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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE END: IMMORTALS HIGH – Episode 83 & 84

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(War Of Hearts)


By,Ella N.


The sound of shower could be heard as Master Shirlene was in her bathroom having the coolest bath. Though it was still raining heavily and was cold. But to her, it was the coolest bath she was having since she could remember having such a peaceful, sweet and cool bath.

She was so happy that everything ended in glory. Even though she badly wanted Emma to fulfill her destiny, she also was worried and felt worried and really bad that her fate had to be that way.

It may have seemed like she didn’t care about Emma’s feelings or who Emma loves. It may have seemed like she h@ťěd Tempest and did want him to dié, but she was just acting according to the prophecy. She’s a Master after all, so she was only doing what was right, and was trying to protect Emma because of the consequences of not fulfilling what she was supposed to fulfill.

Master Shirlene had wished there was another way out for Emma to fulfill her destiny without hurting anyone, especially not the person she so much was in love with.

However, it seemed her wish came through, even though Belphegor had to do dié, but it was worth everything.

Getting out of the shower, she smiled and took a deep breath, picked her towel and wrapped it around her body, before walking out of the bathroom.

The moment she walked into the room, there, Master Levi was at her window side, staring out of the window as he watched the beautiful heavy downpour.

“It seems this room doesn’t belong to me alone anymore” Master Shirlene said, causing Master Levi to turn, although he heard when she entered the room, but he pretended.

“Wouldn’t that be cool? I mean, you won’t have to stay in this beautiful big room alone” Master Levi smiled, nonchalantly as he walked closer to her.

“It wouldn’t, now leave my room” Master Shirlene spoke seriously, but Levi only chuckled.

“You’re happy, aren’t you?”

“Shouldn’t I be happy? I mean, who wouldn’t be happy that everything ended well?” Master Shirlene replied with a question, making Master Levi to chuckle again.

This lady never gives simple, direct answers to a question, and Master Levi always found it funny.

“I guess I asked an already obvious question”

“Hmm…” Was all that Master Shirlene said, shrugging as she turned to her mirror stan. “Leave, I need to be alone right now” She said with all seriousness, but Master Levi appeared behind her instead.

“Don’t I owe you something?” He asked, and Master Shirlene narrowed her eyes, with a little frown on her face.

Before she could process what Master Levi asked her, or utter out anything, Master Levi turned her to face him, and immediately slammed his lips on hers.

Master Shirlene remained totally still, with her eyes slightly wide as she didn’t see that coming. But she suddenly softened and gave in after a while as Master Levi didn’t break the kiss.


The entire room was filled with happy giggles and laughs as the three girls: Ioanna, Ilekktra and Astrid were in there, talking about the dangerous fight that took place few hours ago.

“I can’t even believe we actually had a battle today. Like it’s so crazy! And everything is just back to normal like nothing really happened” Ilekktra was the one who spoke, and they all smiled.

“I know, right? Something we didn’t even expect to happen so soon. Well, I’m happy that everything is over” Astrid spoke too.

“I am happy that it all ended well and my Emma is happy. I guess the true and pure love they have for each other conquered and twisted things this way” Ilekktra spoke, and they all agreed to what she said.

“Geez! Is this rain ever going to stop? It’s been hours now!”

“I don’t even want it to stop yet, let it wash all the evil away and leave the world clean” Ioanna replied and they all laughed out happily.


Soft, painful yet sweet móans of pleasure could be heard as two figures could be seen moving in the bed as the blanket covered half of their bodies.

Under the blanket, was Bluey and Rickett, swimming in a pool of pleasure.

Bluey’s mõans could be heard all over the room as Rickett took her to the land of pleasure and ecstasy.

“Ugh….Rick! That’s too….gosh! It’s deep…” Bluey mõaned out loudly as Rickett th-ru_sts in deeply, hitting her hard.

“I want to hear you say my name, Bluey” Rickett said, as he th-ru_sts harder, before leaning in to kiss her. He kissed her forehead and eyes, before capturing her lips while still moving in and out of her.

“I love you, Rickett….mm” Bluey mõaned in his mouth, and he smiled, kissing her harder for seconds before pulling away to stare at her face, moving slowly inside her.

“I love you, Bluey” Rickett smiled, and it was then that Bluey opened her eyes to stare at him too.

She smiled shyly, before taking her hand to his face to caress it.

“Thank you, Rickett” She said, even though she didn’t know exactly what she was thanking him for.

Probably for being the reason she was free from her curse. Probably because he was patient enough and waited for her.

Probably because he didn’t leave her when he found out about her condition.
Maybe because he was brave enough to face her uncles and with little help from others, he was able to conquer them.

Probably because he didn’t run away from her like other guys did when they found out about her condition.
Probably because he made her feel what being loved by the opposite s.e.x was like.

Probably because he was making her feel like a woman.

However, they were both happy and grateful to each other.

“Are you tired? Can you handle another round?” Rickett asked, after pulling out of her. He was smiling mischievously, and Bluey chuckled, knowing what was behind that smile.

“I think I can, Rickett” Bluey replied, and with that…..

Thier mõans and groans of pleasure filled the entire room throughout as it rained heavily too.


“It’s still raining?” Emma asked in her sleep as she slowly opened her eyes, batting them as if not wanting to wake up.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes gently, before pulling the blanket up to cover her cold body well.

“Another one hour sleep won’t be bad, right? I’m too tired” She said as if she was talking to someone beside her.

Actually, she was talking to someone, and it was Tempest.
But when she moved her hand to the back, because she slept yesterday with her back to him, with him spooning her.

So, she didn’t feel his arms that were around her anymore, and that caused her to instantly wake up fully from the sleep she wasn’t ready to wake up from yet.

“Temp?” She called, removing the blanket from her body, as she climbed down the bed.

She instantly started giggling when she saw that she was n.aked. She actually only had her p.anties on.

Yesterday, after their love making and bath, she didn’t bother wearing any clothes, she just decided to sleep with only her p.a.nties on even though it was cold. Well, maybe not for someone like her who was already used to cold because of her ice powers.

Emma instantly flushed red when yesterday’s scenes flashed in her head.

She couldn’t believe they finally did it. Yesterday, she gave her body to the man she loves, they made love yesterday and became one.

Yesterday, Tempest made her first time a memorable one with so much sweetness in it that she’d never forget.
He made her feel like she was the only happy woman in the whole universe.

Tempest had her three good times yesterday, wickedly not going easy on her the second and third time, because he lost his gentleness and just couldn’t go easy on her anymore.

Nonetheless, Emma enjoyed every bit of it, because even though Tempest was rough, he still was careful not to hùrt her. He made sure to always whisper “let me know when it gets too rough for you so I can slow down, okay?”

That act of concern, love and care he showed, made Emma’s heart to flutter a millions times in one second for him.

Emma walked to his closet and picked one of his shirts and wore it on. “Where did he go with this rain?” She asked none in particular.

She was just about opening the door when Tempest did it first and got in.

“Where…Temp?..” She paused when she saw him with roses. She smiled cheerfully as he walked closer to her, giving her the roses, while fixing one in her hair.

“You went out in the rain just to get this?” She smiled again as she inhaled the sweet scent.

“Hmm…anything for my goddess. Look, I’m all dry already” Tempest said, kìssed her forehead before staring at what she wore, her smooth, exposed thighs causing his little brother to dance in his p.ants

A mischivous smirk formed on his lips as he kept feeding his eyes, with dirty thoughts running in his naughty head.

“Stop seducing me” Was what he uttered out, causing Emma to narrow her eyes in confusion.

“Huh? How am I seducing you?”

“See? Even your voice is seducing. Stop looking for my trouble” He said seriously, and Emma could only giggle.
“You must be hungry, let’s go to the kitchen. Tell me, what would you like to eat? I’ll make it for you”

“You…can cook?”

“Uhm, I lived alone before going to Immortals High. Who do you think made all my food all the while, Emma?”

“Uhm…the female snakes…your friends?” Emma replied, jokingly and Tempest laughed out loud, making Emma to smile wide.

She truly hadn’t seen him laugh that hard and loud. A laugh which signified genuine happiness. Emma just couldn’t stop being happy, seeing him laugh like that, wholeheartedly.


“Sit here and learn from your man” Tempest said as he carried Emma and dropped her on the kitchen cabinet to sit and watch him cook.

“Learn? Oh, please. What makes you think you can cook better than me?” Emma asked with a scowl, and Tempest smirked.

“You want to bet? If my food tastes good…” He paused and gave Emma that mischievous smile which she instantly understood without having to read his mind to know what’s floating in there.

“Deal!” She said without thinking twice because she was certain that Tempest’s food would never taste better than hers.

Tempest smirked wickedly and let out a short throaty chuckle, before turning to bring out all the things needed for the meal he wanted to make for her.

“How do you feel, Emma? Sore?” He asked, after bringing everything out. He then walked to her and collected the water she was drinking and put it down, then kissèd her instead.
“So?” He asked again when Emma was yet to answer his first question.

“I’m good, I don’t feel so sore” She finally replied, and he smiled, kissed her hair then went back to what he was doing.

“So, what are we doing today?”

“I don’t know, it’s still raining, you know” Emma replied, resting her hands beside her, and flinging her legs in the air like an excited kid who is watching her dad prepare her favorite meal.

Minutes passed and the food was finally ready. From the aroma that spread all over the kitchen, Emma could already tell how good the food was going to taste, and she almost regretted making that bet. Well, she didn’t regret, in fact, suddenly naughty Emma was happy they made the bet.

Emma’s stomach suddenly started rumbling as it couldn’t wait for Emma to fill it up with food.

Dishing out the food, Tempest picked a spoon and went to Emma. He began to feed her without wasting time. He actually heard her stomach rumbles.

“So?” He asked, smiling, and Emma shut her eyes as the sweetness of the food hit every corner of her mouth.

“Temp?….” She called, questioningly, but said nothing other than that, and Tempest couldn’t help but to chuckle.

Seeing how much she was enjoying what he made, made him so happy.

“This tastes too good, Tempest” She finally said it out, whilst her mouth was very busy, because Tempest kept stuffing it with more food until she gradually started getting filled.

“Hey, you’ve not had anything. Let me feed you too, hmm?” She said and wanted to collect the spoon from him, but Tempest didn’t let her.

“Do you want more?”

“No, please I’m full already”

“Great, now you have enough strength for it. It’s time for me to eat too”

“Okay. Why then did you refuse to give me the spoon to feed you?” Emma asked, raising her shoulder.

Tempest smirked and leaned in on her, whispering in her ear “Because it is you I want to eat, Emma, not the food I made. Remember our deal?”

Emma gasped, but immediately started giggling and held his face, brushing his hair to the back.

“I really can’t remember the deal, Temp….”

Emma gasped again, but in Tempest’s mouth this time as she couldn’t finish her sentence.

“I’ve told you to stop looking for my trouble, Emma” Tempest broke the kiss and said, but immediately returned his lips, wild and and passionate this time as he held her small waist and went in-between her.

Their tongues waggled, coiled, tangled and collided in every corner of their mouths as they sallaciously ate each other like they were eating the sweetest meal ever.

Emma coiled her legs around him as his hands started roaming all over her.

Next, Emma and Tempest were found in the room, with the blanket covering half of thier bodies, and Emma m.oaning softly as Tempest took her on a sweet and passionate ride under the cold weather.

•√•√•HUMAN WORLD✿ฺ´`✿ฺDASHA’S MOM√•√•√•

Dasha and her mom couldn’t stop tearing up as her aunt (Theo’s mom) explained her experience, while she was still a demon, she couldn’t even know who she was.

She couldn’t recognize her husband, she couldn’t tell what was happening to her.

Right then, she needed no one to tell her that her husband was no more, because even though she couldn’t recognize her husband, she could remember the day most of the demons like her were kìlled the day Belphegor found out about Themis loving someone else, and he got mad.

She could remember how she also almost got kìlled, but thanks to that voice that kept calling “mommy”. Thanks to her little saviour who saved her that day.
Thanks to her little boy who never believed that she was deàd.

She didn’t know what kind of power little Theo had to have freed her from that bondage, but she was sure her son was not ordinary.

Did he by any chance posses some powers from Emma the day she saved him at the beach and still saved him at the hospital? She didn’t know, but…

“Thank you, my little boy. Thank you for saving mommy, I love you so much and I promise to never leave you again” Jane said, and kissed her son’s forehead, while the boy hugged his mom tight as if she was going to leave him again.


“And the rain finally stopped” Alcaeus sighed out in relief.

“Well, it is still drizzling”

“Yeah, but at least we are out, and….it isn’t drizzling much”

Avalon only smiled, turning to look at Alcaeus’s side view, but Alcaeus was clueless.

Avalon and Alcaeus were actually on their way out, heading to somewhere around the Isles where Alcaeus promised to take her to.

“So…you once attended a Martial Art School” Alcaeus started after they were quiet for seconds.

“Yeah, I did, and that’s where I met the cruelest and most wicked bullies I know…” Avalon started, but suddenly stopped as she saw no reason to talk about her past at the sweet walk and moment they were having. But Alcaeus urged her to say it, and when she narrated everything, Alcaeus couldn’t help but to feel bad for her.

It was then he realized that her childhood days greatly affected and made her who she became. Since the day Avalon saved him, and the little times he spent with her, Alcaeus saw who she really is.

He realized that everything she did or say was just her not letting anyone bully her again, even though most of them were uncalled for.

“You know, sometimes the environment and people we grow up with, affect or influence us a lot. I’m so sorry about it” Alcaeus said and Avalon smiled again.

“You are right. That’s the past, anyway.” She said.

Silence reighned again for a moment until they walked and finally reached the place.

Avalon’s eyes dilated at the sight of the beautiful place.

It looked like a park, but it was just a beautiful place that had a waterfall, with fishes jumping in and out of the water as it flowed down. There was a rainbow across it, making the water glow with some sparkles. Then at one side, there was ice where one could skate (her favorite thing).

“This place’s so beautiful, Alcaeus. Had no idea the Isles has a place like this” Avalon couldn’t help but to blush hard.

“You know how to skate?” Alcaeus asked and she quickly nodded in excitement, and before Alcaeus could say anything, Avalon hugged him warmly.

“Thank you, Alcaeus” She said and…

She kìssed him on the lips, shocking Alcaeus!



“Mom…mother! Arabel is using her ice powers on me again, that little witch doesn’t listen!” Abel yelled seriously, glaring at his sister as if to just grab and start spanking her.

“I’ve told you to stop calling your little sister a witch, Abel” Emma scolded.

“She’s a witch!” Abel said again, frowning and still glaring at Arabel.

“Listen to your mother, Abel” Tempest who just walked in, spoke softly as he pulled Abel to himself.

“Well, my hurts, father. She’s always doing that intentionally”

“Why did you do that, Arabel? Haven’t we told you to stop attacking people with your powers? Especially your brother” Tempest said, and Arabel puffed her cheeks.

“He called me a baby, I was only showing him that I am not one” Arabel replied, defensively and everyone couldn’t help but to chuckle.

“So, you wanted to freeze his because he called you a baby. Do you want me to take your brother to a boarding school where you’d only get to see him once in like….a year?”

“What?!” Arabel widened her eyes and instantly ran to Abel, pulling him away. “Take someone else, not my brother” She said, protectively shielding her brother like a mother hen protecting its chick.

Everyone just stared and laughed at the cute five years old Arabel, who is so stubborn and troublesome, yet the sweetest and kindest girl you’d ever meet.

So, it’s been eight years of blissful and happy marriage between Emma and Tempest.

Yes, they got married eight years ago, and are all living in Vhinlox City, but they never fail to visit the Isles when necessary.

Anyway, they have two adorable offsprings, and they are of course Abel and Arabel.

Abel is of course the older and quiet one, and Arabel…?
Well, I guess I don’t need to say it.

Emma and Tempest are still as young as they were when they were in their early twenties.

Emma clocked thirty and stopped aging, same thing happened when Tempest clocked thirty.

It seemed every Immortal had a certain age limit where they neither grow older nor younger.
Godmother is an example.

Anyway, everyone is doing just great and fine.

Rickett and Bluey.
Alcaeus and Avalon.
They are all doing well.

Bluey and Rickkett have two kids.

Things really worked out for Alcaeus and Avalon, and they are both expecting their first child.

Calix later fell head over heels for Ilekktra, and they doing well too.

Ioanna and Astrid later found love too.

Godmother Dimitra is of course still alive and strong as ever. All the Masters are good.

Emma’s parents, Diane, little boy Theo who is now a big boy, are all fine. But sadly, Emma loss her grandmother last year.

Tempest visits his dad’s grave with flowers every month to pay respect and show gratitude.

Circe was beheadèd, alongside Black tiger.
Everyone lives in peace and harmony.

Right now, Tempest and family are setting up their new house which they just got in; it’s actually their own personal house.

“When is Ocean visiting us, momma ?” Arabel asked, pulling Emma’s hand as she tried to get her attention.

Ocean is actually Bluey’s daughter who happens to be Arabel’s only best friend.

“Ocean will visit us soon, love” Emma replied, bent to her level and kissed her forehead. “Go play with your brother, okay? So we can finish setting up your rooms” She told her, and Arabel obediently nodded and left.


“Our room is so big and beautiful, Temp. I love it” Emma chirped as she and Tempest entered their room. Actually the last one they decorated and did the finishing touch.

“We did it, my wife” Tempest smiled, and Emma immediately hugged him.

“All thanks to you, hubby” Emma said, and Tempest kissed her hair, hugging her back lovingly.

They were still hugging when their room suddenly started glowing beautifully, stars were twinkling and moving in circles. A rainbow-like color appeared, and red hearts began to appear, making poppping sounds.

“What’s going….

They paused when they turned and saw their kids by the door; they were the ones who created it with their powers.

“We love you” The kids said, and quickly ran into thier parents embrace.

“And we love you both so very much” Emma and her husband chorused as they hugged thier kids, affectionately.



Ha! Omo! Finally finished the story after twenty years😭😂..kai!

To my sweethearts….my amazing active followers….my beautiful and handsome boo boos.

God! I don’t even know what to say to you guys. YOU GUYS ARE THE DEAL, JARE!!

You never disappointed from the beginning of this story, till it has finally ended.

You don’t know how much I love and appreciate you guys🥺🥺

Thank you for journeying with me till the end. Lyssssssssm, babies.


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