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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Tag: Romance, pain, heartbroken

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Chapter Eleven

Baek-Hyun was working on his desk when suddenly his telephone rang, he picked it up.

☎️”Hello?” he hesitated for a while.”Okay, let her in”.He hung up and sighed staring at the door, soon there was a knock on the door.” Yes, come in”. he said and Ha-jun enter smiling while holding a box of lunch


” hi”. he stood up and they embrace each other with a peck before he offer her a seat.” what a surprise to see you here”.

“Yeah, I came to see you and also brought you lunch”. she said smiling as she place the box on the table.

” Oh, thanks, you shouldn’t have”.

“Well I have to, I ask my nanny to make this, specially for you” She stood up to where he is and dished out the food on the table in front of him.” I hope you like it “.

” Er, it looks yummy”. he said and take a scoop of it.

“How does it taste?”.

” hmm, nice, it looks yummy”. he replied and continued eating.

“Am glad you like it “. she sat down smiling at him.

” Don’t you want to join me?”.

“No, it’s all yours”.

” okay”.

Ji-ho was typing on her laptop when one of the staff walk up to her.

“Ms.ji-ho, the manager wants to see you”. she said and left, ji-ho stood up and left to answer the manager’s call, she got to his office and saw him busy with the mail of the day.

” You sent for me sir?”.she said and the manager raise his face at her.

“Yes, the meeting we were supposed to have with IRIVER company tomorrow is been held today, so you and some of the staff should be heading there now, they need our presentation in the next one hour”. he said.

” Okay, sir”.

“I have already selected the people that will be going with you, you can start going now”.

“Okay, sir”. she walks away. A few minutes later, they arrived at the company and move to the receptionist, she show the direction to where the meeting will be held. ji-ho turned to walk, and mistakenly pumped into Ha-jun which made her bag and the lunch box fell on the floor.

” Watch it!”. she yelled and it got everyone’s attention.

“Am so sorry”. she apologize quickly and help her with the bag and the box, ” am sorry, it wasn’t intentional”. their eyes met and they went surprised.

“You!” Ha-jun said surprisedly.

“Am really sorry”. they stare at each other and they were interrupted by one of the staff who called their attention to the meeting, she apologize once again and left with her team, Ha-jun stare after her for a while and then left to her car, her cell phone rang and she picks it up quickly

” Any information?…..good, send them to my email now”. she hung up, enter her car, and zoom off. Inside the meeting hall, everyone was already seated, soon Baek-hyun enter with his Secretary and his PA, ji-ho went surprised.

“Baek-Hyun?”. she called quietly.

” Shall we begin”? Baek-Hyun said as he sat down and ji-ho presenter came forward to the dashboard and started the explanation. ji-ho eyes were on Baek-hyun, and he noticed she was staring at him, he met her gaze and she turn her face away quickly, Baek-hyun smile and continue staring at her, Ji-ho noticed and she became uncomfortable with his gaze. A few minutes later, the presentation was over and Baek-hyun was pleased with it even though all his attention was on Ji-ho.”that was wonderful”. he stood up to leave “Bring the document for me to sign”. he said to ji-ho and walk away, ji-ho stood up and followed him behind, and soon they arrived at the office and she was amazed.

“Wow, your office looks amazing”. she compliment staring around the place and she almost pumped on Baek-hyun who was standing close to her.”what are you doing?” she asked nervously as their bodies were inches apart.

“What does it look like I am doing”. he push closer to her and she push back until her back rested on the wall.

” You called me in here to sign a document”. she said nervously.

“Yes I did”. he move closer to her and closed the gap between them. ” but, what if I want something more than the contract?”. he smile as he feel her cheek.” you look gorgeous this afternoon and I feel like..not letting you go”. he whispered seductively into her eyes, ji-ho gulp anxiously and wiggled out from his arms and move to sit down, Baek-hyun smirk.

“Let’s sign the contract now, my team is waiting for me”. she said, Baek-Hyun move to his seat and glance through the document before he signed it.

” Done!”. he pushes the files back to her.

“Thank you, is nice doing business with you”. she smile and stretched out her hand for a handshake, Baek-Hyun stood up to her and took her hand, pull her to himself, and kissed her.

” It’s done” he winked at her and she push back.” have a nice day my little pumpkin”. she walk away without a word and Baek-hyun fell loose on his chair and it was swinging him around, he brought out the little purse he took from her handbag without her knowing

Ha-jun sat down on the couch going through her email on her iPad, she click on the email that was sent to her by someone she hired to get information on ji-ho.

“Ji-ho, born on July 5th,
1988…..” she continued to go through her details.” oh, she was a former teacher at Lycee International Xavier, that’s Baek-Hyun school, was that the reason I saw them that night?” she asked herself and continue reading. “woah, she was married, b-but she not having any surname attach to her name and I see no ring on her finger, did she got divorced? but is not stated here”. she sigh tiredly. ” this fool didn’t give me the complete information that I want, I still feel something fishy between them”. she pick up her phone and dial a number, and the person from the other end pick it up.” Meet me in that spot in the next one hour”. she hung up and let out a sigh.

Later in the day, ji-ho was making dinner along with Si-u, who was helping with the chops.

“On the look of it, he is really not that bad, I can see he genuinely loves you”. Si-u said.

” That’s why I am trying to avoid him, I don’t want it to get deeper than this”. ji-ho replied and Si-u turn to her.

“And you think he will give up, you know how stubborn he can be and you said it yourself that he has been stalking you right from school”. she said and continue her chopping.

” Beak-hyun is just being naive”.

“yeah, naive and smart, he knows what is good for him and he sees his happiness in you, you should give him a chance”. she said, and Ji-ho sighed.

” I won’t, he is been betrothed to the president’s daughter and I know their two will make a perfect couple,” she said smiling and Si-u scoff.

“oh really? Do you think so? well, I don’t think so, I believe he is a man of his word and I believe also he will make you his” she said. ” I know you like him too, but you are scared of what people will think and say, but I will say you should follow your heart”. she added. A few minutes later, they were done cooking and started arranging the food on the table, just then the doorbell rang.

“Are you expecting anyone?” ji-ho asked.

“No, you?”.

” No, but let me check”.she left to open the door and was surprised to see Baek-Hyun as he turn his back against the door ” Baek-hyun” she called and he turn to her smiling.

“Hey, little pumpkin”.

” W-what are you doing here?”. she sputtered.

“Who is it?” si-u asked from the dining room.

“um– she got interrupted as Baek-hyun find his way into the house, Si-u was surprised to see him.

” Wow, nice smell”. he turns to Si-u” Hi, you must be Si-u?”

“Y-yeah, you must be Baek-hyun,” she said and he nod. “wow, is a pleasure to meet you, I have heard so much about you and my sister talks about you a lot”. she added and ji-ho stare at her quickly.

” Oh, really? That’s so nice to hear”.

“What are you doing here, Baek-hyun” she cut in through their talk.

“um, yeah, I came to return this to you”. he brought out the purse from his suit jacket and Ji-ho was surprised.

” My purse, where did you get it from?”. she asked curiously.

“You left it in my office while I was signing the document”.

” I did?”.

“Yes, you did”

“You can sit for dinner”. Si-u cut in.

” Sure, I will”. he moved to sit down in the dining, ji-ho stood for a while before she left to join them in the dining. “this looks yummy”.

” you can say that again”. si-u said smiling as she dishes the meal.” let’s eat”.

“yeah”. he took a scoop of the food to his mouth and was amazed. ” hmm, this taste delicious”.

“Of course, my big sis is a good cook”. she said and ji-ho frowned at her, she ignore her gaze.

” Of course, she is “. he smiles at her. ” I hope to get to eat this delicious meal in the future”.

“oh yes, you will, but only on one condition”.

” What condition?” he asked curiously.

“That you will only make my sister happy for the rest of her life”.

” Hey!” ji-ho snapped at her and they chuckle.

“Is that the condition?” he asked and she nodded.” you don’t have to worry about that, your sister is my number one priority when it comes to happiness, I promise I will never fail you on that”. he said smiling.

“I believe you”. They chuckle, except ji-ho who frowned at them and they continue eating, soon the rain started dropping heavily.” why is it raining all of a sudden?”.

“The weather wasn’t clear when I came”. he said.

” Well, I guess you will have to stay here for a while before it stops raining and besides is pretty late”. Si-u said

“Sure”. he replied. Soon they were done eating and Si-u took the plates to the kitchen to wash them. ” I will help out”. he offered and ji-ho and Si-u refused.

“No, let me do the dishes”. Si-u said, and he insisted on helping out, after much persuading, they allow him to do the dishes. si-u left to her room as she bid them good night, Ji-ho move to join him in washing the dishes.

” Why do you offer to help in the dishwashing? You are so stubborn”. ji-ho quarrel and he smiled.

“Of course, I love being stubborn for you”. he tease.

” Is not funny”.

“Well, I love teasing you”. he laughed. “well, am just trying to make a good impression, and besides your sister likes me already”.

” Do you use the purse as an excuse to come to my house?”. she asked staring straight into his eyes.

“No, didn’t”. he hesitates.

” Why do you hesitate before speaking? You actually took the purse from my bag without my notice, to come to my house”.

“Maybe”. he smiles.

” I knew it, you…” she grunted as she stare hard at him, and Baek-Hyun laughed. An hour later, the rain was still dropping heavily, Baek-Hyun lay down on the sofa sleeping calmly, just then ji-ho came over with a blanket and cover him with it carefully not to wake him up. She stared lovely at him and then bent and kissed his forehead. “Good night”. She walks away quietly to her room. Baek-hyun opened his eyes and smile faintly as he tighten the blanket to himself.


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