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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Country: Korean

Tags: Romance

Chapter 9

Baek-Hyun was on the balcony with Miss Ji-ho receiving lessons.

“Do you have to cook up that crazy story about me having a running stomach to the principal”? Ji-ho said and Baek-Hyun giggled.

” What should I have told him, that you got yourself drunk, had a hangover, and then decided to take a nap”. he chuckled and Ji-ho scoffed.

“Anyway, that’s in the past now, well, let’s see how far you have been learning, I am going to ask you a question about what I have been teaching you, I need to see if you are really learning from me”. she said.

” Okay, shot!”. he replied and relaxed on the chair.

“What does DNA stand for?”

“Deoxyribonucleic acid”. he replied.

” Good point, next question. The concept of gravity was discovered by which famous physicist?”

“Sir Isaac Newton”.

” Another good point, What is the biggest planet in our solar system?”


” Impressive, not bad at all”. They smile at each other.

“Of course, when I have an amazing and beautiful teacher”. he smiled.

” Good, now I will be giving you an assignment, I will work on page 154 as your assignment”.

“All of them?”.

” Not all, from 1 to 20 ”

“Okay, no problem”.

” How is it going son?”. Mr.Dae-jung asked as he interrupted them from behind.

“Going great Dad, miss Ji-ho is such a great teacher”.

” I can see that thanks Miss Ji-ho,” Mr.Dae-jung said.

“You are welcome sir, You should be happy to have a brilliant son”. she said.

” That’s good to know, I will excuse you two”. he left.

“Really? You think I am brilliant?”.he asked gloating.

” don’t get too high on yourself, I just say that to make your dad think highly of you”.

“Oh really? You and I know that I am the brilliant guy in the whole school”.

“Not for me,” she said and he scoffed.

” Do you want some cookies?”.

“No thanks, I have to go home”. she said arranging her books in her bag.

” I can drop you off”.

“No, thanks”. She stood up and walked away but a photo fell off her bag without her notice, Baek-Hyun saw it and picked it up to see it was her family photo.

” Wow, she has a lovely family, I will give this to her tomorrow”.he sighed.

The next day, Ji-ho walked into the office and greeted her colleague, She sat down and was surprised to see a little box wrapped beautifully on her desk.

“What’s this?”. she unwrapped it and was amazed by the silver bracelet in the box. ” wow”. She saw a note on it and read it to herself.” I hope it looks good on you, B❤.” she wondered.” Who is this person sending me a gift?”.

Later in class, the principal was addressing them on the upcoming quiz competition.

“As you, all know how it goes, the competition will be in weeks, so start preparing yourself for it”. he said and walked away, The whole class started to murmur toward each other.

” So, Baek-Hyun, you are going in for the competition, right?”. Chan-yeol asked.

“Maybe”. he said

” You don’t want to?” Byung-ho asked.

“I don’t know yet”. he said and they stared confusedly at him.

Later at home, Ji-ho was checking on Baek-Hyun’s assignment, while he was staring at her.

” This is quite impressive”. she compliments.

“That’s because I have a great teacher “.

“Hmm, at least my efforts are not wasted”.

“Sure”. he sighed and then brought out the photo from his pocket. ” um, miss Ji-ho, you left this yesterday”. He places it on the table in front of her.

“Oh, thanks, it must have fallen off my bag”.

” Yeah, you have a lovely family”.

“Thank you” ” She smiled and they went mute for a while.

” Um, Miss Ji-ho, there is something I want to ask you”.

“Okay, what is it?”. She raises her face to him.

” I want you to promise me that if I go into the quiz competition and I win, you will accept what I will want from you”. he said.



” Okay, I will, so what do you want me to do for you?”.

“Wait till then, and you won’t go back on your words”.

“I won’t “. they smile.

Two weeks later, the quiz competition was on and was held in the school auditorium, It was a competition between Lycee and Dwight School, there were two contestants each and Baek-Hyun was among the representatives, They sat on the stage with the judges and they were giving them the rules and regulations of the quiz.

” Now we are going to start, do you have any questions?” 1st judge asked and they responded No, each student filled the hall to cheer for their school. “Good, we have only questions one to ten, you are allowed to pick any number”. he added.

“Yes sir!” they responded in chorus. Baek-Hyun scanned around the hall for Miss Ji-ho and he saw her sitting in the back seat with some teachers, their eyes met and he winked at her, and quickly Ji-ho turned her gaze away from him.

“Let’s begin”. 2nd judge said.” Dwight, pick a number”

“Question four”. one of the students said.

” Okay, here we go, In which band is Chris Martin the lead singer? ”

“Coldplay”.he replied.

” Correct!”. Everyone cheers them up

“Lycee, you are next”. the judge said.

“Number 5 sir”. Baek-Hyun replied.

“OK, What is the most expensive spice in the world? ”

“Saffron”. He said.

” Correct!”

“Yes!” chan-yeol said excitedly and they cheered them up, It continued to go on for over an hour, and Lycee won with one point.

“All alright Dwight, this is your final question, You will get 10 percent of your score if you get it right, At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal?” the judge asked, and Dwight hesitated to answer. “Your time is going”.

“um, 39″. One of the students said

” Is that your final answer? they nodded ” Am sorry you are wrong”. he said and there was a sigh of disappointment from them and the crowd.” so, Lycee, this is your final chance, answer it” he turned to them, Baek-Hyun smiled and turned his gaze to see miss Ji-ho staring at him, he smirks at her and turn to the judges, his friends were hoping he got it right including their students, they were all praying silently.

“The answer is -40″. he said.

” Is that your final answer?


“Okay”. They hesitated and sighed. “You……are correct!” he said and the students jumped up in excitement The judges were trying to calm them down, finally, it was calm and the results were announced. “Thank you, everyone, settle down, let’s see the winner, the Dwight scored 98 points”. he said and they clapped. ” And the Lycee scored 100 points”. The whole Lycee screamed and ran to the stage to celebrate.

“You did it, man!” Byung-ho said and they gave a group hug, Then the trophy was brought to them, and they all jubilate singing a victory song. Baek-Hyun caught sight of Miss Ji-ho leaving the hall.

Miss Ji-ho came out of the hall, walking towards the gate when a familiar voice stopped her.

“Miss Ji-ho” Baek-hyun called and she turned to him. ” you are leaving already?”.

“Yes, I need to catch the bus, is getting late, but anyway, you were amazing in there, I am super proud of you”. she smiled.

” That’s because I have an amazing teacher”. they chuckle. “So, is time to say what I want”.

” Oh, sure, now that you have won, what do you want me to give you as to your excellent performance”.

“Okay,” he pulled a little closer to her and stared straight into her eyes. ” I want you to go on a date with me”. he said and Ji-ho wide eye in surprise.


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