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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Tag: Romance, pain, heartbroken

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Chapter Four

Two days later, Baek-Hyun was trying to connect with ji-ho, but it wasn’t going through, his friends came over to his house to see him pestering around his living room with his phone.

“Why is he moving up and down like that? Who is he calling?” Byung-ho asked chan-yeol beside him

“What a trouble young man”. Chan-yeol said shaking his head out of pity.

” Are you two going to stand there all day gossiping about me”. Baekhyun said as he sat down and they moved to sit down facing each other.

“Who are you trying to reach that is making you go crazy around the house?”. Chan-yeol asked and got a frown look from Baekhyun.

Seriously, what is bothering you? Is it about the engagement thing?”. Byung-ho asked.

” No is not that”. he sighs tiredly

“Then what?” chan-yeol questioned

“Is ji-ho, her phone is– they interrupted him surprisedly

” Miss ji-ho?!”They questioned curiously, and Baekhyun sighed.

“What do you mean by ji-ho, is it the same miss ji-ho we know of?” Byung-ho asked.

“Yes, we met at the party and —

” Miss ji-ho was present at your party? how? and when?” chan-yeol asked.

“Well…” he explained everything to them and skipped their making out part.

“Really? Wow, did she come with her husband? Why is she still bearing ‘miss’ instead of ‘Mrs’?” Chan-yeol asked confusedly.

“Byung-ho, you still communicate with her sister, right?”. Baekhyun asked

“No, I lost contact with her a long time ago”. he sighs.

” Oh sh!t!”

“Why didn’t you get her number when you came in contact with her?”.

” I did, but is not connecting, I thought maybe she gave me the wrong number”.

“Why will she do that?” Chan-yeol questioned

“Why do you want to meet with her anyway? what if she is already married?” Byung-ho asked.

“you won’t understand”. he grunts.

” Understand what exactly, she was present at your party two days ago and she obviously heard the betrothal between you and Ha-Jun, so I see no reason for you to ask about her”. Chan-yeol said.

“He is right, Baekhyun”. Byung-ho said and he picked up the remote to turn on the TV, Baekhyun and Ha-Jun’s photos appeared on the screen showing their engagement party.

” Turn it off”. Baekhyun said and he switched it to another station.

“You are getting more popular on TV”. Chan-yeol giggle. they went quiet for a while and Baekhyun jerked up quickly.

” who was in charge of the guests attending list?” he asked.

“I know”. Chan-yeol said and he smiled.

Su-ho came over to ji-ho house, they sat down in the living room with a glass of orange juice on the table in front of them.

” You don’t look okay to me, I tried asking you why you left the party like that without telling me, you didn’t say, tell me what is going on?”.

“Am sorry for leaving the party in that way, I just needed to–.

” To what?” she interrupted her. ” did you meet up with Baekhyun before his engagement with Ha-Jun was announced?” she asked and ji-ho went silent looking pale, Su-ho moved to sit closer to her.”ji-ho, why are you quiet? did you met with him?”.

“I -i “. she sighs.

” You did, right?

“yeah, and I am beginning to feel guilty about everything”. she said as tears filled her eyes.

” huh? How do you mean?”

“Is nothing anymore, it’s over already” ” She sniffs.

“What happened between you two? Did you try to give each other a chance?”.

” I made a mistake, I shouldn’t have allowed it to happen”. she sobs and Su-ho embraces her trying to calm her down.

“Is ok, everything will be fine”. she said as she patted her back.

The next morning, Baek-Hyun drove into a cafeteria, walked in, and met with one of the sales girls.

” Excuse me”. he called and she turned to him.” sorry, please I am looking for Mrs. Su-ho, I heard she owns this place”. he said and Su-ho interrupted him from behind.

“Baekhyun?” she called and he turned in her direction and let out a sigh of relief. She offered him a sit, they sat down and one of the sales girls served them a warm coffee.

“Thank you,” he said as he sipped from it.

“You are welcome, am surprised to see you here”. Su-ho said.

” Yeah, I’m sorry for coming unannounced, I had to cross-check the guests’ attendees list and I found that of your name and your husband, and I asked around about you and I was directed to this place”. he said.

“Oh, I hope it wasn’t hard to locate?”.

” No, I must confess, this place looks amazing”. he said smiling.

“Thank you, but I must say you have changed, the first time I saw you was when you rescued ji-ho and me from those drunk men”.

” Yeah”. they chuckle.

“Is so good to have you back though, Ji-ho talks about you a lot, most especially when she is drunk, that’s when she pour all her emotions out about you”. she said and quickly realized she shouldn’t have said that loud ” am sorry, I just got carried away, please don’t tell anyone I said it though”.

“No, is okay”. he said smiling. ” but I really need your help in finding her, you are the only one that can help me”.

“I understand Baek-hyun, but wh@ťěver happened between you two at the party is really waning her down, I can’t lie to you, she is not feeling well and she won’t tell me anything,”.

” Please how can I see her, her phone is not connecting, I need to talk to her, please tell me where I can find her, her house or where she works”.

A few minutes later, ji-ho was busy at her desk when one of the staff came to her.

“Ms. ji-ho, the manager wants to see you”. she said.

“Okay, thank you”.

“by the way, I didn’t see your car around, you didn’t come with it?”.

” No, I just took an early bus today”. she replied.

“ok”. she left and Ji-ho stood up to the manager’s office with some files. a few minutes later, Baek-Hyun walked into the company and moved to the receptionist, immediately she made eye contact with him, and she started drooling over him.

” Er, am here to see your manager”.

“oh my gosh, he is so handsome!” she said to herself and Baekhyun snapped his fingers across her face and she regained herself.” er, am sorry, do you have an appointment with him?”.

“yes, just tell him, Baekhyun is here to see him”.
” oh my wow, he is just as cute as his name” She grinned at him and then made a phone call to her manager”Okay sir” ” She hung up and smiled at him”You can go on sir, just take straight to your right”.

“Okay, thank you” ” He left and the girl stared after him. When he arrived at the staff quarter all the ladies started drooling over him and murmuring to each other.

” Oh my gosh! He is so handsome”.

“How can someone be so cute!”

“I really need to take a selfie with him”. Baekhyun ignored their gaze and murmured and stopped by the well-arranged office, he stared at the name ‘ JI-HO’ written boldly on it, he smiled and all the staff wondered what he was smiling at. just then ji-ho came out of the manager’s office, she froze immediately she met eyes with him, their eyes interlock and he smiled at her, then the manager came out and interrupted their gaze.

” Baekhyun, you are finally here, come in”. he said smiling.

“Sure”. he smiled back and left with him to his office. ji-ho wondered how he found out where she was working and how come he knew her manager, she shrugged it off and left for her office, she started hearing the staff murmuring about Baekhyun’s cuteness and she sighed tiredly at them.

An hour later, the whole staff left to have their lunch, but ji-ho was still busy at her desk, then a familiar voice interrupted.

” Why aren’t you going out for lunch? Isn’t your lunch break?”. Baekhyun asked as she raised her face to him.

“What are you doing here, Baekhyun? How did you find where I work?”.

” it was a coincidence, I didn’t know you worked here”. he said smiling at her. “And I am glad to see you again my little pumpkin, let’s go out for lunch”. he offered and ji-ho returned to her work.

” You go ahead, am busy “. she said as she was busy typing on her computer, Baek-Hyun noticed she was not ready to go out with him, so he decided to try something else.

” Ahh! My tummy hurt”. he screamed holding his tummy and groaning in pain, ji-ho rushed to him quickly and grabbed him by his arm looking worried

“Baekhyun, what happened? Are you okay?” she panics.

“No, my tummy hurt”. he groans loudly ” I’m dying”.

“No, don’t say that, let me take you to the hospital”.

” No, I want food, I haven’t eaten for two days now”.

“what? why?” she asked surprisedly and started scolding him” Are you crazy, why do you starve yourself? Do you want to ki|| yourself? How could you?” she yelled at him

“Your scolding right now won’t solve the problem, just follow me to a nearby restaurant to eat, am dying”. he groans.

“Okay, am sorry, just try and manage to walk”. she supported him on her shoulder, but she was caught off guard as Baekhyun entwined his hand on hers and placed the other in his tummy and they walked away.


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