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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve E.



August and Beiber were facing each other, sharing ideas through mind link when a loud noise got them distracted or rather worked, because Blue was lying on the floor, looking like she was in pain.

Beiber ran to her immediately but could only hover around her till August got you her then helped her up.

Ouch, she winced in pain as she was lifted up.

Oh my, that was a terrible fall, how do people have such pretty face and still sleep like a spider making a horrible web, August teased.

Blue quickly covered her face in embarrassment.

What a tragic fall, he kept teasing her.

Shut up, my @zz still hurts, she replied rubbing the hurting part of her bum stylishly.

You dont need to pretend, you can rub it all you want, I ain’t looking.

Have you got some tape? Blue asked.

No, why?

Because I would really love to get your silly mouth taped, stop talking already, she said taking a look around.

Her eyes widened.

Where is this place?

Have I been kidnapped?

Why did you bring us here?

What do you want to do yo use?

Beiber? Come over here, are you okay? Blue asked as she carried Beiber stroking his furs.

The crown on his head was glittering but she was far too frightened of the place to notice.

Enough with the questions sweetheart, come over here, August called, but she stood still.

What is this place? she asked looking taking cautious looks around.

Who are all these people? she asked again looking at the several portraits hung on the wall.

The people in the portraits all looked like ancient people.

I thought you love arts? Why are scared all of a sudden? August queried.

I do love arts but I can’t help but get scared looking at all these faces staring back at me.

August began walking in and she ran after him.

Were they all compelled to look at the camera while taking these pictures?

Come over here, August said to her with a wave of his hand and she went to him.

They were in a room which contained several books and five different portraits.

Who are these people? Blue asked with a milder tone this time.

It felt like her fears were being taken away as she walked deep into this mysterious building and as she stared at the pictures, all she could think of was…

What’s their story?

Who are they?

What are their names?

She took few steps to the first picture and touched it.

That’s King Vladimir, and his wife Queen Cleopatra, August said behind her…

Vladimir and Cleopatra? Why does that sound so familiar? Blue asked staring deeply at them like she wanted to recognize them.

Thats because they were mentioned in the first three chapter of the book you have been reading, August answered.

Wait… The White Horse Kingdom story? Blue asked.


Its real? she asked again.

Everything about that story is real,August answered.

Wait wait wait… are you kidding me? she asked laughing so hard.

You want to tell me those tales about werewolves,vampires, mermaids and the rest are real?

I mean, who still believes those fairy tales now? Tell me somethimg else please.

August stared at hers she laughed so hard, his both hands on his waist as he took a deep breathe…

He watched her until she stopped laughing then he faced her,
Are you done? he asked

Ofcourse not, except you have no more fairy tales to tell me,Beiber can you even belive this? she asked Beiber who could only react like a cat would, cute, even if that’s not what he truly was feeling.

See,even Beiber knows this is a horrible joke

Gosh, August exclaimed puffing out some air as he made eye contact with Beiber.

Anyways, how far have you gone reading the book? He asked instead…

I’m almost done with the third edition, would you believe that? its so interesting that I wish it never ends, you feel me?

Yeah,I know but it’s not as interesting to the owners of the story, its not like its for entertainment, August muttered..

Did you say something? Blue asked.

Yeah.. No… you really are a fast reader, hehe, that’s nice.

I know right?

So who is the next person on the portrait, she asked pointing at Prince Wyatt’s portrait

That’s the dead prince and close to him is his mate Peyton.

What dead prince? And Peyton?

Prince Wyatt,the one in the story, August replied

Quit joking around August, I mean,these are obviously one of those ancient men and women, I know that,but don’t try to fool me until believing these are the same men in the fiction I’m reading, she sounded serious this time.

But August looked even more serious.

Wait, you aren’t kidding? Blue asked looking at his serious face.

They are real Blue, was all he said…


I can’t believe this,she said sounding a little weird.

One couldn’t tell if she was excited or scared.

She took a step back from the picture when she felt the next picture after Prince Wyatt was staring kinly at her.

Are you.. scared? August asked walking to her.

No.. I’m not,she said with shaky voice.

But you….

He’s staring at me, tell him to look away… tell him to leabe me alone, she screamed hugging August like he had her life guard.

What? No, who is staring at you? August asked looking at the portraits not sure of which portrait she thought was staring at her.

Then he noticed the portrait of King Weight was indeed staring at her.

But how? he wondered.

Its a mere portrait, his brother drew them himself.

They possess no power, its just there in honour and remembrance of their origin.

Then it dawned on him, The Kings portrait came alive because Beiber was in there with them.

The King must have done it.

Its funny how the king seizes every opportunity to stare at her,that’s all he does,watch her,he thought.

“I think you are scaring her, your majesty” August politely spoke through mind link.

Like he just realized, the portrait looked normal again, like it was before.

Sighing in relief, he patted Blue on her back forcing out a chuckle, No one is staring at you my queen,its just a portrait, he said to her as he gently pulled away from her making her look at the portrait.


It was… she stopped talking when she noticed it really wasn’t starring.

Jesus,I just have really gone crazy to believe a mere portrait would stare at me, oh my God, I can’t believe this, she said feeling embarrassed..

That’s King Wright Knight, the Immortal King, August announced when she became calm.

Wow, she exclaimed taking a closer look at the portrait.

Why does he look so familiar? she asked.

Oh now i remember, the last time we all went out, she recalled, smiling.

You are right, that’s it.

I remember,that was the day I met Beiber too, you know I feel I have been happier since I met you little cutie, Blue whispered to Beiber.

Little cutie? August repeated after her.

Yeah, hes so little and cute, look at those pretty eyes, she said smiling widely.

Only if she knew, August muttered to himself.

He’s so d@mn cute, I wish I had met him, she said smiling at the portrait.

Had met him?

I mean, I haven’t finished the story but he is obviously dead by now.

Why do you say so?

Because even if supernatural creatures were to have existed, they are all dead, I have never seen or met one before, they must have all been wiped out of the surface other earth,she added…

That makes sense but…. he was saying when he got cut off.

I’m guessing there is no mate beside him because his mate was taken away when she was born right?

Ye.. yes.

Does it mean he never found his mate before he died? She asked repeating the same death

Beiber let out a meowing sound and she kissed his furs.

I’m learning a lot today Beiber, she said to him.

There is a lot to explain to you, August said walking back to where there are two chairs and a table.

Didn’t he ever get married? She asked following him.

His mate was taken away from him Blue.

Then he should have gone to get her!

sShe was taken to a place far from his reach.

If he is as powerful as the book describes, why then couldn’t he do something about it.

Stop using past tense, he is still doing everything possible to get his mate back..


Yes Blue, I want you to listen to me carefully.

The supernatural creatures are still in existence, the king is still searching for his mate.

Let’s say he has found his mate but there are circumstances and mysteries that keeps unfolding everyday,preventing their union.

He can’t get her out because she doesn’t even know him.

She might not even want him.

He can’t coerce her either, it has to be her own will,he said

Blue stared at him.

You are joking right?

I’m dead serious.

How do you know all of this?

How come you know all the details?

Blue? he called holding her hands across the table.

Beiber glared at him but didn’t make a move and August was glad he didn’t.

Blue stared at him wondering whats wrong with him.

What’s wrong?

Why are you acting so strange? she asked.

Promise me you won’t scream or get mad, he asked.

What’s this about?

Promise me, please.

Okay, I promise, go ahead, she sounded so confident in herself.

Wh@ťěver he has to say isn’t something no one has heard before anyway,she thought.

You’ve been asking why I have been avoiding and lying to your sister right? he asked staring into her eyes.

She nodded even if she was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

Promise me you won’t get mad please,he asked again.

I won’t, I promise….He stared at her, he was having flashes of Mia’s face.

I’m not human, he whispered.

What do you mean? Blue asked wanting to laugh but she didn’t see what was funny.

I’m a Vampire, he dropped the overly withheld bombshell.


Whst do you think?

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