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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HUGS & KISSES – Episode 26

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(Alex And Abbie…)


By, Ariel Mirabel



Lucas walked in the Don’s office. Don’s swivel
chair was facing the window so he wasn’t
seeing his face.

“You called for me dad?” Lucas muttered.

Don turned his swivel chair to face him,
revealing none other than Marshall.

“Rex… I called you here because we need to
discuss” Marshall said, running his hands
through his gun.

“You’ve fallen for that girl, Abigail right?”
Marshall asked and Lucas kept quiet. That was
enough answer for him.

“How!! Why!! You were supposed to stick to the
plan!! The plan was that you make her trust and
fall for you so that once kidnapped, no one will
even suspect our family!!” Marshall shouted

“I’m not only an assassin dad!! I’m a man with
feelings!! She has everything I’ve ever wanted in
a girl and you think I’ll let that bastard to steal
her from me?! No!! She’s mine and mine
alone!!!” Lucas shouted back.

Marshall slammed his hand angrily on the

“Do you hear yourself talking?! Abigail Ha-rin
Kim is a good, nothing but that!! She’s worth
money and I’m not gonna let your pathetic
feelings come in my way.. Kíll that feeling and
know peace!!” Marshall said and Lucas kept

“Good… Also, I’ve thought about it thoroughly
and I think it’s a good idea that she’s dating
Alex.. The public won’t even suspect our family
even more at that… Let them enjoy their last
moment together after all, they’ll be sold soon”
Marshall smirked and laughed sinisterly while
Lucas still kept his poker face.

“You really think I’ll listen to you? You’re gravely
mistaken.. Abbie is mine and mine alone!!
Nothing will stop me from having her, even if it
means kílling that bastard” Lucas said inwardly


“L.. Leo” Whitney muttered inwardly staring at
Tyler with wide eyes. Her body was trembling so

“Whitney, are you okay?” Tyler asked and made
to touch her but she quickly shifted away.

She covered up with a smile..

“I’m sorry, my period just started and I’m having
this terrible migraine, I have to rush home as
fast as possible… See you in school, Tyler” She
smiled, stood up then left his house like flash.

Tyler blinked twice then slowly smiled and
rubbed his lips, recalling the feeling of her lips
on his.


Abbie was seen pacing to and fro in her room
while biting her lips nervously. It’s been almost
10 minutes now that Alex called her and he
hasn’t called back nor has he arrived.

When she couldn’t take it, she grabbed her car
keys and rushed out of her room to the exterior.

“Where are you going?” Rudy blocked her path..

“It’s Alex, I think something bad happened to
him. I need to see him to be sure he’s safe”
Abbie said worriedly.

“Really? I’m coming with you then, let’s go!”
Rudy said.

Abbie nodded and like that, they both left the


“I’m on my way pretty, the rain is quite heavy so
just give me some time” Bryce said on the
phone as he drove

He had this Ɓîtçh to f_ck in few minutes but the
rain suddenly started falling. He hung and faced
the road as he kept driving when he spotted a
car at the middle of the road.

“Hmm? What’s this car doing at the middle of
the road, doesn’t it know it’s violating the
highway rules and regulations” Bryce said and
stopped his car

He took his police badge and got out of the car
then went to that car with the aim of giving the
driver a fine. As he approached, the vision of the
car became clearer and he saw that the door of
the driver’s seat was open with a figure laying
unconscious there.

His eyes widened and he ran the remaining
distance to the car.

“Sir? Sir!! Can you hear me?” He shook the
person’s shoulder and lifted up his face,
revealing Alex.

His eyes widened more, he recognized this kid
to be one of this student. His eyes traveled
down to the big wound on his tummy.

“f_ck!” He muttered and touched his pulse,
luckily it was still beating faintly.

Without wasting time he raised Alex’s arm and
wrapped it round his shoulder before lifting Alex
up then he began walking to his car, the rain
was badly drenching them.

He placed Alex at the backseat and entered the
driver’s seat. He made a U-turn and drove at a
furious speed to the nearest hospital.


The annoying sound of the door bell came up
for the third time.

“I’m coming!” Julian snapped as he went to

He generally doesn’t like having the maids in the
house so that’s why once his mother is away, he
gives the maids too a short break period to go
and be with their families till his mother comes

He opened the door and was almost startled to
see Whitney standing in front of him, she was
completely drenched by the rain and her face
was nothing to smile about.

“Whitney? What-”

“Lian!!!” Whitney immediately bursted out in
uncontrollable fits of tears. He shoulders shook
as she cried.

Julian cupped her cheek, looking so scared and
worried. Earlier, Whitney lied to him that she
was going to Alma’s house so he was surprised
and confused at what she was doing here.

“Whitney tell me, what’s wrong? Why are you
crying?” Julian asked worriedly but she kept

He pulled her in for a hug, not minding her wet
clothes. Whitney hugged him back too, crying
so badly.

“I can’t believe I let him touch me again!! I was
so stúpid!!” Whitney cried.

“Touch you? Who? Wait did someone harass
you? Who is it tell me who!” Julian demanded

Whitney sniffed and shook her head, right now
her head was in a complete mess and the part
that hurt the most is her parents.

She could still remember that fateful day, how
her family were driving back home in their
father’s old truck when suddenly two cars
blocked their way.

Out of his came out Leo AKA Tyler with his men

They wanted to take Whitney away but her
father made to interfere so he shot him déad,
same with her mother. She was so scared that
she couldn’t do anything and that’s how she
was abducted and taken to that hell

That hell where she was tortured each time she
misbehaved, naked to the hundred of men
working there. As if that wasn’t enough, Leo he,,

Whitney broke down in more tears. Julian just
hugged her and led her to her room.

They both sat down on the bed and she cried
for a while. When her cries slowly díed down,
she explained everything to Julian..

“Lian, I’m sorry.. I lied to you I was going to
Alma’s place but I instead went to Tyler’s place.
I went there because, because I wanted to clear
the air between him and I.. To tell him that I
couldn’t reciprocate his feelings but I don’t know
what got into me and we kissed and made out
till suddenly I felt a pang of headache hit me
and like that, I regained my memory… Tyler he’s.
.” Whitney continued the story.

Julian’s face expression was second to none.
His eyes kept growing wider by the second as
Whitney explained.

He didn’t know how to feel. Angry, jealous, hurt,

“So Tyler,, he’s a member of a bad gang. And he
ki||ed your parents then kidnapped you. He
ràped you when you were in that place and
somehow you escaped from there, that’s how
our paths crossed” Julian recapitulated,
everything she is saying sounds so unreal.

Whitney nodded…

“I see, so what will you do now?”

“I don’t know,, but I need to see my sisters. I
need to know how Aileen is doing and to tell
them that I’m alive” Whitney said and looked at
Julian who was lost in thoughts.

She took his hand and he looked her way.

“I know what you’re thinking,, the fact that I’ve
gained my memories changes nothing between
us. You and your mother helped me in ways I
can’t repay you back and for that, I’ll forever
remain grateful to you two” Whitney smiled and
Julian nodded with a smile.

“About Tyler, he seem to now be into you and I
think you have a soft spot for him. Will you
forgive him?” Julian asked and Whitney

“Forgive him? After all what he has done to me
you think I’ll forgive him? Never! You have no
idea how much I loathe him and I swéar I’ll
make him pay for what he did to me and for
kílling my parents.. He did one mistake in his
life and that is falling for me for I’ll make sure I
crush him down. Him and that organization”
Whitney said, with so much resentment in her

“I’ll help you in any way I can” Julian said and
Whitney smiled at him

She looked front and began thinking about


“Noo!!” Abbie screamed loudly.

The rain has stopped and while driving to Alex’s
condo since he told her he will be staying there,
they saw his car parked at the middle of the

She rushed to the car and her eyes widened and
refused to close when she saw blood
everywhere on the driver’s seat.

“Alex..” Her knee gave up and she began crying

“Abbie” Rudy touched her shoulder and she
looked up at him with red teary eyes.

“What is the meaning of all these? Blood?
Where is he? Nothing should happen to him, I
swéar I won’t be able to take it… Alex, no!!” She
cried loudly, shaking her head in tears.

“Calm down Abbie, let’s call the cops I’m sure
there must be an explanation to all these” Rudy


Abbie’s phone began ringing. She brought it out
and her eyes widened when she saw it was
Alex. Without wasting time, he picked it.

“Sunshine!!” She exclaimed.

“He saved your number as Heart, you must be
his girlfriend right?” Bryce’s voice came up.

“Who are you!! What are you doing with his

“Come to the Presbyterian Hospital, your
boyfriend got stabbed I think” Bryce said and
hung up.

Abbie’s eyes widened and she got to her feet.

“What is happening?” Rudy asked.

“Alex got stabbed!!” Abbie ran back to the car.

“What?” Rudy muttered and went after her.



“Yeah baby!! Gosh, ahh!!!”

“There.. Right there,, ahh!!”

Beauty’s Mõ@ɲs filled the whole apartment as
Tyler did justice to her p**sy. He groped one of
her big melons and squeezed it before taking it
in his mouth.

“Ahh, Leo!!” She Mõ@ɲed out, pulling his head
closer to her chest as he sucked on it like a

He then slowed down his th-ru_sts and that came
with a whole new pleasure in Beauty as her
eyes rolled to the back.

He pulled out of her and Beauty smiled
naughtily before going down the table she was
sprawled on.

She went to her knees and took his length into
her mouth then began sucking it like a pro.

“f_ck…” Tyler groaned pleasurably.

Just then the door swung open and Lucas
walked in, still in his hoodie.

“When are you gonna change this bad habit of
not knocking” Tyler muttered and Beauty
continued sucking him, completely unbothered
with Lucas’s presence

Lucas rolled his eyes and sat down on the

“Aren’t you yet tired of her p**sy, I thought you
liked that Whitney girl” Lucas spoke.

“Of course I do, but before I have her all to
myself… Need something to distract me” Tyler
said, th-ru_sting his rode deeper in her throat that
she began choking on it.

“Talking about Whitney.. You should be careful
about that girl, something seems off in her”
Lucas said

“I should be telling you that… I don’t get why you
are so obsessed about Abbie, they’re many girl-”

“It’s Abbie or no one else” Lucas cut him off.

Tyler just looked at Lucas and smiled discreetly.

“Since you don’t wanna do your mission of
kidnapping Abbie, I’ll do it for you. It’s for your
own good” Tyler thought.

He groaned and finally came in Beauty’s mouth.
She swallowed everything and licked her mouth.
She climbed back the table and spread her legs.

“How about a threesome, I’m still so hórny
yunno” She muttered, fínģƐŕing herself.

Lucas stood up. He gave her disgusted look
before going upstairs.

“I’ll be sleeping over” He muttered

Beauty frowned..

“Is he always this grumpy. Wait.. Don’t tell me
you didn’t tell him about our plan on Abbie”
Beauty said.

“It’s not necessary” Tyler muttered and slammed
his lips on hers, penetrating her slowly.



Abbie almost fell as she ran inside the hospital
with Rudy running behind her. She spotted
Bryce leaning on the wall.

“Sir!!” She ran to him.

“Please, I’m looking for someone” Abbie said

“Your boyfriend? The doctors are checking up
on him, I was actually the one who brought him”


“Are you daft or what?! Let me go!! My girlfriend
is in danger!!”

“Sir you need to calm down!!”

Abbie who made to talk heard voice of two
people talking. The one shouting, she recognize
it to be Alex’s.

“Sunshine?” She muttered and quickly ran in the

Rudy went after her while Rudy followed with
his hands in his pocket.

Abbie ran in the ward and saw a doctor and
nurse trying to hold Alex back who kept
shouting, trying to leave.

He woke up few minutes ago and when he
remembered when the guy told him, fear
gripped him that Abbie might be in danger.

“What is even wrong with you two!! My girlfriend

He paused when he saw Abbie standing by the

“Heart” He muttered and held his bandaged
tummy then rushed to her. He was wearing the
hospital apron.

Alex immediately cupped her cheek, checking
her out.

“Heart are you okay? Did he hurt you? Huh?”
Alex asked as worry marred his face.

Abbie just stared at him with tears glistening in
her eyes. She quickly hugged him.

“Sunshine.. Thank goodness you’re okay, I was
so scared” Abbie muttered, crying in his arms.

Alex kissed her hair.

“Me too”

Bryce and Rudy exchanged glances before they
looked back at the couples.



Alex finally accepted to take the blood infusion
in order to replace the one he lost. He was
laying on the bed with Abbie sitting right next to

“So you mean someone thr_@tened you to
breakup with me if not he’ll harm you?” Abbie

“Yes but that’ll be over my déad body. I’m never
leaving you” Alex held her hand and Abbie just

Somehow, she began feeling guilty. It’s because
of her that Alex is in this condition.

“But why? Did your family offend someone?”
Bryce who was leaning beside the door asked.

“No sir… My family is a simple family” Abbie

“You can call me Bryce outside the school
milieu” Bryce said and Abbie nodded.

Bryce furrowed his brows as he went deep in
thought. This is another crime case which he
has to solve or..

“Could it be related to the one I’m currently on?”
He thought and looked at Alex then at Abbie.

“These two,, think I should get close to them. I
have a hunch they’ll lead me closer into
succeeding my plan” Bryce thought

His thoughts were cut short when the door
swing open and Lilian ran in the ward. She
pushed Abbie aside and held Alex’s hand.

“Alex, are you okay? God, who could possibly do
this to my son” She said, looking so worried.

Marshall walked in and was surprised to see
Bryce but quickly masked it up with a smile.

“Mr Bryce Bennett, the president’s son in person.
It’s an honor to have you here, I heard you saved
my son’s life and for that I’ll be eternally
grateful” Marshall stretched his hand forth and
Bryce accepted his handshake.

Bryce’s gaze furrowed when he noticed
something on his wrist and he looked up at
Marshall’s smiling face.

“It’s really nothing” Bryce smiled too.

“I’ll have to go now.. Uhh Alexander? Quick
recovery” Bryce smiled and left

“What is that darn cop doing here?? I thought
my men kílled him” Marshall said inwardly

He turned to Abbie who was expecting them to
throw her out but Marshall did the unexpected
and smiled


Bryce stopped his car and got down it,
calculating something.

“He has a scar on his wrist. That’s the exact
place I wounded Don during our last encounter”
He thought as he walked.

He halted when he saw Whitney waiting in front
of the police station. She turned to him and

“I’ve been waiting for you sir” Whitney said.

“You’re also one of my student” Bryce said,
coming closer.

“I have something important to tell you and I
hope you’ll help me achieve what I want”
Whitney stated


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