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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HUGS & KISSES – Episode 24

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(Alex And Abbie…)


By, Ariel Mirabel


✮(????? ???????)✮

“Rudy…” Estella muttered, feeling so ashamed,
from where is she going to explain herself now.

“So this… This is the job you told me you were
doing?” Rudy asked with tears in his eyes and
Estella looked down.


“No need explaining yourself to me” Rudy stood
up, cleaning his tears. He began heading to the

She grabbed Rudy’s arm.

“Rudy please listen to me, I’ll explain everything
to you. Actually-”

“Estella, I need to be alone..” Rudy said coldly.

Estella sighed and released him and like that, he
left. Estella’s knees gave up and she sat down
on the floor

Tears unknowingly escaped her eyes..


“Another bottle!!” Zoey shouted drunkenly,
hitting the empty bottle on the table..

“Miss you’re drunk and-“

Zoey grabbed him by the collar and pulled his
face closer.

“You don’t look like my father so who are you to
tell me what to do!! One bottle now!!” She

The bartender immediately left to get her bottle.
She smiled and suddenly chuckled then began

“It’s final,, love isn’t meant for me…” She
muttered and laughed loudly, almost falling of
her seat.

“f_ck love!! f_ck everything associated with
love,,, I’m done” She giggled rather sadly.

The bartender brought her bottle of alcohol and
she grabbed it then gulped on it immediately
before placing the bottle on the table..

“That feels good” She giggled drunkenly and
then belched loudly.

“Hey Șëx¥ àss” A guy came and sat beside him.

She ignored him and resumed drinking her

“Are you even listening to me?” The guy touched
her shoulder and she aggressively slapped his

“Don’t touch me!! You $cvmbag!! Let me be!!”
She shouted, her eyes swaying a bit.

“I’m sorry” The guy said, discreetly pouring
something in her drink.

Zoey scoffed and made to drink from her bottle
when someone grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

She looked up at the person. The person was
tall and was putting on a hoodie and nose

“Let me be!! What’s up with you all!?” Zoey
pushed him.

“Yeah, let her be” The guy who slipped
something in the drink agreed.

“Shut up and get out of here, your existence isn’t
needed” The guy wearing the nose mask said.

“Hey watch you mouth!!” The guy pushed him
on the chest.

The guy wearing the mask chuckled and
without wasting time, he landed a punch on the
other one’s face.

The guy staggered back with a bursted lips.

“Patience really isn’t my forte” The masked guy

“Bàstard!!” The other one raised his hand to
punch him but he effortlessly dodged it.

He threw another punch and the masked man
dodged it again then he grabbed him by the arm
and flipped him off his shoulder, his back
landing on the table.

The table went down with him and he blacked

The music booming in the club suddenly
screeched to a stop and all eyes fell on them.

“More!! More!! More!!” Zoey clapped her hand
while giggling.

The guy wearing the mask advanced to the
bartender. He handed him a fat bundle of cash
to him

“Here, for her bills and for the table damaged”
He muttered and grabbed Zoey’s wrist.

“Hey let me go!! I wanna drink some more” Zoey
began struggling.

He sighed and flung her over to his shoulder the
began walking to the exit.

“Hey drop me!! Help!! I’m getting kidnapped!!”

The guy walked out with her before dropping
her down.

“You jerk!! Who do you think you are!!” Zoey hit
his chest, staggering abit.

The man sighed..

“You were this close into getting drvgged and
ràped and that’s how you thank me?” He raised
his brows.

“Just go home” He said and turned then began

He frowned when Zoey began staggering while
following him.

“What!!” He snapped.

“I don’t wanna go home” Zoey pouted.

The guy entered his car where he parked it and
Zoey entered too.

“What’s wrong with you? Do you realize you’re in
a guy’s car?”

“You saved me so you’re not bad.”

“Wh@ťěver” He muttered and removed his nose
mask then ran his hands through his hair

Zoey sighed when she remembered about Rudy.
The alcohol was slowly making her feel sleepy.

“Why? I’m I not pretty enough? Is it because I
wear braces? Or is it because I don’t have big
B-__-bs like other girls… First was Ulrich, I really
liked him and I thought he liked me too when he
asked me out. Two months later, I fóolishly
gave my virginity to him and he broke up with
me the next day.. I was so heartbroken but I
thought that it was just life and now this?? I
love Rudy for more than a f_cking year!! Aren’t I
lovable? It’s not fair!!” She cried.

The guy just stared at her… He had no idea she
was going through heartbreak.

Zoey looked at him with teary eyes.

“It hurts,, it really hurts.. It-” She muttered faintly
and slowly fell asleep.

Her head tilted to the left as she dozed off.

The guy’s phone immediately began ringing and
he picked.

“Bryce, we’re about to go on a mission are you
in?” A girl’s voice spoke.

He glanced at Zoey.

“No, go without me.. I have something to do, be

“Sure” The person hung up.

Bryce kept his phone and drove off..

(For those who have forgotten, Bryce is the cop
who went after Don at the auctioning hall but
got shot)


The ringing of Abbie’s phone was what woke
her up.

She took it and a smile immediately spread on
her lips when she saw it was Alex. Without
thinking twice, she immediately picked.

Alex’s morning face immediately popped up on
the screen. He was still in bed and shirtless as
usual with his hair messy.

“Good morning Heart” Alex smiled.

“Sunshine” Abbie pouted.

“Sunshine? I like the sound of it.. How was your
night?” Alex spoke.

“Was so lonely and long without being in your
arms to feel your heat” Abbie smiled naughtily.

Alex chuckled and suddenly smirked.

“I like what I’m seeing right now” Alex licked his

“What?” Abbie blinked.

Alex just smirked, his eyes on something. Abbie
followed his line of sight and it landed on her
pointed Ɲīpplës which was showing in the
transparent nightie she was putting on

She immediately blushed.

“Pervert!!” She shot.

“Only for you Heart.. Though I love you more
without clothes on” Alex smirked.

“Really?” Abbie smirked and immediately
disconnected the video call.

“What’s she up to?” Alex sat up on the bed.

He stood up from the bed and his phone
beeped, he smiled when he saw Abbie sent him
a video.

He clicked on it to see it was a video of Abbie
who was slowly pulling off her top with a
seductive look on her face

He smirked naughtily as he watched eagerly
how the top lifted from her tummy, going up. As
is made to reveal her B-__-bs…

“No!!” Alex exclaimed when the video ended just

Abbie sent laughing emoji afterwards. He

“Just wait till I get my hand on you… You’ll
regret teasing me” Alex muttered.

He went to his bathroom and brushed then
freshened up before going to the dining room..

Their lectures starts by 10 so he still has time.
He met Lucas by the entrance. Lucas glared at
him and went in..

“Good morning everyone” Alex greeted as he
walked in.

Lilian and Marshall gave him a look of
disappointment. Alex shrugged, he’s used to
that look anyways.

Nothing he does is ever good for them so he’s
used to the look

Alex sat down and served himself then began

“What has gotten into you son? Kissing that girl
in front of us!! Do you realize you’re engaged to
Blaire!!” Lilian exclaimed.

Alex sighed.

“Mom, I made it clear yesterday.. Abbie is the
one I love and I’ll love no one else but her” Alex

“You shameless fóol!!! You dare steal her away
from and you’re here spouting nonsense!!”
Lucas flared up

Alex chuckled

“Do you hear yourself talking?? I know stúpidity
is not a crime but don’t abuse that privilege. You
neglected the rare diamond that was there for
you and I took her and treated her like a
princess, like a queen,, just the way she
deserves to be treated and not you nor anybody
will stop me from loving her” Alex said.

Lucas gritted and raised his fists..


“STOP THIS NONSENSE!!” Marshall slammed
his palms angrily on the table.

“Just look at you two.. Brothers about to fight
because of a girl!! Don’t you have shame!!!”
Marshall shouted.

Alex stood up from his seat

“I suddenly lost my appetite” He said and began

“Alex you better break up with that girl if not-”

“What? You’ll disown me, you’ll rip me off my
money, you’ll freeze my account? Go on, I’m not
scared. I’m really sick and tired of you guys
constantly trying to live my life for me. I’m 23
for f_ck sake! You can do your worst but just
know that I’m never getting married to Blaire nor
any other girl if it’s not Abbie” Alex said angrily
and slightly hurt.

He then faced Lilian

“Mom, did you marry dad against your will? No
right? Then don’t expect me to do such” Alex
said and left the dining room

Marshall folded his fists as he began fuming in


He stormed out of the room before Lilian could


Zoey smiled as she tossed from one side of the
king sized bed to another. She ran her hands
through it in her sleep.

“So fluffy… So soft” She smiled in her sleep.

She immediately sprang up when it rang in her
mind that she had lectures..

“Where… I’m I?” She muttered, looking round the
spacious yet unfamiliar room.

“You’re awake… Snoring Toad” A voice spoke.

Her eyes widened when she saw Bryce, he was
shirtless and about to wear his shirt.

Zoey’s mouth couldn’t close as she stare at him.
His full pack, muscular and toned body, his wet
hair which covered part of his eyes, his alluring
red lips.

“Br.. Br.. Bryce?” Her eyes widened.

Bryce looked at her and smirked before wearing
his shirt then began buttoning up.

“Can’t believe I didn’t sleep last night coz of your
snoring and you’ll pay me for making me sleep
on the couch.. A whole me slept on a couch”
Bryce said

Zoey kept staring at him with wide eyes,
blinking like a robot

“Hello?” Bryce raised his brow, waving his hand
in front of her face.

Wondering who Bryce is?

Well Bryce Bennett is none other than the
president’s first child, his little sibling is the one
missing. Everyone in America knows who he is.

Bryce sighed and pushed her. She fell off the
bed and landed on the floor.

“Ouch!?” Zoey frowned and stood, glaring at

“Now you can talk” Bryce smirked.

“So you were the one that I was talking to last
night” Zoey said and Bryce ignored her then
picked his coat Zoey was sitting on on bed.

“Can you at least reply me?” Zoey muttered.

“I don’t speak to kids and besides you’re too
ugly for my liking” He said and Zoey’s eyes

“Hey you-”

“See you later.. Oh and also, my shirt looks ugly
on you” Bryce smirked before leaving.

“Huh?” Zoey blinked and looked down. Her eyes
widened when she realized that he’s putting on
an oversized shirt.

Wait where did her clothes go? How did she get
out of her clothes? Does that mean he…



Estella came out of the cab and just at that
moment, Rudy was walking to their hall with a
dull look on his face.

The moment he saw Estella he looked away
and hastened his footsteps.

“Rudy!!” Estella went after him and grabbed his

“Rudy please we need to talk” Estella said.

“About what?” Rudy asked coldly.

“About last night, I’m sorry you had to see me in
that form but I had no choice.. That was my
only means of survival and when I decided to
quit, the owner she thr_@tened to ruin my
reputation” Estella explained.

“Please, don’t judge me… Don’t avoid me please”
Estella begged and immediately hugged him.
Rudy just stood stiff in her hand.

“You’re the only friend that I have, please don’t
avoid me” Estella begged, hugging him tighter
despite all the eyes on them

That hurt Rudy when he heard the word “friend”

Zoey rushed out of the cab and was rushing to
the hall but stopped when she saw them in that

Her heart broke even more and tears thr_@tened
to fall but she immediately wiped it and tore her
gaze off them before leaving for their LH.

Rudy gently pushed Estella off him..

“I need to go” Rudy muttered and left

Estella’s shoulder fell as she watched him leave.
She began dragging her feet to their LH with a
sullen look on her face.


Zoey ran into the LH and luckily, the lecturer
hasn’t arrived. They were supposed to have
English language now.

“Where have you been? We thought you
wouldn’t come” Whitney spoke when Zoey
settled down next to her.

“It’s a long story, I’ll tell you guys later” She
smiled though deep down she was sad.

The door opened and the sound of shoes were
heard as the lecturer walked in

A girl who was pressing her phone looked up
and her phone fell off her hand immediately
when she beheld the Greek god who just entered
in the form of lecturer

? ….

? I’m I dreaming??

? This isn’t true.. Somebody pinch me, please!!

The eerie silence made the girls including Zoey
to turned to the man who just entered.

Zoey’s eyes widened at who she saw.

In front of her stood Bryce, dressed in an
expensive suit with a suitcase at hand.

“Good morning everyone, I’m Bryce Bennett and
from now on I’ll be your English lecturer” He said
and smiled.


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