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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve Edwin



Mr Joe paced his room as he consistently dialed Blue’s number.

He kept looking out the window of his friends private house which he was lucky enough to get from his friend when he needed it.

He couldn’t stop thinking he was being watched

Who wouldn’t feel watched after seeing a demon, knowing this demon saw him?

He couldn’t get over the fact that he’s been touching and making love to this demon for God knows how long?

He had taken his bath severally since the previous day, making sure to scrub his body not minding if he gets bruised.

All through the night, he stayed awake, not sleeping a wink as he dialed his daughters number with no success.

Leaning on the wall, he reflected on the times he wasn’t there for his kids, especially Blue who was aware of how ill she was treated but he felt a mother knows what’s best for her child.

Never in his imaginations did get expect the same mother to not just be a demon but also want her own daughter dead.

Which brings him to the question, is she really her mother?

A question that sounded ridiculous to him.

How is she not her mother, he might not have been around when she put to bed at home but she was delivered of two babies even though the several scans they went for showed just a baby girl.

He considered the twin babies as a miracle and never bothered to find out why they had two babies instead of one.

Who questions Gods blessings?

Where did things go wrong? he wondered as his mind drifted to after the kids were born.

She changed! he almost screamed

She became a totally different person.

She called his name instead of the pet names she used to but he waved it aside, could be the stress if tskimgcare of two hyper active kids all day.

But she was distant.

Always lost in thoughts.

Most times forgot their anniversaries, how they met, the places they used to go to.

.Sometimes got lost in places she used to know like the back of her palms.

She never really had time for Blue, she would rather carry sleeping Mia on her arms then lift up the crying Blue.

The special treatment on Mia was too obvious yet he never read meaning into it.

He picked up his phone and went straight to internet and started to browse “Is it unusual for a mother to treat her twins differently”

He read through the results but nothing made sense to him.

Maybe because this mother is a demon, he thought with a sigh.

He still cringed at the thought of his own wife of over twenty five years being a demon.

He couldn’t take that hideous black robe and white long hair off his mind.

He was scared to his bones.

He knew he wasn’t safe.

He knew she must be looking for him and since she is a demon, the four walls of that building won’t save him from her except demons aren’t as powerful as the movies portrays them.

An idea clicked in his head and he picked up his phone to order for cameras online.

He waited for the delivery which took no time and he began installing the cameras in different places.

After doing that, he searched for a piece of paper and pen.

Sweating profusely, despite the A C, he wrote down everything he saw, his thoughts, including his imaginations.

Just when he finished and hid the paper in a place that felt safe to him, his phone rang.

He rushed to his phone, it was Blue.

Seeing Blues name on his phone got him excited all of a sudden but that joy was short lived when he heard Mia’s voice.

She told him she had seen his several missed calls to Blue, then went on to rant about how he cares more about Blue and not her.

About how Blue isn’t the perfect daughter he thinks she is,about how she betrayed her and how she almost ki||ed her mom..

Mr Joe hearing all these felt dejected, he didn’t know how to convince Mia of what the real problem in their lives is when she’s completely on her moms side..

He couldn’t trust her with this secret, he knew she isn’t smart enough to put her new found hatred aside and help her sister.

So he did the next thing that came to his mind..

He ended the call then dumped his phone on the couch but it fell to the floor.

He bent to pick it when he saw a funny looking olden days shoes.

It wasn’t just a pair shoe.

It was a leg that had the shoes on.

Staring at the shoes, he wished it was a day or two ago,he would have laughed his @zz out seeing those funny looking shoes.

But today is not a good day for laughs.

Slowly,he lifted his head to see the most terrifying sight.

His beloved wife turned stranger was standing before him, dressed in that hideous robe, her white long hair right on her waist.

He could literally see his corpse being buried already.

He wasn’t going to beg for his life.

He won’t be spared.

Even if he gets spared,he would remain her puppet and he would be forced to do things he against his will.

Which might include harming Blue himself.

I would rather die, he thought.

So Instead of taking the cowards way out, he would rather die, as he hopes Blue finds what he left for her.

Her devilish laughter pulled him out of his thoughts.

Look at him looking like a cat, what happened to the bold business man I have been living with? she asked in a mocking tone.

What do you want?

Who exactly are you? he asked still on the floor.

Hey, shh…one question at a time,she said in a tone that would have sounded sweet to him two days ago.

He glared at her and she laughed out loud.

She took vicious steps around the living room with a smirk on her face.

Clicking her tongue noisily, she looked around the house like she was looking for something.

Mr Joe watched her as he prayed in his heart that she doesn’t detect the cameras.

Suddenly she stopped, her eyes glued on the curtains.

Oh no, she saw it, Mr Joe thought shaking, her could pee his pants any minute.

Even though he was prepared to die, he was still scared.

Who wouldn’t be.

He tried to distract her but it was like she completely blocked all the noises out or she just decided to ignore him.

Or maybe, she was using her devilish eyes to destroy the cameras.

For the first time in years, he shut his eyes to pray.

He didn’t know where to start, didn’t know what to say.

All he did was thank God for saving him and Blue.

He didn’t know why he made that prayer of all prayers.

There were thousand and one things to pray about in such situations, why thank God for a life that was about being taken away, he wondered but he believed in his prayer’s anyways.

You know you have been an amazing husband, she said turning around.

He swallowed hard when he saw her face, she was back to her normal self, She was Kathy, his wife.

I never expected a human to be this kind you know, she said walking towards him with a smile.

She pulled him by the collar, up, with a smirk on her face.

I would have loved to keep you alive but…. now you know way too much, I don’t think i would be following my original plan, she said laughing hard and Mr Joe only glared.

Except you beg me though, she said leaving to take a sit.

I will never do that, you demon! Mr Joe fired at her.

Aww, that hurts, she faked sadness and Mr Joe wished he could strangle her.

You are wrong about one thing though, I’m not a demon, I’m a witch, she said and began laughing.

What do you want?

Why do you want your own child dead?

My child? She asked sarcastically then burst into fresh laughter..

One that lasted longer than usual, Mr Joe watched her laugh till she transformed back to Saraphina.

Sorry,I feel more in control in my own body, you wife’s body is a very weak one, i can barely hurt a fly with this weak body, she said adjusting properly.

What does that even mean? he asked

I have a story to tell you before I ki|| you, take a seat,she instructed and he sat quietly.

Unapologetically, She told him how she gave birth to her rival, everything about their past life, leaving nothing behind, including how she switched bodies with his wife who has been long dead on her old body.

Mr Joe couldn’t believe his ears.

None of this is real!

How can my wife be dead?

How dare you ki|| my wife?

How dare you! Mr Joe yelled

Shut the hell up!

Is that all you heard?

You didn’t hear me say your beloved daughter is not yours?

You didn’t hear me say she is a not just a witch but a demon too?

You don’t h@ťě her? Saraphina yelled

You are a very wicked souk, you deserve to rot in hell, how could you do this?! Mr Joe yelled back

Your times up, she declared, before he could say another word she stretched her staff towards him.

Ah!!! he screamed as he back hit the wall and he dropped on the floor.

Haha… she burst into laughter, dropped Blues bracelet beside him then vanished.

Mr Joe had his hands on his neck, it was like she put something in his throat, he was choking on what he couldn’t tell.

Slowing, through the difficulty, he crawled to his phone, he sent a quick message to his friend, used the last strength left in him to delete the message then his hand fell as he lay motionless on the ground, his eyes on one of the cameras.

Oh no, i wasn’t expecting that ??

What do you think he sent to his friend?

Who is this friend?

Do you think he is trustworthy?

How did Saraphina find him? ?

Do you think she saw the cameras?

Did she ruin them?

His prayer though, did they get answered?

Why did she drop Blue’s bracelet?

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