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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HUGS & KISSES – Episode 18

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(Alex And Abbie…)


By, Ariel Mirabel



“Girls!!!” Abbie came in the class and ran to the

She immediately pulled Whitney in for a bone
crushing hug.

“Abbie, I’m suffocating” Whitney tapped her
back and she released her.

“I see you’re the real Abbie” Alma smiled.

“Huh? How did you girls know” Abbie exclaimed
in shock and Whitney chuckled.

“C’mon! Our Abbie is a queen of víolence, you
think we wouldn’t notice you drastically
changed?” Whitney said.

“Aww girls come here” She said and they did a
group hug.

“Uhh Ha-rin?” Beauty walked to them.

Abbie looked at her plainly. Alex told her what
transpired between them.

“Can we talk in private?” Beauty said.

Abbie looked at her friends and they nodded
with a smile.

“Let’s go” She said and they left the hall.

“Rin I’m really sorry for the hurtful words I told
you.. I was just so jealous you spend time with
Alex, I’m really sorry” Beauty smiled.

Abbie looked at her and sighed. She suddenly
began feeling bad for her.

How will she react when she learns that she’s
now dating Alex. Was it a bad idea accepting to
date him?

“It’s.. It’s fine. I.. I’m not longer mad” Abbie
forced a smile.

“Really? Thanks so much sis!” Beauty hugged
her and Abbie slowly hugged her back..

They broke the hug shortly.

“See you around” Abbie said and went in.

Beauty’s smile immediately turned to a vicious
smirk. She brought out her phone and dialed a

“I already made up with her,, what’s next??”

Abbie entered the hall and looked at Alex’s seat
where he was discussing with Julian. He looked
at her then winked and she gave out a forced
smile, still thinking about Beauty.


Estella got down the cab and she spotted Rudy
going towards their department.

“Rudy!!” She called and ran to him.

Rudy turned and smiled when he saw her..

“Stella” He called.

“Rudy, sorry I couldn’t find time to talk with you.
I wanted to tell you I’m really grateful for
everything you’ve done for me and I promise I’m
gonna pay you back for your kindness.” Estella
said sincerely.

“You wanna pay me?” He smirked and Estella
nodded, already expecting him to request the
same thing those men kept asking each time
they did a favor for her.

“Then let’s be friends and stop avoiding me or
shunning me off. It hurts” Rudy said and
Estella’s eyes widened..

“S.. Sure” She muttered.

“Good” Rudy smiled and turned to leave..

“Rudy! Please, kíll wh@ťěver feelings you have
for me… I’m not who you think I am, I’m not
meant for you.. You deserve far more better
than me, someone pretty, more noble than me”
Estella said and Rudy turned to her..

“Star..” He called and Estella’s eyes widened.

“W.. What did you just call me?” She stuttered.

“Star.. Your name is a derived word from Estelle
which is an olden French word for Star” Rudy
said and she heaved

“About what you said, if it was really easy I’d
have done that long ago but it isn’t.. I’ll try
though” Rudy said and Estella nodded.

“Let’s get to class” Rudy said and they left for


In an empty hall…**

“You.. You two are kidding me right?” Rudy

“Does our face look like we are joking?” Alex
asked with his hand in his pockets.

“Believe us Rudy” Abbie said

“f_ck!! This just gave me goosebumps!!!” Rudy
exclaimed and turned..

“So all this while I’ve been living with Alex!! And
Alex was Abbie!!” Rudy exclaimed and the
couple nodded.

“This is cràzy!! So this thing really exist??” Rudy

“That’s how we saw it” Alex shrugged.

“And Abbie,, you said you were dating Lucas.
Why didn’t you tell me? I could have told you he
was dating Della” Rudy cupped Abbie’s cheek.

“I’m sorry bro, he told me to keep it a secret and I
believed him” Abbie pouted.

“But I’m over it now” Abbie smiled.

Rudy sighed.

“I need to talk to Lucas now” Rudy said and
looked at Alex.

“Alex we still need to talk some other time.” He
muttered and left.

Abbie made to leave too but Alex held her hand
and she faced him.

“What’s wrong? You seem quite distant with me.
. Did I do something wrong?” Alex asked.

Abbie sighed.

“It’s about Beauty.. Alex-”

“Heart, there’s nothing between I and Beauty
and I’m thankful there was nothing.. It’s you I
love and choose and nothing will change it.
Stop thinking about other’s happiness and for
once think about yours” Alex said.

“But it’s wrong.. Beauty is my friend and-”

“Can’t you see she’s just using you? Which
friend will always belittle her fellow friend. She’s
just trying to get to me by using you” Alex said
and Abbie shook her head.

“I’ve known Beauty for a long time.. She’s my
friend, she’ll never do this to me” Abbie said.

“I see,, you believe her more than me…” Alex said
and smiled though Abbie could see he was hurt.

“Let’s go to the cafeteria.. I’m sure our friends
are waiting for us there..” Alex said and left the

Abbie sighed and followed him.


Rudy barged in the place in anger and his eyes
widened at the scene he saw..

“f_ck me harder babe!! Yes!?”

“Ouch baby…ahh!!”

“Yes.. Baby!!”

Della kept releasing ear splitting Mõ@ɲs as
Lucas rammed her p**sy hole. He squeezed his
face in disgust.

“Lucas!! How could you!!” He shouted and
Lucas pulled out of Della then wore his pants.


“I thought you were my friend!! How dare you
play with my sister’s feelings.. My sister upon
all the girls out there!!” Rudy said angrily.

“Rudy please let’s not talk about it” Lucas

“And I can see you don’t even feel remorseful
about what you did!! You’re here busily
ramming this slút’s hole!!”

“And what do you want me to do!! Huh?! What!!
For one f-__-king month I’ve been trying non stop
to gain her forgiveness. I was just planning on
fóoling her but I ended up falling for her!! I’ve
tried everything,, but it seems useless. I admit it,
I f-__-ked up big time!! Should I kíll myself
because of one girl!” Lucas yelled.

Rudy chuckled.

“You’re not different from your brother. In fact,
your brother is far more better than you. He
does his things openly and not like a coward
like you” Rudy said and Lucas grabbed his
collar harshly.

“Don’t you dare compare me to him!!” Lucas

“The truth hurts huh? You’re nothing but a
coward and a two faced-”

Lucas landed a punch on his face and Rudy
staggered back with a bleeding nose.

Rudy glared at him and immediately retaliated
with a punch too.

Lucas grabbed Rudy’s neck and slammed his
back on the wall with a furious look on his face.

“That’s enough Lucas…” Tyler held Lucas’s

He slowly released Rudy.

“Did you know of his deed?” Rudy asked Tyler.


“Answer me!!” Rudy snapped and Tyler slowly

Rudy chuckled in bewilderment.

“I don’t want to have anything to do with you
two… I’m ending wh@ťěver ties we once had
together, f*çk off!” Rudy said, glaring at them.

“Rudy, we’ve been friends since childhood. You-”

Rudy left the room, slamming the door behind
him. Tyler sighed and looked at Lucas


“Can’t believe you girls knew” Alex sighed and
Zoey chuckled.

“It’s really fascinating to see how you’ve
changed so much.. On the norms you only talk
to girls when you wanna flirt with them” Alma

“Hey flat àss..” Everett came and sat down next
to Alma.

Alma rolled her eyes.

Abbie just looked at Alex as he ate his meal in
silence. She sighed for the up tenth time..

“Hey Alex” Violet joined them on the table and
the girls began hissing.

Alex just nodded without sparing her a glance.
She sat down next to Alex and Abbie rolled her

“Wow.. Never knew I was invisible till now” Alma
scoffed and Violet rolled her eyes. She looked at
Abbie who smirked at her.

Violet remembered the unfortunate incident that
happened this morning and she began glaring
at her. Only God knows how she was able to
remove the glue from her mouth.

“What are you eating, can I have a taste?” Violet
said and Alex wanted to speak harshly at her
but when he remembered Abbie, he nodded.

She began eating from Alex’s plate and when
she brought her fork to Alex’s lips. Alex looked
at Abbie before he opened up and she fed him.

Violet kept smiling widely while Abbie kept
glaring at her as if to chop off her hand.

Abbie stood up.

“I’ll take my leave, I suddenly lost my appetite”
Abbie glared at Violet before leaving.

Alex chuckled and shook his head..

“I need to use the restroom. Will be back” Alex
said and left.

“Who does that Ɓîtçh think she is.. Feeding my
boyfriend in front of me like I wasn’t there. And
he even accepted.. He even allowed her to feed
on his plate like dàmn! She was so close to him
as if to kiss him if he just said so!!” Abbie ranted
as she marched aimlessly.

Someone pulled her in a room and a gasp
escaped her lips as her back landed on the door.

Alex smirked as he stared at her with one of his
palm resting on the door

They were currently in the J.A.V suite.

“What do you want? Aren’t you eating with your
Violet?” Abbie rolled eyes.

“Why are you so worked up over nothing. Violet
is my friend,, I’ve known her for a long while and
she’ll never do what you’re thinking” Alex said
just the same way Abbie said earlier.

“Oh..” Abbie muttered and looked down, she
took in her lips.

Now she gets him..

“I’m sorry I hurt you earlier… I just couldn’t
believe Beauty would do this to me. The truth is
I trust you,, alot… I’m sorry baby” Abbie pouted.

“Call me baby again” He said, leaning closer.


“Again..” Alex whispered to her ear.

Abbie laughed when Alex licked her ear.

“It tickles” She chuckled and snaked her hand
round his neck.

“I love you” Alex said.

“I like you..” Abbie muttered and Alex smiled
before claiming her lips.

He carried her by the hips and placed her on the
table with him in between. Abbie dipped her
hands in his hair, pulling him closer to herself.

His tongue slipped into her mouth and met with
her warm tongue. Alex bit on her lower lips and
lowered his head to her neck where he placed a
wet kiss.

“If I get diagnosed of asthma one day, know
you’re the reason why.. I just can’t understand
how fast my heart is currently beating” Alex
whispered with his head still buried on her neck.

Abbie smiled.

“Let me greet my twin peaches” He said and
squeezed her B-__-bs.

Abbie’s eyes widened and she pushed him

“Pervert!” She shot with her hands covering her
chest while Alex laughed.


The president of America walked in the white
house with his fleets of bodyguards following
behind him.

“Welcome back Mr President” The maids
greeted and he replied with a smile.

He went straight to his room and as he
approached, the sobs kept getting louder. The
president opened the door and he sighed sadly
as he saw his dear wife wallowing in tears while
hugging some pictures to herself.

“Lucia..” He called and walked to her.

“Where could my baby be? It’s been 22 years
now Roland… Why can’t they find my baby, who
took my baby from me!!” She cried bitterly, her
shoulders shook as she did so.

Roland went to her and engulfed her in a hug.
She rested her head on his chest as she cried.

“We’ll not loose hope love. We’ll fine our baby”
He muttered and kissed her hair, fighting back
his own tears.

Lucia hugged him back as they cried.


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