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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Tag: Romance, pain, heartbroken

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The next day Mr.Dae-jung came over to his son’s house, and they both sat down on the veranda as the maid served them a glass of orange juice.

“Why have you refused to answer any of my calls?”Mr.Dae-jung asked.

” Am sorry Dad, I just got a lot on my mind”. he said, Paley.

“Why? What happened?”.

” Nothing, am fine now”. he said as he took a sip from his drink.

“Okay, if you say so “” He takes a sip from his drink” Anyway, have you heard of Ha-jun? Have you called her to see how she is doing?”.

“No, I will call her later”. he replied.

“Okay, when are you going back to the office?”.


“Are you fit for it tomorrow?”. he asked and his cell phone rang. ” excuse me”. he picked up the call as he saw the caller ID.” hello, Mr.Dong-Geun”.he smiled, and suddenly he stood up looking surprised.” what?! Oh my gosh” Baek-Hyun stared at him.”ok, we will be right there”. he hung up and sighed tiredly.

“What happened dad, is everything ok?”. he asked.

” No, we need to rush to the hospital now”.

“Why? Is Mr.Dong-Geun ok?”.

” Not really, Ha-jun was rushed to the hospital”. he said and Baek-hyun stood up quickly in surprise.

“Oh my gosh, what happened?”.

” I have no idea let’s hurry up”.

“Ok, let me dress up”. he rushed to his room to dress up.

At the hospital, the doctor was examining Ha-jun’s body as she sat upright on the bed staring at her parents who were looking worried.

“Doctor, is my daughter ok?” Mrs. Do-Yun asked.

“Yes, she is fine, is nothing to worry about”. he reassured them.

” Are you sure doctor?”Mr.Dong-Geun asked.

“Yes, she is lucky she didn’t have a deep cut in her vein”. he said staring at Ha-jun’s wrist which was wrapped up with an elastic bandage.

” Ok, thank you very much, doctor”.Mrs.Do-Yun said.

“Sure, if you will excuse me”. he left.

“Ha-jun, are you ok?” Mr.Dong-Geun asked as stood next to her including his wife who caressed her hair tenderly.

“Ha-jun, why did you try to take your life?”. she sobs, then Baek-Hyun and his dad rush in quickly.

” Ha-jun, are you ok?”. Baek-Hyun asked looking worried.

“What are you doing here Baek-Hyun?” Ha-jun asked unfriendly.

“Are you ok, Ha-jun?”. Mr.Dae-jung asked.

” The doctor said she will be fine and it’s nothing to worry about”. Mr. Dong-Geun said.

“What exactly happened?”. Baek-Hyun asked.

“She tries to ki|| herself”. Mrs. Do-Yun said Baek-Hyun and his dad were surprised.

” What?”. he turns to her.”Why Ha-jun?”. he questions.

“Like you care”. she replied.

” How do you mean?”Baek-Hyun asked.

“Exactly what you heard Baek-Hyun, when does my life become significant to you, don’t pretend you really care about me” she yell.

“Ha-jun, don’t talk like that “. Mrs.Do-Yun said.

” Listen, I know I was wrong with the way I spoke to you the other day, but that doesn’t give you the right to try hurting yourself”. he quarreled.

“Are you scolding me right now? You know it’s all your fault”. she sobs.” you keep pushing me away all because of her, I have feelings you know and I am human”. she yelled and they sigh

“Just try and calm down dear, you two can still resolve everything”.Mr.Dae-Jung said.

” Yes, he is right,” Mr. Dong-Geun said.

“Am sorry ok, I will take full responsibility for what happened to you”. Baek-Hyun said.

“Really? If that is true, then, promise me to always stick with me”. she said staring straight into his eyes.

” Fine, I promise”. he took her hand tenderly, and their parents smiled at them.

“You promise?”. Ha-jun asked excitedly.

” Yes” he replied and she hugs around his waist.

“Aww, look how cute you both look”. Mrs.Do-Yun said and the rest smiled.

A week later, everything was going smoothly between Ha-jun and Baek-Hyun, they went on dates and picnics together, and people started to think they were dating. Baek-Hyun was working on his desk when his friends walked in.

” Hey bro, how is it going?”.Byung-ho asked as they shook hands together before sitting down.

“What have you been doing for a week now, you hardly have time for us”. Chan-yeol said.

” Just been busy, that’s all”. Baek-Hyun replied.

“Busy with what? Ha-jun?” Byung-ho asked.

“Yeah, there has been a rumor about you two dating, is it true?” Chan-yeol asked and Baek-Hyun scoffed”Seriously man, are you two a thing now?”.

“I don’t know what you guys are talking about”.

” Well, you should know, are the rumors true? Are you going out with Ha-jun now? Did you finally accept the proposal between you two?”.Chan-yeol question.

“No, Ha-jun and I are not a thing yet, we are just trying to make things right between us”. he said.

“meaning? what about Ji-ho?” Byung-ho asked confusedly and Baek-Hyun ignored him.”Baek-Hyun “.

” Will you guys just stop! Ji-ho and I have gone our separate ways, she chooses her part, and I walk along with mine”. he said and his friends stared surprisedly at him.

“You both what? Y-you what?” Byung-ho sputtered confusedly.

“Exactly what you heard, can we please not talk about this anymore”? he continues with his work and his friends still have confusing and surprising looks on their faces.

Later in the day, Si-u was cooking in the kitchen when the doorbell rang.

” Hold on, am coming”. she said and moved to open the door, she was surprised to see who it was.”Byung-ho?”. she called, and then ushered him in before closing the door behind her.

“It has been a while”. he said as he sat down on the couch.

” Yeah, am surprised to see you here,” she said and then realized she had something cooking in the gas. “excuse me for a moment, let me check what I am cooking”.

” Sure”.

“Okay” ” She rushed back to the kitchen.

“Do you need any help?”.

” Nah, am almost done”. she replied, a few minutes later, she set the dining table and called out to him.” Dinner is served”.

“Um, ok”. he stood and joined her at the dining, and she served him.

” I wasn’t hoping to see you, I would have prepared more”. she said.

“Is okay, this looks nice “. he took a scoop of it to his mouth and was amazed.” wow, this tasted delicious”. he said.

“Thank you, please enjoy”. she said and they continued eating.

Soon, they were done eating and Byung-ho helped her in washing the dishes.” thanks for the help”.

“is nothing, am glad I can help”. they smiled at each other and after a while, they went back to the living room and sat down.” Am sorry I came over unannounced, I just came to talk to you about something”.

“Hope there is no problem?”.

” Not really, but is about your sister, you and I know where she is and why she doing all this”.

“I don’t know, all I know is that the love she and Baek-Hyun share is forbidden in society, my sister has gone through pain in life, and all she needs now is to overcome more pain in the future”. she said with a sigh.

” I totally understand, but all these are not helping Baek-Hyun at all, he starting to lose hope in her, which is not supposed to be so, We all know how much he loves and adores her”.

“Yeah, I know, I believe my sister knows what she is doing”.

” You think so, Baek-Hyun’s attitude has been changing for over a week now since your sister left, and he feels unconcerned about her and doesn’t want to hear her name,” he said and turned to Si-u ” Please tell me where I can find your sister”.

“I wish I could tell you, I made a promise not to tell anyone, am sorry, I hope you understand”. she said and Byung-ho sighed sadly.

During the weekend, Baek-Hyun came over to visit his parents, they sat down in the dining room, having their lunch.

” How is work going son?”Mr.Dae-jung asked.

“Fine Dad”. he replied with a warm smile, his mother stared at him as she noticed him feigning a happy face.

” I can see, anyway I have seen the way you and Ha-jun have been going steady with each other”. he said.

“Really? Are you two going out now?” Mrs.I-jun asked.

“Um-” Baek-Hyun got interrupted.

“Of course, the news is everywhere, and soon enough their marriage will be announced”.Mr.Dae-Jung said happily and his wife stared surprisingly at her son.” I am so happy now, my son has finally made me proud”. he said and continued eating.

An hour later, Baek-Hyun and his mom sat down on the veranda chilling with a glass of juice.

“You wanna tell me what is going on? Is what your dad said true? Are you planning on getting married to Ha-jun? What about ji-ho?”. she asked confusedly and Baek-Hyun sighed and there was no response from him.” talk to me, son”.

“You don’t have to worry about anything Mom”.

” Why shouldn’t I not be worried about? What happened to ji-ho? Why did you start going out with Ha-jun?”.

“Because ji-ho and I are no more, we decided to go our separate ways”. he said and Mrs. I-jun was surprised.

” Why?”

“Can we not talk about this anymore, I don’t want to worry about it again, she chooses her part, and I choose mine”. he said sadly.

” Is that what you want son? Do you prefer to spend the rest of your life with a woman you don’t have feelings for all in the name of pleasing society? I know you too well son, don’t make the mistake that you will regret”.

“Is too late for that mom, I need to move on and forget about everything “. he said and Mrs. I-jun stared tiredly at him.

Later in the day, Baek-Hyun calls out to his friends for guys to hang out, they arrive at a clubhouse and sit down at the bar as they order a drink.

” When do you suddenly have the energy to go to a clubhouse?”Chan-yeol asked as he took a sip from his drink.

“Is it a bad idea to hang out with my friends?” he asked.

“No, is actually a good idea”. Byung-ho said.

” Let’s cheer to life”. they hit their glasses together and then sip from it.

“This place looks booming tonight, you guys wanna dance?” Chan-yeol asked and they declined.

“You don’t look ok, Baek-Hyun” Byung-ho said as he noticed his sad mood.

“Am fine” he replied.

“No, you are not, you look heartbroken”. Chan-yeol said and Baek-Hyun scoffed.

” Am fine, nothing is wrong, can you two stop worrying about me and focus on why we are here”. he said as he gulped his drink.” I just want to have fun and forget–“.

“Ji-ho?” Byung-ho interrupted him.” you and I know you can’t because deep down in your heart, you miss her so dearly”. he said.

“That’s not true,”. he said.

” it is”. Chan-yeol said. “you bringing us out this night was because you miss ji-ho and you want to get yourself drunk to forget about her, which is not going to be possible because you are just going to hurt yourself the more”. he said.

” I have made my point, and am done chasing after her, I just want to try a new thing”. he laughs. Soon he became heavily drunk and bowed down his head sobbing quietly.

“Are you ok?”. Byung-ho asked.

” I can’t, I try so hard to forget about her but is not working”. he sniffs and his friends stare sadly at him.

“She will come back, you just need to be patience”. Byung-ho said Baek-Hyun tried to sip from his drink and they stopped him quickly.

” I think you have had enough for today, we need to take you home”.Chan-yeol said.

“I don’t want to” he sniffs and dabbles at his eyes.” I want her back, I miss her so much”. he said sadly.

“I need to have a video of this”. Chan-yeol said as he started making a video of him.

” Did I do wrong in falling in love? Why is love treating me this way? ji-ho, please come back to me, I want you, I miss your smile and your pretty face”. he laughed and gulped.

“You need to go home”. Byung-ho said as he helped him up and supported him on his shoulder and they went outside.

” Baek-Hyun?” Ha-jun called surprisedly as she stepped out of her car with her friends, she moved to them quickly.” what happened to him? Is he okay?”.

“Um, yeah, he is just drunk”. Chan-yeol said.” But why are you here?”.

“Oh, a friend of mine is having her birthday party here, so, we came to celebrate with her”. she said.

” Oh, anyway we were about to take him home”.Byung-ho said.

“Okay,”. She moved towards Baek-Hyun and caressed his face, he opened his eyes weakly and smiled faintly at her.

” Ji-ho? You came back”. he said and quickly pulled away from his friends and hugged her tightly smiling, everyone was surprised.” I know you will come back, I miss you so much”. he said and dozed off, his friends quickly helped him to the car and zoom off. Ha-jun went still boiling in anger.

“He still misses her? I thought he had planned to move on” ” She grunted angrily her friends called out for her attention and she moved to them as they all went inside.


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