emma spoke seriously,not wasting any second at all.

“You’re home,Emma. This is where you belong” Master Shirlene replied her instead,causing her to frown and throwing her in complete confusion.

Okay,that’s it!

Now she’s so certain that everyone here is crazy.

How can she say she’s home and belong here when she’s not one of them?

Does she look or act like an immortal?

So,what the crap is she spewing out of her mouth right now?

“What do you mean I am home,huh?
I don’t belong here,okay? Just send me back,same way you abducted and brought me here.

“Do you know what this is called in my world?
It is called kidnapping,taking people against their will is called kidnapping.
And they jail people for that,once the culprits are caught” Emma spoke crazily,which got Master Shirlene chuckling.

She was just busy staring at Emma in an amusing way.

She finds her craziness and stubborness so fascinating.

“So,you want to jail me for that?” Master Shirlene asked,as she turned to back her.

“Hey,Miss fox lady!….

“Master Shirlene” Shirlene corrected immediately,as she cut in before Emma could complete wh@ťěver she wanted to say.

“Well,I don’t want to know your name,all I want to know is why I am here. I almost dìed yesterday!
What the hell is my mission here,because I do not understand anything that is happening here.
Did you bring me here just to watch me dìe?” Emma spoke angrily,and began to breathe heavily again like she always does whenever she’s upset.

“Sit!” Master Shirlene ordered,but of course Emma will always be Emma. She was stubborn!

“I am not sitting until you tell me my reasons of being here” Emma stumped her for with gesticulations.

She was still standing and staring at Master Shirlene who backed her,apparently waiting for her to give answers to her questions.

But in a split seconds,she found herself sitting down on a chair,close to Master Shirlene.

She tried to get off it,stubbornly,but couldn’t.

It felt like her búm was stuck on the chair.

“Let me go,why am I here?!
You aren’t even saying anything to me,which is very annoying and frustrating!” She squiremed,still struggling hard to get up.

“We need you,Emma. The mortal and immortal world isn’t safe,we need you” Master Shirlene started.

“What does this have to do with me?
You already have the immortal students who have great powers,so I don’t think you need me” Emma replied sharply.

“You are one of the chosen students,assigned to protect and save both the mortal and immortal world.
You were marked,and this was revealed to me in my dream.
Without you,we can’t defeat the evil forces terrorizing both worlds” Master Shirlene said again,and Emma curved her brows,getting even more confused.

What the hell is she talking about?!

“Chosen? What can an ordinary mortal girl like me do?
I have no powers,f_cking nothing to protect anyone or any world!
So,how in the world am I supposed to do that?” Emma asked outrageously,throwing her head back in frustration as everything she’s saying,sucks like hell.

“I don’t think you are who you think,or who we think you are” Master Shirlene spewed,and turned to look at Emma this time.

“Say what?!!

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