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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Country: Korean

Tags: Romance

Chapter 20

Some days later, at the canteen, everywhere was rowdy

“Are you sure about this?” Chan-yeol said to Baek-Hyun looking surprised along with Byung-ho.

“Are you for real?” Byung-ho asked.

“Yeah, is my decision and I am sure of it, immediately after the summer break, I will be off”. Baek-Hyun replied.

” But you never have the thought of rounding up your studies abroad”. Chan-yeol said.

“Yeah, I just suddenly thought it’s a good idea”.

“Whoa, this means in a week time, you won’t be studying here anymore”. Byung-ho asked.

” yeah”. he stares at their surprised faces” What? Why do you two look so surprised?”

“We should be, you got us by surprise, and we never expected it”. Chan-yeol said with a sigh. ” but is a good thing, it will clear off your thoughts from Miss Ji-ho so that you can move on”. he added.

“Really? Is that the reason why you are leaving?” Byung-ho asked.

“No, I have always wanted to finish my studies abroad, so, miss ji-ho is not the reason for that”. he said.

” Okay, but are your parents aware of your decision?” Byung-ho asked.

“Yeah, my dad brought up the ideal sometime ago, I never wanted to, but when I finally thought about it, I agreed, and I know it will be the best decision I have ever made”. Baek-Hyun said.

” Okay, what about Miss Ji-ho, aren’t you going to tell her?” Chan-yeol asked as he sipped from his juice. Baek-Hyun sigh.

“Why should I tell her?”.

” Because she is our favorite teacher and also your private tutor, so she deserves to know”. Chan-yeol said.

“Yeah, I know, she’s just my teacher and there are some things that I have a limit to,” he said as he took a bite from his apple.

later in the day, Su-ho invites ji-ho for a hangout and comes over to their favorite restaurant and orders BBQ sauce along with Soju. Su-ho started a conversation while eating but seemed not to be interested because she was lost in deep thought about what almost transpired between her and Baek-Hyun, she seemed to not get her mind off it, and Su-ho finally realized she had been talking to herself.

“ji-ho, ji-ho”. she called out to her but she seemed not to notice, then she tapped her shoulder and jerked up from her thoughts. ” Are you okay?”.

“um, yeah”. ji-ho sputtered nervously as she took a shot of Soju.

” You don’t look like you are okay, did something happen? Are you having issues with Dang-Geun?” Su-ho asked.

“No, no, everything is fine”.

” I don’t believe you, you are definitely worried about something”.

“Is nothing”.

” Are you sure? Or is it about your school? I know you are stressing out lately, doing two jobs at the same time”.

“Is nothing and is not about my jobs, remember we are vacating in a few weeks and my private tutorial with Baek-Hyun will be over soon, so, is nothing to worry about”.

” Okay, if you say so, let’s have fun”. they cheer and continue eating.

The next day, during her free period, Ji-ho was arranging her desk when her cell phone rang, she picked it up smiling after noticing the caller.

📞”Hey, …….mm-hm…..okay, give me a minute I will be there with you”. She hung up and continued arranging her desk, and then she stood up and left to meet Dang-Geun outside the school gate. They stood discussing and smiling at each other, just then Baek-Hyun came out of his inn and caught sight of them as ji-ho hugged Dang-Geun after collecting a little package from him, he entered his car and zoomed off, ji-ho entered the school compound smiling and didn’t realize when she pumped into Baek-hyun that made the little package fell off her hand and the little box inside roll off revealing a silver earring that was inside, Baek-Hyun picks it up and they stare at each other, Chan-yeol and Byung-ho came over to see the affection between them as they keep staring into each other eyes.

” if they don’t break off from their staring, am going to throw up”. Chan-yeol said and Byung-ho scoffed.

“Um, I guess this is yours”. Baek-Hyun said as he broke off the tension between them. “Am sorry I bumped into you, I didn’t look where I was going”.he added and let out a deep sigh. “Er, anyway, those earrings look amazing and I guess they will look good on you”. he said feeling awkward as he rubbed the back of his hair nervously. ” Anyway miss ji-ho, I hope you will come to my place today to resume your teaching because I haven’t seen you since the last visit to my house when I was ill”.

“Um, yeah, I told your father the reason why, I will be resuming today”. she replied.

” Okay, good luck”. he left and ji-ho stared after him.

“Why was he looking all awkward and nervous toward Miss Ji-ho?” chan-yeol asked confusedly.

“Maybe he finally realized Miss Ji-ho is his teacher, not his classmate that he can crush on”. Byung-ho said, they sighed and walked away. meanwhile, two students heard their conversation and were surprised.

” What? Baek-Hyun and Miss Ji-ho have a crush on each other”. 1st student said in a whisper to the other student behind him.

“Yeah, I think they are dating, haven’t you noticed the behavior between them lately,”. he replied.

” This should be posted on the school net” They smiled smugly at each other and brought out their phones and made a post on the school net, tagging Baek-Hyun and ji-ho on it.

The next morning, the news spread around the school as students started commenting and blabbing about it.

“How true is this? why will Baek-Hyun go for Miss Ji-ho?” 1st female said angrily

“This is so unfair! I should be chosen by Baek-hyun ” 2nd female said as she grunted in anger.

“Does that mean she is cheating on her boyfriend? I thought they just started dating not too long”. Another student said.

“he does have a high taste in ladies, I mean, Miss Ji-ho is too old for him, he is just like her younger brother,” 1st male student said and everywhere became rowdy and full of murmuring. Just then Baek-hyun and his friends drove into the school building, suddenly Chan-yeol let out a gasp as he saw the post and bad comments on the school net.

“oh no,”.

” What?” Byung-ho asked

“There is a post made on Baek-hyun and Miss Ji-ho, and it states you two are dating”. he said.

” What?!”. they said simultaneously and quickly brought out their phones to check.

“Oh my gosh!” Byung-ho said in surprise.

“w-w-w” Baek-hyun sputtered.

“What do we do?”. Chan-yeol asked anxiously. ” we can’t let this go viral more than this, it will ruin Miss Ji-ho’s reputation and that of your parents too”.he added and they let out a sigh.

“Let’s go”. Byung-ho said, they came down and walked to the school hallway, suddenly all the students turned in their direction, somewhere making annoying faces while others were staring awkwardly at them, they ignored their looks and hurried to their inn. Not too long after, ji-ho arrived at the school hallway and she was surprised to see the looks the students were giving her, she wonders and then she heard Miss Seo-Jun call out her name, she hurried to ji-ho and dragged her to the teacher’s office.

” What is going on? Why were the students looking at me like that and you guys are giving me the same look”. ji-ho asked as Miss Seo-Jun and Mrs.Ye-jun stood at her front, they were the only ones in the office, the rest teachers were yet to come.

“Are you having an affair with your student?”Mrs.Ye-jun asked and ji-ho stare surprisedly at her.

” What? What are you talking about?”. she asked.

“What she means to say, is if you are having an affair with Baek-hyun?” miss Seo-jun said.

“WHAT?! Where did you hear that from?”. she asked.

” Is all over the school page”.Mrs.Ye-jun said as she brought out her phone and showed it to her, ji-ho almost missed her balance when she saw the post.

“Oh my gosh! Who posts this? Why will someone forge such an allegation”.

” Is this fake?”. miss Seo-jun asked and ji-ho sighed tiredly.

“Of course, it’s fake! Why will I have an intimacy with my students, especially with Baek-hyun, he is my student for God’s sake!”. she exhaled and sat on her desk resting her hands on her forehead.” this is so not happening”.

At the guy’s inn.

“This is not funny anymore, how did they find out”. chan-yeol said and Baek-Hyun turned his gaze to him.

” what do you mean by ‘ how did they find out? ‘ did I tell you I am in a relationship with Miss Ji-ho, you all know this post is a lie”.Baek-Hyun said angrily.

“Calm down Baek-Hyun, am sure he didn’t mean it that way, our only concern now is that if the matter gets to the school authority and you and Miss Ji-ho were summoned to the meeting, and then Miss Ji-ho made a proclamation of you being the one that was stalking her, what do you think will become of you? You know is against the school rule”.Byung-ho said and they sighed.

” I wonder how Miss Ji-ho will be feeling right now”. Chan-yeol said.

Some minutes later, Miss Ji-ho and Baek-Hyun were summoned to the teacher’s meeting Baek-Hyun stood in front of them as the meeting was going on, and Miss Ji-ho was feeling unease in her chair, the principal was talking and saying the rules, and regulations of the school.

“An intimate relationship between a teacher and a student is prohibited and anyone finds at such will be suspended, that was the rule, you all are aware of the news that is going around the school and it needs to be adjoin before it spreads outside this school”. he said as he turns his gaze to ji-ho “. miss ji-ho can please stand up and clarified yourself?”. He said and ji-ho stood up and gave a slight bow.

” Thank you, sir, for this great privilege you have given me to speak, and I also want to say thank you to everyone present here” she sighed and continued. “As everyone knows, Baek-Hyun here is my student and he is a fan of all the students and teachers of this great school, I would like to illustrate that, there is no intimate relationship going on between Baek-Hyun and me, is just a misunderstanding, I mean Baek-Hyun is like a younger brother to me and he is half of the same age with my brother, the only relationship between us is that of a teacher and a student”. she said as she bowed and sat down, then Miss Seo-jun raised her hand and she was granted to speak.

” Thank you, sir, and I also thank everyone present here, what I want to say is this, we all know the truth and there is no way Miss Ji-ho will be having a secret Romance with her student not when she had just recently accepted to be Dang-Geun girlfriend, everyone saw it online, so why this sudden accusation”. she said and sat down, then a male teacher stood up to speak.

“She is right, Miss Ji-ho is not only friendly but loved by her students, someone must have caught the wrong impression between them”. he said and the whole teacher agreed and they started murmuring to each other, then the principal silenced the noise and turned his gaze to Baek-Hyun.

” Baek-Hyun, what do you have to say”. he asked and all eyes were on Baek-Hyun, he gave a bow.

“Thank you, everyone, for having me here, I do not doubt what Miss Ji-ho said, she is absolutely right, why will I have intimacy with someone half of my aunty’s age,” he said, and the teacher giggled except ji-ho who felt insulted by it, but Baek-Hyun continues” Miss ji-ho is like an aunt to me, she’s just a teacher that is liked by everyone and is because of her I got an improvement on my science, not only that she uses all her time and energy to teacher us but she still uses that same energy to tutor me at home”. he said with a sigh.

“She is your private tutor?” Mrs.Ye-jun asked.

“yeah, Miss Ji-ho was referred to my dad by his friend two months ago, and because of her I got an A on my science test “.He smiled and everyone was amused.” nothing is going between us, Miss Ji-ho is a beautiful lady that just got herself a popular guy as her boyfriend, I can’t compete with that,” he said jokingly and they laugh

“That was a good one Baek-Hyun, now that we have heard from both sides, it is clear to us that it is a rumor and it needs to be pulled down as soon as possible”. the principal said as he stood up to leave. ” the meeting is dismissed, have a great day everyone”. he left with his PA and the hall became rowdy as they left one after the other. Baek-Hyun rushed to ji-ho in the hallway and the students were staring at them.

“Um, I just want to say that I am sorry for the drama you have to go through and I promise it will never happen again”. he said and ji-ho could see the sad look on his face.

” Is okay Baek-Hyun, am sorry too that you also have to go through the same drama, it’s in the past now”. she smiled and left for her office.


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