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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve Edwin




We need to get out of here, August almost screamed when he heard Beiber’s message to him through their mind link.

I’m almost done, Blue replied hastily, running around her room in search of her ear ring.

I kept it here, it was here, she muttered in confusion.

Oh my God Zelda, an ear ring again?

Stop calling me that, my name is Blue, Blue replied with an eye roll,still not getting why August was being weird.

Beiber only glared, he wasn’t looking at any of them.

None of them knew what he was up to or how he planned fixing their problem.

August kept glancing at him but he wasn’t looking,even though he could see them.

He was getting weaker and his strength wasn’t the same anymore, the way he was,he knew it won’t be long till he will no longer be able to protect his mate and that’s the major reason he wanted them to hurry.

He could feel the dark energy, it was closer than they knew.

He wished he could make his mate see things she is meant to see but she can’t be forced.

She can’t be coerced or she will get mad and ruin things that only her can fix..

The dark energy felt closer and he quickly glanced at August who had his eyes on his awaiting instructions from him.

They shared eye contact and Beiber rushed out of the room through the walls.

Beiber? August called like he didn’t see him leave.

What’s wrong? Blue asked still checking her closet for any trace of her missing earring.


Where did he go? August asked looking around.

Blue turned around immediately at the sound of his last statement.

What do you….. Beiber?

Where did he go? She asked moving towards the bathroom.

He isn’t there, August said with a feigned sad face.

Then where is he?

He was just here when I…

He was…

Oh no, do you think he has gone missing again like the last time?

No, don’t say that,I think he probably stepped out, August said

Before he could take another look at her, she already rushed out.

Sighing he joined her.

Beiber had to pull this childish but effective stunt, if not she was going to remain in there searching for wh@ťěver earring she thought was more important than her safety.

He got out and met Blue hugging Beiber so tightly.

Oh Hey, August said awkwardly.

He was going to say you found him but he said Hey instead.

He was curled up at a corner, Blue said looking sad.


Do you think Beiber is going through some stuffs, like if he is sad? Blue asked, her eyes already watery.

She loved her little cat so much, and she h@ťěd to see him dull and unhappy.

Only if she could tell what’s wrong with him.

I think…. He scratched his head as he tried to figure out what to say.

That’s the Ɓîtçh! They heard someone scream behind them.

The next thing, Blues white hair was pulled from behind.

What? Mia? August called rushing over to help.

What’s wrong Mia? Blue asked amidst pain as she held her hair.

How dare you?! Mia yelled still pulling her hair

What’s wrong Mia? Blue asked holding the root of her already grown white hair

I see you have grown the stupid hair, after all I have done for you! Mia yelled.

Calm down, Blue hasn’t done anything wrong, August defended.

You dare defend her right in front of me, how shameful, Mia cried but still didn’t let go of Blue’s hair.

Let go of my hair, please, Blue begged.

Not until mom gets here,she said and Blue almost vanished, only if she knew how to do that then her hair won’t be feeling like its gonna get pulled out any minute.

No Mia, please mom can’t see me here,please Mia,she begged desperately.

That’s not happening,after you almost ki||ed her.

Its always about you all the time, even dad isnt taking my calls,He’s always about where you are, Mia yelled.

Dad is not home? Blue asked.

Are you asking that when you obviously murdered him in cold blood, Kathy’s voice spoke from behind but this time, she didn’t sound evil.

She sounded like she’s been crying.

Murdered? Mia asked letting go of Blue’s hair.

Blue ignored her aching head as she turned to look at Kathy.

Dad? Murdered? How? she asked already in tears.

How dare you ask that when you obviously ki||ed him?

You evil child, you ki||ed my husband! Kathy screamed bursting into fake tears.


No mom… no… I can’t… I… I didn’t…..

You didn’t what? This is your bracelet! I found it where you murdered your father, why did you have to do that? You should’ve come for me instead, Kathy cried showing them the bracelet which they all recognized.

She smirked seeing the look on Mia’s face, she believed her.

Blue this is yours, its your… its your own bracelet Blue, Blue you… Mia was saying but her words hung in her throat as Blue could only shake her head as tears poured out of her eyes.

August was dumbfounded.

He knew the truth but who was going to believe them without evidence? he wondered.

I can’t believe this Blue,I loved you with my whole heart but what did you do?

You stabbed me in the back.

You stabbed us in the back! Mia yelled.

Mia no… i didn’t do it

But that’s your bracelet right there Blue!

I know but…

But what?

You call mom a liar?

You can’t even defend yourself Blue?

You stole my man, you have been living with him, and now, dad?

Dad did nothing to you Blue, he has been nothing but good to yiu,how could you?

How could you, she cried.

To think he was calling you all day!

August tried to speak but Mia hushed him with her hands raised.

Dad called me? Blue asled regretting why she dumped her phone.

From today inwards, we aren’t sisters, we aren’t related,I do not know you,I hope your in hell! Mia screamed.

Just then they all heard the sound of police siren.

She is going to rot in jail my child, the police is hete already, Kathy said pulling Mia into a hug with a smirk on her face while her eyes rested on Beiber who seemed rather too scary for a cat, she thought.

Blue was in schock.

She hasn’t recovered yet from the shock of all her recent findings, now this.

Her father is dead, her sister disowning her, now she is automatically a criminal to be arrested for murder.

How did I get here? she asked herself in tears.

The siren sound became louder, the police car was already in view and both Blue and August panicked.

August looked towards Beiber who was on Blues arms staring dangerously at Kathy.

Then his eyes (Beiber) went to the police car that was being driven in.

He glanced at August and sent him a mind link.

August rushed towards them and before Kathy could tell what was going on, they found them selves running off with great supernatural speed.

The police shot at them but they were already gone, beyond their eyes reach.

They mounted the car and chased after them as Kathy and Mia stood wondering what just happened.

That speed wasn’t ordinary.

August wouldn’t have been able to take them all that fast

Saraphina knew his powers were limited in this world except she underated him or there is a mystery she is yet to uncover, she thought, gritting her teeth.

Turning around,she walked out of the hotel leaving Mia who was still crying her eyes out.


Blue is now a suspect ?

Do you think Mia’s emotional outburst is justified?

Will Blue find what her father left for her?

Will Mia ever find out the truth will it be too late?

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