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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve Edwin




He wasn’t sure how to speak with her, he didn’t draw her so she would talk.

Sighing, Blue lifted her eyes to look at the painting but she noticed something.

Zelda had her eyes some where and it wasn’t on her face.

She traced her eyes, it was on Beiber.

In fact they were staring at each other.

I never got to meet you, Mate, she spoke to Beiber and Blue stared at her. ?

Who… are you talking to? Blue asked confused.

Our mate, your mate, she said still staring at Beiber.

What do you mean our mate?


Where is he? Blue asked and August wished he could run away.

This is not how he planned for her to find out.

He prayed in his heart that she shouldn’t ask him.

What is she talking about?

What does she mean by our mate? Blue asked him and he almost choked.

Choking on his blood seemed a better option to him at that point.

They didn’t tell you? Zelda asked

Tell me what?

I can’t believe the human world made my reincarnation completely clueless, Zelda spoke, disappointed.

What are you talking about?

Your pet… that’s your mate, she dropped the bombshell.


Tell me she’s joking?

August? she called but he looked like he was going to pee his pants.

Ignoring them Zelda spoke again.

That’s King Wright Knight on your arms as a cat, our mate, she said and Blue left her mouth hung open in shock.


August? Blue called staring into his wandering eyes.

Your.. high.. highness, August muttered as he felt his throat dry.

Dont highness me! Blue whispered through gritted teeth with an uneasy smile.

She was going to take it as a joke but Zelda was smirking.

Oh oh…. I guess I ruined the mood, Zelda spoke with a sly smile.

No no, tell me I’m being pranked right now….. August? August? Talk to me, August?! she yelled this time shaking him vigorously.

She’s telling the truth, Your Highness.


Don’t highness me! she screamed again, she looked at Beiber who was on her arms, he already turned meek.

She threw him off her body like he had a virus, making him meow then he turned to one side, hiding behind the table.

Tears clustered in her eyes as she watched him, he looked pitiful.

But she was the one who was supposed look pitiful.

Dont you dare! Dont you dare steal my look, I’m the one who should be pitiful right now, not you!

Your Highness, I can explain, August spoke and she turned to him with bloodshot eyes.

Horrified August took two steps back.

Wow, you look a scary right now, my queen, “hehe” he forced out a fake laughter that didn’t reach his eyes.

Blue made to take a step towards him when that voice that sounds exactly like hers except that this one has no emotion, stopped her.

This isn’t the time, Saraphina is hunting you right now.

The authorities are on your tail too, you have to get to White Horse Kingdom within the next four days or you would end up like me, she spoke.

But… Blue tried to protest.

No buts, Our mate left White Horse Kingdom to protect you at the expense of his life, your drama isn’t needed right now, she spoke harshly.

Blue turned to the painting on the wall, she couldn’t get mad, instead, she felt scared.

How could an ordinary painting scare the shits out of her?

So… what do i do? Blue asked, she was humbled involuntarily.

Follow me, Zelda said


Huh? Both Blue and August exclaimed in sync.

Follow me, she repeated with that stern voice, annoyed that they were too dumb for her liking.

How.. Blue started, pointing at the painting… are we supposed to follow you up there?

My reincarnation sure is terribly dumb, Zelda groaned.

Look into my eyes, dont just stare! Look into it like you are searching for something, use your mind, she growled at Blue who was shaken but still managed to do as she was told.

Don’t just stare, I said!

I’m not staring, Blue retorted

What do you see?

Your eyes? Is there…

How are you so clueless! Zelda yelled this time.

August flinched, he too wasn’t seeing anything else aside her eyes.

Blue tightened her fist, not only does talking to a painting feel weird,the image in the painting is yelling at her and she can only cower in fear like a mouse.

She was pissed, but didn’t know exactly what she was pissed about…. was it because she felt betrayed by both her supposed mate and August who she has come to see as a friend?

Or because her father is dead yet she can’t see him, she couldn’t say goodbye, that she wasn’t sure she would be able to attend his funeral?

Or because she is the prime suspect of her beloved fathers death when she clearly hasn’t seen him in months?

Or is it all the mysteries that has been unfolding for the past few days,her mother not being her mother? Or she not being of the world she has known all her life? Or that she is the mate of a certain cruel animal in one animal and vampire kingdom?

Or that her own sister is fighting against her over a man who is merely helping her?

Or is it this weird painting yelling at her?

How did her life get so messed up? she thought as her eyes went back to Zelda’s eyes.

Suddenly she started to see a path, it was bushy and lonely.

It was so long that she couldn’t see the end of it.

She kept on following as her eyes kept taking her through the part.

Until she got to a place that looked like there wasn’t any other part to follow.

There was nothing but bushes.

The road stopped there, she couldn’t go further, she got confused.

Thats the boundary,she heard Zelda’s now calm voice.

How do I cross over then? She asked.

You will have to figure that out yourself when you get there,Zelda spoke and she glared at her.

You should leave now, its a three days journey for people with physical strength and spiritual power, but for you….. I doubt you will get there in a week.


How? Blue asked in awe.

You have to walk from here, our mate will guide you on your way.

Can’t we take a car? Or a bike? just anything that can take us faster? Blue asked and August sighed in pity.

Cars can’t go there, he whispered.


That part isn’t for humans to take, they can’t see a path like you did, all they see is bushes and tall trees, anything created by them can’t go in or work in there, there is no other alternative here, you need to hurry, Zelda spoke.

How do we get out of here? August asked.

What do you mean? Aren’t you the one that brought us here? Blue asked.

It wasn’t me, His Majesty did, August said, his head bent.

Blue who has been avoiding his gaze looked at him,he looked quite pitiful that she wanted to lift him up and hug him but… she was way to pissed.

August seeing her reaction knew she won’t pick him up had to do it.

His hand shook as he approached Beiber who was sulking but glared at him the moment he saw him come for him.

Fearfully, he bowed first before stooping to his level then lifted him with shaky hands, Beiber didn’t protest.

He had no choice,his mate already h@ťěs him.

You should leave now, Zelda said

What about my dad? Blue asked.

He hasn’t joined us yet, Zelda answered.

What do you mean? Blue asked,confused.

You will get to understand everything soon,all your questions will be answered in due time but right now you have to leave, your kingdom needs their queen, Zelda said and Blue nodded not fully convinced.

Go, Zelda ordered and they turned to leave.

You can do it, Blue heard but when she turned around the painting was looking lifeless once again.

Taking a deep breath,she walked towards August who could only stare at her while hoping she won’t make him feel like a horrible person.

Let’s go,she said without looking at him.

Your purse, August reminded and she grabbed it immediately.

They held hands and started walking towards the exit.


Oh my God, how did you know this where I want to go? Blue exclaimed when they finally landed in front of a mall.

August coughed, he couldn’t tell her that Beiber could hear their thoughts.

Are you okay? Blue asked with concern.

Yes… I just….. I guess His Majesty knows we will need to buy some stuffs to take on our journey, he managed to say.

Blue stared at Beiber who wasn’t looking at her, his ego already kicked in.

Let’s go in, she said and walked away from them as they went in to shop for things they would need.


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