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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💗💗 I LOVE YOU💗💗I h@ťě YOU 💗💗


💌 WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi 💌




It’s the next day,I woke up early today to sit and wait for Vic, how could he switch off his phone.. he’s getting me worried.

Wait a sec,why isn’t anyone awake, why’s Bryan still in his room,mum and dad too.

The house is so quiet.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door, finally Vic is back.

I rushed to the door happily and opened it but saw angel.

” Hi vievie” she smiled going in.

” Angel,you came so early xup” I asked sitting next to her as she held my hands saying.

” Vievie, I’ve been longing to tell you this,I can’t keep it anymore from you, we’ve been friends since childhood but you chosed Vic to be your best friend which I don’t mind, vievie are you ready to hear what I’m about to say to you?” She asked.

” Common angel say it already please, don’t keep anything from me we’re friends ” I said.

” Vievie, it’s about your parent’s dead” she said.

” And what about it” I asked.

” Vievie I know who caused their dead and destroyed the company ” she said.

I looked at her in Shocks and grabbed her hands immediately.

” Angel.. please tell me , please tell me who was behind all of it.. I need to avenge their deaths” I said almost in tears.

” Vievie.. it’s Vic… Vic was behind everything ” she said as I let go of her hand immediately.

” Angel,what sort of nonsense is think this is funny?” I asked angrily.

” So you don’t believe me vievie? I know you wouldn’t..but I’m happy I’ve said it and my heart is now at rest, vievie i should take my leave now, think about what I’ve told you, think about why Vic travelled out after the incident, bye vievie “she said leaving.

I couldn’t believe my ears, now I really get everything.

Vic suddenly change, wait a sec.. could it be because I was gonna marry Bryan that made him plot all of that?

Oh poor me,I know Vic can’t do that,I want to ask him myself..if he says no then I’ll believe him but if he says yes then I’ll make him pay.

Suddenly I heard someone coming in,I looked behind and saw Vic coming.

” Vievie, you’re awake so early?” He said.

I walked quickly to him and held him.

” Vic, tell me the truth.. were you behind my parent deaths?” I asked as he looked at me surprisingly.

He hands became shaking..I couldn’t believe his reaction,the best friend I know would always react like This when he’s guilty.

I landed him a slap immediately.

” You traitor,you betrayed our friendship” I said in tears with another slap as dad,mum and Bryan rushed out of Thier rooms.

” What’s going on vievie” they asked.

” You ki||ed my innocent family Vic…you ki||ed them and destroyed the company, how could you do this to me Vic” I said in tears as tears rolled down his cheeks.

” Vievie, please listen to me..I know I messed up but trust me I never did any of it, vievie I asked my boy to call your father and lie to him that the company was on fire,all I wanted was distracting you from marrying Bryan but I didn’t know why everything I wanted to be fake became have to trust me..I love sir donas and his wife so much I can’t think of hurting them especially when they’re your parent, vievie I Know it’s hard to believe but we’ve been friends for years you should know when I’m telling the truth ” he said in tears as I gave him another slap.

” Idiot..I h@ťě you Vic..I h@ťě youuuu” I said aloud deeply in tears.

” Fine..I know you won’t believe me but I can’t bear to see you sad or angry with me,I can’t bear to see us fighting so I’m going to ki|| myself ” he said rushing out.

” To hell with you ,you better ki|| yourself because if you don’t I’ll make you rot in jail ” I said angrily in tears.

” Oh no Vic..Vic” his parent rushed out with him as Bryan grabbed my hand saying angrily.

” Vievie I know it’s really painful to find out about this but you should have given him a chance to talk because I don’t believe my brother would really want to burn down the company” Bryan said angrily.

” I all are the same… listen carefully I’ll make all of you pay” I said angrily in tears.

” Vievie I found out from my parents last night that we’re really twins, you’re my sister vievie ” Bryan said in tears rushing out to go look for Vic.

More tears rushed down my cheeks,I fell on the ground crying.

”,we can’t be twins..neverrrrrr” I scream in tears.



We saw Vic climbing on a high building trying to jump down.

” Noooo…my son don’t do that ” mum cried aloud.

” Vic..I taught you to always be a man, what have you let love do to you son, please come down please ” dad said aloud.

” Vic I know you weren’t behind the fire in the company,i know you love vievie so much too..Vic I’m ready to give her to you” I said aloud.

” Leave me alone.. vievie doesn’t love me a bit” he said on the building.

” You’re mistaken, she’s also mistaken, what vievie feels for me isn’t love, it’s you she loves..did you know she stayed up last night waiting for you…Vic she loves you” I said aloud.

” You’re saying all of that because you want me down, Bryan please stop it already.. even if I wasn’t behind the fire and the death of her parent I started everything.. Bryan take care of vievie for me please ” he said.

” No no no, Vic listen carefully vievie and I are twin,we can’t be together.. infact Bryan you did the right thing to stop the wedding because we would have committed an abomination ” I said as he looked at us surprisingly.

” What! Vievie is really your sister ” he asked as mum cut in.

” Yes Vic,we bought Bryan from some guys,Mrs Vera is their mum.. please get down so we can explain further ” mum said in tears.

” No way..I still don’t know how to face vievie especially when I know she’ll never forgive me, This is my fate… vievie will never love me ” he said about jumping down when suddenly a voice from behind said.

” Vic nooo..Vic it’s you I love.. I’m always restless if you’re not around me,I don’t feel happy whenever you’re gone, Vic I believe you,I know you weren’t behind their deaths and the company,I kept asking myself how angel got to know it.. Vic please come down to me, angel was behind the real game.. Vic if you don’t come down I’m going to ki|| myself too, remember back then when I was one could communicate with me except little madness stopped when you arrived..Vic I love you,I love you so much but I was confused…” Vievie said in tears as tears rolled down my cheeks.

” Vievie you really love me?” Vic asked surprisingly.

” Yes Vic” she responded.

” And you’ll marry me?” He asked.

” Vic are you proposing already?” I asked surprisingly.

” Yes bro..if she won’t marry me then I’ll have to jump down ” Vic said thr_@tening us.

” Oh yes yes why won’t I marry the man I love..of course I’ll marry you ” vievie said as Vic rushed down immediately.

He rushed to vievie and hugged her tightly as we were happy.

” Thank you so much vievie,I love you so much.. I’m so sorry for everything I’ve caused you” Vic said in tears.

” I’m sorry for not understanding how you felt about us, I’m sorry for hurting you” vievie said in tears hugging him tight.

” My love, please say no more and let me give you a real kiss” Vic said grabbing her lips as they began to kiss passionately.

I was happy and hurt at the same time as I closed my eyes with tears rolling down.

” Wow.. that’s my boy..” dad said happily.

After everything up there we got angel arrested while I decided to go abroad after their wedding.

I needed some time to cool off the feelings I had for my sister.




” Ahh.. easy.. easy..oh yes…yes..yes” I Mõ@ɲ in pleasure.

” You like it honey? I’m I good? Should I go harder?” Vic asked riding me like a horse.

” No please..go easy on me,you know I’m three months pregnant or do you want me to give birth to a premature baby?” I asked in pleasure.

” Vievie when did going hard make pregnant woman to bore prematures? I’m going harder babe ” he said riding very hard on me with my Ɲīpplës in his mouth.

” Ahhh… ahhhh…yess… the baby is coming..” I screamed.

” Baby can’t come now he’s just three months just enjoy yourself woman…oh yes..yes..yes.. I’m cumming.. I’m cumming soon…” I said aloud as Mrs Vera knocked on the door.

” Vic come downstairs and take some warm water to my daughter ” she said outside.

” I’m cumming mum” I responded.

” You better Com faster ” vievie whispered.


Thanks for reading,how was it?

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