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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

BY Genevieve E.



What do you want to talk about? Blue asked as they walked down.

Uhm.. Can I… he stuttered finding it difficult to say what he wanted to say.

Will she even agree to it? he wondered staring at her.

Stop staring at me like that, you are making me uncomfortable, Blue said walking ahead of him.

It was so sunny, so she had to walk to a shady tree.

Its so cool here, you should let Mia know we are here, Blue said

Not now, look, i have something to discuss with you, but I can’t do that here, August said rushing his words.

Blue glared at him.

And what is the important thing you want to discuss away from your girlfriend? she asked with a frown.

Its…. look I need you to trust me, this is not something Mia should know about, at least for now.

And why do you think i would trust you when you are keeping this from your girlfriend, my sister! Blue half yelled but August had his eyes fixed on her eyes.

Are you even listening? Blue asked tapping him.

f-__-k! How do I explain this! August groaned scratching his head and licking his lips.

I have to get out of here, what the hell is wrong with you? Blue asked pissed already.

Blue wait, August called holding her hands as she was about to leave.

Let go of me, she snapped pulling her hand away from his angrily.

She couldn’t believe her was this shameless.

How could he be flirting when he is in a relationship with my sister, I thought as i made my way back to meet the others.

To think i was rooting for them, Mia needs to know this, he isn’t even worth all she’s put into the relationship, I kept talking to myself as I made my way back.

I got to where Mia still sat with Ricardo, they were laughing at each others jokes.

She looked so happy.

Hey, you are back, she called out to me.

Where is August? she asked smiling as she looked behind me, i followed her eyes, he wasn’t coming.

Shameless fool, i’m sure he can’t face her right now, i thought.

Is he alright? she asked again looking worried as i walked towards Ricardo

Ofcourse, he’s good, he went to get something down the road, I replied with a warm smile.

Tell me, what did you two discuss? she asked sitting beside me, almost pushing poor Ricardo off the seat.

Jeez Mia, I’m not telling you, go find out from him, I replied playfully.


You know he won’t tell me, come on we are sisters,she said coming closer again, this time Ricardo was pushed off the seat.

Seriously? You just pushed my man off the seat and you still want me to talk to you? I teased standing up too

I saw the shocked expression on Ricardo’s face then a slight blush but i ignored it and kept smiling.

Your man? Mia screamed makimg me shy.

I didnt… I tried defending myself but Ricardo beat me to it.

Yes her man, you should look for your man miss, right Blue? he asked pullimg ke towards hum.

Yes baby, you are right, I replied flashing my teeth teasingly.

You both are impossible! Mia said with a frown

Whats with the frown, who is stressing my baby out? August asked from behind.

Baby! Where have you been? You won’t belive these two have been bullying me, she comolained giving him puppy eyes.

Which one of them? Whose @zz am i kicking for you baby? he asked like a peotective boyfriend.

It would have been an Aww moment for me, but I only sighed, hypocrite,I muttered in my head trying not to show it.

He stared at me again, intensely this time around,I glared, wishing my glare could cut one of his intestines.

If wishes were horses though,I thought again with a sigh.

Are you Alright? Ricardo asked glaring at August.

Even Ricardo saw him staring,he couldn’t even be discreet about his stupidity.

I’m good, just a bit tired,I replied.

Should we go home? Mia asked immediately.

Sure, we should all go to your house, August said glancing at me then back at Mia giving her his sweetest smile.

My frown deepened.

Does he have to follow us? I thought.

What do you think? i asked Ricardo.

I would love to go too,Ricardo replies pulling me to him protectively.

I watched him glare at August who smiled inatead of returning the glare.

We all walked back to August’s car, as agreed on our way here, Ricardo drove while i sat at the front worh him, Mia sat at the back with August.

All through the journey to Mias house, they chatted at the back like they were obsessed with each other yet i could still see him watching me from the mirror.

Their discussion wasn’t funny yet he had smiles on his face even when I glared at him, he still kept smiling.

I didn’t realize it takes few seconds to h@ťě even the cutest and sweetest guy until today.

On getting to Mia’s house, Ricardo pulled the car to a halt.

August hopped down to go open the door for Mis who was blushing like a 16 years old.

I jumped out of the car before Ricardo could get to me, yeah because something caught my attention.

A beautiful cat.

But it was drenched

You…. Ricardo was saying when I ran off.

Aww, so beautiful, are you cold? How did you get drenched? Come with me. I will take care of you,I said happily as his eyes dimmed.

It looked really pitiful and beautiful too.

Aww the innocent cat, I cooed lifting him up, he relaxed in my arms and that got me emotional.

What are you doing Blue? Mia asked approaching me

He’s drenched, he needs help, I said facing her.


Isn’t he cute? I asked

Blue you aren’t taking in another stray cat, are you? she asked.

He’s cute Mia,can’t you see.

But he’s not even yours?

But he needs me, look he’s cold, I pointed out walking away from her.

Blue don’t you think Mia is right? You don’t even know who the owner is.

You might get into trouble, Ricardo said with concern in his tone and I frowned.

Not you too please,i said giving him puppy eyes and he kept mute.

Blue, you would get into trouble again, you can’t take in every puppy and cat you see! Mia half yelled throwing her hands in the air..

But he needs me,can’t you see? I asked almost at the bring of tears.

Look, he’s so cute, he even has a cute crown, I pointed out touching the crown fondly

That might be the means of identification the owner gave, we have to return him.

Please, let me keep this one,please, I begged.

Mia you can’t keep him, he would put you in trouble….

Jesus! We all heard from behind.

We all turned to see August looking shocked.

He was frozen at a spot but he’s eyes were fixed on me, on the cute cat

Are you alright? Mia asked rushing towards him.

He still stood at the spot, staring at the cat,the cat too was staring at him.

Whats going on? Mia asked tracking his eyes and it landed on the cat.

I saw anger flash through her eyes.

I already told you you can’t keep the cat Blue,look August can’t even stand it,she yelled.

I never seen her this angry at me before.

But was I going to let my cat go?

No I can’t!

I already fell inlove with him, I’m not giving him back this time, I snapped running inside with him on my arms looking innocent and cute.


What’s wrong with August?

They finally met, i hope Mia doesn’t get everything wrong with both August and the cat

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