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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

BY Genevieve E.




Blue picked up the new wig she just bought, brushing it slowly.

She still hasn’t come to a conclusion on what to wear.

She was torn between the pink strapless gown with a long slit at the back or the black off shoulder gown which had a curve from her thighs down to her feet.

It put her beautiful legs in full display.

She didn’t like it that much.

She dropped the wig on the bed as she reached for her phone, dialing Mia’s number.

? Don’t tell me you need my help in picking a dress again, came Mia’s tired voice

? Just this once sweet sister, I promise i won’t burg you again, Blue replied hoping Mia would see her puppy eyes.

? I can tell what face you are making from here, it won’t work this time,Mia argued.

? Come on, it would, its just for few seconds, please.

? No Blue.

? Look I’m switching to video call, Blue said and hung up.

She quickly called her sister on video call, praying fervently that she would pick.

? Jeez Blue, I’m working! Mia protested with a tired look on her face.

? I know, its just this date, I don’t know what to wear,Blue complained looking sad.

Mia stared at her sisters face without a word

? Alright, let me show you the dresses I have in mind, look… what do you think? Mia?

? Why are you doing this? Came Mia’s concerned voice.

? Doing what? Blue asked.

? This! Going on blind dates every week!

? Mia, you know I want this…

? You don’t want this! You don’t need this!

? Mia? Blue called sitting on the bed.

? When are you going to learn to stop mom from controlling your entire life! Mia yelled.

? Don’t say that Mia, I’m sure she wants the best for me,Blue defended.

? The best for you? What best for you would come at the expense of your own happiness? Tell me.

? Mia we are both 25 now, look i need to settle down,don’t you think?

? I’m 25 too Blue, I ain’t going on any sillybblind dates!

? That’s because you have a boyfriend, you have a boyfriend Mia, you have had boyfriends since high school but look at me, I haven’t dated before. Its not about mom, I want this too!

? Lie…. you and I know that’s a lie.. you want this to please mom, you don’t need this.

? Mia please…

? Please Blue.. don’t keep doing this.

? Mia? Blue called breaking into tears. I don’t want this… I don’t like those men she sets for me, Blue cried.

? Then don’t do it! If you h@ťě it so much then f-__-king let her know! You can’t let mom decide this crucual part of your life too, don’t give her the chance to, Mia said so calmly.

? But what do I do? Mom is going to ki|| me for disobeying her, Blue cried.

? You are 25 now Blue, a full grown woman, its your life! You decide what you want to do yourself! Come on Blue, would you want your life for your own kids?

? No.

? Then its not a life if you cant wish it for others, you have dome her biddings way to much, its time to do yours now, live a little too, you are human.
What I don’t understand is why she controls your life so much but I’m allowed to do wh@ťěver I want, Mia stated.

? Maybe I’m cursed like she said, she is only looking out for me, that’s why she doesn’t want me to grow my hair because it isn’t safe,Blue defended.

? I don’t think so, you aren’t cursed,and don’t ever say that again.

? About the blind date? The dress? Blue asked.

? You aren’t going anywhere.

? What?

? Look, you don’t need blind dates to find the man of your dreams, you know it within you that you haven’t met this man and that’s why you have turned down every proposal.

? But…

? No buts here, there won’t be more dates for you, we are finding your own man ourselves, I’m going to fix this, trust me.

? How?

? Get dressed, Put on the pink dress,apply your make up and wait, I will get back to you, Mia instructed.

? What are you…. Blue was asking when the screen went blank, she was gone.

What is she up to? i wondered.

No date and I’m supposed to dress up for the date?

I picked up the black dress and kept it back in the wardrobe.

Then I began dressing up like I was told.

Since I’m very good at make up, I applied little make up on my face.

Checking myself out, i felt nothing.

My snowwhite skin glowed and my blue eyes shone but that’s all.

Nothing special about me.

I might have attained a certain height for myself but that’s all.

Every other person thinks I’m lucky but…

I know I’m not

I’m an actress and a movie producer too, I’m quite popular but then, I h@ťě myself.

I’m focusing on my dream career but why do i keep feeling like I still have a huge part of me torn out.

Why do I feel so incomplete?

Mom thinks I feel that way because I’m self centered, she thinks I want to bag all the awards of life but I know deep down,all these aren’t what my heart wants.

I’m so unhappy but then…

Nobody has to know.

Standing up, I carefully slid into the pink gown, my mind wandering.

Here I am getting prepared to go for another boring blind date with another funny looking old guy, I don’t know where mom gets these men from.

I would even pick dad over them!

Speaking of dad, I need to inform Mia, dad would be back on wednesday!

I can’t wait to see him again.

Dad is the only one that understands……

Blue? I heard mom call out to me.

In fright, I quickly jumped out of the dressing mirror, I went straight to the bed side, threw the wig on my head, then began pulling up my zip.

Hey easy,let me help you, mom said and I turned to look at her.

Come, she said pulling me to the mirror.

Mom? i called wondering what to say to her.


Should I tell her o don’t want this anymore?

Should I tell that I want to take my time I find a good man?

Should I beg her to let me grow my hair?

Tsk… its fruitless.

I just have to sit at the back seat with my eyes shut and let her drive me to wherever she wants.

She is my mom, its all for me..

Mia called, she said either a bright smile.

I stared at her through the mirror.

I’m so happy for you Blue, why didn’t you tell me? sje asked.

What do you…

You found a man, Mia already told me, when are you bringing him home, I want toeet my soon to ne inlaw gsjsjtodbskdhekebjrodbelwhsysheljehdkehwkshtsi….. she kept blabbering.

Mom? I called seeing how genuinely happy she was over a lie.

How could Mia raise her hopes like this??

You should hurry, I will help you pack a few wears okay, Mom said rushing to my wardrobe.

Mom what are you doing? I asked chasing after her.

No, you should sit.. you would ruin your make up!

What are you doing? I’m not…

Stop being shy Blue, she said with a smile.

Look,I know I have been so pushy about getting a boyfriend for the past two years

I know I have made certain decisions you don’t like but its because I care about you, she said with tears in her eyes as she cupped my face.

I Couldn’t believe my ears.

Since that incident at the library that I walked home bald with my tiny white hair in full glare, mom has been more strict than ever.

I’ve spent the past Ten years trying to impress her and now she’s being nice all of a sudden?

What did Mia say to her?

Please forgive me my child.

Mom I understand, stop feeling like that, I know its all for me,I never doubted that, I said holding her hand which was on my cheek.


Its fine mom, I love you, I said with a tone of pure excitement.

I love you too my child, she replied hugging me.

I can’t believe this!

Hey,I’m so sorry, I’m taking so much of your time, mom said, pulling away then grabbed my box.

She began folding my dresses inside,making sure to pick the short ones.

What are you doing mom?

You are going to spend two weeks vacation with your boyfriend, don’t worry Mia told me.

You have my full consent, don’t be shy okay.

Here, you need bikinis too, you should buy on your way okay, she said handing me wards of cash I didn’t notice her holding previously.

Mom this is…..

You should go now, hurry! she said pulling the box with her.

She carefully placed the box insode the car then came to hug me, telling how much she was going to miss me.

Telling me to make sure i get him to fall head over heels inlove with me.

Then she kissed me goodbye and pushed me toward the car.

I got in and ignited the engine, she waved till I drove out of the gate.

Driving few meters away from home,i stopped the car.

What’s going on?

Where am I going to?

What did Mia do?

Mom has never approved of me spending more than two nights at Mia’s or Daphane’s.

She didn’t let me rent my own house while Mia had all the permission she needed.

Why is she letting me go out with a guy she never met for two whole weeks?

I need to call Mia, she needs to tell me what the hell she did to mom!

Who is the boyfriend anyways?


Mia ? ?

Another imaginary boyfriend?

What’s wrong with Kathy tho?

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