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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

BY Genevieve E.




Daphane stood with her protruding belle in front of Blue blocking her only means of walking past her.

They were both standing outside, at the balcony enjoying the view.

Come on Daphane, the cat is so beautiful, you should let me get it, Blue said as she stared lovingly at the cute little cat sitting few meters away from where they stood.

No Blue, you are so obsessed with animals, do you want to steal it? Daphane asked.

But it looks homeless, Blue replies with a pout.

But its not homeless Miss Blue Corbyn.

You can’t tell by blocking my way with this big belly of yours, Blue mocked playfully.

I won’t let you steal another cat!

Oh no Daphane, do you have to remind me? Blue replies face palming herself as she recalled what happened the last time she thought she saw a stray cat.

She loves animals so much but her mom has refused buying her one.

She then resulted to hunting for stray dogs and cats to take care of.

But the owners keep showing up even before they could bond properly.

.The last cat she thought she rescued almost landed her little self in jail.

She saw the cute little cat being drenched by the rain, she quickly extended her ever ready arms to it.

Took her in, bathed and even made a hand made blue dress for it.

The owners didn’t show up as she bonded with the cat for more than two weeks.

One day, she was with her classmates as they all walked together to the house of one of them for their assignment when a woman rushed out of acab calling her a theif.

She dragged the beautifully adorned cat away from her, taking off her wig in the process as her mates screamed on seeing her bare head.

She was bald beneath the wig!

They didn’t give her the chance to explain nor the chance to pick up her wig to cover her shame when she was dragged to the womans car like a criminal.

Bring a very dramatic woman, she called the police.

If not for the intervention of a stranger who she has never met before, she would have spent her entire day in the prison for her love for animals.

Blue blushed shyly as she remembered the embarrassment she had to go through just for a cat.

I remember how hard it was for you to face your schoolmates because they kept teasing you with your bald head, Daphane fueled her misery.

Stop it, Blue cooed eyeing her.

Then leave stray animals alone, I’m sure you would steal my baby if you saw her sleeping in her room.

You would tell me she us a stray baby too, Daphane mocked.

Don’t you think its time to go see your husband? Blue asked with an eye roll as they both burst into laughter.

You are right though, i have to go, Daphane said after taking a glance at her wrist watch.

Let me walk you, Blue offered.

No no, you know how Kathy is, I can manage, Daphane refused.

Blue sighed, I’m not a child anymore, I don’t know why she keeps caging me, Blue complained brushing her wig with her hands .

You should be bothered about why she shaves your hair and prefers you on wig instead, Daphane said and began walking away as Blue stood staring into space while caressing her wig.

She would never understand why she has to put on wig for the rest of her life.

While Mia is allowed to grow her hair, hers is shaved every week.

Blue? Mia who just walked in on her called seeing her twin looking lost.

Hey Mia, Blie called in excitement as they hugged..

You won’t believe what happened over there Blue, come come, Mia yelled dragging her sister into the house.

Getting into the house, Kathy was sitting on the couch, her eyes glued to the TV screen.

Hey mom, Mia cooed going to kiss her cheek.

Hey baby, how did it go? Kathy asked totally ignoring Blue who stood beside Mia.

She pulled Mia to her and the excited Mia began telling her about her trip.

Blue stood like a moron watching them for a while as tears circulated her eyes, thr_@thening to fall.

Slowly she walked away unnoticed.

Getting into the room, she stood in front of the mirror staring at her reflection.

Mia just came back from the school excursion which she was supposed to attend.

As the brighter twin, Blue was picked to go, which Mia was okay with.

On reaching home, she told their mom in excitement but she was told she can’t go.

With the excuse that her sister has never been picked for anything before, she was asked to let her sister go on her behalf.

Considering it, Kathy was right.

Mia was always behind in everything.

Blue was always getting the awards and recognition.

Maybe letting her go to this excursion would be best for her sister, she had no other option but to agree.

She stayed home just to make her sister happy but it seems Kathy still wasn’t satisfied.

Even if sometimes she treats her well,she still acts like she doesn’t exist other times.

She reached for her brown wig and yanked it off her hair,revealing her bald head.

Her blue eyes shone brightly making her smile.

Mia tells her she looks beautiful even when bald but she never believes it.

She wants to see her hair grow but her mom will never let that happen for reasons unknown to them.

She would always shave it off before anyone gets to see it.

Once she tried to secretly grow her hair, she lied to her mum that Mia already helped shave it.

She watched in excitement as her her white hair grew slowly, it was still short seeing even a strand of her own hair on her head delighted her.

Unfortunately, Kathy walked in on her combing it after taking a shower.

She was grounded for two weeks after the hair got shaved off.

Mia felt so sorry for her but couldn’t do a thing.

None of them could understand why Mia was allowed to grow her hair while she wasn’t.

Neither did they understand why all of her hair is white despite her being a teenager.

Aww, are you sad? Came Mia’s mild voice as she walked in and locked the door with the key.

I’m sad Mia, I want my hair, Blue cried.

Look, there are tiny bits of hair growing Blue, they are so pretty,Mia cooed touching her head as she felt the little white hair on her head.

Mom is still going to shave it off, Blue complained bitterly.

Come here, Mia cooed pulling her twin to herself and hugging her.

Mom said its to protect you, I’m sure she has her reasons okay, Mia consoled.

Blue only stared into space as she allowed her sister comfort her.

Maybe she has a reason.

The ring tone from her phone pulled them back to reality, they disengaged from the hug as Blue went to grab her phone while Mia went to unpack.

? Hey, Blue said as she wiped the tears in her eyes.

? Hey Blue eyes, I’m home! Squealed Daphane.

? Jeez Daphy, how old are you again? Blue mocked.

? I’m 27, I’m still young and free!

? Stop yelling! Blue screamed as Mia burst into laughter.

? Go Daphy, its okay to yell, Mia screamed into the phone she already snatched from Blue.

She put the phone on loud speaker as she dropped it on the table beside them.

? Mia! You are back! Oh my God, I feel like coming right back! Daphane screamed.

? Really now Daphy! Blue yelled feigning jealously.

? Come on Blue, you know you are my favourite, Daphane teased.

? Wh@ťěver, Blue replied with a slight blush.

? She’s blushing Daphy! Mia screamed exposing her.

Shut up you betrayer! Blue screamed chasing Mia around the room, both forgetting the childish pregnant lady on the phone.

? Hey I’m still here! Daphane yelled.

? Hey you both!

? Stop laughing you both!

? Oh my God these two, talk to me you dimwit! she kept screamimg but they kept fighting each other as their laughter echoed in Daphane inquisitive ear making her groan in anger.

? Ouch!!!! She screamed so loud scaring them as they both stopped.

? Daphane are you okay? Mia yelled

? What’s wrong Daphy?
? Is the baby coming? Blue asked worriedly grabbing the phone.

? Gotcha! Daphane screamed from the other end as she busrt into laughter.

? Jesus Daphy! I give up! Blue exclaimed throwimg herslef on the bed.

? You really are insane, I hope your child doesnt inherit your craziness, Mia said with a smile.

? She has to, your kids need a doze of our craziness too, Daphane replied feeling happy for herself for the successful prank.

? Not my child, go away, Blue replied tiredly as she pulled Mia’s bag towards her, helping her unpack.

? I have a book for you Blue, I’m sure you will love it, its a history book, Daphane announced.

? Really? We have to go to the library tomorrow, Blue replied happily as Mia sighed.

She h@ťěd books but Blue gets excited at the mention of books and reading.

? You didn’t even ask the name, Daphane replied with a smile.

? Yeah, what’s the name?

? The Ancient Story Of The White Horse Kingdom, Daphane replied.

? Wow, that sounds interesting, i’m meeting you by 9am at the library, don’t be late, Blue said

? I Won’t miss it for anything in the world, I’ve heard a lot about that book! Daphane replied.

? See you tomorrow then, Mia screamed from her seat sounding agitated as she grabbed the phone and ended the call.

Book this book that, Jeez! she snaped as a pillow landed on her head.

Ouch! she yelled grabbing her own pillow as they began hitting each other.


Daphane! ? ?

Who else loves the twins’ love for each other.

Why do you think Kathy keeps cutting Blue’s hair?

Is it because it is White or she has other aganda that we don’t know about? ?

Why restricting her from going out?

Why do you think Blue is so obsessed with animals?

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