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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HUGS & KISSES – Episode 28

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(Alex And Abbie…)


By, Ariel Mirabel



“Get out of the car, now” Whitney muttered,
slowly approaching them with the baseball bat.

“Blaire I’m scared” Della muttered, holding onto
to Blaire.

“Driver do something!!” Blaire snapped.

“Okay ma’am” The driver said and got down the

He made to attack them but Whitney swung the
bat to him and it took his face. He immediately
went down, wincing in pain

“Are you going to get down or should I come
there myself” Whitney muttered.

Della quickly got down the car already trembling
in fear. Blaire got down the car too, arrogance
glaring on her face.

“What is the meaning of all this!! Do you know
who my parents are… I sweàr that once I get out
of here I’ll-”

Abbie immediately landed a resounding slap on
her face that she fell on Della. Abbie grabbed
her hair next..

“You’re not here to talk but you’re here to obey..
Got that?”

“Ahh.. Yes!! Yes!!” Blaire winced as Abbie pulled
hard on her hair.

“Good” Abbie released her.

“Strip” Whitney ordered

“What? In the middle of the road!” Della

“You want to receive your own dose of slap
right?” Alma thr_@tened.

Della fought back her tears as she did so.. What
are these masked ladies gonna do to her, does
that mean these ladies are lesbians?

They both stripped off their clothes and handed
it to Zoey who took it and burnt it in front of
their eyes..

“Turn around and place your hands on the car”
Abbie said.

“What are you gonna do to us… Please, I’m
straight… Don’t ràpe us” Della begged.

“Ràpe you?” Abbie raised a brow and suddenly
burst into boisterous laughter.

The others joined her in laughing…

“Ràping you?? That’ll be animal abuse” Zoey
rolled eyes

Whitney began counting with her fingers while
reciting it in her mind.

“2, no 4 for all what you’ve done to my sister… 2
for plotting ràpe against Abbie, 2 for drugging
Alex, 2 for trying to spoil Estella and Rudy’s
bond, and 1 for all others I don’t remember..
That makes 11” She said inwardly and then

“Congratulations… You two get 11 lashes each.”
Whitney said cutely.

“Huh?” Blaire raised a brow to think and before
she could process anything, she received a
thunderous and painful whip on her butt. It was
as if the whip was pepper-coated.

“Argh!!!” She cried out

Alma and Abbie began whipping their butt till it
got to the 9th stroke.

“Please no more!! I’m sorry!! I’m sorry!! I’ll do
wh@ťěver you want!!” Blaire began begging in

Their butt were so red and she even felt like
smoke was coming out of it.

“The almighty Blaire begging… You should
know this is small compared to all what you’ve
done to others… So endure it!!” Abbie lashed on
her again.


Alma lashed on Della who was in so much
tears.. Zoey was busy making a video while

They whipped them the remaining strokes and
Della crumpled to her feet but the moment her
butt landed on the ground she spranged up

“It hurts… Mommy!!” Blaire cried.

“We’ll take our leave now… Oh there is your
driver” Whitney pointed at a tree where they tied

“Be good girls if you don’t want us to come back
okay?” Alma said, walking back to the car they
came with.

“Have fun going back home naked… Oh did I
forget to mention I burst your car tyre?” Zoey
giggled as she followed Alma.

Abbie took a picture of them and posted it
anonymously on the net with the caption;


“One more…” Whitney said and rushed back
then landed a resounding slap on Blaire and
Della’s face before walking back to the car.

“I’ll track you down and you’ll pay for this!!!”


“Seriously, you girls are psychos.. You really did
that to her?” Estella wondered as she watched
the video Zoey did with a shocked look on her

“Trust us.. We can’t let her go scott free after all
what she’s done” Whitney said.

“Mehn… We didn’t know Whitney was originally
this cràzy!!” Alma exclaimed and hung her hand
round Whitney’s neck who chuckled.

“I wanted to say sorry to you guys especially
Abbie. I was the one who found out you were
dating Lucas so I told Blaire” Estella said.

“Huh?” Abbie raised a brow in confusion. It then
dawned on her that it was the time she was still
in Alex’s body.

“Oh that? Pft!, it’s okay? Besides I’m sure they
thr_@tened you” Abbie said.

“So it’s true.. You’re dating Rudy” Zoey muttered
and Estella nodded with a smile.

“I just want to start afresh and perhaps know
how love actually feels like” Estella smiled

“I’m also in love with him” Zoey said with a
poker face.

“Huh?” Estella’s eyes widened.

“You heard me right… But I’ll try and forget
about him so don’t you dare break his heart if
not what we did to Blaire will be small” Zoey

Estella chuckled and nodded.

Blaire and Della walked in the cafeteria and
people began laughing, booing and jeering at

? The two mad girls has arrived!!

? But on serious note, what were they doing
naked in the middle of the night?

? Probably f-__-king the stray dogs since Blaire
can’t get Alex

? Low-key madness hahahaha!!

“I’m surprised they actually came to school”
Alma muttered.

“For me I’m surprised they can walked properly.
We almost destroyed their butt last night” Abbie

“Shut the f_ck up!!” Blaire snapped when the
mockery were getting too much.

“Or else what?? You’ll start undressing and walk
naked like last night?” One commented and
everyone began laughing.

Blaire fumed and stormed out of the cafeteria in
anger. Della followed her as usual…

The boys walked in and the girls immediately
began murmuring even some guys too.

? Alex is back!! I heard he got stabbed!!

? Is it me or he’s just getting more handsome
by the day. Abbie must really be taking good
care of her

? Speaking of Abbie, she’ll be dancing tonight.
.. Who’ll attend?

? Me for sure!

? Gosh look at Rudy, he’s so handsome!!

? Julian notice me..

? Everett is with them too!! Hey handsome
freckle guy!

“They easily make themselves noticed
everywhere they go. I just wonder how it’ll be
when they’ll finish college” Alma said.

“Worst for sure…” Whitney chuckled.

“Babe” Rudy walked to Estella and kissed her
right there. People began screaming

? OMG!!

? She finally said yes!!

Estella blushed and looked down shyly. Rudy
chuckled and sat next to her.

“Sunshine… Thought I told you not to get
discharge, your wounds are still not healed”
Abbie pouted.

Alex smiled and made her sit on his thigh then
he pecked her lips.

“I’m fine.. I h@ťě hospital besides,, I missed you
so much” Alex pouted and Abbie chuckled.

“Flat àss” Everett sat next to Alma who smiled
slightly and they bumped fists.

Though she was pissed off when she realized
Zoey played a trick on her but she ended up
liking it.. Everett was really fun to talk with.

Guess she misjudged him with all those

Whitney and Julian just smiled at each other..

Zoey looked at everyone and stood up

“I’m off… I refuse to be oppressed!” She scoffed
and flaunted her hair to the back before leaving.

The rest laughed.

Almost immediately Lucas and Tyler together
with Beauty walked in the cafeteria. Whitney
looked at Tyler and frowned, she looked at
Julian who just nodded with a smile

She nodded too and stood.

“Guys.. I’ll be back” She muttered and left their

Julian looked at her as she walked to Tyler’s
seat and sighed.

“I just hope the plan doesn’t backfire and you
end up falling for him. My heart wouldn’t take it”
Julian thought.


Tyler looked up and immediately slapped
Beauty’s hand then quickly stood.

Beauty frowned.

“We need to talk.. I need to tell you something
important” Whitney said, putting up a smile to
mask the burning rage she had within.

“Sure let’s go” Tyler said and left with her

Beauty scoffed and rolled her eyes then looked
front at Lucas who was smiling at her.

“What’s up with that annoying smile” She

“I see you’ve fallen for Tyler…” Lucas said, more
like a mockery.

“Mind your f-__-king-”

“Watch your tongue Ɓîtçh… I’m not soft like
Tyler,,, don’t give me a reason to wipe you off
this world” Lucas thr_@tened and she
immediately clamped her lips tight

“Good” He muttered and looked at Abbie who
was sitting on Alex’s thigh. She seemed so
happy as she talked and laughed with Alex,
more happier than she was with him.

That only added more to Lucas’s hatred
towards Alex.

“You escaped the knife attack… Let’s see if
you’ll escape the next one” He thought, folding
his fists tightly.


“So what do you want us to talk about?” Tyler

“Uhm.. Last time you told me you liked me but I
couldn’t reply to you so here, the thing is I like
you too Tyler” Whitney smiled and Tyler’s eyes

“Huh? Y-You’re for real?” Tyler stuttered.

Whitney smiled and nodded then took his hand

“I’m really for real Tyler.. I like you alot” Whitney

Tyler smiled and cupped her cheek then made
to kiss her but Whitney stopped him.

“Let’s take things slowly,, okay?” Whitney smiled
and Tyler nodded then hugged her.

“Today is the best day of my life” Tyler said,
hugging her closer.

“Mine too,, babe.. Mine too” Whitney muttered
and the smile on her face fell and was replaced
with a vicious smirk.


The match off was almost over and it was just
remaining Abbie’s. Her performance will
determine whether her team will win or the other
team will win.

She heaved out heavily, slowly catching the
stage fright as usual but the fright became
memories when she felt someone’s arm wrap
round her waist.

She smiled when she recognized the cologne.

“Panic not Heart… I’m sure you’ll do well, you’re
the best in everything you do” Alex said

“Well almost in everything.. Still need to check if
you’re good in bed then I’ll conclude” Alex

“Stop that!” Abbie laughed and pushed him.

“See? You should face any challenges with a
smile on your face” Alex smiled too.

Abbie stood to her toe and gave Alex a short but
deep kiss..

“I love you, thanks for your words of
encouragement” Abbie cupped his cheek.

“Same here” Alex said.

“I’ll be at the front seat so I’ll cheer for you
better” Alex and began leaving.

He suddenly stopped and rushed back to her
then stole a quick kiss before leaving. Abbie
chuckled and heaved, placing her hand on her
chest which was beating so fast, it happens
each time she’s beside him.

“You’re next miss” A girl said and she nodded
then left for the stage.

“Went to encourage your girl right?” Everett said
to Alex who came to sit next to him and he

Scream began erupting as the curtain opened,
revealing Abbie who was made a Șëx¥ pose with
her back facing the crowd

She was clad in a red one shoulder crop top and
red mini skort.

The crowd kept screaming loudly when she
turned her head to them and winked when
“River” by Bishop Briggs began playing.

?Like a river, like a river (shh)
Like a rive, like a river (shh)
Shut your mouth and run me like a river ?

People’s mouth widened when she began
dancing s*xily and graciously. All through, Alex
smiled proudly as he watched her dance

Suddenly his phone began ringing and he
looked at it to see it was Violet. He excused
himself and left to answer it.

He picked and what hit his ear was loud cries,
he immediately became worried.

“Alex, it hurts” She cried loudly.

“Violet, what’s happening? Are you hurt?
What?!” Alex asked..

“I’m at your place Alex, please come over… It
hurts” Violet cried

Alex made to speak but she already cut the call.
Alex looked at his phone in confusion.

What should he do now? Yes, he agrees that
he’s mad at her but she really sounded like she
was in danger and if so then he has to save her,
it’s his duty as his childhood friend.

He looked at the club and then at his phone
then back at the club..

“Dàmn” He muttered and rushed to where he
parked his car. He got in and drove off

It took him 5 minutes to get to his condo. He ran
upstairs, forgetting there’s an elevator till he got
to his condo

He pressed the password of his door.

“Violet!!” He stormed in and he immediately
regretted coming.


Abbie struck the ending pose and the whole
club went in an uproar as they clapped loudly.

Abbie smiled and waved at everyone. She
furrowed her brows when she noticed Alex
wasn’t in the crowd

? I guess we have a winner. An the winner of
this match off is… The students of L&C

“Yay!!!! Bravo!!!?” Whitney screamed loudly.

They handed Abbie a big bouquet and she
waved at everyone as she left the stage.

Her friends immediately went to the back stage
to congratulate her.

“You were so Șëx¥ back there friend!!” Zoey
hugged her

“I’m always Șëx¥” Abbie flaunted her hair.

She looked around again.

“Where is Alex?” Abbie asked

“He went to answer a call but never returned”
Everett replied

“Oh..” Abbie muttered, already getting worried.


Alex stormed in and he instantly regretted

Violet was sprawled on his couch, naked in all
her glory with her legs spread wide apart.

“What is the meaning of all these” Alex quickly
turned his back on her.

Violet chuckled and stood then walked to him.
She ran her hands on Alex’s back.

“Can’t believe you fell for my perfect acting
ski||s.. You like the surprise” She whispered, her
lips close to his ear.

She knows Alex more than anyone and he has
low self control especially when it comes to
women. It’s just a matter of minutes before he

Alex gulped hard and pushed her off then he

“Violet what are you doing!! Have you lost your
mind!?” Alex shouted, maintaining his gaze only
on her face.

“Yes I’ve lost my mind!! Yes!! How wouldn’t I
loose my mind when all you see are other girls
but not me!! Are you too daft to see that I love
you? I love you Alex!! I’ve always done so!!”
Violet shouted

Alex’s eyes widened. He closed it and turned to
leave but Violet hugged him from behind, Alex
could feel her hard pebbles on his back.

“If you can’t reciprocate my feelings let’s just be
friends with benefits… I promise I won’t tell
Abbie, it’ll be just between you and I. If I can’t be
the main girl then let me be the side chick”
Violet said and without warning, she crashed
her lips on his.

Alex’s eyes widened…


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