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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

BY Genevieve E.




You denied ever seeing me, can you explain to me why you did that? she asked with the same mean face..

Beiber was glaring at him too.

Staring at Blue, he didn’t know what to say…

How was he going to admit to be spying on her?

I didn’t… I just had to…. he paused, not knowing what else to say.

Blue wasn’t having it, she raised her brows suspiciously.

Mmm? she hummed.

What I mean is… Before he could mutter another word Beiber ran off.

Out of the the library.

Oh my God, Beiber! Blue called running to catch up with him.

Sighing, August chased after them hoping Beiber would keep running.

Blue chased after him, tears gathered and poured freely out if her eyes when she got to a spot that looked like the end of the road and he wasnt in sight.

It was lije a dead end.

Just bushes and nothing else.

No! Beiber! She kept calling out to him as she searched the whole area, peeking into the bushes.

Still no sight of Beiber.

August ran to her,panting.

Oh $h|t! he groaned as his brown eyes scanned the area too.

He’s gone, Blue muttered staring into space.

She looked lost.

Do you think he found his owner? she asked August totally forgetting she was pissed with him.

I don’t think so, he should be around somewhere, August replied leaving Blue to go search for Beiber himself.

Stay here, he whispered to Blue when he heard a sound

She was looking sad and frightened too.

Sad, because she probably will end her day without her precious Beiber

Frightened, because she was in a place she hasn’t been to before, a place as scary as hell.

Clutching the three books to her bossom, her eyes scanned the place while she waited for August who was already out of sight.

Aside from the sound of his feet against the dry leaves and sticks inside the bush,she could only hear birds chirping.

Several minutes passed, he wasn’t back yet.

No sound was coming from him anymore.

Beiber wasn’t out either.

All she could hear was the chattering of birds and the breeze swirling the tree branches from side to side.

August? she whispered looking terrified.

August? she called again in a little louder voice but got no response.

Are you here?


Oh my God! August?!

Still no response.

She was shaking like a leaf now.

She didn’t know if she should stand still and wait a little longer or go insearch of them despite her fears or run for her dear life.

I should run… I should leave this place, she thought, but bailing on August when she was the one who put him in danger wasn’t going to sit well with her after she gets to safety.

None of the possibilities seemed doable to her.

Do something Blue Corbyn, she whispered to herself through gritted teeth.

Just then she heard a sound right behind her, without thinking she jumped and took to her heels while screaming, her hands on her ears, blocking them.

Seriously? You are leaving me? She heard behind her.

She paused then turned around to see August standing at the spot she just left laughing.

Jeez August! That’s not funny! she said with an eye roll, then she waited for him to get to her.

How can you be so scared, I have never seen a weak queen before, he mocked.

Well I’m Blue, not a queen, that’s the diff… she was saying when she heard August scream.

Ah! No no, I’m sorry! he yelled in pain as Beiber jumped out of his back.

Blue didn’t get the time to ask what’s wrong or console him as she went from shock to excitement on seeing Beiber walk up to her.

Beiber! she screamed picking him up and hugging him to her self.

She played with his furs as tears of joy gathered in her eyes.

August was still in pains but tried to pretend so she won’t get suspicious.

We should leave,he said and walked past her,completely avoiding Beiber.

Wait,Blue called amd he stopped.

She rushed to him, she handed the three books to him without permission.

Ignoring the frown and ki||er look on his face, she giggled as she Started telling Beiber about how scared she was waiting for them.

Grunting, August followed behind them,making sure to keep his distance.

They got to the hotel together and August made to follow her when she pushed him back.

I just want to….

Go take bath, you reek of that place, she said with her nose twisted.

Huh? I dont smell that bad, he replied looking embarrassed as he sniffed his armpit.

Jeez, Blue muttered with a chuckle as she walked in and slammed the door right in his face.


Open the door! he yelled banging on the door.


Open the door!

What? Blue asked the moment she threw the door open making him loose balance.

Hehe.. he faked a laughter that was barely genuine.

Its ehm….


Can I… Can i come back after taking a bath? he asked pinching the flesh on his palm.

What? That’s why you have been yelling? Blue asked with a frown.

I don’t know if…

Of course, you still owe me an explanation though, Blue replied with an eye roll.

Oh no, I…


The door was banged again right in his face.

I don’t want to talk about it, he whined then turned and left for his room.


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