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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IMMORTALS HIGH – Episode 27 & 28

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(War Of Hearts)


By,Ella N.








“After our party,right?” Ioanna asked and they all nodded in affirmative.


Two pairs of eyes were listening to everything they were saying. They vanished,the moment they almost got caught.


“I can’t believe her uncles did this to her. How could they be so heartlèss and wìcked to their own niece?” Rickett asked as he and Calix finally appeared at a spot.

Yes! They were the ones listening to what Bluey was telling her friends.

He instantly grabbed Calix, and they both vanished away from where they were,the moment he realized Bluey might see them.

They actually were just passing by, when he caught sight of Bluey,and he just couldn’t help it as his heart began to play with him again.

If only he could talk to her, just air out what he has been dying to say, then he’d so feel better.

But there he was,staring at her from a distance. Although he could hear what they were discussing. But for how long is he going to continue doing this?

He not only want to talk to her, but also hold her hand, at least walk together and talk.

Anyway, they were about to leave there after he had stared at her to his satisfaction, when Bluey started narrating her story to Emma and co.

So, he and Calix decided to listen,especially Calix who wanted to be sure that what he had told Rickett earlier about Bluey’s pain,was actually right.

“Too wìcked. So, the only way to break the cursè is if they are kílled? Hmmm, this is quite interesting and tough” Calix shook his head as they both began to walk to where they were actually going to.

“What are you going to do? $h|t!” Calix spoke again.

Rickett sighed and folded his arms,then stopped walking for a moment.

“Well, as long as there is a solution to this mess, I am ready to help set her free from that pain. I don’t know how I want to do it, but there’s always a way. This is what we are chosen for anyway; Help fight evil.
And I’m not just going to do this for anyone, but for the one I like” Rickett replied with so much determination and sincerity. Calix was just staring at him like he was seeing him for the first time.

“Whoa! I can’t believe lazer eyes just said all these. I am proud of you, dude. Really really proud” Calix teased,though he was very serious and happy to hear what Rickett said.

Rickett is right, they are here to fight evil, protect and keep everyone safe even though it’s tough.

“You know sense is very far from you, right? Rickett replied him,and Calix chuckled shortly.

“So, what are your plans? You know we can’t do this alone, right?” Calix spoke slowly.

“Yeah, we definitely can’t. But first…..wait, you can sense, know and see most things without actually seeing them with your physical eyes,right?” Rickett asked Calix who already knew where he was driving at.


Tempest and Alcaeus can be seen at the training ground, fighting. Not an actual fight though,but training themselves.

Tempest threw his fireball at Alcaeus again,and he immediately put it out with sand.

They’ve been here since morning when they left their room, and it looks like they aren’t stopping any moment soon.

“Never knew you could do that too” Tempest paused and said, whilst breathing incessantly, and sweating so much from what he and Alcaeus have been doing. Alcaeus wasn’t excluded, he was sweating and breathing hard too.

“Well, I can. I turn into sand also” Alceus replied,cleaning the sweat that formed on his forehead.

“Whoa! But you….didn’t showcase these powers on the day of our introduction” Tempest said, smiling a little.

“I just chose not to, besides, it wasn’t really necessary,yunno” Alcaeus said and Tempest shrugged,trying to say “that’s true”.

“I also have mine too,though” Tempest said and stood up so they could continue.

“Whoa! Seriously? I guess I’m not the only one here” Alcaeus replied and they both chuckled,before posing themselves well, preparing to start the fight again.

“Get ready to be roasted like a chickèn” Tempest jokingly said with a smirk, and started moving his fingers,making the fireball.

“Get ready to be crushed like an ant” Alcaeus smirked too, positioning his right leg behind him, while he pushed the left one forward.

The sound of a moving and burning fire could be heard as Tempest immediately shot his fireball at Alcaeus again.

It continued that way, training and enjoying themselves.

“Can I train with you guys?” They suddenly heard a familiar voice,and they immediately turned and saw that it was Emma.

Tempest smiled hard when he saw her walking towards them.

“Emma…?” He called,still smiling.

“Hey….” She smiled too,and finally walked up to them.

Alcaeus chuckled inwardly when he saw how much Tempest was smiling because of Emma.

“Lover boy,he looks so silly!” He chuckled again,and Tempest glared at him after hearing what he said. The glare made Alcaeus to chuckle even harder.

“Sure you can train with us? I’m scared I might burn you with my fire” He said and Emma laughed seriously.

“Burn me if you can” She dared him with a smirk.

“Whoa! What a sweet dare. I think this is the time to take a break” Alcaeus said happily, and began to leave there. He went to a corner and sat down to watch them.

It didn’t take much time before the training between Tempest and Emma began.

She was using her ice powers to defend herself.

Though, she wasn’t only defending herself, but was also fighting Tempest with the ice, which she was ski||fully doing.

Tempest kept smiling as the sweet fight went on and on.

Well, Alcaeus wasn’t surprised to see that she has ice powers because he saw it yesterday when they went on that mission.

All he was doing, was smiling and cheering them.

“Don’t let him win, Emma. Ice his f_cking àss” Alcaeus said in a silly way. That got Emma chuckling hard, and in turn, it distracted her a little.

Tempest who had already sent his fìreball to her, widèned his eyes when fire almost hit Emma, and of course it was going to burn her.

But to their surprise, Emma already sensed the danger that was coming. So she immediately made a fast reflex.

Now, what shocked them more, was how she jumpèd and floated in the air for seconds, before she landed back on her feet.

Alcaeus and Tempest left their mouths in agape the moment she did that. Even Emma herself was surprised at what she just did.

“Holy fire…Did you just do that?!” Alcaeus exclaimed and asked with chuckles, while Tempest closed his opened mouth and smiled.

“I guess I…..I just did” Emma replied slowly with chuckles.

“Seriously, how many powers do you have?” Alcaeus stood up from where he sat, while Tempest left the spot he was.

“Millions of them I guess….” Emma jokingly said slowly with a shrug, and they all chuckled heartily.

“My turn…let’s train” Alcaeus smiled.

Tempest went to sit down too to watch as they both began to train without wasting time.

•√•√•√MINUTES LATER•√•√•√

“I noticed you haven’t really gotten the hang of your icing while we were training” Tempest stated as they began to walk back to their apartment.

Alcaeus already left after getting exhausted from the training. So, it’s just him and Emma.

”Yeah….you noticed?” Emma asked slowly as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

“I sure did. I was just seated back there, watching you keenly while you and Alcaeus trained” Tempest said, running his right hand through his hair. He was stylishly taking time to stare at Emma’s side view which he found so cute.

Emma giggled shortly before looking at him.

“These powers are new to me, yunno. So, I guess I just need to train more” Emma said, and he nodded in agreement.

“Hey…can I train with you more often?” She asked, and his heart jumped in excitement when he heard that.

Spending more time with her? Yes!!

Right now, he can’t be more excited than this.

“Definitely. This means we get to see more often, talk and spend more time together” He spoke out excitedly.

Emma shook her head and chuckled at what he just said.

An awkward silence ensued after that, with them just walking and focusing on where they were heading to.

“You know you are stronger than you think, right?” Tempest spoke, breaking the silence that was becoming too awkward.

“I am? How did you know that?” Emma replied with a question instead.

“I just know” Tempest answered simply.

“Hey…you are attending the party, huh?” He asked, and Emma nodded in assurance.


Megan and Diane can be seen walking up the stairs as they head to Emma’s room.

They’ve already told her what’s up, but as expected, she doesn’t believe it. Not totally though, because she somehow believes what they said, due to how Emma most times behaved around her.

“Whoa! I really can’t believe this. It just feels like I am dreaming or something” Diane said as she opened Emma’s wardrobe and saw that nothing was in it.

“You better believe it, Diane. I wake up sometimes still thinking it’s a dream” Megan said with a chuckle, and at the same time, she sighed.

She only believes now because of what her mom told her, if not, she’d still be thinking it’s all a dream.

Diane sat on Emma’s bed and began to smile for no reason as she looked around the room like it was her first time of being in Emma’s room.

“How is this even possible, mom? I really still don’t get it. Are you in anyway connected with the immortals, because I’m pretty sure that’s the only way this can happen” She sighed and laid back on the bed, staring into space as she began to think about her best friend.

She alone knows how lonely it has been in school without Emma.

“Well, according to what her grandmother said. We descended from Immortals. So, apparently, Emma is a reincarnation of one of them” Megan told Diane whose eyes kept dilating as she talked.

“Wait, what?!” Diane quickly sat up to stare at Megan well in disbelief.

So, she’s been friends with an immortal all this without knowing it.

No wonder Emma most times behaves strangely.

No wonder she always feels weird, and something happens whenever she feels that.

The dreams she always told her about that she never understood.

She passes all her tests and exams without studying. Even Diane who studies hard doesn’t do well like lazy Emma who doesn’t like reading.

“Yeah…at least that’s what she said her mother (my grandmother) told her. She never believed it, that’s why she has never talked about it,not until now.

Although, she once told us about Emma’s eyes glowing.

“What?” Diane widened her eyes again.

“It’s just so confusing. Even if we are descendants of immortals, what’s so special about this whole thing? Why is he or back….for what reason exactly?” Megan asked confusedly.

“What you are saying right now is even confusing my brain the more,mom. I bet grandma has more to tell you, or at least there should be a book” Diane said with a deep sigh.

So it’s true that Emma saved a little boy at the beach yesterday where the demons attacked.
Wait,a lot of people dìed and some were nowhere to be found.

How come Emma survìved and even saved a child?

“Oh my gosh! Emma is truly not human!” She said it out loud like someone who has momentarily lost it.

“But will I ever see her again?” She suddenly went sober as she thought about it with a sigh.

•√•√•√CIRCE’S EVIL LAB•√•√•√

Black and green smokes can be seen surrounding the whole of Circe’s lab as she kept twirling her wand continuously and evilly.

A big black book can be seen in her hand while she did what she was doing. She’s actually reading while cooking up something evil, it’s from the book she’s getting the things needed for her portion.

She’s been trying to create a being that she’ll send to Immortals High to snitch and get information for her,since Azrael refused to, and she sure cannot do it herself.

After chanting some dark magic words,her eyes started turning darker than normal, and her hair stood like she was suddenly struck my thunder and lightning. Floating in the air magically.

A powerful wind blew, and her dress went wild,her nails grew longer, and her eyes turned into the darkest color. They suddenly flew open,staring into the pot of portion horrendously.

She began to laugh out loud like the witch she is, dancing and twirling her hands alongside. She raised her wand up slowly and like that,what she was trying to create began to rise slowly.

She could clearly and happily see the being she has just created; A girl.

Seeing that, she increased the pace of what she was doing, the black and green smokes increased too,combining together and making the lab scarier than it looked.

“Hahahaha…..!” She laughed out evilly and happily, but her happiness was cut short, because the being vanished before it came out of the smoke fully.

“Arrrrrgh!” She growled angrily,causing the pot of portion to boil hard with an explosion following afterwards.
It didn’t splash though,because she controlled it despite the anger; she wouldn’t want to start all over again.

“This is the second time I’m doing this. Was the power not strong enough? Where exactly am I getting it wrong?” She questioned herself, and put the book down.

“That Azrael!!” She yelled, yet smiled darkly when she remembered Azrael who refused to help. An evil thought running through her mind while she did so.


Students can be seen going in and out of the party hall, with drinks in their hands as the party has begun already.

Like I said earlier, the chosen students aren’t the only ones in the school. So the other students are here too.

Astrid and Avalon can be seen at their own corner having fun.

Rickett and Calix too can be seen, drinking and partying. Rickett is looking for Bluey though. He hasn’t actually seen her around the party, and his eyes have not rested from searching for her.

Tempest and Alcaeus can be seen just walking into the hall now.

They both tucked their hands in their pockets as they walked in, making them look even more handsome and hot, especially Tempest.

Avalon’s breath hitched the moment she saw him and she couldn’t help, but to stare at him blankly.

Wait, why is she even staring at him that way?
This is crazy!

She quickly looked away when she came back to her senses.

It was Astrid who actually hit and got her back to her senses after she saw how much Avalon was staring at Tempest.

“You like him, don’t you?” Astrid smirked, drinking from her cup.

“Are you high already or I should help you get high? I don’t like him, okay? So stop spewing rùbbish” Avalon barked defensively.

Astrid chuckled sarcastically as she stared at her angry face.
She somehow thinks Avalon likes Tempest, even though she’s not so sure of that.

“I think Alcaeus is cute. I mean, look at him…
He’s so cute!” Astrid gushed and smiled, but Avalon only scoffed and rolled eyes, making funny faces which got Astrid laughing.

She and Tempest suddenly made eye contacts, but he immediately rolled his eyes and looked away.

“Stupid!” Avalon muttered to herself as she drank from her cup, but her eyes were stylishly still on Tempest whom Calix and Rickett gestured them to come sit with them after they both sighted them.

Tempest and Alcaeus did without hesitating, and they got their own drinks which they didn’t waste time to start drinking it too.

” I don’t think I’ve ever been to a party before. This is quite more fun than I thought” Tempest said with a chuckle. Calix replied same, and they all chuckled,while gulping down their drinks.

While they drank and felt good, Tempest was also looking for Emma whom he has not seen since they came.

“Isn’t she coming anymore?” He thought inwardly as he took another gulp from his drink.


“Uhhhh…how the hell can I forget to bring water with me when I’m so tired and hungry. Now I have to go back to get the water!” Diane grunted, and stamped her foot frustratedly.

She just brought her dinner to her room to eat, but she forgot to bring water, and she’s the type of person who likes to drink water while eating.

She dropped her food on her bed near her laptop, then left the room, and went back to the kitchen.

“Cold or room temperature?” She soliloquies. She thought for a while before deciding on which to take.

After deciding, she went to the fridge and got a cold one, then started walking back her room.

“Cold water isn’t good for your health, Diane. You know….

“How you easily get a cold…..I know, Mom” Diane cut in as she already knew what her mom was going to say.

Her mom sighed and shook her head, watching her as she walked up the stairs.

Diane got to her room, and opened the door.

“Phew!” She sighed in relief and turned her gaze to the bed where her food was sweetly seated, and waiting for it to be devoured by her.

But her eyes widened, and rolled to the back of her head, then came back to the front when she saw the person she thought she’d never see again, sitting on her bed and eating her food.

“f_ck you!” Emma smirked, giving Diane a middle finger, and…..


➡️🔥🖤NEXT ON….⬇️


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