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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve Edwin



She’ll want to know how you are doing with the wound..

She’s the only one who knows I can heal you myself, if she finds out I ordered for healing herbs and medicines it would confirm her suspicion that I’m dying, that’s why I can’t heal you myself, that way they would expect us to be weak and unaware of their plans, he responded.

I see, she replied with a smile.

Get dressed in this, he said handing her a black garment and a black trouser.

She wore it and dropped her bloody clothes on the bed.

King Wright dressed in the same thing too then he handed her a black head tie.

She carefully tied in her hair then tied another one around her mouth and nose, only their eyes were visible.

It was a perfect disguise because they were also going to the forest.

He had just today to teach her everything she needs to know for now.

Enough for her to be able to defend herself.

It feels like I’m in a movie set, she said smiling under the mask.

What’s that? King Wright asked.

Oh… I mean… my job… I used to be an actress… you know… drama? she said trying to pick out a better word that he should be familiar with, to her surprise, he nodded.

While in the human realm, August had shown him one of her movies, he was surprised to see humans in a small device but as a cat as a proud King, he didn’t show it.

He just watched it for a while with August on the night they discreetly visited Blue’s house.

The kissing scene she had with an actor had pissed him off, he knocked August’s phone off angrily and August burst into laughter.

Hearing her talk about the movies, his mind drifted to the scene he saw and he got mad.

He kept a straight face under the mask as Zelda checked herself out.

She looked like a tough man in her mates cloth…With the disguise no one would be able to tell she was the one.

Where are we going? she asked.

To the forest, he replied after a long pause and an eye roll.

Really? What would we be practicing? she asked happily. but he didn’t seem to be sharing in her joy.

He didn’t care if the kiss was just for the drama, he didn’t care if it happened before they met, he just h@ťěd the thought of another man locking lips with his mate before him.

Wright? She called.

Are you alright? she asked.

Do I have a reason not to be? he snapped and immediately regretted it.

Why are you… she was saying when Evenius asked for permission to enter.

She glared at King Wright as he asked Evenius to enter.

He pointed at the bloody robe and the white clothes which he used to wipe the blood on her wound after he healed her, it was soaked in blood.

Hand those over to her personality maid, ask her to burn it, King Wright ordered.

Yes, Your Majesty.

They are all together, in the heart of the forest, he said and King Wright nodded..

And the human?

He’s with them, they sent him away for the ritual, he doesn’t seem to know whats going on and he’s been asking of My Queen, he answered.

Zelda eyes dimmed, she was worried about Ricardo.

She knew they weren’t friends, he was just a guy inlove with her who she had to play boyfriend with to get a little freedom but she felt so bad for him.

She shouldn’t have agreed when Mia suggested it.

She would have sent him back that same second she saw him even if it means knocking him out but she was pretending to be a mere soul, she couldn’t act without thinking

She had been a bit terrified when she heard Peytons blood boil when she stood beside her.

She didn’t know what it meant and she hoped Peyton won’t find out.

She would have to find out what it meant for her blood to be in Peyton’s body, if it was bad for her or bad for Peyton.

Who’s guarding Lancelot? She heard her mate ask.

There are two guards stationed there, Your Majesty, Evenius replied.

Have Duke and one of Hadrians trusted men guard him, King Wright instructed.

Duke? Evenius asked in worry.

Yes… send the elf with him,they both will do, King Wright said.

Your Majeaty, Duke is not to be trusted, Evenius complaimed.

Do as I said, King Wright commanded with a frown and Evenius bowed then picked up the bloody clothes and walked away.

Its 3am, are you sure you can practice now? he asked Zelda who nodded.

Meet me at the river side, that’s your first assignment, he said and vanisjed before she could ask him anything.

Zelda looked around her then sighed.

She wasn’t the same Zelda struggling to open the border.

This Zelda just had a near death experience, she has lost a loved one and she would loose more if she doesn’t get serious.

Thinking of how her mate taught her to teleport to the border.

She thought of the river, specifically creating the picture in her mind then she vanished too.

Her mate was shocked to see her arrive almost immediately.

But they weren’t alone, a lady was standing there with her mate.

The same lady she had met at the border smiling at her, few days ago.

My Queen, the lady greeted with a bow

Oh Hi… its you again, Zelda replied happily.

Yes, My Queen.

Thats Maya, she helped give birth to you, King Wright told Zelda.

What? Zelda exclaimed.

Hows that possible, she obvously looks younger than me!

Maya smiled.

That’s because you spent your whole life in the other realm My Queen, she replied with a teasing smile.

King Wright watched them, Maya has never been this free in his presence before.

She was always shaking but this time, she seemed to click so well with his mate.

Zelda’s cheerful smile and genuine spirit made it easy for Maya to be herself.

The staff.. Zelda said pointing at the staff beside Maya.

Maya could only command it to that position, she couldn’t hold it.

Thats Saraphina’s staff, Zelda added.

Its yours now, My Queen.

Yeah… that’s true but… I can’t… its going to throw me off if I touch it.

That was before my queen, His Majesty said you have been washed.


I mean… the river, she whispered the last part.

I guess the power of the river is still a secret, huh? Zelda whispered back.

Yes, My Queen, Maya replied with a smile.

She couldn’t hide how happy she was to finally see the lost baby even if all she could see was her eyes.

Her blue eyes was as beautiful as it was on the day she was born.

Maya is the head of witches… I asked her to take your place till whenever you are ready, King Wright said behind them..

Really? Thanks a lot… Ma’am, Zelda spoke and Maya’s eyes widened.

Its Maya… just Maya, My Queen, she replied immediately.

Zelda chuckled uneasily, she would never get used to this treatment, its okay for older people to bow to her but its not okay for her to add honorifics to their names.

Its alright, King Wright spoke, referring to Maya and Zelda smiled.

Whoever wrote those books must be insane, how could they call someone as nice as her mate, Cruel? she thought with a frown.

Her mate glanced at her and smiled.

She doesnt think he’s cruel anymore, but is he really not cruel? he asked himself.

Teach her everything she needs to know Maya, King Wright said taking few steps back.

Yes Your Majesty, Maya bowed respectfully then faced Zelda whose eyes were dancing in excitement.

Maya? King Wright called.

Your Majesty?

Don’t force her to learn the words, just teach her how to do it, what should be on her mind… let her use wh@ťěver word she likes, he said and even though Maya did not understand why, she didn’t ask.

She responded and bowed.

He stood, guarding them like Wyatt, he would have wanted Wyatt here but if Wyatt leave the palace then it would be obvious he left too.

That’s why he asked for the room to be guarded by his Cheif guard.

The chief guard only guards the room the King is.

He glanced at his mate, her eyes were focused solely on Maya who was teaching her.

He knew she didn’t use their spell words to open the border.

He also knew she has never used their chants or spell word since she started to use her powers.

Wh@ťěver word she has been using is likely to work for her then the one Maya might try to teach her.

There was no time to learn all the thousand spells anyway.

She still had to learn a little defense in sword fight after this and they have to be done and return before their wedding eve which is in few hours.

By the time they were done with the ritual, Saraphina had drank the blood of the four people that were lured to the forest by Jade.

Her eyes were red and she felt more powerful than ever.

She was more of a vampire than a witch since she lost almost all her witch power.

She growled loudly frightening Ricardo who was sitting in a distance and backing them.

He was scared to his bones but he didn’t want to see what they were doing.

He didn’t want to be connected to them in any way.

They promised to take him to Zelda the next day which was their Wedding day but they didn’t tell him the love of his life was getting married.

He was probably too foolish to read the hand writing on the wall.

Peyton washed the blood way from her hands and face then instructed Jade to stay and make sure Ricardo doesn’t wander around.

I don’t mind those hungry vampires getting a scent of his blood and devouring him but you know well why we need him on the wedding day, she said to Jade who nodded.

What about my father? Jade asked..

Take care of the fool, I’ll take care of my own problems, Peyton replied..

And my mom? Jade asked again.

I don’t need her anymore but your dad sure does so I’m guessing you will still continue luring your friends to him, Peyton replied walking away.

Jade glared at her retreating figure, she h@ťěd her.

She was only friends with her because she was the fastest way to the throne since her father was slow.

She and her father already planned taking her out if she tries to get the throne.

I’m sure you do not like her, She said to Saraphina who was looking around the bushes.

I don’t care about her, we have a common goal, and that’s to get ride of that witch, Saraphina replied.

And what happens to you afterwards?

It doesn’t seem like you are still the mother supreme, even if you were, you won’t be accepted back, what will happen to you after ki||ing the queen of this kingdom?

Remember you are a wanted criminal in the other realm, even if you weren’t wanted, there won’t be anyone to open the border for you anymore, Jade spoke, sounding very sincere but manipulative.

Saraphina stared at her, she knew she was trying to manipulate her and get her to form an alliance with her.

None of them knew what Peyton was thinking.

Saraphina still kept mute.

Come to think of it, my dad got into trouble for nothing, I can’t believe i let her trick me, Jade said like someone who just realized something.

What do you mean?

What are the things we needed from Zelda to get her to open the border? Jade asked.

Just her hair and cloth then the blood permission, didn’t you do that? Saraphina asked.

You mean their blood mixing on the knife right? Jade asked.

What knife?

A few days ago, Peyton cut herself… she made Zelda cut herself too, on the same knife that had her blood on it, that was when she asked her permission before gifting her a scarf to seal it, Jade explained and Saraphina nodded.

Then that’s all, Saraphina said and Jades mouth hung open.

That’s all?


But… what about the carved wood? she asked.

What carved wood?

The carved wood… the reason my dad is in the palace prison!

I dont get, you don’t need a carved wood to do that, Saraphina said pausing to think.

Come to think of it, she didn’t use the carved wood when she was trying to summon Zelda to the border, Jade pointed out

Except….. except she has other things to do with the wood, Jade said, she seemed shocked.

How could she not think of it.

Why did they need her blood when they already made a blood pact.

I knew it… she is planning something!

She glanced at Saraphina… what do you think the carved wood soaked with Zelda’s blood is for? she asked

Saraphina stood thinking… she didn’t know much about a blood soaked carved wood.

But she knew it was a dangerous practice, they weren’t allowed to learn about it back then when she wasn’t a mother supreme and when she finally had access she didn’t remember to find out why.

She probably didn’t think much of it.

She tried to search her memories.

The memories of other supreme mothers before her, but they were gone.

They were out of her head, she couldn’t remember anything.

All she had was her own memories.

She balled her fist angrily.

Every new mother supreme doesn’t just inherit the powers of the previous mother supreme, they also get their memories.

They remember everything that happened, all that the mother supremes before her knew, all they were capable of, all they have done, every single memory comes to the new mother supreme.

Saraphina once had it that was how she knew she could go to a different realm just by holding the new born baby who has the ability.

Peyton was her accomplice back then, they once discussed using the baby’s hair strand and used cloth or diaper but she changed her mind and took the baby with her at the last minute.

The plan was to discard the baby in the human realm then use those items to get back in.

That’s how Peyton knew about it.

But right now, those memories are gone, which mean the new mother supreme has them.

But thinking about the stabbed Zelda, she must be unconscious, besides she knows nothing about being a witch to access those memories even if she has them.

Sighing, she glanced around her.

I was getting paranoid for nothing, she muttered.

Did you say something? Jade asked.

I said nothing, she replied.

You still don’t know what it means?

I don’t know, Saraphina replied.

She too wanted to know but the only option here is to ask Zelda and she definitely won’t do that.

Asking Zelda would mean bringing it to her knowledge that she can access other mother supremes memories including that of her mother before she was reincarnated.

If she knows what Samara knows then she can destroy the whole village if she wants, she (Saraphina) will seem like a mere dust to her.

She couldn’t let that happen, she’d rather not know what the carved wood means, she would prefer to die by Peyton hands then Zelda’s.

Its a good thing this happened just when the king happens to be sick, this coup already is a success, she thought walking away.

Where are you going?

Jade asked but she snubbed her and kept walking.

Jade rolled her eyes, she didn’t like either of them.

Hey? You can come out now, she called with a raised voice.

In few seconds, Ricardo was out.

She stared at him, lost… not because she wanted him but she was thinking of her own mate.

She wondered what he looks like.

She was sure what she felt that day was a mate bond.

But where did he disappear to?

She’s searched the whole villahe looking for that feeling but it never came again, she wondered if her mate was loving in the palace.

Is he a mere guard?

Is the guard of noble birth or a slave?

She hoped he should be the son of a noble family, he can’t be by her side as a queen if he’s a slave, she won’t even stoop so low to let herself get involved with a slave.

Was he looking for her?

If she felt the bond, he must have felt it too.

Why has he not found her?

I must find him… she thought

She knew their coup would be bloody.

Her father already organized soldiers.. a lot of them, the King might be sick but his soldiers aren’t.

The only luck they would have is that they would be hitting the soldiers unaware.

If her mate would be among those guards and soldiers, she has to find him first and warn him.

She can’t loose her mate to a coup, never.

When are we leaving here? Ricardo asked her.

We leave now, she said leading the way.

Its was still dark, it would be better to take him to their home when those hungry vampires like herself aren’t awake yet..

If they find out there is a human in their world they would devour him first then take his body parhs to the palace to report him for trespassing.

They started walking but Ricardo was slow, he seemed to be very tired.

He could feel his strength reduce with each step..

I must be hungry, he thought taking a snack pack from his backpack, and started eating as he walked behind her.


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