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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve E.



But how?

How is all if these tales true?

How is she Zelda and her mom Saraphina?

She didn’t have the time to think because Saraphina started to walk closer like she was sniffing something and the scent was leading her towards Blue.

Just when she was about to get to her, a hand pulled Blue back and without thinking she began running back into the hall with August who didn’t stop until they got back into the room where King Wrights picture was.

Blue was panting, she was so scared.

So its true? she asked and August nodded.

You are Zelda.

You are Saraphina’s daughter not Kathy’s.

But what about Kathy? Blue asked

Wait… you said she ki||ed Kathy alongside her body… oh no, Blue cried…How can she so cruel.

This also means that Mia isn’t your blood sister, August added and Blue lifted her head like realization just hit her.

I don’t know how she managed to convince everyone that you both were born together.

Blue stared at him.

Daphane told me when she and her mom could get to mom, she already put to bed, she said a nice woman helped her but left afterwards.

I guess Saraphina is the so called nice woman, they both said together then there was silence.

We have to get out of here,she knows you are around here, it won’t be long before she breaks the barrier preventing her from seeing this building.

You mean she can’t see this house?

Yes, its invisible to her.

Wow, another weird but cool thing., can today get any worse, Bkue muttered to herself

Grandma is pretty good with spells.


Yes, my grandmother is like us too, that’s where we are going next.

Like us, Blue muttered.

Everything felt strange to her.

She didn’t want this but if she is the Zelda in this story then she can’t be nonchalant about it because if she does nothing Saraphina would ki|| her.

Just for the sake of her life and nothing else.

An idea struck her and she ran off still holding on to Beiber who has been so quiet.

He couldn’t get excited because he didn’t know what her reaction to this whole thing would be.

Beside, she hasn’t been reminded that the missing baby is also the Luna and his mate.

He feared she wouldn’t want him

He couldn’t get her hurtful words few days back off his head.

Where are you going? August asked chasing after her.

She got to Zelda’s portrait and stopped.

She was so scared but she tried to muster a little courage as she took another step closer to the portrait.

She stupid for a few seconds, exhaling and inhaling then she lifted her head and faced the portrait, her tongue dancing around her cheeks.

If i really am you then make me remember everything, i want to have my an memories too, i want to know who i really am for myself, she demanded bravely.

August stood watching her in fear.

His family took it upon themselves to bring White Horse Kingdom to the modern world through these pictures.

They wanted the world to know about them an how they are so they built this solely for ebeuthimg that’s has to do with White Horse kingdom but because no one knew how the world would react to their existence they used spells to make the building invisible to people’s eyes.

But they didn’t draw those portraits with the intention of them talking or reacting to the presence of people.

First it was King Weight, now it Zelda.

He was shocked of his familys creations ability.

He could only stare and hope things don’t get messy.

Wind Started to blow, not outside but inside the building as sounds of thundering could be heard from a distance.

It was like its going to rain.

They had to shut their eyes and protect themselves from flying with the wind since it was so heavy.

Few seconds later, the wind was gone.

Everything went back to normal and they opened their eyes.

August looking at Blue couldn’t believe his eyes.

Blue who don’t know what that happened was about to ask again in case she wasn’t heard the first time paused when she noticed Beiber pulling her hair.

What? she screamed when she saw how long her hair has become.

It was so white and long.

Much more longer that of Saraphina…

Long live Your Majesty, August greeted with a bow.

What’s going on? Blue asked confused.

That’s all the hair that was taken from us ever since we were a child, the voice in the portraits said.

Wow, she exclaimed touching the beautiful soft and silky long hair.

But the girl was withdrawn again.

Why happened? she asked touching hair which was looking small now.

Its not safe to walk around with such a long hair.

But its mine, how do I get it back?

Florence will teach you how to use hour power, she spoke.

I also have power?

Who is Florence?

How do i find her?

“You Are Zelda, Daughter Of Samara And Cyclops, You Are Powerful” The portrait said.

But how do I… she was asking when August pulled her off.

She’s gone.

She’s Gone?


We have to go to grandma, we need to hurry before Saraphina finds her.

But who is Florence?


He pulled her with him till they got you the car.

She let Beiber sit first before getting in.

I have something else to tell you but that’s grandma’s job, so I can’t spill, August said igniting the car.

Blue only nodded, she acted brave just now but deep within the was shaking.

She wasn’t sure she won’t run mad before the end of the day with all these revelations.

First it was August being a vampire, now she just found out she is a reincarnation of someone who was half demon, half witch, which automatically makes her half demon and half witch too.

I’m a freaking witch?!

And a demon?!

Oh no!

She actually cringed at that thought.

She couldn’t process the fact that she’s been living a lie all her life.

Her supposed mother is a witch who is her rival, who wants her dead.

Her twin sister isn’t even related to her.

She just discovered she isn’t even human.

And there is more to be discovered over at August’s grandma’s.

She just couldn’t think straight.

The only things that isn’t weird today is you Beiber, I love you, she spoke to Beiber, kissing his furs then shut her eyes..

Beiber and August shared eye contact, fear was written on August eyes.

Would she believe her little cat is her mate?

Your bracelet… its missing, August pointed out to her.

Oh no, I think it fell off when we ran, $h|t!

We can always get a new one.

Mom would be so mad, Blue said but her eyes widened when she realized she still called her mom.

I guess its Saraphina now.

Oh my goodness, I can’t process any of this
Saraphina was still walking about sniffing when her eyes landed on something on the floor.

A shiny gold bracelet which she gifted Blue.

She has used it to track her movement all through the years.

She picked it up and sniffed it.

Its hers.

She was here, she spoke to herself.


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