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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Country: Korean

Tags: Romance

Chapter 18

The next morning, it was exactly 7 am, and Ji-ho woke up and noticed she slept on the bed, she wondered and a voice interrupted her from the sofa.

“Good Morning miss Ji-ho, you are finally awake, did you sleep well?”. Baek-Hyun said delightedly as he was sipping from his coffee with his legs crossed, she sat upright on the bed.

” Why am I on the bed?, I remember sleeping on the sofa last night”. she asked.

“Yeah, I know, I carried you to the bed because you weren’t comfortable sleeping on the sofa”. he replied still sipping from his coffee and Ji-ho was surprised.

” y-you carried me up here?”.

“Yes, why? You think you are too heavy for me to carry?”. he asked and Ji-ho frowned at him.

” How dare you touch me? Did I ask you to carry me? I was really comfortable on the sofa”.She said unfriendly.

“Yeah right, but you sleep so soundly on the bed, and I couldn’t get enough sleep because of someone making the whole room noisy”. he said.

” How do you mean?”.

“Your snoring, I can’t believe you snore”.

” No, I don’t, I don’t snore”.

“Yes you do”

“I don’t!”. she yelled and Baek-Hyun smirked. ” where are my clothes?”. she asked immediately her eyes catching sight of where she hung the clothes.

“Don’t worry it is safe”.

” How? “.

“They are in the closet”. he stared at her as she stood up from the bed walking to the bathroom, he couldn’t help but stare amazingly at her, as the clothes looked perfect on her. he stood up quickly and pulled her into his arms, Ji-ho was caught off guard as their eyes suddenly interlock, the atmosphere was filled with love and affection, he brushes her cheeks tenderly and it sends shivering to her body as she tries to control herself.

” What are you doing Baek-Hyun? Let go of me”. she said nervously.

“But I can’t, you look so tempting and beautiful in these clothes and it’s drawing me closer to you”. he whispered to her ears and she froze.

” Let me go Baek-Hyun “.She struggled with him and finally pulled away from his arms and rushed quickly to the bathroom. Baek-Hyun smirked, he went back to the sofa and continued sipping from his coffee.

Some minutes later, ji-ho and her sister came out of the house, they were already dressed up to go to the bus station.

” Are you sure you won’t be late for school? Si-u asked

“No, I took permission from the principal already”. she replied.

” ok”.

“Hope you didn’t forget anything?” she asked and Si-u shook her head. “ok, let’s go”. she said, and Si-u’s phone rang, and she picked it up quickly.

📞”Hello? she said and suddenly her lips curved into a sweet smile as she suddenly heard Byung-ho’s voice from the other end, ji-ho stared confusedly at her. ” yeah, am about to leave…no, you don’t have to… Yes, am sure..(chuckle) Yes, thank you very much for being a good friend…..okay, bye”. she hung up excitedly and turned to see the look ji-ho was giving her.

“Who was that?”. she asked.

” B-Byung-ho, he called to check up on me”. she replied nervously, and ji-ho smiled at her.

“Is that why you were blushing when he called? So, you like him”. she teased, and Si-u smiled bashfully.

” He looks nice”.

“Oh, really? But why did you deny it at first when I asked you?”.

” I didn’t deny it, I just say…”

“oh yeah,”. she cut her short. ” let’s get moving”. they walk away

In school, Byung-ho and his friends are inside their inn. he looks sad and happy at the same time after speaking with Si-u on the phone, he suddenly notices he has started liking her. Baek-hyun and chan-yeol notice his mood.

“is everything okay?” Baek-Hyun asked.

“I don’t think so, he looks heartbroken and he is seriously going to miss her deeply”. Chan-yeol teases.

” Is that true Byung-ho? Do you like her already?”Baek-Hyun asked in other to be sure.

“Of course, he does, can’t you see the look on his face”. he said and Byung-ho stared hard at him.

” Will you stop saying nonsense”? Byung-ho said and scoffed.

“What? Why does it always piss you off when I am saying the truth, I can’t believe my two ungrateful best friends can’t tell when they have feelings for someone”. he said why shaking his head. Baek-Hyun tries to hit him but he quickly pushes back to avoid the hit.

” You are lucky I am far from you, I would have smacked you so hard”. Baek-Hyun said unlikely, and Chan-yeo gave him a funny look.

“You two should admit it already, you are falling for two sisters and it’s kind of cool you know”. he chuckled and they scoffed at him.

An hour later, Dang-Geun drove ji-ho to the school gate, and they packed in front of the school building.

“Thank you for the ride”. she said smiling at him.

“Is nothing, am glad I can help”. he smiled back.

” Okay, I will see you later”. she waves at him and comes down, quickly Dang-Geun comes out and stops her.

“ji-ho”. he called and she turned to him” Um” he moved closer to her and their body were an inch apart. Baek-Hyun who was walking toward the school field, stopped as he saw how close they were, he tightened his fist in anger and became jealous. “I wanted to take you on a dinner date tomorrow, I hope you don’t mind?”. he asked staring sweetly into her eyes and ji-ho gulped nervously “Will you?”

“Um, yeah, I would love to”. she said and Dang-Geun smiled widely and took her hands.

” Thank you”. he kissed her cheek out of excitement and ji-ho was caught off guard including Baek-Hyun who walked away angrily.” I will take my leave now”. he left for his car and they waved at each other before he zoomed off. ji-ho smiled after him and then went to her office.

“So, Miss Ji-ho is that guy your boyfriend? “Mrs. Ye-jun asked immediately after Ji-ho entered the office.

” Um, no Mrs. Ye-jun, he is just a friend”. She replied as she sat down on her chair and started arranging her books.

“Really? But you two look good together, I will advise you to give it a shot,” Miss Seo-Jun said, and they all nodded their heads, Ji-ho stared at them and sighed.

Later in the day, Dang-Geun and Ji-ho arrived at an exclusive restaurant, the waiter led them to the VIP table and they sat down.

“Wow, this place is amazing”. Ji-ho said as she stared amazingly at the place.

” You like it?”.

“yeah, it’s beautiful and kinda expensive too”. she replied nervously and Dang-Geun scoffed.

” Of course not, you are special and you deserve to be treated as one”. he said and they smiled at each other, just then the waiter came and served their meal to them, and they started eating and throwing conversation at each other, laughing and joking around. Some minutes later, they were done eating and they drove off to an Amusement Park walking hand in hand.

“Is beautiful”.She inhaled and smiled, at that moment Dang-Geun was staring at her affectionately and then took her hand tenderly Ji-ho turned to him surprisedly.

” Er, Ji-ho,” he said as he cleared his throat, and they were facing each other. “I brought you here because I want to say something to you, I know back then in school we were not that close, but I have always wanted you near me in school back then, you were different from all of them, but I didn’t dare to approach you because I thought you will reject me because of the way ladies were flocking themselves at me “. he sighs and stares deeply into her eyes holding her both hands tenderly. ” But today, I want to let you know that, what you thought of me back then wasn’t true, I was never into all those girls but you, you caught my eyes first, and since that moment I wanted you all to myself, I have always liked you and…”. he sighed and look around then he caught sight of a woman selling flowers beside the road, he ran to her and bought a stick of red rose, Ji-ho stare after him confusedly, then he came back to her and knelt with one knee on the ground and pointed the red rose to her. “Ji-ho, will you be my girlfriend?” he asked as he stared into her eyes to see how stunned she looked. “please be my girlfriend”. Ji-ho was speechless and shocked, some people passed by and stared amazingly at them even taking pictures and chanting at Ji-ho to say yes.

“I-i “. She sighs and then lets out a faintly smile as she takes the rose from him. ” Of course, I will be your girlfriend”. she replied and Dang-Geun couldn’t hide his joy, he stood up quickly and carried her up rolling her around in circles, the people around smiled and congratulated them and left.” Stop, put me down”. she giggles as he puts her down and hugs her tight.

“Thank you ji-ho, you don’t know what this means to me, thank you “. he pulled away from each other arms and cupped her face, then landed a light kiss on her lips before pulling her back to his arms, Ji-ho smiled and hug him back.

The next morning, everyone in the school was busy chatting and checking out their phones about the post of Dang-Geun and Ji-ho accepting to be his girlfriend, it happened that the eyewitness of that great night posted a photo of them on air. Baek-Hyun and Byung-ho were chatting in their inn when Chan-yeol rushed in quickly.

” What’s up man, who is after you?” Byung-ho asked.

“Someone is about to get boosted”. He said smiling.

” How do you mean? what happened?” Byung-ho asked.

“You guys won’t believe what is trending online now”. he said and they sighed tiredly at him.

” Will you please stop whining and tell us what the problem is”. Byung-ho yelled.

“Okay, but someone is going to get hurt by it.. do you guys know the famous singer-songwriter, producer, and rapper, Yang Dong-Geun “. he said and they sat upright.

” What about him?”. Byung-ho asked.

“He just got himself a girlfriend and you guys won’t believe who she is”. he sat in their midst and showed them the photo, quickly they went stunned.

” Miss Ji-ho?” Byung-ho said surprisedly.

“Yes!” Chan-yeol replied and they turned their gaze to Baek-Hyun whose face was filled with anger and pain. Baek-Hyun stood up quickly.”Baek-Hyun ”

“Excuse me”. He said calmly trying to control his anger and left.

” I told you that someone is about to get boosted”.Chan-yeol teased and Byung-ho stared hard at him.”what”.

Baek-Hyun was walking along the school corridor looking sad and heartbroken, suddenly, he paused as he saw Ji-ho coming in his direction, they stood staring into each other eyes, and Ji-ho could see the sadness in his eyes, after a long while of staring, Baek-Hyun walked pass her without a word or a smile, Ji-ho sigh and walk away.


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