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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve E.



The drive was a very quiet one, August kept glancing at me like he had something to say but he ends up saying nothing each time.

I hugged Beiber to myself in silence as I pondered on everything.

How did I get here? I couldn’t help but ask myself.

Last I checked I was in moms cage called house till Mia came up with this idea of faking a relationship.

Now look where it landed me.

How is all these true?

I’m not human?

How am I the little child i read in a random interesting story?

Do all these things still happen in real life? I asked myself.

Is that supoosed to be a question anyway when it just happened to me.

Thinking about Mia, does she know her beloved boyfriend is a vampire? I asked myself as I turned to look at August who was also looking at me.

Does she know? I asked him.

Who? he asked.

You know who, I replied tiredly…

He sighed then took his eyes back to the road.

No, he responded without looking at me.


Don’t you think she deserves to know? I asked.

Maybe but not right now.

And why is that? I asked.

Look I don’t know how you say this….

Say it anyhow, I would try to understand, I just want to know why you are keeping something this big from my sister,you are even avoiding her now, why mess with her heart? I asked and I watched him swallow hard.

I waited for him to talk, I can’t rush him when he’s driving, I’m too young to die.

I don’t love Mia, he said and I froze on my seat.

Wait…. What?! I yelled sitting up

Why ask her out then? That girl loves you August, how could you do this to her? I asked angrily.

I didn’t.

You didn’t what?

I never asked her out.

Now you are confusing me, Mia told me…

That’s what she told you, that’s what she tells everyone.

What do you mean?

Mia and I met on her way for an interview for her current job about two years ago.

She begged me to drop her off since she was already running late, I agreed.

We talked and she was really interesting to talk to, so I asked for her contact and she gave it to me.

All I wanted was to be friends with her, that’s all but then she….

He stopped and I raised my brow urging him to continue

She…. she started visiting.

We had a few hang outs, I was not always around so we saw on very few occasions.

She was this girl who was fun to be with for me, I know you want believe it but I never imagined a relationship with her until she came to visit me one day.

She was acting weird, she talked less but touched me more, I asked her what was wrong and she said she wanted me.

Mia said that? I asked not believing him.

She did.

I laughed because I thought we were just best of friends but she was serious.

So you took advantahe of her in her weakest state? I asked getting ready to pounce on him.

Ofcourse not, I told her I can’t do it, I told her I didn’t want to take advantage of her.

She stopped but things got awkward.

I drove her home, that was when I first saw you, he said.


I know I acted selfish and I wish there is something I can do to make her know I’m really sorry for using her.

What do you mean? I asked with creased brow.

That day I dropped her off, she got out same time you too returned.

I didn’t drive off, I watched you both hug and then walked in together.

That day I knew there was something about you.

I knew I needed to get close to you to find out but I couldn’t do that just like that.

So when I met Mia again and she asked me to be her boyfriend, I turned her down at first but when she insisted, I accepted not because I wanted to but because of you, he said and I wished I could rip his heart off.

You want to tell me the whole relationship has been a lie?

Two years if friendship and more than a year of relationship, you do this to her?

I didn’t mean to, I swear i didn’t mean do this to her,I was going to tell her eventually.

But you never did.

Instead you went on to waste her time, sleeping with her even if you don’t love her, I’m sure you have been cheating on her, jeez men are so horrible, I yelled clutching Beiber to myself.

I saw the hurt in his eyes but I didn’t care, how could he toil with my sisters heart.

Who knows all he has been telling me could be a lie!

A freaking lie to sleep with me too! I thought with wide eyes.

All of a sudden the car went to a halt, we almost got knocked over.

What the hell! i screamed…

I clutched on to Beiber who was looking directly into my eyes.

He looked scared and I wanted to punch August so hard for scaring Beiber.

I’m sorry, he apologized but he was looking at Beiber.

You better be, I replied with a scoff.

I know you already think I am a very vile person but I really am not any of the things you think.

And you are in my head to know what I think? I queried

I didn’t sleep with her,he said like he was forced to speak.

You Didn’t?

I didn’t.

May i ask why?

Because… I… I didn’t want to use her knowing I don’t have any future planned for her.

I didn’t know how to feel hearing him say this, does it make him any less of a bad person? I really don’t know right now.

Why stay with her then? I asked blinking.

Tears gathered in my eyes as I wondered how Mia must have felt dating someone who never reciprocated her feelings for him.

I already told you, I wanted to get close to you.

For what exactly? Why didn’t you just talk to me?

I couldn’t.

Mia isn’t an easy person to deal with.

I didn’t want to cause a problem between you two.

So you think being with me right now and not with her is not going to cause a problem?

You should have explained things to her, I know Mia, she would have understood!

You know your sister but you don’t know the child Saraphina raised.

What do you mean?

Have you ever wondered why Mia has all the advantages?

Why? No, I didn’t think it was a big deal,I replied.

Saraphina knows what she is like,she raised her,she knows the kind of heart she has.

What do you mean?

Mia is a very nice person only when she isn’t provoked.


I didn’t want to tell you this but Mia already told Saraphina the truth.

Saraphina? i repeated tyen it clicked.


She told mom that I don’t have a boyfriend?

He nodded.

How did you know this?

I’m a vampire miss, we go everywhere, he replied with a Ç0çƙy tone and I rolled my eyes.

But why would Mia do that?

To hurt you Blue, she thinks we are dating.

But why would she think that? Oh no, that’s why she was at the hotel, I voiced covering my mouth.

Gosh this is all your fault, you followed me here,I complained.

I’m just doing my job.

What job, you ruined my friendship with my sister now mom would want me to come home today.

She can’t control you anymore.


Its your decision to make Blue, you decide if anyone would be able to command or compel you now, you are more powerful than you think.

But I know nothing about these powers.

That’s why we need to get to grandma, he said igniting the car and drove off.

Hey I need to talk to Mia, I need to tell her about all of this,I said and Beiber pulled my dress.

I looked at him but he just Meowed cutely.

Look, Beiber also knows its a bad idea,August said with a smile.

How would you know that,Beiber is merely being cute, right Beiber? i asked grabbing my phone which was ringing.

Its mom,I said trying to pick the call but August snatched it from me.

What are you doing?

Stopping you from making a terrible mistake.

Yeah you are right,I should call Mia then.

Another terrible mistake.

How?! I asked almost loosing my cool.

Mia is not your sister, neither is she your friend right now.

Right now she is Saraphina’s informant!

That’s why I need to tell her, i need to let her know Saraphina ki||ed her mom.

I need to tell dad too.

And you expect her to believe you?

Would you believe yourself? he asked and I shook my head.

I’m sorry I am putting you through all these but we need to get you to know yourself.

You have to get your powers back.

I also need to serve my family punishment, he said and I looked at him.

What punishment?

We are here, he announced getting out of the car like he was running from the question.

He helped me open the door and I got out.

Wow, look at that, I whispered to Beiber checking out the big mansion.

This is amazing August, has Mia seen this? I asked admiring the beautiful mansion.

No, he responded taking my hand.

You never brought her to your family house?

She never asked about my family.

Oh, I responded

Who lives here?

We all used to live together but grandma is the only one here for now.

Wow, I exclaimed

We passed all the nice furnished rooms then we got to the back of the building where there was a very mini hut.

It looked so old but properly taken care of.

I was lost looking at the different strange things on the wall that I didn’t notice the beautiful woman sitting alone until I heard her voice.

Welcome my queen,I have been expecting you,I heard her say.

I looked around and my eyes landed on a very beautiful young woman who looked like she’s barely in her early 50’s.

I glanced at August then behind me to know who she’s referring to.

August winked at me seeing how confused I looked, he pulled a chair to me and made me sit.

Thanks, I muttered shyly
Your mom is so beautiful August.

You mean my grandma? he asked and the woman smiled on her seat.


You mean Florence? I asked jumping out of my seat.

Yes, she is my grandma.

Oh my God, what skin care products do you use? You look so young for a grandma, I asked looking all over her.

You think so? she asked with a sweet smile that had my heart melting.

Yes ma’am, I wonder how your daughter would look.

My grandma is the most beautiful woman on earth Blue, August replied with a proud smile.

She means the world to me, he said but there was a hint if sadness on her eyes.

Florence pulled out a small box and handed it to August.

Happy birthday My son, she said

Wow grandma, thank you so much.

Its your birthday today,you never told,I asked feeling bad.

Its been a tiring day you know, its grandmas last birthday today too, he said smiling but I couldn’t figure out what he meant or why his eyes watered.

Why did you keep all these from me, I would have gotten grandma a gift at least,I complained.

Its fine my queen, your presence is the best gift, Florence said with a smile and I smiled too but I already ticked it on my to do list, “Get Grandma And August Gifts”

You should open it, Florence said with a big smile

How old are you today August? I asked inquisitively

He looks like he’s in his late 20’s but I could be wrong.

If I told you, you wouldn’t believe, he said tearing the seal then produced a mini box.

There won’t be anything more shocking than all I’ve heard today, I said

He looked at me as he opened the box, about to say something when his eyes landed on the content.

It was a necklace, it looked old amd very expensive.

Oh my God grandma, he exclaimed as he went to hug her.

All she could do was smile.

I can’t believe I finally got the chance to own this after 134 years, he exclaimed and I stared at him.

He turned to me.

I’m 134 years today Blue, I had to wait all my life to get this necklace, only this necklace can lead me to my true mate, he said with an emotional look on his face.

He wasn’t kidding.

You are… 134 years old today? he asked in shock.

Yes, Grandma is 777 years old today, he replied looking sad.

I would have wondered why he has been looking at grandma with a sad look but I was too shocked to think of anything else.

777 years old and she looks 50? how?


What do they mean by grandma last birthday?

Why does August look sad?

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