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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IMMORTALS ACADEMY – Episode 65 & 66

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(…The forbidden kingdom…)

 By Felix Peter ✍

Chapter 65 ♥ 66

❌ Don’t Copy or Repost ❌


☆ ☆☆

Braxton walked out of the bulidIng as his body formed shadow till he vanished.

He appeared in the academy looking moody and unhappy his head with a grown.

Not looking happy at the critical state.

His face swollen up with tears.

He used his palm to wipe it off.

They saw the grown on his head and they bow welcoming the new king of the pure magic kingdom.

The masters nodded positively as they saw him.

” Welcome ” Yul said.

” The new king” Jackie said.

Noel, Kung and Lax nodded impressionable seeing him but no clear welcome state from Braxton.

He walked into his room as he poured out tears that he was be holding for along time.

He didn’t have a clear definition of himself.


Braxton was still mourning the dead of Karyn and his mind was still on his lost.

He felt so much of her and he can’t let go.

Each moment he remembered her tears escaped from his eyes.

He has been on this sorrowful segment for the past two weeks and it wasn’t good for the new ruling king.

Braxton locked himself mourning Karyn.

His promises he made to her and those she made to him.

Now he can’t stand either keeping to the promise he made to her.

Braxton felt really thwarted of him.

Green went on his door knocking but he picked pillow covering his eyes.

But Green kept knocking on it but he refused to unbolt the door.

” Brax you don’t have to this to yourself and its not the end bro. You deserve better than this, you need to he the man that you are. The king don’t deserve to be weak for the kingdom. You can overcome the flaws, be strong please. Everyone is worried about you Brax. Please open the door” Green said from outside.

Braxton still lie on the bed without opening the door. He just wanted to be alone.

” Braxton open the door or you will force me using my powers ” Green yelled as he bang on it.

Braxton opened it slowly as he walked back to bed.

Green moved inside seeing him looked tattered and worn out.

” Be strong for the kingdom Braxton. You don’t have to murder yourself, you deserve better than this”

” She’s my mate and I can’t let her leave me like that ”

He reminisced what master Jackie told him.


” Prince of pure magic kingdom ”

” Master you can just call me Braxton ”

” You are the prince so don’t think low of yourself ”

” I know that Master”

” By the time you are grown the king you will find your mate”

” My mate? ” He questioned surprisingly.

” Yes, every prince has a mate and you have one”

” Is she here in this academy? ”

” Yeah I think so ”

” So how will I know that she’s my mate? ”

” You will find out when the time unravel ”

” But it will be at a cruel situation ”

” How? ”

” It will be at a worst situation because of her cruel fate . Then you will realize her important and love for her”

” This is bad! So there’s no change of fate? ”

” Its hard my prince and everything would come to clarification ” Master touched his shoulder and walk away.

Flash Back Exit*

” I’m really sorry about the coincident Braxton, but you have to be strong for the future of the kingdom ”

” I can’t stop thinking about her, I really miss her so much Green”

” I know but she’s gone now, you have to face the reality man ”

Few minutes later, Bruce, Alexis and Noah walked in with a puriful look

” Braxton you don’t have to do this to yourself, you are a strong being” Bruce said.

” Come on Braxton, it has been two months now and you are still into it you don’t have to ki|| yourself, please ” Noah said.

” She’s gone and you have to let go of the past and face the future. You can’t do this to yourself you’re looking raddled already” Alexis said.

” I love her and i want her to come back” Braxton said as his eyes looked like dropping tears.

” Listen bro… If its the will of the Shangri-La for her to come back she will definitely come back, okay? ” Green soothed.

” Really ”

” Yeah”


Braxton stared on her picture for a longtime admiring such a beauty that just disappeared piercingly.

He can’t stop giving a stare on her portrait, she looked d@mn charming and beautiful on the portrait likewise real.

Braxton feel his palm on the portrait snuggling on the surface.

He scent a present behind him, he turned as he saw Keisha, Ciara and Xena staring on him with pity.

When he saw them he used his palm to mop his cheek turning to face them.

” Hi guys” He said trying to look okay.

” No matter how you manger to look okay it still reflect on your face… Come on, how long are gonna continue with this” Keisha pouted.

” Umm I’m fine” He tried to cover it up.

” You know you can’t lie to your not we that we know too” Keisha said.

” My king we care about you and we want you to cheer up… Come on ” Whitney said.

” I know it hurts, she’s also our friend perhaps she wasn’t that close to everybody but I was close to her. I feel hurt too but we have to move on with our lives” Ciara chipped in.

” Just be fine, okay? I pray she come back if the heavens changed her fate” Xena pouted.

” Yeah”

” Come on its time for breakfast let’s go” Keisha said.


Maya with Lesner taking lunch together in one of the pricey eatery in town facing each other in the table.

” It has been weeks and you haven’t called to hear from me if not that I forced you to be here with me ” Lesner said.

” I know and I’m sorry about that”

” Are you okay? ”

” I’m missing a friend, he was really closed and I can’t keep in touch anymore. I don’t know where he is right now” Maya said.

” Have you tried reaching the person on the phone? ” He asked.

” Uhmm yeah but his phone not reaching ”

” Oh he’s a male”

” Yeah he was my best friend that I have ever met and we were so close to each other ”

” So sorry about that ”

” Thank you ”

” Maybe he’s out of the country or something” He suggested.

” He would have told me, don’t you think so”

” Uhhh I don’t know but…hmm yeah” Lesner was deep in thought.

” Are you okay? ” Maya noticed.

” Yeah I’m fine”

” Okay ”


Alexis walked into Whitney’s room but he couldn’t find her inside gradually he start hearing sound coming from the bathroom.

He noted that she’s taking her bath.

Alexis decided to wait for her to finish up. Some few seconds Whitney came out of the bathroom putting on her robe.

She met Alexis standing staring at her with a passionate look.

” Hey” Whitney said.

” Hey” Alexis replied walking to her facing her as they kept mute for sometime.

” What are you… ”

” You look stunning on your robe” Alexis cut in touched her cheek.

She felt the warmth on his touch and she melted inside and she took a deep breathe.

He caress her hair sweeping it off from her face.

The feelings over take them staring on each other eyes as their lips gradually drew each other and they claimed each other lips.

He kissed her feasting on her upper lip, she made a soft Mõ@ɲ as the feeling too over them before he captured the lower lip too as the pleasure work on them both, then he captivate both lips kissing her as the sweetness mixed together.

” Alexis ” She Mõ@ɲed calling him softly as she puckered her hand into his shirt.


Luna has been noticed in the academy since the war was over.

No fight from the demons and academy settled in peace.

Everyone has been in joy as demon no longer perturbed them anymore cause all of them has been destroyed.

Luna has been seen around Rhoda in the academy. She’s really beautiful and abit older than Rhoda.

Noel and Lax are the two youngest masters in the academy with great abilities and handsomeness too.

Master Lax have been having secret crush on Luna.

Luna was forced out of her will to be demon. She was initiated to work for Draco because of her nice ability.

She’s now free from Draco and she’s happy.

Lax met Luna on her way to Rhoda’s room.

” Hey” Lax said and she turned.

” Hi master ”

” Just call me Lax” He said with a smile.

” Oh no I can’t, that will be disrespect ”

” I asked you too, okay? Can I see you in my chamber in the evening there’s something I want to tell you”

” Okay master…sorry Lax” She said with her soft voice and Master Lax smiled walking away.

Master Noel watched them from a distance.


👤 👤

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