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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve Edwin




What do you mean the horse took her? I asked Zelda’s personal maid who was shaking and crying profusely.

It took her… they asked her to get in knowing it was dangerous, she cried more.

I wasn’t understanding a thing that she was saying.

Who asked her to get in?

What horse? I asked in confusion.

Look, you need to stop crying and explain better so I can understand you, I told her and she nodded while sniffing and wiping her already running nose.

The scared horse is not to be touched… they both knew that… I saw them smiling while she was fighting for her life as the horse took her away.

They were smiling?

Who are they?

The princess and her friend, she said and I stood without saying a word.

I was trying to understand her every word.

Is this horse dangerous? I asked and she gave me a look of “You still don’t understand”

No one has ever touched or gone close to the horse, its a sacred horse thats probably a thousand years old or more.

Everyone fears this horse, the energy around it is scary, I don’t know how My Queen even got close to him.

She even brushed his back like a child.

The horse must have felt disrespected, she was screaming… I can’t get her voice of anguish off my head, she spoke holding her head.

This has to be serious then

Do you know where they went to? I asked walking ahead.

I have to find her.

Nobody knows.

The King hasn’t been found, Chief Evenius too, the whole palace guards are looking for them, she said rushing behind me.

Getting out, we met with Arnold and Oliver, they both already heard what happened.

We didn’t have time, we split up immediately to look for Evenius or the King since the guards were already chasing the horse.

Queen followed me as we went back into the palace while Arnold and Oliver went outside with a guard who knows the village.

I don’t know why I chose to stay back and search the palace instead but I just kept feeling this urge to keep walking.

I’ll check the Chiefs room, Queen said and I nodded absent mindedly.

I watched her run to the other direction then I started to move.

It felt like there was something calling out to me, like something was pulling me towards that direction, I just followed without thinking until I got to a place that looks like a different house on its own.

There was no maid or guard since everyone’s busy trying to save their Queen.

Anyone here? Was the question I almost asked when I heard whispers.

Do you think she would be dead by now? A voice asked making me swallow my words.

Who must be dead? I wondered as I tiptoed to the door, it was slightly open and I could see two people talking, but I couldn’t see their faces.

I don’t think so, another voice spoke, then turned to the left and picked up a wood.

It was thick and carved like a knife.

She touched the tip with a smile on her face, I could only see part of her face.

What am I even doing here, I’m sure this isn’t my business, I thought trying to walk away quietly.

If its owner gets to them on time, her life would be spared but if he doesn’t then we would be hosting a funeral for our dead on arrival Queen, the lady with the knife said turning around.

Her face became visible and I recognized her immediately, she’s the dead Prince’s mate, Peyton.

Grandma made a portrait of her herself, she was going to show it to Zelda and warn her to beware of her.

Something about a prophesy but she never got the chance to.

What if the horse doesn’t ki|| her? the other lady who was backing the door asked.

Then we go on with our original plan, we have to get her sworn enemy here and this, she said smiling at the carved wood.

This is the last step, we have to get her blood on this to be able to open the border ourselves.

How are we going to do that, you said the stupid maid is already scared, the other lady whispered.

How is it going with your dad? Did he deliver my message to you? the first lady asked changing the topic.

You should have seen his face when he found out through your last message that it has been you all along, the second lady spoke with a chuckle.

Are you really going to make him King after all these? she asked, suspiciously.

I have no business with the throne, I just want to get my revenge for ki||ing my husband, Peyton replied

King Wright ki||ed his twin?

That’s not what grandma told us, I thought trying to get a proper look at the other lady’s face..

I told Dad, he was getting paranoid for nothing, she replied, her smile obvious in her tone.

I have to get going now, call me if you need someone to stick that wood into the losers stomach, I would gladly do it, she added them turned around.

Immediately her face came to view, I got a weird feeling.

Mate? I thought holding my chest.

Thats not my mate right?

I’m just being paranoid.

This evil being can’t be my mate, how can my mate be planning to ki|| the woman I’m inlove with?

This is not what I expected.


Is this a joke? I thought staggering a little.

I saw her eyes flash, as she clutched her chest.

What’s wrong? I heard Peyton ask.

My… I just had this…. she stopped talking and began taking slow steps to the door..

Without thinking, I turned around and ran, as far as my feet could carry me, without looking back..

Is the moon goddess trying to mess with me?

This can’t be happening!

It can’t be!

I kept running until I ran out of the palace completely, I didn’t know where I was but I kept running anyway.

They are the ladies Queen mentioned!

I have to find Zelda.

I have to save her!


Evenius briefed Zelda on what to do and she got to work.

King Wright, bare chested had half of his body in the smaller part of the river, he didn’t have enough energy left and the river was going to help stop him from passing out during the process.

Zelda stood in the river she almost drowned in few hours back, confidently.

She was determined to save this man in front of her by all means.

Despite all the pain he felt, it didn’t show on his face.

He kept his eyes glued to his mate, silently telling her that she could do it.

Wyatt kept watch and Evenuis stood behind the king on the shore.

He handed the cat to Zelda and she took him, his (Beiber) eyes glowed as he stared only at her.

King Wright was staring at her so he could only stare at her too.

Smiling, she pecked the side of his eyes with teary eyes.

Thanks Beiber, because of you I was happy when happiness was impossible, I will miss you, she whispered brushing his furs for the last time before placing him on King Wright’s bare chest.

Ready? King Wright mind linked her and she smiled.

More than ever, she replied aloud.

King Wright nodded then shut his eyes, taking in the pain.

Smiling at his cute face, Zelda took a deep breath before lifting her two hands to the sky.

She started muttering words to the sky then she started to draw something in the sky with her hands.

It wasn’t a circle but a star.

Evenius was marveled, that wasn’t what they talked about.

She exceeded his expectation of her in few seconds.

When she was done she took her hands slowly down to the Kings chest, on hand on his chest, another one on the cat.

The edges of the star in the sky started making circles on the sky.

She was in perfect control of not just the sky but everything within her jurisdiction.

Then she stood up slowly, raising her hands and blue like flames appeared on her palms then she directed them to the kings body and his chest rose and fellas he groaned.

She repeated the same thing two more times and by the time she opened her eyes, the cat was gone and a big book was on top his chest instead.

Your Majesty, Evenius called when King Wright opened his eyes.

Are you okay? Zelda asked bending to touch him.

He didn’t say a word, he still looked weak.

Oh no, it didn’t work, Zelda panicked.

Are you feeling worse? she asked touching his forehead and he held her hand.

I have to try again.

Bear with me please, she said trying to stand up as she avoided stepping on his tail but he used his tail to knock her legs and she fell on him.

Are you…..

Shh… he whispered with a smile then pulled her up, hugging her properly with his bare body.

Zelda froze, she didn’t expect an ordinary body contact to feel so electrifying.

I’m fine, you did it, he whispered very close to her ear and she smiled nervously then frowned.

If you were fine, why did you get me scared then, she said trying to feign annoyance so she can use it as a reason to get up but he didn’t budge.

He just kept smiling.

We should go, everyone must be worried, Zelda said again, her voice sounded like it didn’t belong to her.

Is that what you want? he asked looking into her eyes.

Ofcourse, she replied quickly.

Get up then, he said unexpectedly.


He glanced at her hand, she was the one holding on to him tighter yet she was asking to go.

Embarrassment washed over her as she slowly got up as her body brushed his tail, around his waist, slightly

She was grateful it was a tail there instead, if not she would have been more embarrassed.

What’s this book though? she asked picking up the book that already fell into the river.

What I used to create the cat, he replied.

Wow, she exclaimed handing it to Evenius as she got out of the river then walked out with Evenius so the King can dress up since he would be naked when he comes out.

My Queen, Evenius called when they were away from the King and she stopped to glance at him.

You did a great job back there, he comended hee with a smile.

Thanks, the jerk couldn’t even say that to me, she scoffed and he smiled.

I’m happy to see that you both are getting closer, I feel fulfilled already, he replied and they started walking again.

He turned to glance at The King who was almost fully dressed.

My Queen, he called and she stopped again.

Please take care of His Majesty, he might seem tough but he’s a completely different person inside.

Aside from his horse, you are the only one i can trust around him.

I already made a list of what he eats and the time he eats, I’ll also tell you the places to find him when he suddenly disappears, here, is one of them, I’ll tell you more about it when we get home, he said still smiling cheerfully.

Zelda stared st hom.

Is everuyhing alright? Are you going somewhere? She asked him and he shook his head.

I can get quite over protective something, Forgive me, he replied, still smiling.

Let’s go, they heard the King say behind them.

Wyatt came to them and they King Wright helped Zelda get in then he got in behind her.

Ready? He asked and she nodded with a nervous smile.

He pulled the rope then held tightly on to her as Wyatt rode off.

Evenuis stood there for a while smiling at them till they left them he turned to take in his surrounding before teleporting out of there.


Who still remembers the deal Evenius and the King had?

How do you think August will handle what he just discovered?

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