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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve Edwin




Hearing Oliver mention Saraphina as the only one that knows how to cross the border broke me completely.

I’m sure wherever she is she would be smirking.

Are you sure? I asked Oliver and he shrugged.

Aside from Grandma, Saraphina is the only one that has crossed the border, even His Majesty has no idea about how to cross with a human body thats why he came as a… he pointed at Beiber like he didn’t want to call his King a cat.

I nodded with a distant look in my eyes.

You guys have to help me out here, I spoke shutting my eyes.

Trying to think.

Do I need to use a spell?

Do I need to utter some words?

I can’t go putting my feet in there, It has to be dangerous, i thought hugging Beiber.

Tell me Wright… what should I do? I asked in my head.

You did nothing when you passed through here, twenty five years ago, he spoke and I got confused.

I did nothing? I blurted out.

A thought crossed my mind and I threw my eyes open.

Their eyes bored into me like they were searching my soul.

I felt hot sweat dropping from my forehead, neck and back.

I need your help guys.

August, grandma was the last person to possess the power to open this border right? I asked and he nodded.

I’m sure grandma didn’t help Saraphina cross… now if she didn’t… who did? I asked and they all stared at me.

God! I screamed jumping up.

I’m a big fool.

The answer has been standing right before us, all these while and i have been getting confused.

No, I’m a genuis, I said changing the word I once used.

I belive there is power in spoken words, I can’t call myself a fool and expect to act like a genius right? I said audibly to myself.

They all starred at me like I have lost my mind but they dare not say it out.

Standing in front of the border, I took a deep breath.

Grandma is over a thousand years descendant of Zelda, that’s me.

Zelda used to have the power, so do I even if i wasn’t reborn as a descendant, I still possess the powers of Zelda.

That’s why Saraphina could cross, because she knew this.

She used me to cross, which means, Saraphina can’t cross the border on her own.

Oh My God! I screamed in my head.

That’s it… that’s it…. right?

Right Mate? I asked in my head.

Genius! I heard him reply, his voice was loud and clear.

Hearing him praise me, even with just a word had my soul bubbling, I got butterflies in my tommy.

Then it means, thr reason why grandma needed to see me was to transfer the power to do it on my own, right? I asked and Beiber wiggled his tail.

Ready? he asked and I nodded.

Gather here, I heard him order but he wasn’t talking to me.

He spoke in their heads because they all gathered around me.

Your body will remember, he spoke and i nodded.

Stretch your two hands towards the barrier, he spoke calmly and I did as I was told.

Shutting my eyes, I waited for him to say something but he jumped down, abandoning me.

Its something I have to do on my own.

I shut out my surrounding from my head as I followed the wind.

I started to hear a voice, it sounded like mine

Zelda? I called and I her face appeared.

“You will start to get memories.

My memories, your past memories.

Remember, you can do everything i can and more.

You are the breakthrough White Horse Kingdom needs.

You are the break through your mate needs.

You are stronger than you know.

That’s barrier is yours, ace it” with that she was gone.

I couldn’t feel her anymore.

I was alone.

Beiber wasn’t in my head either..

I felt like me.

Fear gripped me but Zelda said the barrier is my own.

If I own it then…….

Clearing my throat, I started moving my hands.

“Your body will remember” Echoed in my head.

Truly, my hands were moving like I already knew what to do.

Slowly, my hands started to feel heavy, my body began to shake like I was carrying something very heavy..
But I didn’t stop.

I continued.

I don’t know anything about being a witch or witches chants.

But I’ve been going to church all my life and I know how to make declarations.

I was declaring and ordering the barrier in my head.

It felt right so I continued.

But I was getting tired and weak.

Whoever made this barrier went all out for it.

But I’m gonna crack it, even if it drains all my strength.

I kept repeating those words, faster as I poured my whole being into it.

I felt cold all of a sudden, then warm.

Slowly I opened my eyes and they landed on the already opened barrier.

You did it! August screamed running over to me.

I did it, I screamed too jumping on his body.

We were both screaming and rejoicing with my legs wrapped around his waist that we didn’t notice the men who stood there, watching us.

Oliver cleared his throat and I looked down, my eyes landed on the three men and a woman who were watching us.

Watching me.

Embarrassed, I slowly got down from August’s body and picked up Beiber.

I was white from embarrassment..

What an incredible first impression, I muttered through my teeth.

I heard August chuckle amd i spanked his head.

Stop laughing, why did you carry me, this is all your fault, I whispered again through my teeth.

It was you who jumped on me, he whispered back

You should have informed me! I argued.

Informed you about what? About whose body you were jumping on right when it was still in your head? He fought back.

Once again, we were forgetting that we weren’t alone.

Welcome, Your Majesty, They greeted together with a bow.

I just stared with a forced smile, I didn’t know how to respond to that.

You should act like a queen! August whispered but it sounded like he screamed in my ear.

Mmm… i cleared my throat as I tried to gain a normal composure.

But I failed.


I must seem laughable to them.

You must be tired, My Queen, The famale among them spoke with a wide smile.

A very sincere one.

Ye… yes… Ofcourse, i replied rushing into the road that became visible after the barrier was set off.

The guys joined me as we crossed the barrier.

The men looked at me like they were waiting for me to do something but I started at their faces with a differnt though.

Why are they all looking like humans?

Aren’t they supposed to be animals?

Hey, look at that ear, is that an elf? I thought chuckling.

The guy with the elf ear cleared his throat, i lifted my head and saw them staing at me, there was no expression on their faces, except for the lady who was still smiling and looking me all over.

Oh my God, Can they hear me?

Am I in trouble? I fidgetted

This is the part when you close the border, August whispered.

Oh! I half yelled.

Oh no, I didn’t expect it to come out like that.

I still stood there, my legs felt weak, not because I’m tired but because I wasn’t just scared of their faces but I have also embarrassed myself in many ways.

They must think I’m a psycho!

Am I a psycho?

Do they really judge people without getting to know their own sides of the story?

Are they already revolting against me in their minds?

Have i been disqualified?

Oh my God! Have I already gotten my self some h@ťěrs?

My Queen, the border! August whispered again.


I ran back like it was far away.


I should have walked, stylishly… like a queen.

Should I do it again?

What the hell am I thinking!

Stop thinking!


Concentrate on the border, I scolded myself.

I took a quick glance at them and they were watching me, closely.

Still without any expression on their faces.

I hope i don’t get confused and mess this up in front of them.

That would make them think I’m not just stupid but weak.

Alright… that’s enough… concentrate now!


That’s it, I muttered taking a deep breath as I shut my eyes and started to do the reverse of what I did before..

This time, it didn’t take time, I was done in seconds.

Phew, thank goodness, I breathed out.

I turned around and caught the lady, still smiling.

Just when I was about taking the first step back, the guy with the long ears swung his blade at me swiftly.

Without thinking, I let out a loud scream as I ran away from him, rushing to Oliver this time.

I didn’t do anything… don’t ki|| me…. I screamed gripping Olivers T-shirt.

I felt him tense up then he calmed down.

Its okay… hey… its okay… he wasn’t aiming at you, Oliver whispered.

What? I asked opening my eyes slowly.

My eyes first caught the blood dripping out of his blade.

No, August! I screamed looking towards August.

He’s fine, it wasn’t any if us, don’t worry, we are alright, Oliver conforted me in the calmest voice that I never dreamed his throat could produce.

No one?

Are you sure? I asked still hiding at his back.

Everything is fine, my Queen, I’m sorry for startling you, the epf spoke and I almost jumped out of my skin, his voice seemed scarier than the blood dripping blade.

Slowly I crawled out of Olivers back but still held on to his cloth.

I looked at the floor and there lay a big bird.

Is that a bird?

Or a vulture?

Why did you murder a bird? I asked almsot running to the bird.

Its not a real bird, it was spying on you, he spoke cleaning his sword like he didn’t just spill blood..

Let’s go, My queen, another guy said am I waited for Oliver to go first then I joined August, holding his hands, it was still shaking.

Arnold followed behind us.

Two of the men walked behind us while the lady and one guy lead us.

We were still walking through similar path, this one seemed longer but it also feels safer.

We kept walking but I couldn’t help but notice something was in the bushes.

It looked like someone was spying on us…

I could feel it.

Is it another bird.

Do I need to inform them?

Maybe I should just mind my business, I’ve caused myself enough embarrassment in few minutes.

Not anymore.

Just keep going, Zelda.

Don’t look.

Yes, like that…. I started singing a song in my head, it will help me relax… right?

But curiousity they say kils the cat.

Without thinking, I found myself looking around the bushes.

My eyes caught something.

A huge snake, it was watching us

No, I didn’t just see that.

Yes, its not real…

That’s not a snake right?

Which snake is as big as that?

Why am I having cold shivers…

Just look away.

Look away Zelda… just do it.

I cant… I can’t! Snake! i screamed out loud hugging both Beiber and August as darkness covered me.

This girl’s a nutjob ?

Finally, what a grand entrance Miss Zelda’s powers belongs to me and more ??

Why is the snake watching tho instead of meeting her..

I think our King must be mad at her for hugging August ?

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