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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Country: Korean

Tags: Romance

Chapter Eight

Ji-ho invited Su-ho to the bar where they serve BBQ and Soju. They sat down having fun and drinking into a stupor.

“Are you telling the truth?” Su-ho asked as she took a bite of the BBQ sauce.

“Yes and it’s ki||ing me every day, When I turn left, he is there, when I turn right, he is there, even in my dreams he is always there”. Ji-ho said as she drank from the soju, both of them were feeling drunk already.

“Maybe because he likes you, try giving him a chance “.

” Are you kidding me? You know I can’t do that, Baek-Hyun is my student and you want to know the funniest thing, he is the kid I was employed to tutor”. she said.

“Baek-Hyun, why does that name sound so familiar”. Su-ho said thinking hard, then she snapped.” Yeah! I remember that name now, Baek-Hyun is the only son of Mr.Dae-jung, and he is in the top five richest businessmen in the whole wide world, I heard his son and his friends are the cutest and richest kids in school, and they are known by their stage name ‘3STARS’, oh my God! Ji-ho you should be happy that he is stalking you”. she said happily.

“Of course not, he is my student”.

” I know, but do you like him?

“What?! Like Baek-Hyun? Of course not, he is my student and I am older than him”. she gulped.

“You are so unfortunate my dear”. Su-ho said and took another glass of soju.

“I feel so dizzy”.

“Me too”. They smiled sheepishly and two guys from the other side were staring lustfully at them.

Meanwhile, Baek-Hyun was feeling restless about Ji-ho’s safety because she heard her earlier today in school making a phone call across to Su-ho for them to meet at the bar.

“Could Miss Ji-ho be home by now? Why do I feel restless? It is almost 10 pm, and I don’t think she will still be outside with her friend”. he sighed.

Ji-ho and Su-ho were walking hand in hand staggering and their heads were spinning.

” Ji-ho, I think my head is about to fall off my shoulders”.

“Me too Su-ho, I can’t believe we had too much to drink, I might be late for work tomorrow”.

” Me too, but it was fun though”. they chuckle and suddenly two drunk men from the bar earlier stand in front of them smiling mischievously. “Who are you and why are you blocking our way?”.

” We are your friends, we can help you two home, we know you two are heavily drunk”. 1st guys said.

“No thanks, we can take ourselves home”. Ji-ho said and they turned to leave but the two men still blocked their path.

” Not so fast ladies, we can’t leave you two beautiful ladies on your own,” the guy said and they pushed closer to them, and they pushed back.

“Don’t get anywhere closer”. Ji-ho warned.

“Or what? Look at this area, no one will rescue you from us”. 1st guy said and they laughed wickedly.

“Stay away from us!” Su-ho cried out and held tight to Ji-ho as the men kept walking closer to them.

” Get away from them!” Baek-Hyun yelled from behind and there was so much anger in his voice, that the men paused, and turned in his direction.

“Who are you?” 1st guy asked.

“Baek-Hyun”. Ji-ho called quietly wondering if she was seeing him by mistake.

“You two don’t want to know”. he said angrily and rushed towards them and started raining hard punches and kicks on them, they couldn’t withstand the pain, and they ran off.” morons!”. he added and stood in front of the two drunk ladies and they were staring confusedly at him.

“Who are you?”. Su-ho asked.

” Baek-Hyun, it’s you, what are you doing here?”. Ji-ho asked and Baek-Hyun scoffed.

“Baek-Hyun?”. Su-ho said and moved closer to him and looked deeper into his eyes. “Wow, you look so handsome ” She touched his face and he stared confusedly at her.” Ji-ho didn’t tell me you look so charming and cute” ” She giggled.

“Stop flirting with him, Su-ho, he is not Baek-Hyun, he can’t be here at this time, he is just his look-alike, and it is just our imagination”.

“Yeah right”. he rolls his eyes at them and then gets interrupted from behind.

“Su-ho”. A young guy called and rushed to her. “What are you doing out here this late, Don’t you know it’s dangerous for a young lady like you to be seen alone on the street”. he said with so much concern as he held her.

“You must be related to her?”.Baek-Hyun asked.

“Yes, we are co-workers, She texted me earlier to come to pick her up with her friend”.

“Okay, don’t worry, you go with her, I will go with Miss Ji-ho”. Baek-Hyun said.

” Okay, but who are you to her?” he asked to be sure if he could leave her with him.

“Am her neighbor, she also called me earlier to pick her up”.he lied.

“Okay, thank you”. he smiled and left with Su-ho. Baek-Hyun smiled after them and then moved to Ji-ho who was already dozing off while standing.

” You are really wasted”. he said and moved to carry her on his back.” Miss Ji-ho, where do you stay?”.

“I stay two streets away, apartment A34 “. she murmured, and he sighed.

” Okay, let’s go”. he started walking.” miss Ji-ho, how can you be so heavy when you look tiny”. He groans, and not too long after, he arrives at the apartment and then uses her hand to unlock the door, They walk inside, and he helps her gently onto the bed and covers her with a blanket. “What a calm soul”. He sighed and then left after planting a light kiss on her forehead.

The next morning, Ji-ho was still fast asleep when the alarm kept ringing in her ear, She groaned and managed to stop the alarm with her hand, then she sat upright and yawned quietly.

” How did I get home?”. she wondered and then her eyes caught sight of the time on the wall. “oh $h|t! I am d@mn late”. She stood up quickly and rushed to the bathroom.

About an hour later, she arrived at school and was a minute late, She sneaked quietly to her office not to be seen by the school authority. She sat down and let out a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness”.

“Miss Ji-ho, you are pretty late today, why?” Mrs. Ye-jun asked.

“I slept pretty late last night, I was working on some project”. she replied.

” Okay, but you look tired”.

“I will be fine”. She smiled and started arranging her desk, Just then two male students walked up to her.

” Good Morning Miss Ji-ho”. They greeted her with a bow and she replied to them warmly.

“Miss Ji-ho, can you please come with us, there is something we need your help with “. they said.

” Okay, hold on a second”. she said and arranged her books on the table. “let’s go”. she stood up and left with them, she was walking behind them at the back, then they stopped near a closed door.

“We are here miss Ji-ho”. they said and they opened the door and ordered her to go in first, immediately she entered, they shut the door, and ran off.

“Hey! What are you doing? Open the door”. she screamed hitting at the door, Suddenly the light was turned on and she got interrupted by a familiar voice from behind.

” Will you stop screaming, you are not being kidnapped or something”. Baek-Hyun said and she turned in his direction to see him sitting comfortably on the couch with his legs crossed and his eyes closed.

“Baek-Hyun? You? Did you send those students?”. she asked surprisedly.

“Yeah, now come and have a sit”. he replied with so much command in his voice, and Ji-ho scoffed.

“How dare you? What is really your problem, Baek-Hyun? Don’t you have respect for your teacher at all? What right do you have to make me leave my office and answer to you?”. she yelled angrily and he smiled and then open his eyes to see the angry look on her face.

” You know, you look more beautiful like this when you are angry, my little pumpkin”. he winks.

“Open this door Baek-Hyun, I want to go out”.

“Not until you sit down”.

“Are you kidding me right now! Open this door or I will scream”. she thr_@tens and Baek-Hyun chuckles.

” Okay, go ahead, but I will let you know that the door is soundproof, no matter how loud you scream, no one can hear you, so it will be best if we do it easily,”. he said grinning at her.

“Baek-Hyun, I don’t care, I am leaving this place”. She walked to the door and started hitting it hard and screaming for help.

“Fine, I have heard enough”. He sighed and stood up, he stopped as he noticed her holding her head and feeling dizzy, he rushed to her quickly and caught her by the waist to prevent her from falling. “Are you okay, Miss Ji-ho?”.

“I just suddenly felt dizzy, and my headaches”.

” Yeah, you are having a hangover, come sit” ” He helped her to sit down and offered her a cup of hot green tea” Drink this, it will help”

“What’s this? ”

“Is green tea, this is the reason I asked those students to bring you here because I know you will be having a hangover and it is due to the excess of alcohol you and your friend had last night”. he said and she drank from the tea.” What were you even thinking in drinking yourself to death like that, Don’t you know it was dangerous at that moment”. he scolded.

“Are you scolding me?” she asked staring straight into his eyes.

“Yes! Do you know how worried I was, you are a beautiful woman, and any man that sees you in that drunk state, we have no option but to take advantage of you, I was d@mn lucky to be there at that moment”.

” You were the one that brought me home?”.

“Yes, who else could it be”. He said.

” How did you know where I stay?”

“I asked you and you directed me to the place and I must confess, your place looks amazing”. he smiled.

” Thank you”. she placed the cup on the table and stood up to leave. “Am fine now, I have to go”

“you can’t, you still need to rest “. he said trying to be persuasive.

” Don’t worry I–” she groaned as she felt a sharp pain in her head, Baek-hyun rushed to her quickly.

“You need to rest, you can’t teach looking like this”.

“But– he cut her short by placing a finger in her lips and she went surprised.

“Shh, not another word from you” he felt her chin. “You are my little pumpkin and you are going to do as I say, I won’t allow you to go outside there and teach, you will remain here and take all the rest that you want if you try to disobey me I will do you something that you won’t like”. he warned and they suddenly got interlock in each other eye. he looks down to her lips and got tempted, he quickly pushed back and clear his throat nervously. ” you can lay down on the bed, that will be comfortable for you”.

“I don’t want to, what if the principal came looking for me?”

“Don’t worry about that, I will handle it” he carried her up in a bridal style and Ji-ho was surprised and struggled for him to put her down.

“What are you doing? Put me down!”.

” Relax”. he said and helped her to the large and soft bed and then covered her with the blanket. “promise me you won’t get off this bed once I leave”.

” I owe you no promises, I can do wh@ťěver I want”. she replied rudely and Baek-Hyun smirked.

“Sure you, so don’t miss me too much my little pumpkin”. He teases and Ji-ho rolls her eyes at him he giggles and leaves the room shutting the door behind him. Ji-ho stared around the whole room and was amazed, soon enough she began to drift to sleep. Meanwhile, Chan-yeol and Byung-ho were inside the class receiving lessons and at the same time worried about Baek-hyun’s disappearance.

” Chan-yeol, are you sure you don’t know where he is?”Byung-ho asked.

“No, I thought he was with you, you are the last person I saw him with”. he replied.

“Yeah, but I left him alone in the school corridor”.

“Well, maybe he went somewhere, so don’t worry”. he said and suddenly they heard students screaming and they quickly understood who they were screaming for. ” he is here”. He smiled and then Baek-Hyun entered and the ladies started blushing.

“Am sorry ma for coming to your class late”. Baek-Hyun said as he apologized to the class teacher she smiled at him and asked him to go take a seat, he bowed and left his seat.

” Where have you been?”. Byung-ho asked with anger.


” where exactly?”. Chan-yeol asked and he sighed tiredly at them.

During the lunch break, Baek-Hyun brings them to their inn and they were surprised to see Miss Ji-ho sleeping soundly on the bed.

“Miss Ji-ho? What’s she doing on our bed and why is she on my favorite side of the bed?”. chan-yeol asked frowning at Baek-Hyun.

” Baek-Hyun, start talking”. Byung-ho said and he sighed and started explaining everything to them, They were a little surprised.

“but that doesn’t give you the reason to make her lay on my favorite side of the bed, you know I h@ťě sharing”. chan-yeol said. They turn to him and roll their heads.

” What if the principal starts looking for her?”. Byung-ho asked.

“Don’t worry about that, I have already sorted it out”. he replied.

“Okay”. Byung-ho said and they sighed staring at her.


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