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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve Edwin




I opened my eyes with a start, I just had a bad dream.

What was that about?

How can I be dreaming of something so absurd? I wondered as I shut my eyes back because the rays of light hit my eyes without warning but something caught my attention before I shut my eyes which made me open them again.

That’s not my curtain, I thought looking around me

I was lying in a strange room, I guess that’s why I was having strange dreams.

But whose house is this anyway? I wondered getting up from the bed.

Did I get drunk last night and a good Samaritan drove me home?

But i dont remember goimg to drink…

And i ain’t feeling any bit of hangover, i thought as I slipped my legs through the flip flop I saw beside the bed.

I have to get out of here Kathy must be worried, where’s my phone?

I tried to dip my hand in my pocket but there was no pocket.

I was wearing a strange cloth.

This is not the cloth I had on yesterday, what the hell happened yesterday, I tried thinking but all I could remember was the weird dream I had.

That was one hell of a dream, who dreams of witches these days, I thought with a chuckle then walked to the bathroom to wash my face.

I have to go find the owner of this house, he or she should know where my cloth and cell phone is.

I hope its a he though.

I turned on the tap and began washing my face, when I was done, I picked up a towel to wipe my face , as I lifted my head to look into the mirror.

Jesus!! I heard someone scream

Wait, that’s my line….. Jesus! I screamed myself shutting my eyes tight.

Who is that? I asked the image I saw in the mirror.

Is my imagination running wild now?

Who owns that face?

That’s certainly not mine! I screamed in my head then I took a deep breath, mustering enough courage to look in the mirror again.

No!!! I screamed running out of the bathroom.

Joe? I heard a familiar voice call my name but I wasn’t going to stop.

I had no plans of stopping until I leave this devilish house.

I ran out of the room.


Joe, wait! he called as I could hear his footstep, running after me.

Uncle? I heard another voice call.

Daph… Daphane? i called out in my head then stopped to look at her.

Uncle Joe, its me… Its Daphane, Daphane said coming towards me.

Daph.. Daphane…. i called, this time, aloud.

Yes Uncle, its me.

Oh my God, I’m so glad you are awake, she said hugging me.

I just stared.

There you are, I heard my friend Enoch speak from the stairs.

Dad, He’s fine… come… Daphane called then started taking me back inside.

Oh my friend, how do you feel? Enoch asked.


Where….. where is me?

How can he call this hideous body and face Joe?

Do i look this hideous?

Where is my body?

What happened to me? I asked touching the hands I could see which looked nothing like me at all.

Enoch watched me, I know that look, he was looking at me with pity.

Don’t tell me I have been possessed… I asked glaring at the both of them.

You need to relax Joe, come over here, He said taking me from Daphane and I just followed foolishly.

Now that I think about it, I feel so light.

Like I could be blown away easily by a heavy breeze.

What the hell happened to me?!

I should call Mia, I heard Daphane say then she ran upstairs.

I looked at Enoch but he only pointed at a chair, signaling me to sit down.


At this rate, if I bend, I might be hearing the sound of my bones cracking.

Whose body is this? I asked foolishly.

You don’t remember anything? Enoch asked and i shook my head slowly.

You don’t remember calling me a week ago? he asked and I stared at him.

You don’t remember using my house at coast lane? he asked again but I just stared.

Lord, do you seriously not remember anything? he asked massaging his temples.

What’s there to remember?!

Easy Joe, you might hurt your throat, you should sit down too, he said and I sat down reluctantly.

I stared at him like a moron as he told me everything that happened.

Joe? he caled when I didn’t say a word.

Its not a dream?

They happened for real? I whispered.

If what I just told you is what you are talking about then, yes… they weren’t your dreams, Kathy… I mean Saraphina did that, Enough said and i felt cold shiveres rush down my spine.

So you mean Blue is gone?

She already left? I asked.

I can remember everything, perfectly now.

Including the words they spoke while I was lying still unconscious.

I heard everything.

My soul isn’t in a strange body, this is what is left of my body now.

Mia is on her way, Daphane spoke as she came running through the stairs.

She already changed from her nightie.

Don’t tell me you left your husbands home for me, Daphy, I asked feeling bad.

I couldn’t leave you alone Uncle Joe, you don’t know how happy I am to see you awake again.

I was so scared, she said hugging me.

I’m sorry, she apologized standing up like she was scared of squeezing life out of me.

I have to go prepare something nice for you.

You haven’t eaten in days.

What would you like to eat?

I have to stuff up some flesh back into your body before I leave this house, she said rushing to the kitchen.

Dad… remind him, he’s not leaving this house! She yelled from the kitchen.

You heard that, Enough teased and I chuckled.

She reminds me so much of Blue.

I guess there is no way to communicate with her right? I asked even when I knew the answer.

He shook his head and I nodded

I’m sure she would come to us, we just have to wait patiently, he said.

You heard that Uncle Joe, dad said she would come.

I’m sure you wouldn’t like her to see you looking this way, you have to eat well uncle Joe! Daphane yelled from the kitchen again and I couldn’t help but laugh.

Mia would be here soon, I can’t let her see me this way too, I have to go freshen up, I said excusing myself with a heavy heart.

I alrrady prepared your clothing Uncle Joe! Daphane yelled from the kitchen and I just skiled without responding.

It was obvious she was excited.

I can’t believe Kathy has been dead for twenty five years and I’ve lived with a total stranger all through without finding out.

A witch!

Kathy would sure feel betrayed.

Oh my Kathy.



I smiled when I got out of the river and saw the boys guarding it for me like there was anyone else in these bushes.

But what was more lovely was seeing Oliver and August talk and laugh while they waited for me.

I see you both are getting along so well, I spoke behind them.

They turned around and bowed with smiles on their faces.

August had a wider smile, he must be very excited to reconcile with his brother.

Its your turn now, I said and they nodded.

You both go ahead, I’ll watch with you, Your Highness, August offered.

No, you go ahead, I have Beiber, we have to hurry anyway, night is almost upon us.

Are you sure? I can still….

Its alright August, I’ll be fine.. right Beiber? I asked Beiber and he meowed making me bubble in happiness.

I saw August shift uncomfortably before rushing off after glancing at Beiber.

Do you still glare at him Wright? I asked Beiber but he wiggled his tail instead then started attempting to climb on my body.

I see you need to cuddle, are you cold? I asked wrapping my arms around him as well waited for the three musketeers to have their bath

Oh…My…God! Is that it? I asked the moment I saw something colorful ahead of us.

Gosh, its so beautiful, Arnold spoke.

Finally, that came from the unsmiling Oliver.

Easy! August yelled when I ran off with Beiber chasing after me.

I could hear them join me as our feet made noises in the grass.

Its the barrier!


We made it!! I screamed when I got there.

Its so beautiful!

How do we go in! I asked in excitement and I could see Oliver swallowing hard.

No, don’t tell me we don’t know, I asked shaking my head as I looked at their faces.

You just said it with your eyes, we don’t know, I muttered as my shoulder fell in disappointment

Oh no, I exclaimed placing my hands on my forehead.

I just developed a head ache.

I’m so pissed.

Saraphina is the only one who knows how we can go in but…. Oliver said looking at the visible barrier.




Only Saraphina knows ?

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