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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IMMORTALS HIGH – Episode 17 & 18

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(War Of Hearts)


By,Ella N.








“How did you know about this?” She questioned,her voice sounding so scary as she moved closer to him in much curiosity.

β€’βˆšβ€’βˆš E….MMA…?β€’βˆšβ€’βˆš

“That does not matter,mother. What matters right now,is that I am not doing any shitty evil thing that you’re asking me to do.
You could ask Belphegor to do it for you,yunno. He also has the power to disguise and no one can sense him,right?” Azrael smirked,getting Circe angry the more.

Before he knew what was going on,an invisible wind threw him to the wall,making his back hit real badly and he could hear it crack as the walls went crumbling.

“Mother!!” Azrael growled in both pain and anger.
He got up and flung his hand in the air,making Circe’s long hair to cover her face and in turn,blocking her sight.
After which,he made her trip on her dress and fell,breaking the nearest things that were close to where she was.

And with that,Azrael vanished away instantly.

“Arrgh! That boy,he’s nothing like me! Sometimes I wonder if I’m actually the one who gave birth to him.
How can a sorceress’s son not not follow his mother’s ways? Arrrgh!” Circe growled as she got herself back on her feet,but couldn’t find Azrael.

β€’βˆšβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆšIMMORTALS HIGH β€’βˆšβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆš

“Where did you go to? You just left like that,leaving me to look for you” Rickett asked Calix with a little curved brow,staring at him funnily.

“Never mind,I’m here now,see?” Calix replied with a sigh,smiling a little.
Rickett scoffed and rolled eyes.

“Imma spank you next time” Rickett joked and they both chuckled.


“Ahh! I might just pass out right now” Ioanna who is finding it difficult to stand because of her wobbly legs,said.

The workout just started and the Masters are here this time,unlike the last time. They are strict with them as f_ck!

She,Emma and Bluey have been doing push ups for minutes now. Not just them though.

Master Levi is the one in charge of them.

So far,Bluey has done twenty five already,and she’s breathing hard like hell.

Emma has done twenty,and she feels like dying,lol.

Ioanna has done only fifteen, and she’s the one that feels like passing out right now.

Actually,they’re to do fifty push ups each,male or female,and that’s like the least of it,because they’re going to do more.


Tempest,Avalon and Illekktra are with Master Shirlene,receiving harder exercises for fighting.

“You are here to fight the evil forces and protect the Isles,not fight yourselves.
Go on,move it!” Master Shirlene said,and they started again and again.

Avalon can be seen almost crying,she’s sweating so much and her eyes so red because of the extremely hard exercise.

They are to do one hundred sit ups,each. And after that,they are going to do frog jump.

This may seem like a punishment,but the Masters are doing this because it’s sure going to help them be more strong,aside the powers they have. They need to be physically strong too.

“Master,she’s the one who is always causing the fight. She always wants to ice anyone and fight at all time,I think she needs more punishment” Illekktra complained,scoffing and giving Avalon dΓ©ad glares.

Avalon glared at her too, seriously rolling eyes at Illekktra and just wished she could shut her mouth up with ice.

Tempest wasn’t even saying anything,he only kept doing the sit ups,although he’s tired too and breathing hard. Little sweats can be seen formed on his body, and trickling to fall.

“Why are you misusing your powers? Your icing isn’t for your fellow students,but to fight evil,why are you misusing it?” Master Shirlene asked sternly as she doesn’t look happy.

“They are always the ones making me misuse my powers. They are always crossing my path,which I know they intentionally do,and I won’t hesitate to retaliate” Avalon spewed blankly,making Master Shirlene to shake her head.

If trouble was a person,then it’d definitely be Avalon.
She’s surely the trouble in disguise. Doesn’t she get tired?

She’s been fighting since the first day she came,jeez!

“SenselΓ©ss!” Illekktra muttered to herself and just kept doing what she was doing.


Alcaeus,Calix,Rickett and Astrid are with Master Zack and Master Aerith,receiving it hot too.

They’ve gone like two rounds now.

Right now they are sitting in the air; thier second exercise though.

“This is harder than fighting demons. I swear,I’m going to hide when next they call us for a workout” Alcaeus said,and the rest chuckled painfully.

Thier shaky legs can obviously be seen,making Master Zack and Aerith to smirk.

β€’βˆšβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆšSTAR ACADEMY β€’βˆšβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆš

“Hey,Diane. Any news about Emma yet? Heard the cops found her backpacks and books,but didn’t find her” One of Emma’s friends(not really) asked Diane.

Most of them have heard what happened,and a lot believe she ran away from home,only few feel that, what might have happened to her is not ordinary. Because they know about those demons that used to terrorize them,what if they are back and have actually done something bΓ£d to Emma?

“No good news. I feel so bad and guilty because she was last seen with me before her disappearance. I feel like I caused it,maybe I should have gone home with her,or probably persuaded her to come to mine.

“I miss my best friend so much,and I hope she’s safe wherever she is” Diane sighed in disbelief.

If someone had told her that something like that was going to happen to Emma,she wouldn’t have let her go.

They were still talking when Megan stormed into the school premises,looking so furious.

Diane widened her eyes as she began to wonder why she’s here,and looking like that. She looked insane!

“Mom…? What…wh…

“Where the hell are the f_cking school authorities? I want them to provide my daughter for me,right now!” She yelled,causing a lot of attention as students began to look at her.

“Mom…please calm down. The school authorities have nothing to do to with…

“Out of my way,Diane!” Megan yelled angrily,heading towards the principal’s Office.

It wasn’t long before her husband arrived,going after her immediately.

“Oh,jeez! This is getting worse than I thought” Diane palmed her face,and sighed again for the umpteenth time.

β€’βˆšβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆšFORTUNATE ISLES❀CALIX AND RICKETT’S ROOMβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆš

“I’ve never felt this tired my whole life. I feel like I’m going to fall right now,and well…just pass out” Rickett said when they finally got back to their room.

They were in the field for over two hours,doing those hard exercises.

It’s not long they finished from there though,and all of them have exhaustedly gone back to their various rooms.

The Masters actually just had mercy on them else,they would still be there. Especially the students under Master Sharlene’s strict supervision.

“Yunno,if it were a girl that was complaining this much, I’d somehow understand. But the fact that a dude is making this much noise over that little exercise,makes me want to spank him hard like a kid” Calix half yelled,making Rickett to roll eyes at him.

“The fact that you have much stamina,does not mean everyone else should,understood?” Rickett replied with a Scowl.

“More reasons you need the exercises,girl” Calix intentionally said with a smirk.

“I don’t want to, I’m…wait,did you just call me a girl?” Rickett snapped when he realized what Calix just called him.

“Are you any better than a girl?” Calix retorted,picking a bottle of water and gulping it down his throat.

“I’m going to have my bath” Was the only reply Rickett gave and started heading to the bathroom.

“What’s up with that girl Bluey? Why does she keep running away whenever she sees you? I’ve just been observing you both” Calix started and Rickett stopped on his track when he heard that.

“I’ve also been wondering why. She doesn’t even let me get close to her,not to talk of speaking” Rickett turned and faced Calix again.

“Hmmm,something is not right. She’s not doing that intentionally,something’s wrong with her. But I can’t really tell” Calix said,causing Rickett to frown.

“What do you mean?”Rickett curiously asked,and sat back on the bed.

“I don’t know,but I think it’s something that has to do with her relatives. She’s in pain,but trying her best to always stay happy. I think she is… Dude, I don’t want to say what I am not very sure of” Calix said.

Rickett sighed and decided to keep trying to talk to her,and make sure to know why.

Though it seems impossible,since she keeps running away from him.

He really likes her,even though he doesn’t know why. There’s just this spark of happiness he gets whenever he sees her.

β€’βˆšβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆšIOANNA AND BLUEY’S ROOMβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆš

“Does anyone else’s legs feel wobbly? Ughhh” Ioanna grunted and landed on her bed heavily,whilst breathing hard.

“Yours even feel wobbly,I swear, I can’t feel mine anymore.
Bluey,touch my legs,please. I don’t think I still have one” Illekktra crazily said and landed on Bluey’s bed,laying flat on her back. Emma and the rest chuckled weakly.

She’s the one who did more of that exercise,so they understood her quite well when she said she cannot feel her legs.

Master Shirlene really dealt with the three of them.

They are actually all in one room right now.

“Master Shirlene is so d@mn strict,believe me. I don’t think she knows what is called a “smile” when it’s time to punish someone” Illekktra said. She turned and laid on her stomach this time.

“Seriously,she doesn’t. You needed to see how she was always carrying me with her powers whenever I refuse to follow her. Then, she glued my arse to the chair the other day I went to see her in her room,because she asked me to sit,but I refused” Emma narrated and the girls burst out laughing.

“I thought she was soft with you” Ioanna chuckled.

“Say what?” Emma furrowed her brows amusingly.

“Who else is happy and can’t wait for our party?” Illekktra excitedly said.

The Masters told them about it after they were done with their workout.

“I hope it won’t be a boring one though” Illekktra was the one who spoke again.

“Hope so too” Bluey said.

“Uhm…Emma? What about your mom and dad? I believe they’ll be super worried about you” Ioanna said after they went quiet for a moment.

She’s be meaning to ask her that,but she kept forgetting.

“I know,right? I just wish I can see them and tell them that I am okay,so they’d stop worrying.

“It will do freak them out if you tell them about this whole thing” Bluey said and Emma only sighed.

β€’βˆšβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆšTHE DEMON’S DARK CASTLEβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆš

Belphegor is seen seated on a chair inside his evil hall.

It’s broad daylight,but that place is dark like it is night already.

He was seen with his hand resting on the table,interlocking his palms and supporting his chin with it.

He was deep in thought about something only his evil mind knows.

Sensing who that is, Belphegor suddenly smirked and stood up when he felt a chill aura around him.

“Black tiger” He smirked even more with his arms folded,when he heard a tiger’s grunt.

“Roarrr!” Black tiger roared loud and shot her invisible venom at Belphegor who hit it away powerfully.

Yes,she has venom that she spits out like the black-necked spitting cobra just like her name(black tiger) only that she is a tiger,and not a snake.
Her venom does affect even the immortals.

It literally paralyzes humans for like ever, and it only takes a true healer,that’s if any powerful immortal is around to heal.

But on the immortals,it takes just few hours before he or she starts recovering. That’s for immortals who are not so powerful though.

Like most of those minor immortals in the city of Isles who are not so powerful.

Anyway,that’s actually how they greet each other,and they’ve not seen since Belphegor came back.

So,it felt so good doing that again.

“You jerky demon Lord! So,you’re back for real,I thought my powers were starting to fade when I suddenly felt your return” Black tiger smirked as she made her manly face visible.

She didn’t come with her black demonic tigers.

“You smell more powerful” She smiled cruelly when she felt the strong powerful aura coming from Belphegor.

“And you didn’t change one bit. Here to confirm that I’m truly back,huh?” Belphegor smirked again,staring at her cold and serious face.

Devils don’t smile,but at least they do a little. But you see black tiger? She doesn’t even know what a smile is.

Her face is always hard as a rock,whether she’s happy or sad. So wicked and devilish.

“Yes,I am. Do you know she’s back too?” She asked straight up,not wasting any time to chitchat.

Knowing who black tiger is talking about,Belphegor frowned,but smirked afterwards.

“I encountered her the other day,but her….she is someone else. When I tried to attack,thinking she’s a human,but her aura was so strong that I had to back off immediately” Black tiger said,and Belphegor frowned again.

Someone else? Human? Is it the same one Circe was talking about?
How come he has not sensed her yet? Or probably because he has not really seen her yet.

Black tiger was actually the powerful wind that blew the other day Emma was leaning on a tree when she felt the wind and began to run,but it suddenly stopped when Emma refused to run, and it disappeared just like that,shocking her.

β€’βˆšβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆšHUMAN WORLD❀VHINLOX VILLE❀THE EDSWALDS HOME β€’βˆšβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆš

“You know that was totally not necessary,right? I believe the school has nothing to do with Emma’s disappearance. I mean,Diane clearly told us that she and Emma left the school premises together.
I know that no one can be trusted,but that was really not necessary” Emma’s dad spoke out,then sighed in frustration.

The issue is just draining them out,especially Emma’s mom who is starting to act like she has lost it.

Well,every responsible parent would,especially in a situation like this when there isn’t any traces or hope of finding her at all.

Megan was behaving so much like a crazy person back there in school,asking the authorities to provide her daughter for her,like they are actually hiding her somewhere.

“Anyone is a suspect,even Diane is. I don’t trust and can’t trust anyone anymore. I don’t even trust myself! What is all these for crying out loud? Who did I ever offend,oh Lord help me!” Megan yelped,falling back on the couch near her husband.

He sighed again and put his face down,inhaling and exhaling heavily.

They were still like that,with Megan still sobbing lowly when they heard a knock in the door.

Without hesitating or asking who that is,Richard got up and went for the door.

It’s probably the cops anyway,or Emma’s grandmother.

But Richard widened his eyes in shocks when he saw the person he least expected to see.

“E….Em…Emma?” He stuttered with his eyes bulging out more and more.

➑️πŸ”₯πŸ–€NEXT ON….⬇️


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