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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Tag: Romance, pain, heartbroken

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Ji-ho made a video of herself claiming to seduce Baek-Hyun went viral on the net, and there were a lot of bad comments.

I knew she was not guilty”1st comment said.

“So, she actually seduced him because of his wealth, No wonder she was chased out of her husband’s house,” 2nd comment said. There were lots of comments coming in, even TV stations were broadcasting it on air, Everyone was stunned.
Ha-jun was feeling excited in her room as she kept jumping up and down in her room.

“Yes! Finally, he is mine”. She fell on the bed smiling.

Mr.Dae-Jung and his wife were listening to the news in their living room.

” I told him she was bad, now you have seen it with your eyes,” Mr.Dae-Jung said.

“How is this even possible”. Mrs. I-jun asked confusedly.

” How do you mean? Didn’t you hear it from the horse’s mouth, she literally seduced our son because of his wealth”.

“That’s not what Baek-Hyun told me, he actually went after her”.

” Can you listen to yourself, your son was only blinded by loss, not love,”.

“Do you have anything to do with this?” she asked staring at him.

“Me? why?”

“Exactly my point, You and I know you don’t like her, did you thr_@ten her to make a video of herself, claiming she seduced our son?” she asked.

“Don’t give me that look, I didn’t do anything”. he said and his wife stared at him doubtfully.

Byung-ho and chan-yeol were shocked by the news.

” Why did she say that? I don’t believe this”. Byung-ho said.

“Me too, something is wrong somewhere”. Chan-yeol said.

” Do you think Baek-Hyun has seen this?”Byung-ho asked.

“I have no idea, he told us earlier he is having a meeting with some of his investors that came from the state, I guess they are still in the meeting”. he said.

” Let’s go then”. They entered the car and drove off. Soon, they arrived at the company, they went inside to see Baek-Hyun coming out from the meeting hall and shaking hands with them before he bid them goodbye and then left for his office. Byung-ho and Chan-yeol move to him.

“Hey, what are you guys doing here?” Baek-hyun asked as he sat on his chair.

“How was the meeting?” chan-yeol asked.

“It’s great, they are willing to invest with us”. he replied happily.

” Oh, congratulations”. Byung-ho said and Baek-hyun noticed their mood.

“Is something wrong?” he asked.

“Um, yeah”. chan-yeol said.

” What is wrong?”.he asked, Byung-ho took the TV remote control and turned on the TV, Baek-hyun was stunned to see ji-ho face appear on the TV and the newscaster was talking about her video. “What’s the meaning of this?” he asked confusedly, Chan-yeol brought out his phone and played the video for him. he watched it for a while and stood up quickly.”no, no, no,”.

“She posted it this morning and it is spreading rapidly all over”. Byung-ho said.

” This is not true! Why did she do this?”.

“Our point exactly, something doesn’t seem right here”. Chan-yeol said. Baek-Hyun picked up his car keys and rushed out, his friends stared after him. His staff saw the look on his face as he rushed out of his office.

” I guess he had seen the news”.1st staff said.

“I think so too” 2nd staff said and they started murmuring against each other.

At the hospital, Su-ho and Si-u sat next to Ji-ho waiting for her to wake up. Si-u was sobbing quietly.

“Don’t cry, am sure she is fine”. Su-ho said calmly.

” Am scared, is been an hour and she has not opened her eyes”. she sniffed.

“She will wake up, don’t get too tense about it “. she said.
Suddenly, ji-ho moved her hands and opened her eyes weakly.” Look she is awake”.

“eonni, are you ok?” Si-u asked.

“What happened? Where am I?”. ji-ho asked weakly

” You are in the hospital, you passed out and we brought you here, are you ok? Do you feel any pain?”. Su-ho asked.

“Not really, What did the doctor say is wrong with me?” she asked and then the doctor entered.

“The doctor is here”. Si-u said.

” You are awake? How are you feeling?” he asked

“Much better I guess, What is wrong with me, Doctor?” she asked.

“Is my sister ok?” Si-u asked.

“Yes, there is nothing to worry about, is actually good news”. he said smiling and they were confused.

” What news, doctor?”. Su-ho asked.

“Congratulations Mrs. Ji-ho, you are actually three weeks pregnant”. he announced and they went stunned.

” What?!” they said simultaneously in surprise.

“Yes, the test results say you are three weeks gone, you don’t have to worry, your baby is in good shape, anyway I will check up on you later, do have a nice rest”. he said and walked away. Su-ho and Si-u looked at each other for a while and then let out a scream of excitement except Ji-ho who was dumbfounded.

” Yes! Yes! Finally”. Si-u said happily and they embraced her.”Congratulations”.

“This is good news”. Su-ho said and they pulled away from her, They were surprised to see her crying.” Why are you crying? Are these the tears of joy?”.

“This can’t be”. she sobs.

” What can’t be?”Si-u asked confusedly.

“This, the pregnancy, why now?”.

” What do you mean why now? This is a thing of joy, is what you have hoped for and it’s growing in you”. Su-ho said.

“Eonni, pregnancy is a thing of joy, you should be happy”. Si-u said ” Are you going to tell Baek-hyun about it?” she asked.

” Baek-hyun can’t know about this”. she said

“What? Why? You can’t keep a child from its father”. Su-ho said.

” Yeah, but he can’t know about this, let it be a secret between us”.

“You know this can’t be, you know how difficult Baek-hyun is especially when he keeps persisting about you”.

” Let it be our secret, if he finds out, he won’t stop looking for me”.

“And you think he is going to stop now, I guess he going around looking for you right now because I know the video has gotten to him”. Si-u said.

” She is right, but if it is what you want, no problem”. Su-ho said

“You just have to promise us that you will look after yourself and the baby”. Si-u said.

” I promise”. They gave a group hug.

Meanwhile, Baek-Hyun went to Ji-ho’s office and was told she resigned, he hurried to her house and found out no one was around, he kept calling, and her phone was switched off.

“No!” he grunted angrily and rested his head on the steering wheel.” were are you? Why did you do this? Please Ji-ho come back to me, please”. He raises his head and closes his eyes for a while, then he starts his engine and zooms off.

Si-u drove in, they came down and Ji-ho inside, they help her with her things inside the car and they later zoomed off to the train station where they bid each other goodbyes. Meanwhile, Baek-hyun drove to Su-ho cafe and was told she left an hour ago, he sighed tiredly and was about to enter his car when he saw Su-ho coming out of a taxi.

“Baek-hyun” she called surprisedly and moved to him to see how distressed he looked. “What are you doing here?”.

” I need your help, please tell me where Ji-ho is, I have gone to her office and I was told she resigned, I even came to her house, but she was not there, you are the only one that can help me, please”.

“Baek-hyun, am sorry, I don’t know where she is, I even went to her house and she is not there, I really don’t know where she is, although she told me she leaving, she didn’t tell me where,”.she said and Baek-hyun sighs sadly.

” What about her sister?”

“Same thing, she had no idea of where she was going”.

” Are you lying to me?”

“Of course not, why will I lie to you, I guess she probably needs time, let’s give her a little time to think things through”. she said and walked away. Baekhyun Stood for a while, he entered his car and drove off.

Later in the cool evening, Baek-Hyun sat down in his bar looking sad and lonely as he continued to sip from his whisky and stare at Ji-ho’s photo on his phone.

” Where are you? Please come back”. He sighs sadly.

The next morning, Baek-hyun woke up due to the constant ringing of his phone, he picked it up quickly without looking at the caller ID.

“Hello? ji-ho?”. he said and was surprised to hear his secretary’s voice from the other end, she called to inform him of the meeting with some clients.” Tell my PA to handle it, I won’t be in the office for a while and please don’t call me this early next time”. he warned and then flipped his phone to the other end of the bed and fell back to bed. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.
“What?!” he yelled out under the blanket and the cook’s voice came through the door.

“Sir, your breakfast is ready, should I serve it at the dining table or to your room?”. She asked.

” Go away, am not hungry”.

“But sir, you haven’t had anything since you came back yesterday”. she said and there was no response from him. “Sir”.

“Go! am not hungry, just leave me alone”. he said.

” Okay sir”. she left.

An hour later, Ha-jun drove in and was welcomed by the cook.

“Is your boss around?” Ha-jun asked.

“Yes ma, he is in his room”.

” Didn’t he go to the office today? I have been calling his line, but he is not picking up”.

“I don’t know, he is in his room right now”. she said and went back to the kitchen, Ha-jun sighed and started heading to his room, she knocked on the door but no response.

“Baek-hyun, are you in there? Is me, Ha-jun, open up”. she said as she continued knocking, but no response from Baek-Hyun. She sighed tiredly and dialed his number, but it went busy, She dialed it again, and the same thing occurred.” I don’t think he is in the room, where could he be?” She went back to the kitchen to meet the cook.” Are you sure he is in his room?”.

“Yes ma, he hasn’t stepped out this morning”

“I knocked, but no one opened up, and his number is busy”. she said.

” I really don’t know what is wrong with my boss, he hasn’t been himself since he came back from his office, yesterday”.

“Why? Did something happen to him?”.

” I don’t know”. she replied and continued her cooking. Ha-jun stood for a while and left for her car and zoomed off.


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