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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IMMORTALS HIGH – Episode 1 & 2

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(War Of Hearts….)

GENRE: Supernatural Dark Romance

TAGS: Supernatural Powers,Fantasy,Dark Powers,Quest For Power,Love,Dark Romance,Love Triangles, Demons,Sorceress, Secrets,Deãths, Hatred,Mystery,Action, Suspense,Sêx.

Written By,Ella N.




Giggles,cackles,sounds of birds chirping,the sweet smell of the beach,and happy moments were suddenly disrupted with loud wails from people on the beach.

“Run for your lives!!” One of the humans,screamed in anxiety. His legs almost touching the back of his head as he ran for his precious life.

A crowd of people could be seen running helter skelter as a powerful tall being appeared out of nowhere,with it’s many dark shadows like hundreds of them,kìlling and swallowing the humans that were on the beach with their loved ones,having fun.

It’s him again.

It’s Belphegor,the once human that became a Demon.

Yes,he’s back again!

Belphegor is a Demon who can also transform into a normal person and go about his ways,and no one can actually tell if it’s him or not.

So,he’s a really tricky and a Demomic being.


Many years ago in Vhinlox Ville,the humans lived happily amongst themselves,until some of them began to sell their souls to hell,in exchange for wh@ťěver they wish for from the devil.

And once they dìe,they go to hell and become Demons. Soon these Demons began to trouble the world,kílling and seeking for power to rule the world.

This went on and on,until the Human World,and even the Underworld (The Immortal world) became a place of chaos.

All attempts to defeat or stop them from kîlling people proved abortive,as they were too powerful,even for the immortals.

But when it got worse,one of the most powerful deities from the underworld,sacrificed herself for both mortals and immortals world.

Everything went back to normal for years,not until the Demons appeared again. Now they are more powerful than before that the immortals have not been able to overpower.

But then,there comes a mortal girl who is destined to defeat them.

Who is this girl?

Let’s meet Emma Edswald,a beautiful,yet headstrong girl,living with her carefree parents in Vhinlox Ville.

Emma is just a crazy regular highschool girl with wild imaginations.Stubborn and crazy,curious about the things around her and always wants to explore. All in all,she’s a headstrong girl.

What happens when she suddenly finds herself in a strange place,totally out of the mortal world?

What happens when she is told that she is destined to fight with the Demons and other evil forces?

What happens when she finds out a shocking truth about herself?

What happens when love is involved amidst all these?

What happens when she is destined to kìll the same person whose powers she needs to defeat the Demons?

Can a mere mortal girl with no single powers fight the same Demons that the immortals haven’t been able to defeat?

Too many questions,right?

Then,journey with me,let’s venture into this and find out.

You really don’t wanna miss this,trust me.

You know how we roll,Ellites!

Get your popcorn and zobo ready,cause you’re gonna need them mád!

(War Of Hearts)


By,Ella N.








It’s a normal cool day in the Immortal world.

It’s always this cool until evil forces decide to make it uncool for everyone.

The students can be seen walking about and doing nothing in particular. Most of them just arrived though,and are getting acquittance to the environs.

They are even yet to introduce themselves to the Masters.

Those are actually the chosen ones for this year,in Immortals High.

A school for the Immortal Students who have been chosen to protect both worlds (Mortals and Immortals) from the evil forces terrorizing especially,the Mortal world.

And of course,Belphegor who is back again to torment the world and cause chaos,dèaths and anything evil.

The most powerful and evil of them all.

“Master Shirlene,are you aware Belphegor is back with his Demons?” Master Levi,questioned as he walked into the hall where Master Shirleen was.

She was standing still,with her arms behind her back,as she faced the walls of the hall.

There are four Masters,but she’s the grandmaster and most powerful of all the Masters.

Rumors has it that she isn’t just an ordinary Master,but something or someone everyone still tries to know.

“I am aware of that” She finally answered,turning to face Master Levi whom she had been backing since he came in.

“Wait,you are aware of that? And you aren’t bothered?
He has kílled over a hundred human at the beach,just this afternoon” Master Levi explained,as he doesn’t understand why Shirlene is so calm about it,since she’s aware.

“I am aware of that too” She replied yet again,this time,with a little frown and sigh.

“So? Shouldn’t we do something about this?
I mean,the chosen students are here already and complete now.
Isn’t it time we summoned them all together and know about their powers and abilities.
To know whether or not they are capable?” Master Levi asked calmly.

“Master Levi is right,I think it’s time for their introduction and all. Let us know the next step to take. This is Belphegor we are talking about,the malicious Demon of all time” Master Aerith said,coming in too. She’s another female Master aside Shirlene.

“It isn’t time,because they aren’t complete yet” She answered,and the rest looked at each other with little curved brows.

“How do you mean they aren’t complete yet? They are all present in the school premises right now,and totally complete” The last Master said as he came in too,his arms behind him as he stood beside the rest.

“They aren’t complete yet,we have one more person to join them, before they can be complete.
The Mortal girl isn’t here yet,so they obviously aren’t complete” She answered them with all seriousness in her tone.

The three turnèd again to look at each other,as they all made to seat down,including Master Shirlene.

“Is this really about the Mortal girl again?
What can a mere Mortal possibly offer,this a no game for Mortals. You’re going to risk her life,and she might get kìlled even just on arrival here” Master Levi spoke again,and the others,nodded in affirmative.

“Let’s wait till then. Few more minutes and she’ll be here” Master Shirlene said,after which she was out of sight.
She vanished into thin air.


Dark smokes,horrible smells and sounds of steaming concoction can be heard as Circe,the wicked and evil sorcerer prepares her portions.

She can be seen with her long black dress,long and dark hair,long nails and dark evil eyes,stirring the pot of concoction,using her dark powers to do so,without actually touching anything.

An evil sorceress who wants nothing,but power,power and power!

She can turn humans into animals or stones and kílls easily with no mercy.

A wicked poisoner who wants to rule,she wants to be the one in charge and no one else.

Live in power,breathe and feed in it. She just wants nothing,but power to rule over the world,and she’ll stop at nothing until she makes sure she achieves that.

Just a little touch of her poison on an ordinary person,then it’s definitely déath that follows.

“Boil….boil my sweet smelling concoction,boil! Hahahahaha” She laughed hysterically as she continued to stir the portion,causing it to bring out more and more evil smokes that could choke one to dêath,if inhaled.

“Mother…..?” Azrael,her son called as he walked in,but he was immediately answered with a powerful force,sending him down to the ground at a very far end of the wall of the lab,causing the wall to break open.

“Ahhh….mother!” Azrael groaned in pain,but he stood up immediately,using his powers to make the pain go instantly.

Circe was so engrossed in the portion she’s preparing that she didn’t realize when Azrel called or came in,and she thought it was an enemy.

That’s just the way Circe is. Always ready to strike and kìll at any time.

And yes,she has a son who possesses powers of course.

“I’ve told you to stop interrupting when I’m busy!” She berated.
Azrael scoffed,shaking his head.

“Belphegor is back,mother. Do you know?” Azrael asked,and she stopped what she was doing,turning to look at her son with her dark scary eyes.

“Belphegor is back? Then,we should be celebrating this.
This calls for a big celebration,Azrael. I had been waiting for this for so long!” Circe cackled,evilly,while Azrael frowned.

“You’re happy about this? I thought you would be worried or angry,since you both are fighting for the same thing” Azrael spoke in confusion.

“Worried? Why should I be worried when he only wants to kìll,kìll and kìll?
I am happy! This only means more powers.
More powers to do more evil and cause havoc,Azrael. More power….!” She elatedly said,as she rented the whole lab with a loud sinister laugh.


“See you in school tomorrow,Emma. Don’t forget to study for tomorrow’s test” Diane,Emma’s friend said,as they both began to walk out of the class.

“You know how much I h@ťě to read,so stop telling me to study, book freak. You study hard and we’ll write the test together” Emma replied with a scoff.

“Crazy as can always be,what was I even expecting you to say? Seriously,I always wonder how you pass your tests and exams without studying” Diane giggled a little,keeping the books she held in a better postion.

“I keep wondering too.
Do you kind of feel weird like I do?” Emma suddenly asked Diane,as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

“No,I don’t. Are you okay?” Diane asked,concerned.

“Never mind,I’m fine. I’ll see you tomorrow” Emma smiled a little,waving at her friend as they got to the school gate.

“See you morrow,Emma” Diane replied,waving too,after which,they both went their separate ways.

Emma’s home is not so far from the school,and sometimes she prefers walking home and that’s exactly what she was doing.

She hadn’t walked too far away from the school when she suddenly felt a wave,like a wind,blowing her hair which in turn,covered her face and blocked her sight in the process.

“What was that?!” She asked no one in particular,trying to brush her hair to the back so she could see properly.

While she tried to do so,she felt herself walking faster than she was actually walking,which she was certain it wasn’t her doing that.

“Whoa! What the hell?!” She exclaimed,trying to stop herself from walking that fast,but the more she tried,the faster she went.

“What in the world is going on?!” She screamed in fear,as she saw herself running,yet walking.
Her backpack flew out of her body,and her books went flying in the air like kites.

Her hair went wild as it seemed like she was really running now.

Her legs were just so uncontrollable,moving in super speed that she tried to halt with great force,but it did not.

It was a lonely road,so no one could be seen around at that moment,she was the only one.

“Hey…stop!! Let me go!!!” She screamed out,but nothing happened. That super speedy move kept happening,until….

“Ahhhhhh!!” She screamed and like that,Emma vanished into thin air.


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