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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

BY Genevieve E.



Coming.. Blue cooed then stood up.

With Beiber on her right hand she adjusted her wear.

She was putting on a white baggy shirt which stopped in the middle of her thighs then a blue bumshort with a bandana tied on her head.

She looked like a baddie.

Fixing her hair she walked straight to the door and pulled it open.

Hi, came August nervous voice.

He too was putting on a white shirt and a blue faded jeans.

What a coincidence, August said sizing her up.

Rolling her eyes, she left the door , walking back to the same position she was before on her bed.

The picked up the first edition of the White Horse Kingdom story she was reading before the knock came.

She kissed Beibers forehead then opened to the page she stopped.

August made eye contact with Beiber and he bowed slightly before taking the seat beside the bed.

How is it going? he asked trying to start up a conversation.

Don’t you have something to say to me? Blue asked without taking her eyes off the book on her hand.

Uhm… can we not talk about that for now? he asked politely.

Then I don’t see what you are doing in my room, Blue spoke still not lifting her head.

August made eye contact with Beiber who glared at him but he stared pleadingly at him.

“Please help me” August whispered in his head still staring at Beiber but only received a stronger glare from him.

Oh no, what do I do? he whispered in his head again.

You should leave, Blue said glaring at him this time around.

At this moment, he didn’t know what to do.

Getting a glare from both of them was suffocating for him.

He couldn’t stand them yet he couldn’t leave.

He needs her, badly.

He has to either talk his way into her life or he pleads till the end of today.

Please, he muttered.

I really don’t get you.

You lie to my sister then you crawl into my room, for what exactly? Blue asked about loosing her cool.

Look, I can explain, I just…

I don’t need your explanation anymore, go five that to my sister,leave my room, Blue ordered facing her book.

Not knowing what to do anymore, and since he didn’t want to sound desperate as that would make him suspicious, August got up reluctantly.

I’m sorry, he muttered with his head bent.

Blue rolled her eyes angrily.

But before he could open the door, Beiber speedily jumped out of Blue’s body and ran after him.

Blue was surprised to see Beiber jump on his body.

Slowly August lifted him with shaky hands.

All his muscles tightened, he was visiting shaken.

Oh no, you are scaring him Beiber, Blue half yelled when she remembered what happened when they first met.

She jumped out the bed to go get Beiber out of his body but Beiber gave her puppy eyes while wiggling his tail at August.

He likes you? Blue asked getting emotional already as she patted his back.

August shook his head, not knowing what to say.

Beiber wiggled his tail more, his eyes dimmed like he was begging her to let him stay.

You want him to stay? she asked and he wiggled his tail once again.

Staring at August, he looked like he was going to $h|t his pants.

He didn’t even have to nerve to stroke Beiber’s furs, he carried him on his two palms like he was presenting a living sacrifice. ?

I’m sorry if I sounded disrespectful, I was just looking out for Mia, Blue said remorsefully.

If Beiber likes him then she won’t cast him away.

Its fine, I would do the same if I were in your shoes, August said nervously.

Can… you… can you.. come back in? Blue asked giving him puppy eyes.

Ofcourse, yes I want to, August responded immediately.

Seeing how happy he was suddenly made Blue happy too.

She smiled and left the way as he followed behind her.

“Thank You” August whispered in his head and Beiber returned to glaring at him which made him chuckle.

I see you two are catching up already, Blue said innocently.

It feels good to finally be accepted by… uhm…

Beiber, Blur completed for him and he nodded.

A few moments later, August cleared his throat nervously.

About your sister, there is something I should tell you.

You don’t need to tell me if you aren’t ready.

But you…

You are struggling August, when you are ready to talk about it I wouldn’t here to listen okay, no rush.

Thanks, August replied with a slight smile as he heaved a sigh of relief.

Have you had something to eat? Blue asked

Uhm.. Not yet.

You should order something, my treat, Blue told him.

Is Pizza good for you?


Its pizza then, He responded but he couldn’t pull out his phone as Beiber was still resting on his two palms like a living sacrifice.

He stared nervously at Beiber who was glaring at him.

Sensing no movement from him, Blue lifted her head to meet them in a staring competition.

Their expression made her burst into laughter.

I thought you two were friends just now, she asked laughing.

Giving August one last glare, Beiber jumped out of his body and went to Blue making August sigh in relief.

Come here baby,Blue cooed and he jumped on her body.

She caressed his furs then touched his little crown which was not stuck in his head but never falls.

Cutie cutie, she whispered in his ears playing with him, kissing him all over his furs.

(I can’t imagine how King Weight would be blushing ? )

This $h|t isn’t working,how about I go get it? August asked.

I’ll go with you, Let me get dressed.

I think you are alright this way,August said then glanced at Beiber like he was seeking approval.

Okay, she replied without arguing.

Closing the big book,she followed him out.

Do you want to take the car? August asked.

I think we should take another walk, it’s tiring in those cars,don’t you think.

You are right, August replied with a smile.

It baffled him how humble and simple she likes to be,true ly she is nothing like her sister.


Mia and I took slow steps into the library.

While I read some book captions, Mia had her eyes sharply moving from left to right.

Looking for something? I asked her.

I’m trying to figure out where she hid that I didn’t see her, she replied still scanning the area.

What do you mean?

It was here, I saw them standing here then…. then I walked in from the door way, she ran to the door way still looking around.

I followed her.

But she was gone by the time I walked which means she was hiding somewhere around…. She took steps further.

Stay still , She ordered me like a child and I obeyed.

She went in further till she was out of side.

Come find me, she called out in a whisper.

Sighing, I dragged my feet reluctantly in search of her but I saw her in no time.

Disappointment rushed all over her face when I saw her.

Ugh.. this isn’t working, she groaned.

Maybe she wasn’t hiding, I said to her.

Where did she go then? I saw her, she cried in frustration.

We were whispering, since it was a library

What if she went to the registry? I asked.

You are right,I think she….

But we aren’t even sure yet,you probably saw someone else, I countered.

Then there is only one way to find out,she said.

Before I could speak, she left me behind.

I had to follow her.

She got to the registry, there was an elderly woman arranging some books before her.

I watched as she whispered something to the woman then she pulled out her phone and showed the woman.

The elderly woman nodded.

I shook head then turned away from them, pretending to be going through the books.

Soon Mia walked out hastily and I followed her.

We got to the car and got in.

I was right, she was there

What if they didn’t go together? I asked.

Can you stop?!

I know what I saw! she yelled already crying.

Hey, that’s enough, I said but she kept crying.

They betrayed me, she cried.

I know you might not want to hear this,but I don’t think they are having an affair.

What if it was pure coincidence?

Why not speak to your sister first? I asked but her eyes were elsewhere.

What is there to discuss with her? She is hanging out with my man now, she replied bitterly.

I followed her eyes and was shocked at what I saw.

Her boyfriend and sister were walking out of a pizza shop with two cartoons of Pizza on Blues hand.

While August was carrying the cat.

He wasn’t just holding the cat,he was playing with him.

I thought he h@ťěd the cat? i couldn’t help but ask.

But she was crying.

She was right all along,I thought watching them walk away like lovers,laughing at each others jokes.

They even have matching outfits on.

Mia was right.

They fooled us both.

Just when I was about to start the car,Mia’s phone rang.

MOM was bolding written on her screen.

My eyes widened when I saw the call.

She was going to ask of Blue.

What will you….. I was about asking her but it seemed she already knew what to say to her as she was smirking.

Oh no, this is not good.

This really is not good ?

Who was August asking help from?

Why did Beiber stop him from leaving?

Do you think this new friendship between the two parties is a good idea?

What do you think August Wants from Blue

I wonder what Mia would tell her mom

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