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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IMMORTALS HIGH – Episode 39 & 40

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(War Of Hearts)


By,Ella N.









The rest of his words were said inside the water,
because Emma pushed him into the river.
Tempest landed inside it, making a very big

Seeing that, Emma bursted into a loud laugh as
she watched him trying to swim out.

Nevertheless, that laugh didn’t last long
because Tempest dragged her into the water

“Ahhhhhh!!!” She screamed and landed into the
water, making her own big splash.


“What…are you crazy? Why did you do that?”
Emma slowly asked whilst trying to hold back
her laugh, because she was literally still
laughing her @zz out. Tempest wasn’t left out.

“Are you seriously asking me that? You were the
one who pushed me in first” Tempest said
amidst gasps as he still tried to swim out.

He wasn’t lying when he said he’s not good at

“Well, you said you don’t know how to swim,
that’s why I pushed you into the water. I want
you to learn, @$$h0le!” Emma yelled, blasting his
face with water, and dragging him back into the
river as he still tried to swim out.

He landed on his back and another splash was
made, wetting Emma more. Her face was
covered with her wet hair, and that made her
look quite funny.

Tempest looked at her amusingly, and they both
started laughing out loud at the same time.

Emma dipped her whole body into the water,
then rose up. She looked so hot with the water
dripping down her body.

The clothes she wore got soaked and clung
tightly on her, drawing her complete shape of
well shaped body.

Her extraordinary flat tummy that almost looks
like she doesn’t have a tummy at all, even made
her hotter, and that was kìlling Tempest madly.

He just stood in the water, and kept staring at
her blankly, swallowing nothing.

He ran his hands through his hair in a confused
and crazy way, and still swallowed nothing.

Emma was confusing his spirit badly. Lol.

“Why are you staring at me like that, @$$h0le?”
Emma snapped, jolting him out of his thoughts
that he was totally lost in.

Tempest didn’t answer her, he only bent low and
dramatically started slapping the water, creating
splashes so he could wet Emma pretty good.

“Stop it….are you crazy?!” Emma said while
laughing hard.

She tried to do the same thing that Tempest
was doing to her, but she couldn’t. Because he
gave her no chance, he was seriously blessing
and blinding her eyes with the water.

“Stop…!!! Okay, I will teach you how to swim!”
Emma said in-between gasps as she could no
longer take it.

Tempest immediately stopped the moment he
heard that.

”You will?” He excitedly asked with smiles
plastered on his face, but he was heavily
drenched with a huge water wave that was
created by Emma instead.

She did a little of her ice powers, and hit her
hand in the water, causing the wave.

“What the f_ck! Emma!!” Tempest screamed,
making gurgling sounds as he swallowed some
of the water.

Emma could be seen near him, laughing her
intentines out. It was so funny and fun
watching him in that state he was.

•√•√•√FEW MINUTES LATER •√•√•√

After few minutes, Tempest succeeded in
getting out of the water, but wasn’t laughing
this time.

He kept a cold and straight face, refusing to
smile nor talk to Emma.

“Sorry….was just trying to have fun” Emma
pleaded again for the third time. But still,
Tempest didn’t answer her.

“Tempest…? I said I’m sorry” Emma said again,
but he said nothing.

Emma sighed and thought of what to do to
make him stop getting angry for no darn

Weren’t the both of them having fun? So, why is
he acting this way.

“Can I hug you?” She surprisingly and suddenly
asked, hugging him immediately without
waiting for Tempest’s reply.

“Sorry…” She muttered as she hugged him, then
broke from it after few seconds.

The cold and stony face immediately smiled,
staring at her.

Who said he was mad at her in the first place?

He was not mad, he did that on purpose
because he wanted that hug, and it worked!

But how did he know Emma was going to hug
him if he kept acting like he was màd at her?


“So, are you going to teach me how to swim?”
He asked. Emma only nodded, and Tempest
noticed she was kind of shaking.

“Emma, you are cold” He furrowed.

Emma was a step away from him now after the
hug, so he moved closer to her and held her cold

“Yeah, I should go get changed now” Emma
said, hugging her cold self.

“Wait, you’ll catch more cold before you get to….

“Achoo!” Emma’s sneeze interrupted before
Tempest could complete his sentence.

“Hey, come here, hug me” Tempest immediately
said, seeing how cold and shivery she looked.

“@$$h0le!” Emma barked with an eye roll
instead, thinking he’s joking and obviously just
wants another hug.

“I’m not joking, just hug me” Tempest retorted
with a chuckle even though he was serious.

“How the hell did he hear wha….oh, he can read
minds too” Emma bit her lower lip.

That little action of hers, almost made Tempest
go mad.

Why is she punishing him now, when he’s trying
to control himself this time?

How can she be teasing him with those same
lips he badly wants to eat again?

Anyway, seeing that Tempest was serious,
Emma argued no more, she hugged him like he
told her to.

Immediately she did so, Tempest shut his eyes,
and wrapped his arms around her. He made
sure his mind was at ease and not bothered
about anything at that moment.

The next thing Emma felt, was warmth.

It felt like she was in a very warm and cozy

“Mm….This feels so good and cozy” Emma
muttered in her heart.

Tempest smiled at what she just said, his eyes
still shut though, with his head resting on
Emma’s hair. He’s obviously taller than her.

After few seconds of staying in that same
position, he slowly opened his eyes just so he
doesn’t overheat her body.

Yep, he f_cking can do what he just did to
remove the cold from Emma’s body.

Cool, right? I know.

But he could only do that because he settled his
mind down, else he would be hurting, since
Emma’s body was cold, and she has ice powers
which were somehow active at that moment.

So, since fire and ice don’t mix, he had to keep
his mind at rest for him to not get hurt, though
he was feeling a bit hurt. But he endured it and
just focused on keeping Emma warm.

“How do you feel?” He asked, unwrapping his
hands that were still around her.

“Better?” Emma answered, questioningly with
happy smiles.

She broke away from the hug to stare at him in
an amusing way.

Her entire body, including her wet clothes, were
all dried up just within a minute.

So cool!

•√•√•√NEXT DAY MORNING•√•√•√

“I’m so happy that you are alright now, Avalon.
All thanks to Master Aerith.” Astrid said, as she
and Avalon walked through the hallway,
heading out.

She’s well and okay now just like Master Aerith
said. She actually got back on her feet since last
night, but she slept throughout till this morning.

Right now, her legs feel a little wobbly, that’s
why she and Astrid are going out for a walk
around the school.

“It feels so good to walk again. I couldn’t feel
my entire body yesterday, seriously. It was
horrible, I never want to experience that $h|t
again, swears” Avalon said, letting out a loud

Astrid only smiled, staring at the way she was
walking, which wasn’t her normal way of

“Bluey and the other girls actually came to
check on you last night” Astrid told her

“Oh, they did? She asked, nonchalantly. She
showed no surprise,and that got Astrid even
more curious.

“I know you got hurt while on a mission, and
everyone is expected to show concern. But that
aside, aren’t you surprised that they came? I
mean….you’ve never been nice to any of them,
to anyone at all” Astrid spoke blankly without
trying to use indirect ways.

Avalon scoffed and rolled eyes at her.

“Thanks for the reminder” She said, and Astrid

“Well, I don’t know why they all came. Maybe
Bluey told…never mind” Avalon stopped what
she was about to say.

~Why did she not say what she wanted to

Astrid wondered aloud.

They both went silent and just kept walking,
with each of them having their own thought
running through their mind.

They were still quiet that way, when Avalon saw
Tempest walking towards their direction.

He’s just coming back from training himself,
even though they had no training today . Emma
wasn’t with him this time.

Her heart raised so fast that she had to quickly
take a deep breath.

He finally got close to them, and she thought he
was going to roll eyes at her as usual, and just
walk away.
But she and Astrid were surprised when he said

“Good to see you looking all better” He said.

“Thanks” Avalon’s reply came out inaudibly as
she couldn’t control how she felt.

He left after that without saying any other thing.
Avalon took another glance at him before
facing Astrid who was waiting and smirking.

“We have a lot to talk about” Astrid said.

•√•√•√MYSTIC FOREST•√•√•√

Circe can be found in the deepest and most
forested part of the Mystic Forest, looking for
what we already know.

She has been searching for it since she came to
the forest, but she’s yet to find it.

That isn’t the only thing she’s looking, actually.
She’s also collecting some poisonous plants,
putting them in her black evil bag.

“I’ll find you, even if it takes the whole day or
days. I am going to find you” She said, smiling

Like a zombie that is being controlled with a
remote, she suddenly stopped walking and
dimmed her dark eyes, as if to shut them

Slowly, she turned and grabbed her wand tight;
she didn’t bring her staff.

After listening carefully to the sound she heard,
she raised her wand, and immediately fired her
powers at that area where she heard the noise,
but she found nothing.

After looking at that area again, and around.
She decided to leave so she could continue with
her search.

She held her bag well, taking the first step, and
on the second one..

“Ahh!” She let out a short but pained scream.

The fierce (Taipan) snake she has been looking
for just bit her leg.

Circe smiled viciously after the bite, though she
was feeling pains. But the happiness of finally
finding what she has been looking for, cannot
be compared to anything.

She did a little magic, and suppressed the pain,
before facing the snake that surprising
remained there and was waiting for her.
Probably waiting to attack again.

Circe immediately stood on her ground, holding
tight to her wand which she didn’t hesitate to
attack the snake with.

“Sssss” The snake hissed, and stuck out its
tongue as it already was angry.

The Taipan is very dangerous and aggressive,
so it stretched out its body, widened its neck
and attacked Circe again before she could fire
her powers, biting her the second time on that
same leg.

Circe still ignored the pain, and at this point, she
was angry too.

The snake coiled its body, hissing again and
was about to attack Circe for the third time.

Circe was quick this time, so she twirled her
wand with all the anger in her, and the snake
was cross sectionally cut into two.

The only thing that could be heard in the forest
after she succeeded kílling the snake, was her
witchy evil laugh.

•√•√•√BUJAN✿ฺ´`✿ฺFORTUNATE ISLES•√•√•√

Cute and excited giggles can be heard coming
from four girls who have been touring around
Bujan, within the Isles.

This is where they’ve been since morning,
though it’s still morning.

Since there was no training today, they left the
school premises early enough, and have been
having fun since then

Emma and Ioanna can seen gushing over some
beautiful flowers they both sighted at the same

The flowers are white with touches of pink dots
on some of the petals.

Such flowers that Emma has never seen while
in Vhinlox. She just couldn’t stop admiring their
beautiful mixed colors.

“This place is so beautiful, guys. Gosh! It’s
almost as beautiful as the vicinity of Immortals
High” Emma said, taking time to look at every
d@mn part of the place.

She has once thought that the underworld
comprises of only Immortals High.

Silly of her to think that way, because where
would Circe, Belphegor and a host of other
Immortals be, if it was actually that way?

The Isles has a lot of other places, it is just like
the human world where we have neighbouring

That’s by the way.

“Shouldn’t we come out like this more often? I
feel like I’m in a cage back in school, jeez!”
Emma said and they all started chuckling.

“Yeah, we should. I feel so alive again” Ilkekktra
said too, giggling like a kid.

“You know, no one was actually stopping you
guys from going to anywhere” Bluey jokingly
said with an eye roll.

“Thanks for reminding us, we thought we were
actually in prison, you know” Emma
sarcastically replied and they all laughed again.

“This is actually fun though, especially with you
guys” Bluey smiled happily.

Yesterday in the evening, after they went to
check on Avalon. She met Rickett on her way

When he saw her, he was so excited that he
wanted to go to her, but then, he remembered
what happened the last time.

He just sighed, smiled and waved at her, which
she did same.

Only heaven knows how much he’s going to
hug and tell her so many things the day she’d
be free from that which is preventing him from
going close to her.

“From here, we are going to your godmother
Dimitra’s place, right?” Bluey asked, looking at

They nodded, except for Emma who wasn’t
there anymore.

“Wait, where is Emma?” She curved her brows,

“There she is, having fun. She’s just so excited”
Ioanna replied, and they chuckled.

“I just got myself in a second thought, and
Emma just vanished within that time? How
funny!” Bluey thought inwardly and chuckled.

She didn’t even know Emma left, while she was
busy thinking about Rickett.

Emma can be seen at a corner, not far from
them though.

“Awww, they are so adorable” She gushed, when
she saw cute white bunnies in a place like a
cage. But they were free and the place was

“Can I carry one, please?” She asked the person
who was looking after them.

“Yes, sure” He replied, and Emma didn’t wait to
hear another thing.

She quickly carried one and began to run her
hands on it body.

“So soft and cozy” She chuckled, hugging it.
What she said and did just reminded her of
what she actually said yesterday, when
Tempest was trying to keep her warm.

That made her chuckle more, thinking about it.

While she thought about it, the bunny jumped
out of her arms, leaping to another side.

“Hey, come back” Emma giggled and went after
it. She didn’t walk too far before she caught it.

“Gotcha!” She giggled again, and carried it off
the ground.

Raising her head, she saw a guy near her.

He looks so handsome, she would not deny it.

The moment thier eyes met, they both began to
stare at each other like they’ve known each
other from somewhere.

The same stare that happened back at Vhinlox
beach that they both were lost in the stare.

Belphegor couldn’t just help, but to stare at
Emma whom he has been dying to see.

Now here she is, right in his front and staring at
him with those eyes that confused his demon
spirit the other day. So much that he could not
attack her.

“Themis….?” He almost muttered out, but didn’t.

~Why do I feel like I’ve seen him before? And
why do I feel like something like this has
happened before?~

She thought, but said “hello”, anyway.

“Hello..” Belphegor replied, giving a side smile.

He actually came to have a stroll around the
Isles like he said he was going to, to clear his


They talked for some minutes, before Emma
decided to leave.

“He’s nice. But I still feel like I’ve seen him
before. Where exactly, because it definitely can’t
be here. But then, Vhinlox ville? That’s stupid”
Emma chuckled sillily at her thoughts.

“You couldn’t even come look for me, sillies'”
Emma said as she went back join Illekktra and
the rest.

They were doing their own thing too, so didn’t
bother looking for her.

Though she was not far from them for anyone
to go look for her like she was missing.

“We didn’t want to interrupt the fun you were
having over there” Ioanna smiled, while sniffing
a flower she plucked.

“Can we go now? We should come back here
after that, right?” Emma asked, still looking at
the direction of where she went earlier, looking
at the bunnies, and also looking at Belphegor.


The old, yet not old woman can be seen sitting
comfortably on her favorite chair.

She can seat down there for the whole day and
not get tired.

She’s actually blind, and uses her senses and
powers to find her way.

When Bluey was still here before she went to
Immortals High. She sometimes doubted if
godmother Dimitra is actually blind, because
she doesn’t act like one who is blind.

While she was seated, and patting her pet (A

She suddenly started sniffing like a rabbit when
she felt a strong aura approaching. It was so
close that she stood up and faced the direction
of where that aura was coming from.

She then smiled hard after she perceived Bluey’s
scent. But she wasn’t alone, perceived that too.

Plus that strong power she sniffed.

“You came back!!” She said the moment they
reached where she stood.

“Yes, godmother” Bluey answered, smiling

“Not you, my love. I’m talking to her” Godmother
Dimitra said, pointing her finger directly on
Emma who curved her brows in confusion.

“Godmother…?….you…you know her?” Bluey
called confusedly.

Ioanna and Illekktra remained speechless
without having what to say.

“It’s her, Themis. She came back” She said
again, and Emma touched her chest, turning to
look at her friends, her brows more curved now.

“Say what now?!!…..

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