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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HUGS & KISSES – Episode 27

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(Alex And Abbie…)


By, Ariel Mirabel



Bryce and Whitney got into Bryce’s car and what
followed next was a short moment of silence.
Bryce just looked at her, waiting for her to get
ready to talk.

“My name is Whitney Davis… I got abducted by
some bad gang who traficks women and sell
them, I’m here because I want to help the police
force and catch them in any way I can” Whitney
said boldly

Bryce’s eyes widened..

“I was kidnapped with some other ladies and in
the quest of escaping, I got into an accident
which caused a temporal memory loss and my
face was changed but now that I have my
memory back, I want to make my abductor pay..
Him and the rest of his squad” Whitney said.

Bryce just stared at her with wide eyes.. A broad
smile spread on his lips immediately

“Actually, I’m on a mission too. Need to
apprehend some traffickers and I think those
people you’re talking are the same people I’m
after” Bryce said.

“Yeah, I know… Who wouldn’t suspect a cop
who suddenly became a lecturer overnight”
Whitney said.

“But don’t you think your disguise is kinda
ridiculous? I mean, they’ll definitely suspect
you” Whitney said and Bryce chuckled.

“That’s exactly what I want them to do.. I want
them suspect me so that they won’t be able to
even guess I have an accomplice in that school
too” Bryce said.

“With me being in the school, all the bad guys
will definitely come at me and by coming at me
they’re gonna foolishly fall into the trap I set for
them” Bryce said and faced her.

“I’m gonna help you too. Actually we have same
goals and it is to make them pay, they have my
little brother and I need to know where he is and
what they did to him. That’s the reason why I
decided to become a cop in the first place”
Bryce said

Whitney just nodded.

“I hope you find him”

“I don’t just hope I’ll find him,, I know I’ll find
him.. I can feel it” Bryce said

“So back to them. When you were being held in
their hideout, did you see any one or perhaps
anything there” Bryce asked

“Well I haven’t seen anything that particular but I
saw someone and he’s in the same course as
me… His name is Tyler”

Bryce raised his brows as she continued


Abbie walked in Alex’s ward with a basket of
fruits and Kate by her side.

“Alex!!” Kate rushed to Alex and hugged him.

“I heard you got stabbed yesterday, are you
okay?” Kate pouted.

“As you can see, I’m alive” Alex smiled, touching
her hair.

“I brought you fruits” Abbie smiled and placed
the basket on the table beside the bed.

“Where are your parents?” Abbie asked.

“My mom just left earlier ago” Alex replied and
Abbie just nodded.

She was so surprised yesterday when Marshall
smiled at her. She was expecting them to kick
her out but they did the contrary.

“Does that mean they’re accepting our
relationship?” Abbie thought and smiled at that

“Today is Thursday, aren’t you supposed to be
in school?” Alex asked.

“Yes but,, I was so worried about you” Kate
pouted and Alex smiled.

Alex gestured at Abbie with his eyes and Kate
immediately understood what he meant.

“I’ll go buy us some snacks, will be coming!” She
said and gave them privacy.

“Heart..” Alex stretched his hand and Abbie
smiled lightly before sitting where Kate was
sitting, she took his hand.

“You’ve been quite gloomy and aloof since
yesterday, what’s the matter?” Alex asked,
slowly sitting up on the bed.

Abbie heaved a sigh and looked down

“I was just thinking about us,, the person
stabbed you because of me. What if the person
comes after-”

“Heart” Alex cut her off..

“I still don’t care.. I’m not scared of that person.
Next time, I won’t allow him to take me by
surprise again. I love you and I can’t imagine my
life without you.”

“Besides, guess we’ll be having an epic story to
tell our future kids. How their dad survived three
knife stabs” Alex joked and Abbie chuckled.

“It’s not funny yunno” She smiled.

“I love you and I’ll never leave you” Alex said.

“I love you too Sunshine.. And I’ll never leave
you too” Abbie said.

“Pinky promise?” Alex pouted, showing his pinky

“Pinky promise” Abbie said and they intertwined
their pinky fingers.

Alex pulled her closer and made her sit on his

“I miss you” Alex smiled.

“But I’m here” Abbie said.

“Not you.. I mean this” He said and pulled her
face closer, claiming her lips.

Abbie smiled and as usual, she melted into his
sweet kiss.

She wrapped her hands around his neck,
fondling with his silky hair as they devoured
each other’s lips like it was some sort of candy..
.their candy.

Alex’s hands unknowingly crawled under
Abbie’s shirt and he cupped one of her B-__-bs.

Abbie smirked in the kiss.

“You hands are adventuring into somewhere”
Abbie whispered.

“Take that as punishment for teasing me with
that video. Just wait till I get out of here” Alex
whispered back and reconnected their lips, his
palms squeezing her melons gently.

Abbie Mõ@ɲed into his mouth as their lips
danced on each other. Alex broke the kiss and
buried his face on her neck

He planted wet kisses as he sucked on the
sensitive part. Abbie bit her lips.


Kate who was peeking at them slowly closed
back the door and sighed.

“I want to have my boyfriend too.. I’m 17 and
mom said I can have one when I’m 18.. That’s
like forever” She whined.


“You can place the couch over there and the
vase there…” Estella ordered the men who were
carrying the furniture.

Since there’s no lectures for them today, she
decided to use it as an opportunity to move in
the new house she bought online with the help
of Rudy.

It’s not that big but its more modern and
beautiful, neat too.

She kept smiling widely as she inspected
everything. Her sister will be discharged next
week and that’s enough news to make her

Though it was really tough and heartbreaking
but she told her sister about Whitney’s and their
parent’s death. It was really hard for the poor
girl but she’s slowly getting over it.

Her phone began ringing and she smiled when
she saw it was Rudy.

Well after the kiss at the lab, she decided to give
him a chance and see if things are going to
work out for them.

“Hello?” She picked.

“Just wanted to know if you’ll be free for the rest
of your life coz I want to spend it with you” Rudy

Estella’s eyes furrowed, she could also hear his
voice behind her. She turned and what
welcomed her was a kiss on the lips.

“Good morning” Rudy smiled charmingly

“G-Good morning” Estella touched her lips and

Rudy chuckled and looked around.

“I can see they’re almost done moving the
things in” Rudy pocketed his hands.

“Yeah, my room is almost ready. Come let me
show you” Estella grabbed his hand and led him

They walked in a room.

“Tada!!” Estella exclaimed before she giggled

“White.. My favorite color” Rudy said, walking

“Mine too” Estella smiled

Rudy got to the bed and hit it with his leg and
sat roughly on it, hitting it abit afterwards.

“What are you doing?” Estella raised a brow.

“Just checking it out. I specifically ordered them
to buy a solid bed.” Rudy said

“Why?” Estella tilted her head sideways.

“So that it shouldn’t break when we are…” Rudy
paused and smirked at her.

“We are…?” Estella raised a brow in confusion,
urging him to continue.

Rudy shook his brow and smirked more.

Estella stared at him, completely dumbfounded.
Her eyes slowly grew wide when she understood
what he meant.

She immediately blushed.

“You pervert!!” Estella shot and ran to him, she
picked a pillow and began hitting him.

“Hahahaha” Rudy laughed as she did.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her down, she
landed on top of him, their faces just few inches

“I love seeing you like this.. Happy and stress
free. I hope it never changes” Rudy tugged a
piece of her hair behind her ear as he stared at
her lovingly.

Estella looked at him for a while before she
smiled. Rudy looked at her lips and started
leaning in when…

“Miss?? Someone is here, she wants to see you”
A knock came up.

Rudy sighed. Estella chuckled and pecked his
lips before she got off him.

Rudy stood too and they both left the room to
the living room.

They got there and Estella was surprised to see
it was Whitney. What’s she doing here? And
how did she find her new house?

“Whitney? What’s wrong? Wait,, don’t tell me
you came to ask me about who to choose
between Tyler and Julian” Estella said

Whitney just stared at her with wistful eyes,
tears began gathering in her eyes as she did.
She didn’t know when she smiled, letting the
tears out of her eyes.

“Whitney? What’s wrong?” Rudy asked

Whitney smiled more as she stared at Estella.
Without wasting time, she quickly engulfed
Estella into a hug…confusing her even more.


“I missed you so much… Choco” Whitney cried.

Estella immediately froze on her spot. That
nickname, only one person calls her that.

Whitney released her and cleaned her tears.

“Twinnie, it’s me… Milky” Whitney said with a
smile on her face.

Estella stared at her with wide eyed from head
to toe. She began shaking her head, taking
steps back..

“No.. This can’t be, no! My sister is déad” Estella
shook her head as tears involuntarily escaped
her eyes.

“It’s me sis..” Whitney said softly and raised her
skirt above her knee level abit.

Estella’s eyes widened more as her gaze landed
on the tattoo which was bold and glaring at
them. Her lips immediately began trembling.

“S.. Sis?” She stuttered and Whitney nodded with
a smile as tears of joy cascaded down her

“Sis!?” Estella exclaimed and ran to her, pulling
her in for a bone crushing hug.

“Whitney… You’re alive, you’re alive” Estella
whispered as they hugged each other while

“Uhh.. I’m kinda lost here” Rudy muttered and
they broke the hug then turned to him.

Whitney explained everything to the both of
them, leaving out who Tyler is and they couldn’t
hide the shocked look on their faces.

“You got abducted? And those people kílled
mom and dad?! Gosh!” Estella covered her
mouth with her palms as she fought back her

“Yeah, but I got back my memories… I swéar it
on my life that I’m gonna avenge their déath.”
Whitney muttered.

Whitney looked at Estella and touched her hair

“It’s really sad I won’t be able to live with you
and Aileen for the meanwhile coz if I do those
people will easily connect the missing puzzles
and then find out I’m the girl they’re looking for”
Whitney said and she then faced Rudy.

“Rudy, I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done
for my sister while I was away.. I trust you’ll take
care of her, don’t fail me” Whitney said and
Rudy smiled.

“After loving her for more than a year and finally
that she’s mine you think I’ll throw it away?
Never gonna happen” Rudy said and kissed
Estella’s cheek.

“Those two wítches, I swéar I’m gonna make
them pay for treating you like their lap dog”
Whitney folded her fists tightly, referring to
Blaire and Della.

“What you gonna do to them?” Estella asked.
She knows her sister to be very vengeful

Whitney just smirked…


Alma walked in the restaurant and began
looking around for Zoey.

Earlier, Zoey texted her that she’s waiting to
have lunch with her at this restaurant.

“Where’s that girl?” Alma frowned as she began
looking around for her.

She received another text from Zoey to go and
wait for her at VIP table 06. Alma shrugged and
walked to the table then sat down.

She began typing a text message to Zoey when
a figure walked to her..

“Sorry I’m late”

Alma immediately looked up and frowned when
she saw it was Everett.

“What are you doing here?” Alma said.

“If you’re waiting for Zoey, she’s not gonna
come” Everett said.

Alma frowned more. So this is a plan?!

“I’m outta here” Alma stood and made to leave
but Everett held her wrist

“Just have a lunch date with me, just this one..
Please” Everett muttered.

Alma looked at his face and sighed before
sitting back down.

“Fine.. But if you try to kiss me I’ll shove this
pepper spray into you àsshole.” Alma said and
Everett smiled.

“And Zoey, just you wait and see…” Alma

Zoey who was spying at them chuckled.

“Plan 1 was a success.” She muttered and left
the restaurant.

She walked to where she parked her car and
brought out the key to open it when…

“Sir, stop!! Your father asked us to bring you
back home whether you like it or not” Someone
shouted behind.

She slowly turned and her eyes widened when
someone grabbed her waist and claimed her
lips. Her eyes widened more when she saw it
was none other than Bryce.

Bryce looked at his father’s men who were after
him earlier. They were busy looking around for
him but his face was hidden with Zoey’s face

He even pulled off the hoodie he was wearing
earlier so they couldn’t even recognize him.

He slowly opened Zoey’s car and they both went
in like that. He quickly closed the door and
winded up the tinted car window before

He turned to Zoey who still had the shocked
look on her face. The shocked look turned to a
confused look and from a confused look to an
angry one and from angry to furious.


Bryce blocked her mouth with his palms..

“Before you start screaming like a màd woman
let me explain myself. I was just trying to
escape from my father’s men. It just so
happened that my face mask fell off in the store
I came to shop and when I was about to wear it
back, people began screaming my name here
and there. My father’s men were around the
corner so they tried to take me back to white
house in Washington. My dad is actually
against the idea of me being a cop but I can’t
quit it, not until I find someone close to me”
Bryce said.

“And kissing me was the only way you saw to
escape those men?!! Couldn’t you just pretend
to be a beggar which will perfectly fit you by the
way!!” Zoey shouted.

“C’mon… Me? A beggar? I’m too handsome for
that” Bryce scoffed.

“Besides, you should even be thanking me for
kissing you. Not every girl gets to have this lips
on hers” Bryce smirked.

“Get out of my car” Zoey muttered

“Also why does your lips taste like rotten meat..”
Bryce frowned.

Zoey immediately opened her purse and
brought out a small knife she takes around for
protection. Bryce immediately became alert.

“Wait.. No need to take it to that level cutie,
huh?” He said smiling sweetly that one can even
take him as an angel


“I heard Alex is currently hospitalized” Della said
as she manicured her nails.

“Bet that stúpid girl will be beside him” Blaire

They were both sitting at the passenger seat as
Blaire’s driver drove them back home.

The car suddenly screeched to a stop.

“What the f_ck!! Who asked you to stop!!” Blaire

“Miss..” The driver gestured to his front

Blaire looked front and saw four female figures
standing in front of them, they were all wearing
black with black mask on too… Looking Șëx¥
and hot!

“What is happening?” Blaire furrowed her eyes.

“I’m scared” Della muttered

Those four figures were none other than
Whitney, Abbie, Alma and Zoey. She met them
earlier and told them everything, leaving out
Tyler’s issue since Bryce asked her to keep it
hidden for now.

After she finished telling her everything, how
these girls maltreated and downgraded her
sister like she was nothing, crazy Alma got an
idea of how to get back at them.

What they’re also going to do to the brothel is

Whitney advanced to them with a baseball bat
in her hand

“Get out of the car, now” She said, changing her
voice to a hoarse one


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