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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

BY Genevieve E.



Mia sat on the sofa with her phone dancing between her right fingers.

She had a gloomy look on her face.

One could tell at first glance that she wasn’t okay.

Her left hand placed on her left cheek.

Her lower lips curved to the right and her eyes fixed right on her picture frame on the wall, but her mind wasn’t anywhere around her.

She was lost in her own thoughts.

She couldn’t help but wonder why her boyfriend wasn’t picking her calls or coming over to see her.

She couldn’t understand why his apartment door has been locked ever since he left her house, yet she bumped into him at the city library which Is a proof that he is within the state but why isn’t he in his home?

Is something wrong with him?

Why was he acting so suspicious at the library?

She missed him, she couldn’t deny it…
But she was also totally ckueless about what to do.

Her mind drifted to Blue and she sighed.

Blue hasn’t reached out to her since she left her, house…

Why would she anyway?

The way she left the house wasn’t the nicest way for a sister to leave.

She didn’t even have the face to call her to check up on her even if she wanted to do badly.

A kick landed on her door,pulling her out of her thoughts..

August? she muttered running to the door.

Getting to the door, she paused, taking a moment to fix her hair and dress.

She wanted to look beautiful.

Then she placed her hand close to her lips blowing some air into it then sniffed it.

Not bad, she thought though she scrunched her nose as it wasn’t the pleasant smell she expected.

But this would do, she thought wearing a smile..

The knock came again making her smile more.

Coming,she announced, took a deep breath the twisted the door knob, pulling it open with a smile on her face.

Oh….. Hi! She said the moment she saw who was there, but the disappointment in her tone didn’t escape Ricardo who only smiled.

I guess he still isn’t picking? he asked walking in,leaving her to look around compound searching for God knows what before shutting the door then followed him to the sofa

Blue?she asked him.

She hasn’t picked my calls either,he said with a shrug and sat down.

Mia began pacing the room, thinking.

Ricardo crossed his legs,watching her, that was all he could do.

A few moments later,she shook her head then halted and faced him.

What if… they are together? Mia asked with a serious look.

Together? You know that’s not possible, Ricardo said in between laughter.

They could be together! She half yelled.

You are just being paranoid,ik sure August might be busy with something….

And Blue? Mia asked cutting him off..

What do you mean Blue? Ricardo asked..

Look, Blue isn’t taking your calls neither is August taking mine, she said.

Coincidence, Ricardo replied indifferently.

You should think about it this way.

After Blue left the house, August left right after her, Mia said as she recalled what happened on that day.

He told you he had a business to attend to, remember?
He probably is busy taking care of his company and here you are accusing him of… of being with your sister?

Mia’s demeanor chanhed when he said that.

Am I wrong? she asked herself.

You are just being paranoid,I know you miss them but you need to calm down.

Come sit,he urged her and she reluctantly sat beside him.

You have skipped for for two days, you should be thinking about resumimg I’m sure you have so much workload to finish at the office, Ricardo said but got no response.

Mia? he called and she jolted.

What’s wrong? he asked.

Its just… what if you are wrong? she asked.

I’m not wrong, Its okay for you to be worried but you should trust him.

I trust August,I really do but with Blue… She’s so pretty ,I don’t know..

You should trust your sister too,she won’t betray you.

Maybe you should call one of his family members? They should have an idea of his whereabout, Ricardo suggested.

Yes,I should, she said grabbing her phone but her excitement didn’t last then then it dawned on her.

Her expression changed and Ricardo had to ask.

All i knew was his house and his work.

I didn’t know if he has a family or not, she replied shamefully.

How long have you know him, two days? Ricardo asked not believing his ears.

Dont judge me,I disnt think it was necessary.

You have dated this guy for a year and half Mia, how can you know absolutely nothing about him?

Not absolutely nothing,at least I know his….

His full name?

Where his from? Ricardo asked


Dont tell me you have no idea too.

Mia bent her head in embarrassment.

She didn’t know his full name.

All she knew was August.

Just August.

Oh no Mia, I have only known your sister for a few months and we only talked a few days but I already know a lot about her.

I know her full name, her favourite food, places she likes to go to, I’ve spoken with her mom already,I….

Thats because I told you all of this,Mia countered.

Because i asked you d@mn it!

You can’t know these things unless you ask, ow I’m begininh to wonder if all you did in the relationship was all s*x and nothing else, he said and Mia kept mute.

But the sad look on her face deepened.

I’m sorry,maybe I went too far,I was just…

No, its fine… you are right, I never asked him any of these things.

I only talked about myself, mom,dad, my work and a lot about Blue but nothing about him, I never asked.

I thought I knew himself enough,she said sobbing.

Hey,don’t do that, Ricardo said hugging her as he consoled her.

Its okay, everything would be fine.

Maybe not,Mia saod pulling away.

Why do you think so?

I just realized I told him so much about my twin sister.

I told all the sweet things about her and how they are together….

This again? Ricardo asked tiredly.

Look,I saw them,she said pulling his hand.

You saw them? Where? Where is Blue?

I saw them at the library, together.. I saw the buy jeans denied she wasn’t there,he sale her was there alone but I’m sure I saw her,I saw her.

Are you sure?

Yes! Uhm… I don’t know… I searched but there was no trace other but i was sure i saw them from the car,she replied looking confused making Ricardo sigh.

You are beginning to hallucinate again, if you didn’t see her there then she wasn’t there, right?

I just feel he lied to me,I feel she was hiding something and he was just covering up for her, Mia said batting her lashes as she zeroed her mind to when she saw them and how Blue was no where in sight when she got there.

Did she hide? she thought then faced Ricardo who was watching and listening to her.

Do you think she saw me and went into hiding? she asked him but he only gave her a weird look.

Oh, don’t look at me like that or tell me I’m being paranoid,I know what I saw!

You are raising your voice right now, take a chill pill, Ricardo replied with a scoff.

He h@ťěd the thought of August and Blue together.

He didn’t want to hear it.

He didn’t want to believe or even imagine it.

I’m going to that library, Mia said dashing into her room.

Soon she came out with her purse and stormed out.

Wait! Ricardo called running after her.

Where are you going?

To the library.

But why?

I have to go ask them,I need to find out of they were there together.

Wait… wait… I’m coming with you.

So you would say I’m hallucinating again? she snapped.

No.. I… I also want to find out if you are right… yeah….

I’m d@mn right, Ricardo, I know what I saw, Mia kept saying in a raised voice as she got into Ricardo’s car.

He got in to and drove off, inhaling and exhaling as he hit the road.


Wahaluurrr ?

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